Variability studies in pea (Pisum Sativum L.)

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Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani
The present investigation entitled “Variability studies in pea (Pisum sativum L.)” was carried out during Rabi season of 2014-15 of Instructional-Cum- Research Farm, Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, Latur, VNMKV, Parbhani. The study was under taken with fifteen genotypes of pea with two replications in Randomized Block Design. The sowing of pea seeds was done on dated 8th October, 2014 at spacing of 30 x 15 cm on flat beds. There were 126 plants of each genotype in each replication. Five plants were randomly selected from each replication to record the observations on different growth and characters.' A wide range of variations were observed among different genotypes for most of the character. The very high phenotypic coefficients of variation as well as genotypic coefficient of variation were observed for number of leaves per plant, leaf area per plant, number of clusters per plant and incidence of pod borer. The high heritability was found in all characters under studies except crop duration and T.S.S. content. High genetic advance were observed for plant height, number of leaves per plant and leaf area per plant. While, moderate genetic advance were found in days to initiation of first flowering, days to 50% flowering, Conti. days to first picking, number of clusters per plant, crop duration, physiological loss of weight and green pod yield per hectare and low genetic advance was found in number branches per plant, number of pickings, number of pods in cluster, pod length, number of seeds per green pod, shelf life of pod, T.S.S. content, protein content, powdery mildew incidence, pod borer, green pod yield per eleven characters. As regards number of branches per plant, days to 50% flowering, pod length, number of seeds per green pod, crop duration, green pod yield per plot and green pod yield per hectare were positively and significantly correlated at both levels. While, number of pods in cluster and protein contents were positively and significantly correlated with green pod yield per plant at only genotypic levels. The path coefficient analysis revealed that, the number of branches per plant, number of leaves per plant at 60 and 75 days, number of clusters per plant, pod length and green pod yield per plot has positive and direct effect on green pod yield per plant. While, number of leaves per plant at 45 days, leaf area per plant at 60 days, days to initiation of first flowering, number of pods in cluster, number of seeds per green pod, shelf life of pod had showed negative direct effect on green pod yield per plant. Leaf area per plant at 60 days, days to first picking, protein content and powdery mildew incidence was positive and direct effect on green pod yield per plant. However, days to 50% flowering, number of pickings, crop duration and T.S.S. content and pod borer had low positive and direct effect on green pod yield per plant. While, plant height, leaf area per plant at 75 days and physiological loss of weight had negligible effect effects on green pod yield per plant. > Thus, it can be concluded that, the present investigation the genotypes Phule Priya and Arkel were superior for yield and yield contributing characters. For the quality characters, Nilanga Local and Mudkhed Local were found superior than the rest of the genotypes. The genotypes Aghwan Local and Man Local had recorded minimum incidence for pod borer and powdery mildew respectively. Hence, the cultivars Phule Priya and Arkel were found superior for commercial cultivation and they are most useful for further breeding programme in pea.