Effect of Different Trees Cover on Soil Characteristics

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Horticulture Department, N. M. College of Agriculture, Navsari Agriculture University
Forest ecosystem contributes a lot of organic materials to the soil in the fonn of leaves, twings, stem, roots, flowers, fruits etc., which after decomposition result in the formation of organic matter and release different nutrients. This contribution of plants to the soil varies from species to species. Pertaining to this aspect, a field experiment to study effect of different trees cover on physico-chemical characteristics of soil was conducted at Kakadkui. a village of Valia taluka in Bha[uch district, where AKRSP (Agakhan Rural Supporting Programme) has taken plantation programme in the year 1985-86 under its community development project. The treatments comprised of four tree species (TI -Dendrocalamus slrictus, T2 - Acacia catechu, T3 - Butea ll1onosperma and T4 - Tectcma grandis) and To - control (open land). Composite soil samples were collected from three depths (0-20, 20-40 and 40-60 em) for laboratory studies. The experiment was laid out in factorial completely randomised design with three replications. The results revealed that with growing of tree species. pi \, E.C., bulk density and particle density of soil were remarkably reduced in the upper 0-20 cm depth of the soil. While organic carbon content, available nitrogen. phosphorus, potash; porosity and water holding capacity of soil were increased in 0-20 cm surface layer. The maximum reduction in pH, E.C.. bulk density and pal1icle density was observed under Tectona xrandis (r~) plantation. Organic carbon content, available phosphorus, porosity and water holding capacity were maximum under Tectona grail dis (T4) plantation, whereas available nitrogen and potash were recorded the highest under Acacia catechu (T2) plantation. It is concluded trom the results that planting ot trees definately improves fertility of the soil. Maximum improvement was noticed in upper 0- 20 cm surface layer of soil.