Soil resource mapping of oilseed research station, Latur.

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Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani
The present investigation entitled “Soil resource mapping of oilseed research station, Latur” was under taken to study the soils of oilseed research station, latur for theire physical, chemical properties and to evaluate fertility status and soil site suitability.The study area is located in Latur district, Maharashtra in between 18° 24' 90” N latitude and 76° 36' 99” E longitude. The geographical area of the oilseed research station is 25 ha. The climate of the area is hot, dry and sub-humid with annual rainfall of 794 mm. The mean maximum and minimum temperature are 32.7°C and 18.1 °C respectively. The study area was surveyed and finalized the three soil **s> profiles, two ground water samples and forty locations for surface soil samples. Horizon wise soil profile samples and surface soil samples up to 0 - 20 cm were collected for laboratory analysis. The soils are shallow to moderately deep, very dark gray (10YR3/1) to brown (10YR 5/3) in colour, granular to angular blocky structure, clay to silty clay in texture. The bulk density of these soils varied from 1.3 to 1.48 Mg nf3, PAWC varied from 66.22 to 222.80 mm and saturated hydraulic conductivity varie from 3.34 to 14.62 cm hr'1. The soils are neutral to moderately alkaline in nature (7.0 to 8.1) the electrical conductivity varied from 0.19 to 0.23 dSnf1. Low to moderate in organic carbon (0.12 to 0.93 per cent) whereas low to high in calcium carbonate (3.8to 10.1 %) and high in cation exchange capacity (39.24 to 66.30 cmol(P+) kg'1). The calcium was the dominant cation fallowed by magnesium, soidium and potassium. The base saturarion percent is >90 percent. The maximum CEC was recorded in Typic Haplusterts 56.38 to 66.30 cmol(P+) kg'1) as compared to Typic Haplustepts and Typic Ustorthents. Taxonomically these soils are classified as Typic Ustorthents, Typic Haplustepts and Typic Haplusterts. The ground water samples have high salinity, low sodicity (C3S1) and had RSC less thaii 1.25 mmol"1. This suggests that water suitable for irrigation. The soil fertility status of surface soil samples varied from low to high. According to concept of “soil nutrient index”, in general the status of nitrogen, sulphur, iron was low while, available potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper was high. And phosphorus in medium and boron was marginal. The available nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sulphur, boron and zinc showed « positive and significant correlation with organic carbon. The calcium carbonate content was found to be negatively correlated with N, P, K, Mg, Fe, Zn, and B. as well as available phosphorus showed positive correlation with available nitrogen, available potassium. Soil site suitability as per Sys et al (1993) and FAO 1983 Typic Haplusterts (Vertisols) soils are highly suitable (SI) for soybean cultivation followed by Typic Haplustepts (Inceptisols) and Typic Ustorthents (Entisols).