Study on Population Dynamics of Okra Shoot and fruit Borer (Eariar spp.) and Biology of Chelonus Blackburni Cameron

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Entomology Department, N. M. College of Agriculture Gujarat Agricultural University, Navsari
In the study of biology of Chelonus blackburni Cameron on rice moth (Corcyra cephalonica Stainton) , it was found that the egg was minute, white and arcuate with both ends round. It measured on an average 0.114 + 0.015 mm in length and 0.059 ~ 0.011 mm in breadth. The average incubation period was 17.94 + 2.38 hours with hatching percentage as 95.26. The larvae passed through five instars . The developmental periods of first, second , third, fourth and fifth larval instar ranged from 42 to 66, 72 to 96, 72 to 96, 96 to 120 and 72 to 96 hours, respectively. Total larval period ranged from 354 to 378 hours . The full grown larvae measured on an average 2.749 ~ 0.507 mm in length and 1.159 ~ 0.072 mm in breadth. Pupation took place inside t he • i 1 h.o~ cocoon. The newly formed pupa was whitish yellow • In colour which turned to black later on . The pupa measured on an average 3.552 ± 0.562 mm in length and 1.485 + 0.239 mm in breadth. The pupal period lasted for on an average 12 . 44 ± 2.52 days. The adult was black, highly sclerotized wi t h dark brown st i gma in middle of the fore-wings. With expanded wings the female measured on an average 7.437 ± 0.615 mm whereas the male measured on an average 6.546 ± 0.600 mm. The average pre-oviposition, oViposition and postoviposition periods lasted for 0, 14.2 ± 1.61 and 0.3 days, respectively. The sex-ratio of male:female was 1:0.81. The average fecundity was 295.7 ± 16.89 eggs. In the study of population dynamics of okra shoo t and fruit borer (Earias spp.), infestation of Earias spp. on shoots J fruits and plants were the lowest in months of September, July and July, respective ly. Study on influence of sowing date on infestation of Earias spp. showed that the infestation was the lowest in the month of August on shoots and in the months of May and June on fruits and plants . In relation to age of crop, the infestation of Earias spp. on shoots was the highest (20.0%) on five weeks old crop. The infestation in the fruits was the lowest (9.61%) in 6 weeks old crop which reached to its maximum (65.35%) in crop with 11 weeks age and thereafter it declined in 12, 13 and 14 Iii weeks old orop. Considering the plant as a whol e the Infestation was the lowest on 6 weeks old c rop. The proportion of unmarketabl e fruits were the highest in the crop Bown in the month 01 December whereas it was the lowest In June sown crop. The larval population ranged f rom 0.28 to 1.98 larvae pe r plant during the whol e year . • The influence of weathe r parameters, viz . . maximum temperature, minimum temperature, average temperature , morning r e lative humidity, evening relative humidi ty, average relative humidity, sunshine hours, rainfall and rainy days on larval population of okra shoot and fruit borer CEarias spp.) was studied and correlation coefficient and multiple regression were worked out. No parasite or predator was found attacking Earias spp. during the study .