Evaluation of Pigeonpea genotypes for Intercropping with Sorghum under South Gujarat Condition

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Agronomy Department, N. M. College of Agriculture Gujarat Agricultural University
A field experiment was conducted during late kharif season of 2013-14 at the Agricultural Research Station. Navsari Agricultural Univer s ity, Mangrol to study the "Evaluation of pigeon pea genotypes for intercropping with sorghum under South Gujarat condition" 011 clay soil. Total seven treatments viz. T ,- sorghum + pigeonpea var . Vaishali (2:1) , T2 -so rghum + pigeonpea var. GT- 102 (2:1), T,- sorghum + pigeonpe a var. AGT- 2 (2:1), T 4 - sole sorghum var. GJ-38, Ts- sole pigeonpea val'. Vaishali, T 6 - sole pigeonpea var . GT-I02 and T,- so le pigeonpea va r. AGT-2 were evaluated in randomized block design with four replications. • • • Different <:ropping systems did not significantly affect the plant population of so rghum and pigeonpea. Sorghum sole cropping (T.l recorded higher values of sorghum growth attributing characters viz. plant height , dry matter accumulation and number of leaves perplant ovcr remaining treatments. [n case of pigeonpea, maximum values or different growth attributes i.e. plant height was noted under treatment T 6 (182.50 cm) and number of branches per plant was noted under treatment T7 ([ 1.80). Among different cropping systems, sorghum sole cropping (T,) recorded higher values of length and girth of earhead over the rest of treatments. Grain weight per earhead and test weight of sorghum were recorded significantly higher under treatment T4 (35.05 g and 26.85 g, respectively). Treatment Ts (182.50 and 4.57) remaining at par with T7 (175.71 and 4.25) was found significantly superior in respect to number of pods per plant and number of seeds per pod of pigeonpea, respectively. In case of 100 seed \\ eight of pigeon pea, treatment T 6 (12.05 g) recorded significantly higher and which was at par with treatment T 2 (I 1.82 g). Significantly higher grain and stover yield of sorghum were noticed under treatment T, (3154 kg/ha and 13546 kg/ha, respectively) which \\as at par with treatment T, (2865 kg/ha and 12569 kg/ha, respectively). The harvest index of sorghum was found higher in treatment T, (18.89 %). Treatment Ts (1480 kg/hal found significantly higher seed yield of pigeonpea and which was at par with treatment T6 (1334 kg/hal and T7 (1380 kg/hal and in case of haulm yield, treatment T 6 (3848 kg/hal recorded significantly higher than treatment T, (2820 kg/hal and T3 (2910 kg/hal. Maximum value of harvest index of pigeonpea was noted with treatment T, (30.56%) which "as at par with treatment Ts (30.36%) and T3 (28.98%). Quality in terms of protein content and protein yield in sorghum. maximum values were noted under treatment T 4 (7.98% and242.67 kg/ha, respectively) while in case of pigeonpea. maximum values were noted under treatment T 5 (21.28 % and 316.07 kg/ha, respectively). Treatment T I produced significantly superior sorghum equivalent yield (6174 kg/hal which was at par with treatment T 3 (5825 kg/hal. In case of land equivalent ratio. treatment T I recorded significantly higher (1.75 LER) and was par with treatments T2 and T3 (1.69 and 1.71 LER, respectively). Sorghum intercropped with pigeonpea genotype Vaishali (T I) recorded maximum gross returns, net returns and B:C ratio (89546 Rs/ha, 67011 Rs/ha and 2.97, respectively) followed by treatments T 3 (84783 Rs/ha, 62248 Rs/ha and 2.76, respectively) and T2 (82901 Rs/ha, 60366 Rs/ha and 2.68. respectively). Minimum gross returns, net returns and B:C ratio (46378 Rs/ha, 26394 Rs/ha and 1.32, respectively) were obtained under treatment T 6. On the basis of results obtained in present study it can be concluded that intercropping of sorghum and pigeonpea var. Vaishali in 2: I row proportion provide highest sorghum equivalent yield, net returns and B:C ratio in sorghum and pigeonpea intercropping system under South Gujarat condition.