Habitat ecology of Spotted Owlet (Athene brama) and Barn Owl (Tyto alba)

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Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
The study involves observation on roosting behaviour, foraging activities, nesting ecology and chemical analysis of dry faecal pellets of Spotted Owlet and Barn Owl in villages Baranhara and Ladhowal of district Ludhiana and field areas of Punjab Agricultural University. Different trees utilized for roosting by Spotted Owlet was mulberry tree (Morus spp.), mango tree (Mangifera indica), banyan tree (Ficus spp.), peepal tree (Ficus religiosa) and dek tree (Melia azedarach). Whereas Barn Owl utilized peepal tree. Barn Owl also utilized closed grain sheds and empty building crevices for roosting. Mean tree height was observed to be 13.00±1.22 m at Punjab Agricultural University, 15.33±2.85 m at Baranhara and 12.50±0.50 m at Ladhowal. Most preferred tree utilized for roosting by Spotted Owlet was mulberry and dek tree and that of Barn Owl was peepal tree. Seasonal variation was also observed in roosting behaviour, Spotted Owlets were seen shifting from one roosting sites to another or remain in cavities during the winter season. Out of Different perching sites of Spotted Owlet at all the sites, electric poles and wires were most preferred for perching and foraging. Spotted Owlet mostly preferred tree cavities and holes found in buildings for nesting. Mean nest height above the ground was 5.14±0.68m at Punjab Agricultural University, 5.33±2.09 m at Baranhara and 3.75±0.25 m at Ladhowal. The Spotted Owlet breeds during the months of January to April. Whereas Barn Owl breeds from August to January. In heavy metal analysis, a total of 16 elements i.e. As, B, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, Pb, S, and Zn were analyzed. The samples of Spotted Owlet collected from Baranhara had the maximum concentration of all the metals than other Locations. In pesticide residue analysis, Chlorpyriphos was detected only in samples of Spotted Owlet collected from village Baranhara.