Effect of Tillage and Manure on Yield and Other Characters of Bajri (Pennisetum Typhoides (Burm.) S. And H.

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Division of Agronomy and Plant Breeding
This opportunity pro'l1des an unique priv1lege to the author to express his sincere and profound gratitude to Prot. P.L-Patel, ~B.(Iova). Protessor ot Botaay and Bead of the Division of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Institute of Agriculture, Anand, for his valuable suggestions and immense guidance during the course of the investigation and also for his precise and valuable comments on presentation of the Material. Be 111 also deeply indebted to Dr. ~D.Patel, ~ Sc. (Cornell), Ph.D. (Wis.), Director, Institute of Agriculture, Anand, for his tilaely encourage.ents and for providing tull fac1lities for conducting the work reported in this manuscript. Grateful appreciations are also due to Dr. R. ~ Patel, ~Bc., Ph.D.(Wis.), Assistant Protessor of ~ronoDY, Inst1tute of Agriculture, Anand, for his eVer w1lling, construct1Te and Taluable counael during the course ot atu~ part1cularly in statistical analyses and preparation of this .annscript. Hi, thanks are also to Bhri. R.A. Patel, ~ Se, (Agri.) , Senior Research Alsiatant,for his conatant help.