Studies on heterosis, combining ability and screening of different f2 populations of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) against bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum)

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G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand)
The present research work was carried out from September 2015 to May 2016 in polyhouse, February 2016 to May 2016 and July 2016 to November 2016 in open field at Vegetable Research Centre (VRC) of the G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand. The major objectives of the study were to know the extent of heterosis, combining ability, various genetic parameters and identification of resistance line/plant against bacterial wilt in F2 populations of tomato. Thirty three crosses were evolved in a line × tester mating design with male parents (testers) as Arka Alok, Arka Abha and Utkal Pallavi and female parents (lines) as Pant Sel 2014, S-108, Shirazi, Sweet 72, PT 41, PT 2009-8, PT 8, CLN 2070, CLN 2237, H 86 and EC919261. Under polyhouse, hybrid Pant Sel 2014 × Utkal Pallavi and Shirazi × Arka Alok were most promising for earliness over better and check parents. EC 919261 × Utkal Pallavi for plant height while, Pant Sel 2014 × Utkal Pallavi exhibited most promising heterosis results for number of fruits per plant, fruit yield per plant, fruit yield per hectare and fruit shape index. The cross combinations EC 919261 × Utkal Pallavi and CLN2237 × Utkal Pallavi showed maximum heterosis for number of fruits per cluster, Sweet 72 × Arka Abha for average fruit weight, Pant Sel 2014 × Arka Alok for number of flowers per clusters, CLN2070 × Utkal Pallavi for fruit diameter, S-108 × Arka Alok for pericarp thickness and CLN2070 × Arka Abha was most promising hybrid combination for the trait TSS and vitamin C at red ripe stage. In open field, Pant Sel 2014 × Utkal Pallavi and Sweet 72 × Utkal Pallavi exhibited high heterosis for earliness while, hybrids PT 41× Utkal Pallavi and H-86 × Utkal Pallavi for tallness and dwarfness, respectively. Pant Sel 2014 × Utkal Pallavi exhibited maximum heterosis for number of fruits per plant, fruit yield per plant, fruit yield per hectare, fruit shape index days to fifty per cent flowering and first harvest. EC 919261 × Utkal Pallavi and CLN2237 × Utkal Pallavi for number of fruits per cluster, Sweet 72 × Arka Abha for average fruit weight and Pant Sel 2014 × Utkal Pallavi and H-86 × Arka Abha exhibited high heterosis for fruit yield per plant, fruit yield per hectare and for number of locules. CLN2070 × Utkal Pallavi for fruit diameter, S-108 × Arka Alok for pericarp thickness, EC 919261 × Utkal Pallavi for TSS at immature and ripe stage, whereas, CLN 2070 × Arka Abha was most promising hybrid combination for TSS and vitamin C at red ripe stage. Under polyhouse, lines Pant Sel 2014, H-86 and Sweet72 were the most promising general combiner for earliness, yield and fruit characters while, EC919261 for TSS and Vitamin C content at green and ripe fruit stage. Among testers Utkal Pallavi exhibited significant positive gca effects for Days to 50% flowering, number of flowers per cluster, number of fruits per cluster, number of fruits per plant, days to first harvest, fruit shape index, TSS in green and ripe fruit whereas, Arka Alok was the best combiner for fruit yield per plant, fruit yield per hectare, fruit length, fruit diameter, pericarp thickness and vitamin C in green fruits. In open field, PT 41 was the most promising general combiner for plant and yield traits, locules per fruit and vitamin C at ripe stage while, line Sweet72 and Pant Sel 2014 were the best general combiner for earliness, fruit yield and quality characters. Tomato line, H-86 was good general combiner for fruit characters and Shirazi for TSS and vitamin C content. Among testers, Arka Abha for plant height and fruit quality characters while, Utkal Pallavi was good combiner for yield attributes, TSS at ripe stage and vitamin C in green fruit. Bases on sca effects under polyhouse, Pant Sel 2014 × Utkal Pallavi was the most promising for plant height, number of fruits per plant, fruit yield per plant, fruit yield per hectare, fruit shape index and TSS at ripe stage, while H86 × Arka Abha showed the best sca effects for number of fruits per cluster, days to last harvest, fruit length, fruit diameter, and average fruit weight, CLN2337 × Utkal Pallavi for number of fruits per cluster and pericarp thickness, EC919261 × Arka Alok for plant height CLN2070 × Arka Abha for vitamin C at ripe fruit exhibited highest significant positive sca effect. In open field, Pant sel 2014 × Utkal Pallavi showed the best sca for days to first harvest, fruit length, fruit width, pericarp thickness, fruit yield per plant and fruit yield per hectare, while Shirazi × Arka Abha for fruit yield per plant and fruit yield per hectare. Other combinations with best sca were PT2009-8 × Utkal Pallavi for days to 50% flowering and TSS at green stage, Sweet72 × Arka Alok for Days to last harvest and average fruit weight, EC919261 × Arka Abha for number of Seed per gram, Shirazi × Utkal Pallavi for TSS at ripe fruit and S-108 × Arka Abha for vitamin C in ripe fruit. The combining ability analysis indicated the importance of both additive and non-additive gene action for different growth, yield and fruit quality characters. Three F1 hybrids viz., PT2009-8 × Arka Alok, CLN 2237 × Utkal Pallavi and CLN 2070 × Arka Abha and F2 population of only two crosses CLN 2070 × Arka Abha and Sweet 72 × Utkal Pallavi exhibited moderate resistance against bacterial wilt under open condition.