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Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur
The present investigation entitled “Studies on genetic variability and performance of kharif onion genotypes’’ was conducted at the Horticulture Farm, College of Agriculture, Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur (C.G.) during kharif season of 2015. A total of thirty three genotypes of onion were evaluated in randomized block design with three replications. Data were analyzed to find out identify suitable high yielding genotype of kharif onion, genetic variability, heritability, genetic advance, coefficient of correlation and path analysis. The observation were recorded for plant height (cm), number of leaves plant-1, leaf length(cm), neck thickness (cm), pseudostem length (cm), pseudostem width (cm) diameter of bulb (cm), bulb weight (gm), bulb length (cm), bulb yield (kg plot-1), total bulb yield (q ha-1), marketable bulb yield (q ha-1), bolting percentage, doubling percentage, total soluble solid of bulb (°brix), days of 50% neck fall, days of harvesting from transplanting, days of crop maturity, polar diameter(cm) after harvesting & field curing, equatorial diameter (cm) after harvesting & field curing, predominant colour after curing and predominant bulb shape. Among the genotypes evaluated, OSK-1317 was found best for mean diameter of bulb (7.71 cm), mean bulb weight (165 gm ), mean marketable bulb yield (293 q ha-1), total bulb yield (345.33 q ha-1) and having globular type of shape and light red in colour. This can be recommended to farmer of the Chhattisgarh after further studies. Analysis of variance revealed that the mean sum of squares due to genotypes were significant differentiated for all the characters. Estimates of genetic parameters for various characters revealed that relative magnitude of genotypic co-efficient of variation in general, was higher for bolting percentage, doubling percentage, marketable bulb yield and total bulb yield. Heritability estimates in general were high for most of the traits showing preponderance of additive genetic variance. High heritability coupled with high genetic advance as percentage of mean was noted in general for doubling, total bulb yield, bulb weight, marketable bulb yield, plant height, bolting, leaf length, neck thickness and pseudostem length. The coefficient of correlation among different characters revealed that selection for bulb yield should be based on plant height, number of leaves, leaf length, neck thickness, pseudostem length and bulb weight. Path coefficient analysis revealed that pseudostem length had the highest direct effect on total bulb yield followed by marketable yield, equatorial diameter after harvesting and field curing, polar diameter after harvesting and field curing, neck thickness, number of leaves, diameter of bulb, bulb length, bulb weight, doubling percentage, pseudostem width, plant height and leaf length. Hence these components should be considered as selection criteria in kharif onion improvement programmers for Chhattisgarh plains.