Studies of Soils Associated in Toposequence for Taxonomy and Land Use Planning of Pratapgarh District, Rajasthan

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MPUAT, Udaipur
The present investigation highlights the impact of topography on the morphological, physical, chemical and mineralogical properties of the soils of study area. The impact of topography on the soil formation has been quantified and optimum and alternate land use plan has been suggested. The carrying capacity of the district has been evaluated with the present state of production and with optimum land use plan. The soils of two physiographic regions i.e. Aravali mountain ranges and Malwa plateau consisting of four landforms viz. hill, pediment, valley and plain were selected, in order to work out relationship between soil and landforms and its effect on effective use of available resources. Total eight pedons were examined in the field and investigated in the laboratory using standard laboratory procedures. The soils on hill top and pediment were shallow, gravely sandy loam to clay loam single grain in texture with medium coarse weak sub angular blocky structure and exhibited dark yellowish brown to dark reddish brown colour. The soils of valley were deep, sandy loam to loam and silty clay loam to clay loam in texture with medium coarse weak sub angular blocky to medium fine moderate sub angular blocky structure and exhibited dark yellowish brown to dark reddish brown colour. The soils of plain were found deep, silty clay in texture with medium moderate to strong angular structure (angular and sub angular) and exhibited dark brown to very dark grayish brown colour.
Studies of Soils Associated in Toposequence for Taxonomy and Land Use Planning of Pratapgarh District, Rajasthan
Singh and Rathore, 2013