Bio-ecological Management of Major Insect Pests of Soybean

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MPUAT, Udaipur
Investigations on “Bio-ecological management of major insect pests of soybean ” were carried out in the Department of Entomology, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, MPUAT, Udaipur, during the kharif seasons from 2015 to 2016 with a view to study the influence of plant nutrition on the incidence of major insect pests of soybean; impact of farmscaping on the natural enemy diversity; efficacy of biopesticides for insect pest management; and prepare a pictorial field diagnostic key to identify dominant insect pests of soybean. During the two successive crop seasons (kharif, 2015 & 2016), the major insect pests of soybean were the stem fly, whitefly, jassids, foliage-feeding weevils, leaf folder, semiloopers and the tobacco caterpillar. The associated natural enemies included the predatory pentatomid bug (E. furcellata), spiders and stem fly parasitoids during the two-year study, both when soybean was cultivated farmscaping with marigold and without farmscaping. The mean atmospheric temperature had significant positive correlation with major insect pests of soybean in kharif 2015, but in kharif 2016 the mean atmospheric temperature showed a significant positive correlation only with the population of weevils (r= 0.61) and other lepidopterans (r=0.61); whereas, a significant negative correlation was exhibited for jassids and semiloopers. The total rainfall evinced a significant negative correlation with the whitefly and jassid population of soybean during 2015; whereas in the crop season 2016, the mean relative humidity showed a significant negative correlation with weevils and other lepidopterans. The population of weevils and other lepidopterans showed a significant negative correlation with total rainfall. The mean relative humidity and rainfall exhibited a significant positive correlation with semilooper population (respective correlation coefficient values being 0.88 and 0.59) during kharif, 2016. Among the insect pests of soybean, jassids had the maximum seasonal mean population, mean density and relative density during both years as compared to other insect pests both under marigold farmscaping and without marigold farmscaping in soybean. The Shannon-Weiner Diversity Index values did not vary significantly when soybean was cultivated under farmscaping with marigold and without farmscaping. As for the natural enemies, the predatory pentatomid bug E. furcellata had the maximum seasonal mean population, mean density and relative density. The Shanon-Weiner Diversity Index values were relatively more for soybean cultivated with marigold farmscaping. The mean atmospheric temperature evinced significant positive correlation with the population of spiders (r= 0.61) and the pentatomid bug (r= 0.67). The mean population of the pentatomid bug showed significant positive correlation with tobacco caterpillar population only when soybean was cultivated with marigold farmscaping in both the years. Parasitization of stem fly maggots was more during kharif 2016. When enhanced potassium nutrition (K2O @ 20 kg ha-1) was given to the soybean crop, significantly lower mean population of the major insect pests was recorded; in response, significantly lower population of spiders and predatory pentatomid bugs were recorded. Soybean without enhanced application of potassium harboured significantly more pests. The effect of enhanced potassium application through muriate of potash [K2O @ 20 kg ha-1] under farmscaping with marigold evinced significantly lowest mean population of stem fly. Significant variation in stem tunnelling by the stem fly was observed in both the years. Farmscaping soybean with marigold had significantly lower mean population of whiteflies, weevils, leaf folder, semiloopers and tobacco caterpillar; while, the population of jassids did not differ significantly between soybean without farmscaping and soybean farmscaped with marigold during both the years of study. Likewise, farmscaping with marigold in soybean resulted in significantly higher population of the common natural enemies: spiders and predatory pentatomid bugs. All the enhanced potassium treatments in soybean during both the crop seasons had significantly higher yields than that without potassium enrichment. Farmscaping soybean with marigold had a significant influence on yield with a wider per cent increase in yield ranging from 37.65 to 96.08 per cent during kharif 2015 as compared to 17.24 to 35.71 per cent during kharif 2016. The overall efficacy of the bio-pesticides evaluated after three sprays indicated that A. indica seed kernel extract (5%) was significantly most effective in causing the maximum population reduction of whiteflies and jassids 1 and 3 days after the first, second and third sprays; however, it did not show any significant effect on whiteflies and jassids 7 days after spray. The anti-feeding activity of bio-pesticides on Spodoptera litura infesting soybean showed that the larval mortality was noticed 3 days after treatment, and the maximum larval mortality of S. litura was recorded in SL-NPV-250 LE/ha, followed by A. indica seed kernel extract (5%) and A. indica oil (1%). Morphological characterization of the major insect pests comprising 6 species of order Lepidoptera, 3 species of Hemiptera, 2 species of Coleoptera and 1 species of Diptera has been illustrated and described along with pictorial keys.
Bio-ecological Management of Major Insect Pests of Soybean
Meena and Swaminathan, 2017