“Effect of pre-sowing treatment on seed nutgermination and seedling growth of coconut (CocosnuciferaL.) cv. T×D 2366

Key words:Coconut seed, germination, water soaking, thiourea, punching. The present investigation entitled “effect of pre-sowing treatment on seed nut germination and seedling growth of coconut (Cocosnucifera L.) cv. T×D” was conductedduring year 2016-2017 at Fruit Research Station,Mangrol, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh. The experiment was laid out in Complete Randomized Design (CRD) with three repetitions. In all, there were nine pre-sowing treatments (control: without any treatment (T1), water soaking for 10 days without punching (T2), water soaking for 10 days with punching (T3), water soaking for 20 days without punching (T4), water soaking for 20 days with punching (T5), soaking of seed nut in 8000 ppm solution of thiourea for 24 hours without punching (T6), soaking of seed nut in 8000 ppm solution of thiourea for 24 hours after punching (T7), soaking of seed nut in 12000 ppm solution of thiourea for 24 hours without punching (T8) and soaking of seed nut in 12000 ppm solution of thiourea for 24 hours after punching (T9). Different treatments were significantly affected by days taken to germination of seed nut, germination percentage, height of seedling, number of leaves per plant, leaf area per plant, girth at collar region of seedling, number of roots per plant, root length, fresh weight of roots, fresh weight of stem, dry weight of roots, dry weight of stem, total dry weight and survival percentage of seedling. Considering the effect of water soaking for 20 days with punchingwas found better with respect to earliness in germination(98.67 days) with higher percentage (80.00 %) and growth with maximum number of roots(15.93), root length(29.09 cm), fresh weight of roots(14.49 g), dry weight of roots(6.89 g) and higher survival percentage(76.67 %). Whereas soaking of seed nut in 12000 ppm solution of thiourea for 24 hours after punching on seed nutwas found most effective for height of seedling (166.92 cm), number of leaves per plant (5.80), leaf area per plant (5490.33 cm2),girth at collar region(17.57 cm), fresh weight of stem(214.13 g), dry weight of stem(108.53 g) and total dry weight(115.20 g) at 330 days after sowing. As per economics point of view, treatment T5i.e.water soaking for 20 days with punchingwas foundRs. 1070 net realization/Treat. followed by water soaking for 10 days with punching(Rs. 950/Treat). Similarly, the highest CBR (1:1.24) was obtained under the water soaking for 20 days with punchingfollowed by water soaking for 20 days without punching (1:1.23). Thus, from the above results it can be concluded that,water soaking for 20 days with punchingwere found most effective in minimum days taken to germination, increasing germination percentage, quality and quantity of roots, survival percentage of seedling, maximum net realization and cost benefit ratio in coconut seedlings.