Character Association and Stability Analysis in Cowpea [Vignaunguiculata (L.) Walp]

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MPUAT, Udaipur
The present investigation entitled “Character Association and Stability Analysis in Cowpea” was conducted during Kharif2015 and Kharif 2016 at Rajasthan College of Agriculture, Udaipur (Rajasthan). The experimental material comprised 30 genotypes including three checks RCV-7, RC-19 and RC-101. All genotypes were evaluated in randomized block design with three replications in three different environments i.e. Kharif 2015(E1),Kharif 2016 (E2) and (E3)sowing. Observations were recorded for twelve yield attributing characters and one quality traits. Correlation and path analysis were computed for each environment and on pooled basis. Stability parameters were analysed using the model (Eberhart and Russell, 1966). Mean performance revealed the Environment-2 was most suitable for many characters to give better performance followed by E1 and E3. Highest seed protein content was observed in E2 followed by E1, on pooled basis and E3. In E1, E3, and on pooled basis genotype CPD-197 and in E2 genotype GC-3 was graded as high yielding genotypes whereas poor yielding genotypes were CPD-115(E1, E2 and on pooled basis) and CPD-127(E3). Genotype CPD-197 gave high consistent expression for yield character in all environments. Correlation studies revealed that seed yield per plant was positively correlated at both genotypically and phenotypically with biological yield, 100-grain weight, and harvest index in all environments and on pooled basis, whereas, number of pods per plant and number of clusters per plant in atleast two environments ( E1& E2) as well as on pooled basis. However, seed protein content exhibited non-significant and negative correlation at both genotypic and phenotypic level in E1, E2, E3 and pooled basis.
Character Association and Stability Analysis in Cowpea [Vignaunguiculata (L.) Walp]
Baranda and Sharma, 2017