A Study on Sibling Relationship during Late Adulthood

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MPUAT, Udaipur
The present study was undertaken to assess the sibling relationship during late adulthood years within the age range of 60-75 years . The study was conducted in the municipal limits of Udaipur city. The sample of the present study consisted of 180 respondents of late adulthood years belonging to middle income group. The total sample comprised of three dyads i.e. brother- sister dyad, sister -sister dyad brother-brother dyad. Thirty pairs of each dyad were selected. Adult Sibling Relationship Scale developed by Katoch (2008) was modified and used for data collection. The scale was completed by the respondents. Percentage distribution and paired‘t’ test were used for analysis of data. The results were as follows: 1. Contact maintained was mostly within the moderate and high range for a brother (with his sister) and a sister (with her brother). A high margin of brothers experienced moderate levels of conflict with their sisters in brother-sister. 2. Contact maintained was moderate; emotional closeness was high and low level of conflict was seen among sister-sister dyad. 3. In terms of contact maintained, emotional closeness and conflict majority maintained at moderated level amongst brother-brother dyad. 4. In brother-sister dyad, both brothers and sisters have described their relationship as congenial. 5. In sister-sister dyad, majority of both the sister’s expressed congenial relationship. Few expressed their relationship as loyal and intimate. Brother – brother relationship was found to be distributed across four types of sibling relationship i.e. intimate, congenial, loyal and apathetic. 6. Paired t test value indicated difference at 5 per cent level of significance amongst all the dyads i.e. brother- sister dyad, sister- sister dyad and brother- brother dyad in intra dyad relationship. 7. Inter dyad sibling relationship differed significantly at 5% level of significance amongst brother- sister and sister-sister dyad (t=0.33), sister-sister and brother-brother dyad (t=0.006), brother-brother and brother-sister dyad (t=0.027). Hence it is concluded that that there is a strong emotional and communication bonding between all the dyads with sister-sister dyad being the strongest.
A Study on Sibling Relationship during Late Adulthood
Mehta and