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Investigation was undertaken on combining ability studies in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) to assess combining ability, gene action and heterosis for yield and yield related traits at University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur. Twenty eight hybrids obtained by crossing eight selected parents in diallel mating without reciprocals along with their parents and a check (TMV-2) were evaluated in a Randomized Block Design in three replications during Kharif 2011. Analysis of variance revealed a significant difference for parents and hybrids for 13 characters indicated that the parents and hybrids were genetically different. Predominance of non additive gene action was evident for all the characters studied owing to < 1.00 ratio of GCA to SCA. However, character, kernel yield per plant (gm) where the ratio was > 0.5 indicated that they are under control of both additive and non-additive gene action. Among the parents, R-2001-2 (21.76gm), ICGV-00350 (21.47gm) and R-8808 (19.23gm) recorded higher per se performance. The crosses, R-8808 x ICGV-00350 (30.43gm), R-2001-2 x R-8808 (29.83gm), R-2001-2 x ICGV-00350 (28.87gm) and R-8808 x R-2001-3 (25.50gm) recorded higher per se performance. So the cross (R-8808 x ICGV-00350) exhibited highest and significant heterosis to an extent of 49.55, 41.77 and 110.85 per cents over mid parent, better parent and widely grown check (TMV-2) respectively. The other crosses R-2001-2 x R-8808, R-2001-2 x ICGV-00350, and R-8808 x R-2001-3 exhibited higher heterosis for most of the economic characters like number of branches per plant, number of mature pods per plant, total number of pods per plant, shelling per cent, sound mature kernels and hundred kernel weight with high mean performance. Since groundnut is a self pollinated crop, development of hybrids is not possible because of difficulty in hand emasculation and pollination, non availability of CMS lines, so these high heterotic crosses may be utilised as variety for increasing the yield. Based on their gca effects, Parents ICGV-00350, R-8808, R-2001-2 were identified as good general combiners for pod yield and other economic traits. These may serve as potent combiners in future breeding programmes for pod and other economic traits. The crosses R-2001-2 x R-8808, R-8808 x R-2001-3, R-2001-2 x ICGV-00350, ICGV-91114 x ICGV-99019 showed high sca effects with high per se performance for number of mature pods per plant, total number of pods per plant, pod yield per plant, kernel yield per plant, shelling per cent, sound mature kernel per cent, 100 kernel weight and oil content. Further these crosses may be utilised in basic breeding in getting transgressive segregants for desirable traits in desirable direction.