V A L I D A T I O N O F W A T E R . B A L A N CE S U B - R O U T I N E O F C E R E S - S O R G H U M M O D EL

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MAHATMA PHULE KRISHI VIDYAPEETH Rahuri - 413 722 ( Maharashtra )
ltural Meteorology The present investigation was under taken at the Centre of Advanced Studies in Agriculture Meteorology (CASAM), College of Agriculture, Pune-5, during the year 1993-94. The CERES-sorghum model version 2.0 was used in this study. The experiment was laid out in randomised block designed with five replications. Four sowing dates, two in monsoon (kharif) season viz., 18 June and 2 July and two in postmonsoon (rabi) season viz., 18 September and 10 October, were under study. In monsoon season, CSH-9 and in post-monsoon season SPV-504 (Swati) genotypes were sown at row spacing of 45 x 15 and 45 x 20 cm spacing, respectively. The gross plot size was 6.0 x 7.2 and net plot size was 5.1 x 4.5 m in monsoon season and 4.8 x 4.5 in post-monsoon season. Recommended ronomic practices were adopted during the experimental period. The input data for the model includes daily tic data on global solar radiation, maximum and minimum temperature and precipitation; crop data on genotypes, planting date, plant population and genetic coefficient; and soil data on saturated water content, drained upper limit and lower limit of plant extractable soil water, initial total soil water content, weekly and stagewise soil water content, soil pH, organic carbon and sand, silt and clay content. Various biological observations like dry matter of leaves, stem and earhead, leaf area index were recorded at various physiological growth stages and yield contributing characters viz. grain yield and stover yield, biomass, grain number per earhead and grain per square metre were recorded at the time of harvest. The results of the model indicate that predicted values of phenological growth stages, compared well with observed data. The degree of agreement (D) was quite close to unity in respect of phenological dates of PI, boot, anthesis, soft dough, hard dough, grain yield and GPP, while, it was less than unity in respect of biomass and stover yield. The ET, rainfall and soil water are the main const i tutents of water balance. The ET decreases with delay in sowing date. The sowing date in rabi season iz. 18 September and 10 October suffered from mild and severe terminal stress, which had adverse effect on grain yield and dry matter accumulation. The grain yield of monsoon sorghum was 52% more than post-monsoon sorghum.