Impact of changes in rainfall pattern on agriculture in Haveri District Karnataka-an economic analysis

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Agriculture represents a core part of the Indian economy. While, the magnitude of climate change impact varies greatly by region, it is expected to have an impact on agricultural productivity and shifting crop patterns. The present study was an attempt to analyse the rainfall changes and impact of these rainfall changes on Agriculture in the Haveri district. The study was based on both primary and secondary data. The tabular analysis, compound growth rate analysis, correlation analysis and functional analysis were used for analysing the data. The study revealed that the year 1992 received a maximum rainfall (952.4mm) and proved to be the wettest year. The year 2001 received lowest quantum of rainfall (300.5mm) and became the driest year. The growth rates for area, production and productivity of major crops in the district revealed that there was a decrease in the area under paddy (-3.87%) and increased production (3%) and productivity (7.18%) of Paddy was observed .In case of Maize and groundnut area (8.06%&3.23%) and production (5.84% & 0.71%) showed positive growth rates and productivity (-2.05 and -2.44%) was negative in both crops. The study also revealed that there was a high degree of positive correlation between the rainfall and paddy production (0.80), rainfall and Paddy productivity (0.88) compared to Maize and Groundnut. The study also found that the variable pertaining to actual rainfall had a positive and significant impact on the paddy productivity at 10 per cent level of significance but in case of Maize and Groundnut productivity the variable pertaining to actual fertilizer had a positive and significant impact at 1 per cent level of significance. Among the sample farmers interviewed, 32.14 per cent of the farmers were reported that they changed their cropping pattern and mixed cropping to suit the rainfall changes to avoid the risk.