Bionomics, Population Dynamics and Management of Mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch.) on Marigold (Tagetes spp.)

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An investigation was carried out on bionomics, population dynamics, and management of mite ( Tetranychus urticae Koch.) on marigold (Tagetes spp.) at Navsari Agricultural Universit y, Navsari, Gujarat during 2014 -2015. Studies on biology of T. urticae revealed that both the sexes passed through five different stages. The average duration of incubation period was 04.76 ± 1.48 days. Larva, nymphochrysalis, protonymph, deutochrysalis, deutonymph, teleochrysalis and adult was 02.84 ± 0.80, 00.85 ± 0.36, 03.56 ± 1.19, 0.93 ± 0.31, 03.04 ± 0.84, 0.86 ± 0.16 and 09.88 ± 1.45 days, respectivel y for male , whereas it was 05.36 ± 1.11, 02.84 ± 1.50, 04.52 ± 1.11, 2.94 ± 0.81, 04.04 ± 0.93, 2.42 ± 0.87 and 18.44 ± 1.92 days, respectivel y for female. The total life period occupied b y T. urticae varied from 18.00 to 27.60 days with an average of 21.96 ± 2.26 days in male and 29.50 to 44.50 days w ith an average of 37.59 ± 3.80 days for unmated female and 35.00 to 46.50 days with an average of 40.55 ± 3.12 days for mated female . A short resting period was known as quiescent. The newl y hatched larva was hexapodous while other nymphal instars were oct opodous. Male as to female ratio was 1: 2.43. Males were produced parthenogenitically while female were produced bisexuall y. Morphology of all the stages, longevit y of adults and reproductive potential of T. urticae were also studied. The length of eggs, larva, protonymph, and deutonymph were 0.12 ± 0.01, 0.14 ± 0.01, 0.20 ± 0.02 and 0.29 ± 0.03 mm, respectivel y. The breadth of eggs, larva, protonymph, and deutonymph was 0.12 ± 0.01, 0.09 ± 0.01, 0.12 ± 0.01 and 0.14 ± 0.02 mm, respectivel y. The length and breadth was 0.42 ± 0.03 and 0.18 ± 0.01 for male and 0.47 ± 0.02 and 0.22 ± 0.02 for female, respectively. Studies on population dynamics of T. urticae revealed that incidence of T. urticae was started from the first week of April and increased graduall y to reach its peak during fourth week of Jul y (17.8 mites/cm 2 leaf area). The lowest population recorded in 5 t h standard week i.e. fifth week of January (0.4 mite/ cm 2 leaf area). There was a highl y significant positive correlation bet ween population of T. urticae with minimum temperature, morning relative humidit y, evening relative humidit y and wind speed. The decreasing trends of bright sunshine hours had shown increasing trends of mite population in marigold and showed highl y significant negative association with T. urticae population. The correlation study between mite population and maximum temperature indicated non significant effect on mite population.