'CLONAL SELECTION IN GUAVA (Psidium guajava L.) CV. L 49 (SARDAR). "

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The present investigations entitled "CLONAL SELECTION IN GUAVA (Psidium guajava L.) Cv. L-49 (SARDAR)" was carried out at the Instructional-cum-Research Orchard of Department of Horticulture, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri during the year 2003-05. Initially, 301 guava genotypes were screened for two attributes viz. yield and seed hardness. After a pilot screening for the above two aforesaid characters, 15 promising clones were selected for detailed analysis regarding morphological and fruit physico- chemical characteristics. Variability analysis was performed on various vegetative and physico-chemical fruit traits in fifteen clonal types of guava. Among the 15 superior clonal types, Clone G-52 was found to have minimum height and Clone G-39 had maximum height, whereas Clone G-333 had the least tree spread. Tree volume was found to have highest coefficient of variability with maximum volume in Clone G-39 (71.08 m3). The clones G-39, G-46, G-222, G-328, G-199 and G-704 were observed to have semi spreading growth habit, whereas all the others recorded a semi erect growth habit. Leaf size was found to be largest in Clone. G-199. The colour of the leaves was found to range form dark green (G-583, G-696) to light green (G-328, G-333, G-52), whereas leaves from all other clones were observed to have lanceolate shape. Most of the clones were observed to have a moderately long maturity period, though a comparatively shorter maturity period was recorded in Clone. G-199 (116) followed by G-583 (118) and G-704 (119). The maximum yield (88.05 kg/tree) was recorded from G-704 followed by G-199 (87.55 kg/tree) and G-222 (84.5 kg/tree). The surface, colour and shape of fruit were observed to be smooth yellow and round for most of the fruits though a great deal of variation has been recorded in the aforesaid characters. The fruit size, volume, weight, pulp weight and pulp percent recorded a very low coefficient of variation. The Clone G-704 was found to be most outstanding with lowest seed percentage, seed weight, seed number and highest pulp thickness and vitamin 'C content. Clone. G-199, and G-380 had the lowest seed hardness (6.0 kg/cm2) followed by G-46 and G-704 (6.25 kg/cm2). T.S.S. showed less variability whereas acidity, total sugars, reducing sugars and non reducing sugars recorded a moderate variability though vitamin 'C content recorded a considerably high variability pattern (32.08 %). A very sweet taste with pleasant flavour was recorded for the clones G-199, G-333, G-380, G-583 and G-704, whereas sweet taste with pleasant flavour was recorded for all of the other clones. A significant positive correlation was observed between fruit diameter with fruit volume, average weight of fruit, pulp weight and number of seeds. Pulp weight recorded a significant negative correlation with number of seeds per fruit, whereas pulp thickness with seed weight and seed number. Most of the clones were found to be susceptible to guava fruit fly attack though the clones G-2, G-199, G-222 and G-704 were found to be moderately resistant. On the basis of desirable morphological and physic-chemical characteristics the clones G-704, G-199 and G-583 were observed to be the best.