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The present investigation entitled, "Effect of ethephon on ripening of banana" was conducted at the Department of Horticulture, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, Dist. Ahmednagar (M.S.). There were six concentrations ofethephon viz., 0, 250, 500,1000, 1500 and 2000 ppm and three dipping times viz., 1, 2 and 3 minutes. The seasonwise effect of ethephon during rainy, winter and summer was also studied at the ambient conditions during 1998-99. The pulp to peel ratio of banana fruit was increased as concentration of ethephon and time of dipping increased. The pulp to peel ratio of banana fruit was maximum in the fruits treated with ethephon 2000 ppm for three minutes dipping during summer season. The physiological loss in weight (PLW) increased with advancement of ripening process. Banana fruits treated with ethephon 2000 ppm forthree minutes dipping had the maximum PLW during summer season as compared toother seasons. The days required for ripening of fruits was inversely roportionate to concentrations of ethephon. The period (days) required for ripening was the lowest in summer season and the highest in winter season. The colour development was better under higher concentration of ethephon. However, retention of the colour of fruitswas more in winter and rainy season than summer season. There were more numberof black spots on banana fruits treated with higher concentration of ethephon. Alsohey were more in summer season. The shelf life of banana fruit was better under lower concentrations of ethephon. The shelf life of banana fruit was found better inwinter season. The higher concentrations of ethephon viz., 1500 and 2000 ppmresulted in more loss in moisture from the fruit. During summer season, moistureloss was higher from banana fruits. The total soluble solids (TSS) as well as sugarswere found increased throughout ripening period of banana. The rate of increase in TSS and sugar was faster in summer season. The acidity of the banana fruit increased up to 3 days after treatment and decreased progressively throughoutripening period. The starch content was maximum in unripe banana fruits and it wasconverted in to sugars during ripening. The cellulose content of banana fruitsdecreased while pectin content increased during ripening. The epticevaluation indicated that the colour and sweetness of fruit were improved underhigher concentrations of ethephon. As far as the firmness of the fruits wasconcerned, the lower concentrations of ethephon recorded higher score. It is very important to note that the pulp of the fruit was very safe in all thetreatments irrespective of concentrations used, times of dipping and seasons. Hence, the use of ethephon upto 2000 ppm can safely be recommended for ripening ofbanana.It is concluded that, for early ripening of banana fruits, ethephon 2000 ppmwith three minutes dipping and ethaphon 1000 ppm with two minute dipping was good for moderate ripening of banana fruits with pleasant flavour and taste.