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Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri - 413 722, Dist. Ahmednagar, Maharashtra State, India.
An investigation was undertaken with a view to study the extent of heterosis, general and specific combining ability effects and gene action for 14 characters in brinjal. Thirteen parents were utilized in diallel mating system, the resulting 78 hybrids alongwith parent were evaluated during 1995 to 1998. he six combination selected were further subjected for six generation (Pi, P2, Fj, F2, BQand BC2) analysis to study the nature and magnitude of gene action.Significant and positive heterosis was bserved for ield and its contributing characters. The percentage of heterotic crosses showing eterosis over better parent were maximum for fruit size index (103.017) followed by girth of fruit (101.430), yield per hectare (92.884), yield per plant (92.277), length of fruit (74.968), number of fruits per plant (60.396), average fruit weight (49.611), number of primary branches (30.000), plant height (22.274), spread of plant (16.919) and placenta percentage (7.728), days to flowering (-43.458), days tofirst fruit picking (-39.827) and seed percentage (-35.583).Considering the overall performance inrespect of important economic characters the most promising hybrids are H-218 (JB-8 x IC-025), H-1418 (RB-24 x IC-025), H-518 (JB-13 x IC-025), H-720 (JB-17 x SM-62),H-2021 (SM-62 x Dorli), H-422 (JB-11 x Arka Kusumakar), H-25 (JB-8 x JB-13),H-520 (JB-13 x SM-62).The studies on combining ability revealed that the parents P-2(JB-8), P-5 (JB-13), P-18 (IC-025), P-19 (Kranti), P-20 (SM-62) and P-22 (ArkaKusumakar) exhibited good general combining ability for yield and yieldcontributing characters while the parents P-7 (JB-17), P-14 (RB-24), P-20(SM-62) and P-21 (Dorli) had a significant g.c.a. effects for earliness.The maximum s.c.a. effects were recorded for most of the yield andyield contributing characters. The hybrid H-218 (JB-8 x IC-025) recorded highests.c.a. effects for yield and also for average fruit weight, H-2021(SM-62 x Dorli)for yield per plant and number of fruits/plant, average fruit weight, fruit size indexand plant height, H-1418 (RB-24 x IC-025) for yield/plant and spread of plant.Incidently there was most heterotic combinations for yield and other importantcharacters were observed. The estimates of g.c.a. effects were higher than thes.c.a. effects indicating predominance of non-additive type of gene action for most of the characters. The situation, therefore, indicated the possibility of exploitationthrough hybridization.Additive gene action was important for H-221(JB-8 x Dorli) andH-519 (JB-13 x Kranti) for plant height, H-419 (JB-17 x Kranti) for primarybranches, H-221, H-519, H-1819 (IC-025 x Kranti) for days to flowering, H-718(JB-17 x IC-025) for days to first fruit picking and H-14 (JB-1 x JB-11) for number of fruits/plant. The mprovement of these characters done through simpleselection, while dominance gene action was erved in hybrids H-419 for plantheight, H-114 (JB-1 x RB-24) and H-221 for number of primary anches, H-519 for average fruit weight, H-14 and H-1819 for number of fruits/plant and H-519,H-14 and H-1819 for ield per plant. Therefore, indicated the possibility ofcommercial exploitation of hybrid vigour by using uitable combination. All thethree types of gene actions were present in most of the hybrids for portantcharacters. Duplicate type of gene action was observed for H-718 for plant height, H-519 (JB-13 x Kranti) for fruit size index and H-718 for number of fruits/plantand H-221 and H-718 for yield per plant. Improvement of these characters should be done by postponed the selection while complementory gene action exhibited bythe hybrids H-14 and H-519 for average fruit weight and H-14 for number of fruits per plant and yield per plant. In this situation simple selection was most important.