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The present investigations were undertaken to assess th juice quality in fifteen sweet sorghum varieties. The juic was analysed for brix,sucrose, reducing sugar, ash, Ph acidity, starch and polyphenol content at the milk and physiological maturity stages. The correlation co-efficient of these parameters were tudied. The varietal differences were significant in respect of brix sucrose, reducing sugar, ash, acidity, starch and polypheno content at the milk and physiological maturity stages. Th mean brix of all the sweet sorghum varieties progressivelincreased from 16.65 (milk stage) to 19.26 (physiologica maturity stage). The Cv.SSV-7073, SSV-108, SSV-1333, SSV-8 and SSV-96 had significantly higher brix, than all othe varieties at both the stages. The per cent sucrose in all th ABSTRACT CONTD xiii varieties progressively increased from 10.29 to 13.70 The Cv. SSV-7073, SSV-53, SSV-96, SSV-74 and SSV-108 ha consistently higher sucrose content than remaining varietieat both the stages. The per cent purity of juice increase from 62.07 to 71.24. The Cv. SSV-53, SSV-6928, SSV-96, SSV-7 and SSV-119 had consistently higher purity at both the growt stages. The per cent reducing sugars in all the varietiedecreased from 2.26 to 1.48. The Cv. SSV-1456, SSV-1333SSV-12611, SSV-7073, SSV-4755 and SSV-6928 had low reducinsugar content at both the growth stages. The as content in all the varieties decreased from 1.06 t 0.926 per cent. The Cv. SSV-12611, SSV-9911, SSV-119, SSV-8and SSV-7073 had lower ash content at both the stages. Th pH value decreased from 5.01 to 4.96. However, some cultivarhad not shown any change in pH at both the stages. Th per cent acidity in all the varieties progressively increase from 0.249 to 0.300 . The Cv. SSV-7073, SSV-2525 SSV-4755, SSV-9911 and SSV-6928 had lower acidity tha all other varieties at both the stages. The per cent stare in juice of all the varieties increased from 1.5 t 2.66. The Cv. SSV-74, SSV-84, SSV-96, SSV-108 an SSV-1333 had lower starch content at both the stages. Th polyphenol content progressively increased from 1.3 to 1.5 per cent. The Cv. SSV-108, SSV-9901, SSV-4755 SSV-1333 and SSV-7073 had lower polyphenol content at bot the stages. The highest C C S . per cent in stalk was observe ABSTRACT CONTD... xivin Cv. SSV-53 followed by Cv. SSV-96, SSV-7073, SSV-74 aiSSV-119. The cultivars showed significant differencesrespect of C C S . tons/ha as green stalk yield and C C S . picent in stalk was different in each cultivars. The highe; C C S . tons/ha was observed in Cv. SSV-96 followed by C^ SSV-53, SSV-74, SSV-84 and SSV-119. The correlation study indicated that the relationship betwe< sucrose to ash, acidity, starch and polyphenol were four positive while it was negative for pH and reducing sugars Therefore, while developing new cultivar more attention need to be paid to the high sucrose content, brix, purity and lc concentration of ash,aconitic acid, starch and polyphenols ijuice. From overall investigation, considering all quality parameters of juice, it was concluded that Cvs.SSV-74, SSV 53, SSV-108, SSV-1333 and SSV-7073 had superior juicquality.
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