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The present investigations were undertaken to study the physical characteristics, proximate mposition, limiting v amino acids, protein fractions, in vitro pa»etein digestibility and phosphorus in the seeds of some ixnproved cultivars of maize with an object to identify nutritionally superior genotype(s). The eeds of 15 cultivars of maize with different genetie background were used for the study. The seeds varied markedly in their size and colour. The seed index ranged from 190 to 285 g/1000 seeds. The endosperm contributed to the major seed weight (74.8 to 83.3%) foliowed by germ (10.5 to 17.8%) and pericarp (5.8 to 9.1%). The proximate analysis of these cultivars exhibited variation in protein content from 8.4 to 11.22%, carbohydrates xiv. K.S. DESHMÜKH ABSTRACT,..(CONTD..) M.Sc.(Agri.) from 65,1 t o 71,74% rude f a t from 3,33 t o 7,15% crude f i b re from 2,5 t o 7,5% and ash from 1,3 t o 1,91%, Among t h e c u l t i vars studied Deccan-103 and Hunis Composite were found to have high l e v e l s of p r o t e i n , aize c u l t i v a r s d i f f e r r e d s i g n i - f i c a n t l y ±n t h e proportion of p r o t e i n f r a c t i o n s , i , e . from 5.2 t o 7,0% albumin, 7,35 t o 10.0% g l o b u l i n , 39.3 t o 47.1% zein and 29,6 t o 34,6% g l u t e l l n , Albumin and globulln f r a c t i o ns a r e considered t o be nMtriti«naJLly_superior t o zein f r a c t i o n, In t h l s respect the seeds of Hunis composite. Manjari Composite» Ganga Safed-2, Q-5 Composite and Deccan-103 were found t o be superior t o those of o t h e r s . In v i t r o p r o t e i n d i g e s t i b i l i t y of maize ranged from 80,7% (Q-5 Composite) t o 91,0%(Deccan-103). The l y s i n e content in maize c u l t i v a r s ranged from 1,50 t o 1.88 g/16g N, while tryptophan and methionine contents ranged from 0.95 t o 1.22 and 1,35 t o 1.85 g/16g N, r e s p e c t i v e l y, In respect of e s s e n t i a l amino a c l d s , he p r o t e i n s of Manjari Composite, Hunis Composite, Ganga Safed-2, J-1006 and Q-5 Composite ere ound t o be b e t t e r balanced than those of other v a r i e t i e s , From n u t r i t i o n point of iew, i t i s e s i r a b l e t o have maize c u l t i v a r s with high content of p r o t e i n s , carbohydrates, f a t s , inerale, albumin and globulin f r a c t i o n s , lysine, tryptophan methionine and in v i t r o p r o t e i n d i g e s t i b i l i t y and XV K.S. DESHMUKH ABSTRACT..(CONTD..) M.Sc.(Agri«) low content of crude fibre and phytate phosphorus. It i s, however, d i f f i c u l t to find c u l t i v a r ( s ) with a l l the desired characters. Conaidering a l l the nutritional quality parameters Huni» Composite, Ganga-Safed-2, Manjari Composite, Deccan-103, Q-5 Composite and GBM-84-1 were found t o have better overall nutritional quality than the others. These cultivars may be considered for the further breeding programme.
Agricultural Biochemistry