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Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur

The history of agricultural education in Kerala can be traced back to the year 1896 when a scheme was evolved in the erstwhile Travancore State to train a few young men in scientific agriculture at the Demonstration Farm, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram, presently, the Cropping Systems Research Centre under Kerala Agricultural University. Agriculture was introduced as an optional subject in the middle school classes in the State in 1922 when an Agricultural Middle School was started at Aluva, Ernakulam District. The popularity and usefulness of this school led to the starting of similar institutions at Kottarakkara and Konni in 1928 and 1931 respectively. Agriculture was later introduced as an optional subject for Intermediate Course in 1953. In 1955, the erstwhile Government of Travancore-Cochin started the Agricultural College and Research Institute at Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram and the College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences at Mannuthy, Thrissur for imparting higher education in agricultural and veterinary sciences, respectively. These institutions were brought under the direct administrative control of the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Animal Husbandry, respectively. With the formation of Kerala State in 1956, these two colleges were affiliated to the University of Kerala. The post-graduate programmes leading to M.Sc. (Ag), M.V.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees were started in 1961, 1962 and 1965 respectively. On the recommendation of the Second National Education Commission (1964-66) headed by Dr. D.S. Kothari, the then Chairman of the University Grants Commission, one Agricultural University in each State was established. The State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) were established in India as an integral part of the National Agricultural Research System to give the much needed impetus to Agriculture Education and Research in the Country. As a result the Kerala Agricultural University (KAU) was established on 24th February 1971 by virtue of the Act 33 of 1971 and started functioning on 1st February 1972. The Kerala Agricultural University is the 15th in the series of the SAUs. In accordance with the provisions of KAU Act of 1971, the Agricultural College and Research Institute at Vellayani, and the College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, were brought under the Kerala Agricultural University. In addition, twenty one agricultural and animal husbandry research stations were also transferred to the KAU for taking up research and extension programmes on various crops, animals, birds, etc. During 2011, Kerala Agricultural University was trifurcated into Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (KVASU), Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies (KUFOS) and Kerala Agricultural University (KAU). Now the University has seven colleges (four Agriculture, one Agricultural Engineering, one Forestry, one Co-operation Banking & Management), six RARSs, seven KVKs, 15 Research Stations and 16 Research and Extension Units under the faculties of Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering and Forestry. In addition, one Academy on Climate Change Adaptation and one Institute of Agricultural Technology offering M.Sc. (Integrated) Climate Change Adaptation and Diploma in Agricultural Sciences respectively are also functioning in Kerala Agricultural University.


Search Results

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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Biology of neoplastic cells of ethmoid carcinoma
    (Department of Pathology, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 1985) Madan Sing, Karki; KAU; Rajan, A
    Attempts were made to propagate the ethmoid carcinoma cells in vitro to study the biological behaviour of the neoplastic cells and their relationship with the host. Efforts were also made to transplant the neoplastic cells in laboratory animals and tumour bearing natural hosts so as to lay out a model system for further investigation. In vitro propagation was tried by obtaining the tumour tissues from nine cows and three goats. Cells were grown in Hank’s balanced salt solution (HBSS). TC – 199 and Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium with 10 to 20 per cent calf serum. The cell suspension was seeded into tissue culture bottles, milk diluting bottles and test tubes and incubated at 370 C. No growth was observed in the cultures made from the tumour tissue of cows. The tumour cells from two goats grew in monolyerand were maintained for nine days. There was no difference in growth of cells in different media employed. Insulin supplementation in the media did not cause any difference in the growth of the cells. Subsequently the cells died even after subculturing and changing of the media. Absence of certain unknown factors required by the neoplastic cells for growth was considered responsible for failure of the growth. Transplantation studies were carried out in autologous, homologous and heterologous species of animals using the tumour tissue framgments, homogenate, filtrate and cell suspension. No autograft or heterotransplant were successful. Homologous transplantation resulted in a firm painless growth at the site of injection. The growth initiated a cell – mediated immune response at the site of implantation. Failure of neoplastic cells to grow in the other hosts was considered to be due to rejection of the transplants by the host’s immune system.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Regional anaesthesia of the hind-limbs in oats using lignocaine hydrochloride
    (Department of Surgery, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 1985) Prahlad, Sapkota; KAU; Raveendran, S
    A study on intravenous regional anaesthesia (IVRA) of the hind – limbs was conducted in 18 bucks, weighing 15 to 25 kg body – weight (in four groups). Lignocaine hydrochloride 2% colution was used as the anaesthetic. Four dose levels viz., 4 – 5 mg; 5 - 6 mg; 6 – 7 mg and 7 – 9 mg/kg body – weight were employed. A tourniquet was applied around the limb above the stifle joint. After a 10 min period of pre – injection tourniquet ischaemic, the anaesthetic was administered through saphenous vein following exsanguination. Anaesthetic effect was ascertained by pin – pricking and pinching the interdigital space. In nine animals the effect of IVRA on wound healing was studies. The onset and duration of anaesthesia and the time for waning away of anaesthesia were also recorded. Onset of anaesthesia was noticed in 2.50 + 0.84; 2.0 + 0.82; 2.86 + 1.34 and 2.43 + 1.40 min. Duration of anaesthesia in the four groups was 25.0 + 7.77; 24.86 + 3.80 ; 21.43 + 6.08 and 30.71 + 4.92 min respectively including a short duration after the release of tourniquet. The complete disappearance of anaesthetic effect was noticed by 6.17 + 4.54; 4.28 + 1.38 ; 5.43 + 2.07 and 3.86 + 1.21 min after the release of tourniquet. The anaesthetic effects were first apparent at the phalangeal region and progressed gradually upwards to the level of tourniquet and waned away in the reverse order. The healing of wound was uneventful and the histological study revealed that there was no variation in the healing process between the experimental and control groups.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Bacteriological quality of goat milk
    (Department of Dairy Science, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 1985) Chakhesang, Kevesiei; KAU; Sukumaran, M V
    A total of 376 aseptically – drawn milk and 46 farm pooled milk samples were collected from the AICRP on Goats for Milk, Mannuthy and subjected to various tests to determine the bacteriological quality. An increase of over 59 and 188 – fold in bacterial number from aseptically – drawn milk to production – and milk for the morning and the evening milkings respectively was noticed. In aseptically – drawn milk samples 61.17% and 64.83% gave a SPC of below 100/ml in the morning and evening respectively. In farm pooled milk samples the SPC exceeded 105/ml in 39.13% of the morning and 65.22% of the evening samples. No psychrophilic bacteria was detected in any of the aseptically – drawn or farm pooled milk samples. The mean thermophilic counts of aseptically – drawn as well as farm pooled milk samples was less than one/ml. Though the mean coliform count of aseptically – drawn milk was found to be less than one/ml, the farm pooled milk samples showed 3,413 and 2734/ml for the morning and the evening samples respectively. The mean MBRT of the morning and the evening samples was 14.91 and 8.93 h for aseptically – drawn milk and 4.57 and 3.83 h for farm pooled milk samples respectively. The correlation coefficient between MBR time and SPC of farm pooled milk of the morning and evening samples was not significant (- 0.21 and - 0.27). The keeping quality of the morning and the evening milk samples (280 C) obtained was respectively 50.48 and 44.70 h for aseptically – drawn milk and 12.87 and 12.04 h for farm pooled milk samples respectively. The correlation coefficient between SPC and keeping quality of farm pooled milk samples was significant (- 0.46) for morning sample while that of evening milk was not significant (+ 0.28). The correlation coefficient between MBRT and keeping quality of farm pooled milk samples was also not significant in both the morning and the evening (+ 0.31 and + 0.13).
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Efficacy of intrauterine administration of gentamicin in the treatment of clinical endometritis in crossbred cattle
    (Department of Animal Reproduction, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 1985) Varadarajan, M; KAU; PrabhakaranNair, P K
    The objective of the study was to assess the efficacy of intrauterine infusion of Gentamicin, a bread spectrum antibiotic with deep tissue penetrance either alone or in combination with Stillboestrol in the treatment of clinical endometritis. Isolation of the infective organisms and sensitivity test were also carried out on a limited number of cases. One hundred and seventy crossbred cows and heifer with clinical endomtritis formed the materials for the study. These animals were randomly allotted into two treatment groups. Group 1 comprising of 86 animals were given 250 mg of Gentamicin intrauterine and group 11 comprising 250 mg of Gentamicin intrauterine and group 11 comprising of 84 animals were given a combination of Gentamicin and 10 mg of Stilboestrol. Those animals which were completely free of infection were inseminated in the next heat and rest were given a second infusion of the above drugs. Conception rate was worked out both on 90 days non return rate and actual pregnancy verification. Uterine discharges from 25 animals were collected for bacterial isolation and sensitivity test. Among 8352 cattle examined during the period of study 807 (9.66%) were found to be affected with clinical endometritis. Eighty six cases treated with Gentamicin gave a single insemination conception rate of 56.45 per cent with an overall conception rate of 72.58 per cent needing 1.91 inseminations per conception. On the ether hand, 84 cases receiving Gentamicin, Stilboestrol combination recorded a single insemination conception percentage of 40.90 with an overall conception of 63.63 per cent requiring 2.39 insemination per conception. There was no variation between groups with respect to percentage conception and average number of days from treatment to conception. The percentage clinical recovery with single infusion in group 1 and 11 were found to be 96.51 and 94.03. The number of intrauterine infusion was not found to influence the conception rate and the recovery period. The study also revealed that the parity of the animal in both the treatment groups did not influence the effectiveness of the treatment with respect to percentage conception and the average number of days from treatment to conception. It can be concluded that Gentamicin or Gentamicin Stillboestrol combination is equally effective in the treatment of clinical endomtritis. However, addition of Stillboestrol in the Gentamicin infusion did not have any added beneficial effect. The bacterial isolates were Haemophilus (8%), Staphylococcus (20%), Bacillus (4%),Pasteurella (8%) Actinobacillus (4%), Heromonas (12%), Lectobacillus (4%)and Streptobacillus (4%). The sensitivity of the isolates to Gentamicin, Septran, Chloramphenicol, Tetracycline and Ampicillin were respectively 60, 44, 28, 28 and 8 per cent. Isolation and sensitivity study has proved that most of the isolates were sensitive to Gentamicin and hence it is considered to be a very effective antibiotic for treating uterine infection.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of bird density on broiler performance
    (Department of Poultry Science,College of Veterinary Science, Mannuthy, 1985) Linu, T; KAU; Sabarinathan Nair, R
    Two experiments were conducted during summer (April-May) and monsoon (June-July) seasons, to study the effects of bird density on broiler performance. Three density levels of 1114,928 and 743 sq cm/bird were tried. The experiments were identical in all respects except for season. The climatic variables during the first experiment was not favourable when compared to the second experiment. Data on weight gain revealed no significant difference between the three treatments. However, broilers reared with a floor space allowance of 1114 sq cm/bird had higher final body weight. The feed consumption, ready to cook yields and per cent mortality did not exhibit statistically significant differences between the density treatments. The per cent litter moisture did differ significantly (p<0.05) between the three density treatments. The high density group had the highest followed by medium and then low density treatment. The climatic variables during the second experiment reflected of more comfortable conditions for the birds. Data on body weight gains between treatments exhibited statistically significant (p<0.05) differences. The low density group had the highest weight gains followed by medium density group. The high density group had the lowest weight gain. There was no significant difference in feed consumption between treatments. Per cent ready-to-cook yield did not differ significantly. Per cent litter moisture content exhibited statistically significant (p<0.05) difference between treatments. Data on weight gain and feed consumption between the two experiments revealed statistically significant difference. The monsoon reared birds gained higher body weight and consumed more feed in all treatments. Mortality percentages did not reveal any seasonal effect. Approximately there was an increase of 10% litter moisture in monsoon season for all the treatment groups. Per cent ready-to-cook yield revealed statistically significant difference between the two seasons.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Changes in sperm morphology of crossbred bulls during preservation
    (Department of Animal Reproduction, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 1985) Pronab Kumar, Duarah; KAU; M S Nair
    A systematic study was made on the semen characteristics of crossbred bull and their changes, if any, during preservation in egg yolk – citrate, Tris and skim milk diluent upto 72 hours. A total of 72 ejaculates, from five crossbred bulls maintained at A. I. Centre attached to College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy were utilised for the study. Immediately after collection semen was subjected to routine evaluation and smears were prepared, stained with Giemsa stain and examined for various types of sperm abnormalities and sperm head biometry. Semen samples were then diluted at the rate of 1:20 in EYC, Tris and skin milk diluent and stored at 50 C. To study the effect of preservation in the above diluents at 0, 24, 48 and 72 hours, motility, various sperm abnormalities and sperm head biometry were observed during the above storage periods. The overall average concentration and livability of sperm was 1.59 + 0.025 million per cmm and 83.45 + 0.522 per cent, respectively. No significant difference in concentration and livability of sperm was found between bulls. The overall average initial motility was 83.00 + 1.00 per cent before dilution. During preservation upto 72 hours in EYC. Tris and skin milk diluent sperm motility declined significantly to 57.10, 58.00 and 55.80 per cent respectively. There was no significant variation between the diluent used in maintaining sperm motility but significant difference was noticed between the bulls. The mean percentage of free normal head, free abnormal head, detached acrosome, pear shaped head, narrow at the base; knobbed head, abnormal contour and underdeveloped head was 2.20 + 0.151, 1.56 + 0.132, 1.26 + 0.180, 1.80 + 0.130, 1.22 + 0.086, 0.80 + 0.122, 1.52 + 0.08 and 0.82 + 0.082 respectively, before dilution. Among all the head abnormalities, detached acrosome increased significantly with the advancement of storage period upto 72 hours irrespective of the diluent used. However, no variation in sperm head abnormalities was noticed between the diluents. All types of head abnormalities varied significantly between bulls. The average percentage of proximal protoplasmic droplets and middle piece defect was 1.18 + 0.156 and 0.90 + 0.083 per cent respectively, before dilution. They remain unchanged upto 72 hours of storage in all the three diluents. Though, significant difference was found between the bulls, no variation could be noticed between the diluent used. Simple bent tail and coiled tail showed significant variation between bulls and between the storage periods; mean values being 2.18 + 0.106 and 1.24 + 0.102 per cent, respectively, before dilution. They increased significantly at 72 hours of storage in EYC, Tris and skin milk diluent, the mean values being 2.74 + 0.150, 2.74 + 0.050 and 3.06 + 0.037 per cent, respectively, for simple bent tail and 1.44 + 0.092, 1.44 + 0.092 and 1.48 + 0.215 per cent, respectively for coiled tail. Though, in the case of simple bent tail significant variation was found between the diluents, no such variation could be noticed in case of coiled tail. The average length and breadth of sperm head was found to be 9.51 and 4.72 microns, respectively, before dilution, No significant variation in spermatozoan head length and breadth could be noticed as the storage period advanced to 72 hours. There was no significant variation between the diluents. However, significant variation was found between the bulls. Thus it could be inferred that all the three diluents were found to be equally good for preservation of bull semen upto 72 hours at 50 C.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on the whey proteins of cows` milk in induced lactation
    (Department of Dairy Science, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 1985) Sadananda, Talukdar; KAU; Pavithran, K
    A comparative study on the milk proteins in general and the whey proteins in particular was conducted between cows of first lactation and inferitile heifers brought into lactation by hormonal treatment. It was intended to study the differences, if any, between the two sets of cows in respect of the milk proteins and the possible secretory process involved therein . An exhaustive review of literature has been presented on the levels of various components of whey proteins and other related aspects. The methods of analysis of various components of milk have been detailed. The cows used in the study were crossbred ones, randomly selected from the University Livestock Farm, Mannuthy and maintained under similar farm conditions. The experimental group of animals, the heifers, were given estrogen (0.1 mg/kg body weight) and progesterone (0.25 mg/kg body weight) together in a single injection daily for 7 days consecutively. Gradual development of the udder during the course of treatment was noticed. Between the termination of the treatment and first milking, the development was more conspicuous. Regular milking, twice in a day, was started from the 21st day after the first injection. Secretion was initially colostral, and gradually within a period of 5 days, it resembled normal milk in appearance. The minimum yield from one animal in a day was 200 ml whereas the maximum reached was 4, 500 ml. From the 16th day of first milking, chemical analysis was started with in the case of experimental group. Animals in the control group began with the 3rd month of their lactation when the sample collection was started for analysis. Milk samples from both the groups were collected every 6th day and thus 6 samples from each animal were used for analysis. Both chemical analysis and electrophoresis were used to study the milk components. Estimation of nitrogen was done by the kjeldahl method. Average contents (in percentage) of albumin, globulin, total whey protein and other whey proteins were 0.383, 0.1786, 0.64 and 0.10 respectively in the milk of normal lactation; the values in the induced lactation being 0.603, 0.284, 1.045 and 0.158 respectively. Out of the total nitrogen in milk, the total whey nitrogen and the non protein nitrogen were 26.526 and 6.376 per cent respectively, in normal lactation, the values were 31.524 and 5.432 per cent respectively. Average total protein, casein and crude protein contents in normal milk were 2.97, 2.33 and 3.17 per cent respectively. But in induced milk, the values were 3.79, 2.773 and 4.007 per cent respectively. The ratio of whey protein :casein was 22:78 in normal lactation whereas in induced lactation it was 27;73. The contribution of whey protein to the higher total protein content of induced milk is more than that of casein. Differences between the whey components between the two groups were noticed. On statistical analysis, albumin, globulin, non – protein nitrogen and the other whey proteins together (whey proteins excluding albumin plus globulin) did not have significant difference between the two groups. So also was the casein. There was, however, significant difference between the two groups in respect of total whey nitrogen, total whey protein and total protein. Individual differences were highly significant in respect of albumin, globulin, total whey protein, total protein and crude protein. The last one had highly significant difference between the groups also. Globulin, non – protein nitrogen and other whey proteins, on the other hand, did not indicate any significant difference neither between groups or between individuals. The whey protein was subjected to electrophoretic separation in Acrylamide gel system with Borate buffer. In this attempt, it could be fractionated into six different bands in each case. But the mode of fractionation between groups in particular was found different from each other. A general trend for an increase in the protein content was thus seen in the milk of induced lactation that was mostly brought about by whey proteins. This may be a reflection of the secretory pattern involved with the normal and the induced lactation. Further investigations in detail may elucidate this in future.