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Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur

The history of agricultural education in Kerala can be traced back to the year 1896 when a scheme was evolved in the erstwhile Travancore State to train a few young men in scientific agriculture at the Demonstration Farm, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram, presently, the Cropping Systems Research Centre under Kerala Agricultural University. Agriculture was introduced as an optional subject in the middle school classes in the State in 1922 when an Agricultural Middle School was started at Aluva, Ernakulam District. The popularity and usefulness of this school led to the starting of similar institutions at Kottarakkara and Konni in 1928 and 1931 respectively. Agriculture was later introduced as an optional subject for Intermediate Course in 1953. In 1955, the erstwhile Government of Travancore-Cochin started the Agricultural College and Research Institute at Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram and the College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences at Mannuthy, Thrissur for imparting higher education in agricultural and veterinary sciences, respectively. These institutions were brought under the direct administrative control of the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Animal Husbandry, respectively. With the formation of Kerala State in 1956, these two colleges were affiliated to the University of Kerala. The post-graduate programmes leading to M.Sc. (Ag), M.V.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees were started in 1961, 1962 and 1965 respectively. On the recommendation of the Second National Education Commission (1964-66) headed by Dr. D.S. Kothari, the then Chairman of the University Grants Commission, one Agricultural University in each State was established. The State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) were established in India as an integral part of the National Agricultural Research System to give the much needed impetus to Agriculture Education and Research in the Country. As a result the Kerala Agricultural University (KAU) was established on 24th February 1971 by virtue of the Act 33 of 1971 and started functioning on 1st February 1972. The Kerala Agricultural University is the 15th in the series of the SAUs. In accordance with the provisions of KAU Act of 1971, the Agricultural College and Research Institute at Vellayani, and the College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, were brought under the Kerala Agricultural University. In addition, twenty one agricultural and animal husbandry research stations were also transferred to the KAU for taking up research and extension programmes on various crops, animals, birds, etc. During 2011, Kerala Agricultural University was trifurcated into Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (KVASU), Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies (KUFOS) and Kerala Agricultural University (KAU). Now the University has seven colleges (four Agriculture, one Agricultural Engineering, one Forestry, one Co-operation Banking & Management), six RARSs, seven KVKs, 15 Research Stations and 16 Research and Extension Units under the faculties of Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering and Forestry. In addition, one Academy on Climate Change Adaptation and one Institute of Agricultural Technology offering M.Sc. (Integrated) Climate Change Adaptation and Diploma in Agricultural Sciences respectively are also functioning in Kerala Agricultural University.


Search Results

Now showing 1 - 9 of 65
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Genetic variability, path analysis and stability parameters in sesame
    (Department of Plant Breeding, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 1985) Sverup, John; KAU; Gopinathan Nair, V
    Biometric analysis in a varietal collection of sesame was undertaken to study the genetic variability, correlations, path analysis and stability parameters. One hundred sesame types were evaluated in replicated trials at Vellayani in uplands during rabi and at Kayamkulam in rice fallows during summer. Genetic variability and correlations were estimated and path analysis worked out independently as both the locations. Location trials for estimating stability parameters were conducted at three places viz. in uplands during rabi at Pattambi and Vellayani and in rice fallows during summer at Kayamkulam. Large values for genotypic coefficients of variation were obtained for characters such as number of capsules on branches, number of capsules perplant, number of capsules on main stem and number of branches during rabi as well as summer. The lowest genotypic coefficient of variation was obtained for number of days to maturity during both rabi and summer. High values of heritability were recorded by seed protein content , seed oil content, height upto first capsule and weight of 1000 seeds under both conditions.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Genetic studies on induced viable mutants in rice [Oryza sativa L.)
    (Department of Plant Breeding, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 1985) Vijayagopal, P D; Gopinathan, Nair V
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Estimation of induced variability in chillies
    (Department of agricultural botany , College of agriculture Vellayani, Trivandrum., 1985) Lekha Rani, C; KAU; Krishnan Nair, N
    The mutagenic effect of Co-gamma rays and Ethylmethane sulphonate on three different chilli varieties have bean studied in detail in generation U3 ing two moderate doses of gamma rays <20 and 30 kR) and two concentrations of ISMS (0.5 and 1*0 par cent)* The presence and extent of chimeras and their relation to induced variability was assessed by raising branch-wise progenies in ^ generation* The experiment was conducted during 1982-84 at the Department of Agricultural Botany# College of Agriculture, Vellayani* The generation was laid out in RBD and in splitplot design with proper randomisation and replications* The crop wa3 raised and maintained following the Package of Practices recommended. The polygenic traits analysed in a, generalisen include plant height, number of branches per plant, fruit yield per plant and length and weight of fruits. The data collected were statistically analysed for proper interpretation of tho results obtained. It has been observed in almost all the polygenic traits that the extent of variability created vary depending on the genotypes, mutagen and their dosos and character under observation. The mean values wer« found to shift both in negative and positive directions to control values• significant shift in mean values depending on the type of branch category clearly demonstrates that there exists the mechanism of diplontlc selection in this particular crop variety# when exposed to mutagens. But the extent of selection varies depending on the mutagen and their doses and the genotypes concerned. a significant negative shift in mean Value was noted only in the case of fruit weight under both the concentrations of EM3 and 20 kR gamma rays whereas a positive or negative insignificant shift was noted in all other characters under both the mutagens, when under EM3 and in gansna rays showed a negative shift* positive shift in mean value wes noted in majority of the cases for number of branches per plant. Fruit length and weight and number of seeds per fruit showed a negative shift in majority of the cases analysed# but fruit number and yield per plant showed a reverse trend. The shift in mean value under the different branch categories varied depending on the varieties# mutagens and their doses and also the character under study. The phenotypes were found toAdistributedboth in negative and positive directions to control group in all the characters analysed. The frequency distribution whether negative or positive varied depending on the mutagen and their doses# the genotypes and character under study. In majority of tha cases the maximum frequencies of positive variants under both the concentrations of EMS and under 0.5 per cent for negative variants were found to be in the early formad branches when it was in the later ones is tha case of negative variants under 1.0 per cent EMS. in the case of gamma rays this general trend was not observed* The data analysed clearly demonstrate the existence of diplontic selection and promises wide scope for positive selection response either in negative or positive directions.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Study of genetic correlations under full -SIB mating system (Two loci case)
    (Department of Statistics, College of veterinary and animal sciences Mannuthy, Thrissur, 1985) Khin Moe Moe; KAU; George, K C
    A purely theoretical investigation entitled ,JA Study of Genetic Correlations under Fu ll-s ib Mating System (two lo c i case)*1 was carried out with the following objectives, i ) to derive the joint distribution (correlation table) and to find the correlation between fu ll -s ib pairs under fu l l -s ib mating system in the case of two lo c i when there i s no linkage as well as when there i s complete linkage. l i ) to derive the joint distribution (correlation table) and to find the correlation between parent-offspring pair© under fu l l -s ib mating system in the case of two loci when there is no linkage as well as when there is complete linkage, i i i ) to derive the joint distribution (correlation table) and to find the correlation between fu l l -s ib pairs under paront-offspring mating system in the case of two lo c i when there is no linkage as well as when there is complete linkage, iv) to derive the joint distribution (correlation table) and to find the correlation between parent-offspring pairs under parent-offspring mating system in the case of two lo c i when there is no linkage as well as when there is complete linkage. 2 Th© joint distributions of fu ll -s ib pairs and parent- ©Ffspring pairs undor fu ll-s ib gating system wore derived with the help of generation matrix technique and th© correlations wore worked out therefrom, assuming additive genie e ffec ts and using the product-momeni correlation coefficient formula. The correlations were worked out for tho f i r s t ten generations of fu ll -s ib mating in both cases of no linkage and complete linkage, & comparative study of fu ll -s ib correlations and parent-offspring correlationsf conducted both numerically and graphically, revealed that £i) evonthough fu ll -s ib correlation was greater than parent-offspring correlation in in i t ia l generation (random mating) when there was complete linkage, the la tte r increased more rapidly than the former from in it ia l generation to f ir s t generation and ( i i ) from the second generation onwards, the rate of increase in both o f correlations were nearly the same upto tenth generation. I t was interesting to note that the parent-offspring correlations wore of comparatively higher order than th© fu ll-s ib correlations in both cases of complete linkage and no linkage. Similarly, th© joint distributions (correlation tables) for fu ll-s ib pairs and parent-offspring pairs under parentoffspring mating system were derived employing generation matrix approach and the correlations for the f i r s t ten 3 generations of parent—offspring mating in both cases of no linkage and complete linkage were worked out therefrom. A comparative study of those correlations was carried out both numerically and graphically. It was found that the trend in both correlation curves remain the same, but the value of parent-offspring correlation was always greater than that of full-sib correlation in case of no linkage as well as in caso of complete linkage. In comparison of all these correlations, it was found that the correlations increased as the number of generation increased and ultimately reached the limit unity when the number of generations increased indefinitely large. It was also observed that the magnitude of correlation in case of complete linkage was more than that of correlation In case of no linkage even under the same system of mating*
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of NPK on seed progeny and air layers in cashew ( Anacardium occidentale L. )
    (Department of agronomy, College of Agriculture Vellayani , Trivandrum, 1985) Harishu Kumar, P; KAU; Sreedharan, C
    An experiment was conducted to assess the "Ef f e c t of NPK fertilisers on seed orogeny and air layers in cashew at Cashew Seed Farm, Shanmtigodu under Central Plantation Crops Research Institute , Regional Station, f i t c a l 574 24 3, during 1982-84. fhe treatments consisted of test ing three le v e ls each of d,? and K on seed . rogen/ i.,d ai r layers Ln cashcv/. r ’ne study revc ile 1 t h . t d i f f e r en t grov.'th oar meter 7 i. e . , he L'jl'it, can>py rolLus, surf ice area, le a f area n ; : ; v/erc influenced by increasing le v e ls of I:PR. f ■ r t i I i. s e r s . [' r/ ii chlorophyl l , to I; il v.ug ir , le.it v; .ter f-,■ n* , in-: sp e c i f ic le if w ight v;ere influenced by » b ,n v/11 i I e n i t rci' p n 11 one i n c i i iset i , , ., ii c * * . I', i r 1 y i'ii s r: u I: i- c ’ i I i r r - • * * in f l o w e r i n g , numbt l r, f ft mi. t e, _ .m ,lg ,■ I ; -I -,l puilr-h t'< t-i.l il 'hoots WC IX ; i ? V i . r ‘ I i I -■ 1 nr r r 1.0,1 b y f.f r » i I i d L >n . t’rmt j;un ii r‘ rc rn> r ri o nl; inrl acc' u b i ^ ici-1 c o n t e n t , ] Lc if ion . /c r | , 7 0 1 1 0 ' J W l ! " l p l Mut v Jupic an 1 IglTt wctr drrrc ir.ecl due to d M M, ion w,lH. V ipol ic .Llon ( ivour* rl nut md P i p d i ' - 1 , 4-r d W- i n ( k c - T l u 1 n - Leaf N v;as increased by NPIC. Lear ? was increased by p and K appl icat ion v/hile i t was reduced by N appl icat ion. Leaf K was reduced by H appl icat ion while i t was increased by ? and K appl icat ion. N appl ication resul ted in an Increase in le a f C i, where as P and K reduced i t . M and K reduced le a f Mg while P had no e f f e c t . M increased lui f Zn while P reduced the same. K had no e f f e c t . Cr i t ical levels in Ic if for M and ? are f ixed at 2.09% and 0.14% respectively. hoot CSC was increased by UP.' f e r t i 1 is ition . .1 application reduc’d organic carbon and P ‘./hale- i t i.nere -Scd ^>oil M, h and oH. P appl ication increased o i l d, K and pH. ‘V. ipol icat ion incr*. ia«_ , roi l H, h and oH wher>- as i c r c r\ v c c r: o i l P • rj ind P f spons r, r*. curvul in«. ar while not as i u ■ esnonrs v m Jincir. rhc od.imuni of U and P r , pc-j/trr ,./y ai re no-. c t ivt 1 y . M ixvv.um income W L. 1. ' - * * r t ' l i - r r l In lie 1 IV- r r . r
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Influence of applied nutrients and stage of harvest on the yield and physicochemical properties of essential oil of palmarosa (Cymbopogon martini Stapf var. motia)
    (Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry , College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Trivandrum, 1985) Chinnamma, N P; KAU; Aiyer, R S
    Palmarosa, an essential oil crop introduced in Kerala, from Maharashtra, nearly two decades ago, is spreading steadily la the pialas and midland regions of North Kerala. Several agro-techniques have yet to he standardised for the commercial cultivation of this crop in the State. The present studies were undertaken at the Aromatic pnfl Medicinal Plante Research Station, Odakkaly during 1980-'8 4 to obtain information on the nutrition of palmarosa, optimum harvest intervals to ensure maximum herbage and oil yields and the factors influencing the quality of oil. The treatments in the major field experiment (1980-'82) consisted of three levels of N, and KgO, each at 25, 50 And 75 kg/ha along with six intervals of harvest at 40, 45, 50, 55, 60 and 65 days. The total number of treatment combinations wore 162 in a 3^ x 6 confounded asymmetrical factorial design. Tho main experiment was continued for another two yoaro limiting tho observations, to the yield of herbage and oil. This was then followed by an observation trial with intervals of harvest longer than tho maximum of 65 doye tried in the main experiment. In the main experiment the herbage yield vns significantly increased by application of P2°5 ^2°* Nitrogen did not have any eignifioant offeot on herbage yield poaeibly due to tha medium level etatua of soil N in the ABSTRACT ^erimental plots. The oil yield was Bignifioantly enhanced by P205 application at 50 kg/ha. Different levels and K showed no significant influence on the yield of oil. Harvest intervals showed significant influence on herbage yield, oil yield and oil content and the maximum value was recorded by the 65 day interval. A path analysis of the herbage yield with related cnaracters has shown that the height of the plant is the most important yield attribute influencing directly the yield of herbage. Path analysis of oil yield showed that oil yield is mainly dependent upon herbage yield. The direct effects on oil yield by yield attributes are found to be in the decreasing order of number of tillers with inflorescence, height of the plants and length of inflorescenoe. Maximum indirect affect via herbage yield is expressed by the height of the plant and length of inflorescence. All these directly and indirectly contributing factors arc soon to be markedly influenced by tho applioation of phosphorus and intervals of harvoat* Herbage yield and oil yield for various harvest lntorvalo obtained In the flrot two years wore fit tod In a Cobb-Dcughlua reoponoo function and tha expooted values «leulat«d were found to be very olooe to tho actual observed values• In thethird and fourth year of the experiment, the ghest herbage and oil yields were recorded by 60 day interval followed by the interval of 65 days, A quadratic Sanction for the data pooled over for four years was fitted to see if the data show a diminishing return with an increase in harvest interval and it was found that the optimum herbage yield and oil yield were obtained when the harvest was done at 62 and 63 days interval respectively. The final observational trial also indicated that the herbage and oil yields were maximum for a harvest interval of 65 days beyond which it decreases. Increase in the levels of both N and P tended to increase the content of geraniol and to decrease the content of geranyl acetate which are the price determining quality attributes of the essential oil. But the maximum interval of harvest viz., 65 days tried in the main experiment was not sufficient for moot of the physico-chemical properties of oil ouoh os specific gravity, refractive index, geraniol content, geranyl acotato content etc. to reach the minimum limit prescribed by 131. The observational trial showed that the oil obtained at intervale of 95 days and above satisfied the 131 specification with respect to all the phyalco-ohemioal properties of the oil. However, at thle herveat Interval the yield Itself wae considerably depressed compared to the yield at 65 day Interval. Th, eoonomloe worked out for different Intervale of harveab baaed on the ourrant market prloe of the oil paeein« as above the I SI limits as fe. 240/- per kg (oil from harvest intervals at and above 95 days) and those below them at Fs.220/- per kg (oil from harvest intervals of 55, 65, 75 and 85 days) it has been found that a wider cost benefit ratio and net return per rupee investment are obtainable for harvest intervals ranging from 65 to 85 days. However, 65 day interval has the advantage of early returns from the investment. Application of 50 kg PgO^/ha in view of its significant effect on herbage yield, oil yield and oil quality increase the net profit per rupee invested for the harvest interval of 65 days. The average removal o f II, P, K, Ca and Mg from the s o i l by palmarosa per h ecta re per year lias a lso been worked o u t . The optimum f e r t i l i s e r le v e l fo r palmarosa i s 25 kg II, 50 kg P?05 and 25 kg K20 per h ectare over an a p p lic a tio n o f spent g ra ss at 5 tonnes per h ectare per y e a r . The optimum h arvest in to r v a l i s 65 days. TIiIb would give maximum horbago y io ld , o i l y io ld ond ea rly return from in v e stm e n ts.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Biology of neoplastic cells of ethmoid carcinoma
    (Department of Pathology, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 1985) Madan Sing, Karki; KAU; Rajan, A
    Attempts were made to propagate the ethmoid carcinoma cells in vitro to study the biological behaviour of the neoplastic cells and their relationship with the host. Efforts were also made to transplant the neoplastic cells in laboratory animals and tumour bearing natural hosts so as to lay out a model system for further investigation. In vitro propagation was tried by obtaining the tumour tissues from nine cows and three goats. Cells were grown in Hank’s balanced salt solution (HBSS). TC – 199 and Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium with 10 to 20 per cent calf serum. The cell suspension was seeded into tissue culture bottles, milk diluting bottles and test tubes and incubated at 370 C. No growth was observed in the cultures made from the tumour tissue of cows. The tumour cells from two goats grew in monolyerand were maintained for nine days. There was no difference in growth of cells in different media employed. Insulin supplementation in the media did not cause any difference in the growth of the cells. Subsequently the cells died even after subculturing and changing of the media. Absence of certain unknown factors required by the neoplastic cells for growth was considered responsible for failure of the growth. Transplantation studies were carried out in autologous, homologous and heterologous species of animals using the tumour tissue framgments, homogenate, filtrate and cell suspension. No autograft or heterotransplant were successful. Homologous transplantation resulted in a firm painless growth at the site of injection. The growth initiated a cell – mediated immune response at the site of implantation. Failure of neoplastic cells to grow in the other hosts was considered to be due to rejection of the transplants by the host’s immune system.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Regional anaesthesia of the hind-limbs in oats using lignocaine hydrochloride
    (Department of Surgery, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 1985) Prahlad, Sapkota; KAU; Raveendran, S
    A study on intravenous regional anaesthesia (IVRA) of the hind – limbs was conducted in 18 bucks, weighing 15 to 25 kg body – weight (in four groups). Lignocaine hydrochloride 2% colution was used as the anaesthetic. Four dose levels viz., 4 – 5 mg; 5 - 6 mg; 6 – 7 mg and 7 – 9 mg/kg body – weight were employed. A tourniquet was applied around the limb above the stifle joint. After a 10 min period of pre – injection tourniquet ischaemic, the anaesthetic was administered through saphenous vein following exsanguination. Anaesthetic effect was ascertained by pin – pricking and pinching the interdigital space. In nine animals the effect of IVRA on wound healing was studies. The onset and duration of anaesthesia and the time for waning away of anaesthesia were also recorded. Onset of anaesthesia was noticed in 2.50 + 0.84; 2.0 + 0.82; 2.86 + 1.34 and 2.43 + 1.40 min. Duration of anaesthesia in the four groups was 25.0 + 7.77; 24.86 + 3.80 ; 21.43 + 6.08 and 30.71 + 4.92 min respectively including a short duration after the release of tourniquet. The complete disappearance of anaesthetic effect was noticed by 6.17 + 4.54; 4.28 + 1.38 ; 5.43 + 2.07 and 3.86 + 1.21 min after the release of tourniquet. The anaesthetic effects were first apparent at the phalangeal region and progressed gradually upwards to the level of tourniquet and waned away in the reverse order. The healing of wound was uneventful and the histological study revealed that there was no variation in the healing process between the experimental and control groups.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Bacteriological quality of goat milk
    (Department of Dairy Science, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 1985) Chakhesang, Kevesiei; KAU; Sukumaran, M V
    A total of 376 aseptically – drawn milk and 46 farm pooled milk samples were collected from the AICRP on Goats for Milk, Mannuthy and subjected to various tests to determine the bacteriological quality. An increase of over 59 and 188 – fold in bacterial number from aseptically – drawn milk to production – and milk for the morning and the evening milkings respectively was noticed. In aseptically – drawn milk samples 61.17% and 64.83% gave a SPC of below 100/ml in the morning and evening respectively. In farm pooled milk samples the SPC exceeded 105/ml in 39.13% of the morning and 65.22% of the evening samples. No psychrophilic bacteria was detected in any of the aseptically – drawn or farm pooled milk samples. The mean thermophilic counts of aseptically – drawn as well as farm pooled milk samples was less than one/ml. Though the mean coliform count of aseptically – drawn milk was found to be less than one/ml, the farm pooled milk samples showed 3,413 and 2734/ml for the morning and the evening samples respectively. The mean MBRT of the morning and the evening samples was 14.91 and 8.93 h for aseptically – drawn milk and 4.57 and 3.83 h for farm pooled milk samples respectively. The correlation coefficient between MBR time and SPC of farm pooled milk of the morning and evening samples was not significant (- 0.21 and - 0.27). The keeping quality of the morning and the evening milk samples (280 C) obtained was respectively 50.48 and 44.70 h for aseptically – drawn milk and 12.87 and 12.04 h for farm pooled milk samples respectively. The correlation coefficient between SPC and keeping quality of farm pooled milk samples was significant (- 0.46) for morning sample while that of evening milk was not significant (+ 0.28). The correlation coefficient between MBRT and keeping quality of farm pooled milk samples was also not significant in both the morning and the evening (+ 0.31 and + 0.13).