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Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur

The history of agricultural education in Kerala can be traced back to the year 1896 when a scheme was evolved in the erstwhile Travancore State to train a few young men in scientific agriculture at the Demonstration Farm, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram, presently, the Cropping Systems Research Centre under Kerala Agricultural University. Agriculture was introduced as an optional subject in the middle school classes in the State in 1922 when an Agricultural Middle School was started at Aluva, Ernakulam District. The popularity and usefulness of this school led to the starting of similar institutions at Kottarakkara and Konni in 1928 and 1931 respectively. Agriculture was later introduced as an optional subject for Intermediate Course in 1953. In 1955, the erstwhile Government of Travancore-Cochin started the Agricultural College and Research Institute at Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram and the College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences at Mannuthy, Thrissur for imparting higher education in agricultural and veterinary sciences, respectively. These institutions were brought under the direct administrative control of the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Animal Husbandry, respectively. With the formation of Kerala State in 1956, these two colleges were affiliated to the University of Kerala. The post-graduate programmes leading to M.Sc. (Ag), M.V.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees were started in 1961, 1962 and 1965 respectively. On the recommendation of the Second National Education Commission (1964-66) headed by Dr. D.S. Kothari, the then Chairman of the University Grants Commission, one Agricultural University in each State was established. The State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) were established in India as an integral part of the National Agricultural Research System to give the much needed impetus to Agriculture Education and Research in the Country. As a result the Kerala Agricultural University (KAU) was established on 24th February 1971 by virtue of the Act 33 of 1971 and started functioning on 1st February 1972. The Kerala Agricultural University is the 15th in the series of the SAUs. In accordance with the provisions of KAU Act of 1971, the Agricultural College and Research Institute at Vellayani, and the College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, were brought under the Kerala Agricultural University. In addition, twenty one agricultural and animal husbandry research stations were also transferred to the KAU for taking up research and extension programmes on various crops, animals, birds, etc. During 2011, Kerala Agricultural University was trifurcated into Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (KVASU), Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies (KUFOS) and Kerala Agricultural University (KAU). Now the University has seven colleges (four Agriculture, one Agricultural Engineering, one Forestry, one Co-operation Banking & Management), six RARSs, seven KVKs, 15 Research Stations and 16 Research and Extension Units under the faculties of Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering and Forestry. In addition, one Academy on Climate Change Adaptation and one Institute of Agricultural Technology offering M.Sc. (Integrated) Climate Change Adaptation and Diploma in Agricultural Sciences respectively are also functioning in Kerala Agricultural University.


Search Results

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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Regional anaesthesia of the hind-limbs in oats using lignocaine hydrochloride
    (Department of Surgery, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 1985) Prahlad, Sapkota; KAU; Raveendran, S
    A study on intravenous regional anaesthesia (IVRA) of the hind – limbs was conducted in 18 bucks, weighing 15 to 25 kg body – weight (in four groups). Lignocaine hydrochloride 2% colution was used as the anaesthetic. Four dose levels viz., 4 – 5 mg; 5 - 6 mg; 6 – 7 mg and 7 – 9 mg/kg body – weight were employed. A tourniquet was applied around the limb above the stifle joint. After a 10 min period of pre – injection tourniquet ischaemic, the anaesthetic was administered through saphenous vein following exsanguination. Anaesthetic effect was ascertained by pin – pricking and pinching the interdigital space. In nine animals the effect of IVRA on wound healing was studies. The onset and duration of anaesthesia and the time for waning away of anaesthesia were also recorded. Onset of anaesthesia was noticed in 2.50 + 0.84; 2.0 + 0.82; 2.86 + 1.34 and 2.43 + 1.40 min. Duration of anaesthesia in the four groups was 25.0 + 7.77; 24.86 + 3.80 ; 21.43 + 6.08 and 30.71 + 4.92 min respectively including a short duration after the release of tourniquet. The complete disappearance of anaesthetic effect was noticed by 6.17 + 4.54; 4.28 + 1.38 ; 5.43 + 2.07 and 3.86 + 1.21 min after the release of tourniquet. The anaesthetic effects were first apparent at the phalangeal region and progressed gradually upwards to the level of tourniquet and waned away in the reverse order. The healing of wound was uneventful and the histological study revealed that there was no variation in the healing process between the experimental and control groups.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Chloral hydrate for general annaesthesia in goats
    (Department of Surgery, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences,Mannuthy, 1981) Viswanathan, R; KAU; George, P O
    Thirtysix apparently healthy alpins – malabari cross- bred bucks aged from 17 to 30 months and weighing from 22 to 39.5 kg were used for the present study. They were divided into two groups viz., Group I and II, consisting of 18 animals in each. Each of these groups was further divided into three subgroups viz. A, B and C, consisting of six animals in each. Freshly prepared chloral hydrate six per cent solution was administered intravenously at the rate of 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 ml per kg bodyweight, while triflupromazine hydrochloride (Siquil) at the rate of 0.2 mg per kg bodyweight was also administered intravenously as the premedicant , in group II. Following were the salient results obtained during the present study: When the dose of chloral hydrate was increased, 1) Disappearance of palpebral reflex was quicker and duration was longer, 2) Setting in of incoordination of movements was quicker and the time for assuming the normal gait was longer and 3) Recumbency was seen only in higher doses. Administration of triflupromazine hydrochloride (siquil) as premedicant , increased the efficiency of anaesthetic effect in these animals. Temperature variation consequent on the administration of chloral hydrate, with and without premedication , was not significant the variation being less than 10 P. There was an increase in the rate of respiration and pulse within five minutes of administration of the drug (s), which showed a gradual downward trend. There was reduction in the erythrocyte count, haemoglobin and packed cell volume, while there was slight increase in the leucocyte count. On the basis of the present study, intravenous administration of chloral hydrate, six per cent solution, at the rate of two ml per kg bodyweight, may be recommended in goats, for surgical procedures of about half an hour durations. Premedication with triflupromazine hydrochloride at the rate of 0.2 mg per kg bodyweight would give better results.,
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Experimental studies on rumeno-rectal fistula in calves
    (Department of Surgery, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 1980) Sumangala, M; KAU; Muraleedharan Nair, K N
    Chronic tympany of the rumen is common in cattle. Rumen fistulation has been reported to be successful in the treatment of chronic tympany. Left side external fistulation of rumen has been adopted by many workers. But this was accompanied by seepage of rumen contents and soiling of the flank. While screening the available literature, no reports on an internal rumen fistulation could be found. The effects of rumeno – rectal fistula in experimental calves were studied in the present work. The study was conducted on 12 male calves in two groups , each group consisting of six calves. In the animals of Group – I , laparotomy was performed on the right flank and the right dorsal sac of rumen was anastomosed to the anterior part of the rectum. In the animals of Group II, laparotomy was performed on the left flank and the left dorsal sac of rumen was anastomosed to the anterior part of the rectum. The PH of the rumen contents and the rectal washings, presence of rumen protozoa in the rectal contents, haemoglobin content, packed cell volume, total and differential leucocyte count, nature of dung and the body weight were noted before fistulation and at regular intervals after fistulation. The animals were kept under observation for a period upto 100 days. Closure of the fistula was performed 60 days after fistulation, in two calves, one from each group. The details as described above were noted in these animals also after closure of the fistula. The PH of rectal contents before surgery ranged from 7.3 to 7.5. From the second day after surgery, it ranged between 7.0 and 7.2 in both the groups. The erythrocyte count and haemoglobin content showed a progressive reduction in eight animals and packed cell volume showed a reduction in 10 animals. The variation in the total and differential leukocyte counts were within normal limits. Rumen protozoans were present in the rectal contents from the second day after surgery. Loss of body weight was noticed in all the six animals of Group –I, whereas an increase in body weight was noticed in four animals of Group – II. The feeding habits of the calves were normal. Dung was loose in consistency from the second day after surgery and it contained more fluid soon after drinking water. One animal of Group – I died on the 46th post – operative day, and another one was sacrificed on the 53rd post-operative day. Surgical closure of the fistula was performed in two animals, one from each group. All other animals were sacrificed between 60th and 100th post-operative day. At autopsy omental adhesions were noticed at the site of anastomosis in six calves. The fistula was patent and had a diameter of about 2 cm in 11 animals. Rumen contents were present in the rectum. The site of anastomosis was hard to touch and no other abnormalities could be detected in the rumen and rectum. Complete encapsulation of sutures at the site of anastomosis was noticed in four calves. The healing at the site of anastomosis was complete in all the animals. In the two calves in which closure of the fistula was performed, the healing was uneventful and there was progressive improvement in haemogram values and body weight. It is concluded that functional rumeno – rectal fistula could be established in calves and that it did not cause any untoward clinical manifestations. There was escape of rumen contents through the fistula to the rectum. Surgical closure of the fistula could also be done successfully.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Influence of glyceryl guaiacol ether on anaesthesia in goats
    (Department of Surgery, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 1986) Balagopalan, T P; KAU; Muraleedharan Nayar, K N
    The present study was undertaken with the object of finding out the influence of GGE and its combinations on anaesthesia in goats. Eighteen apparently healthy cross – bred male kids, aged 5 – 9 months, weighing 11 – 16 kg were used for the study in three groups of six animals each. GGE, five per cent solution alone at the rate of 100 mg/kg was administered intravenously in group A. Triflupromazine hydrochloride at the rate of 0.2 mg/kg and GGE solution at the rate of 100 mg/kg were administered in group B. Triflupromazine hydrochloride, GGE and five per cent Thiopentone sodium solutions were administered in group C. An average of 28.00 + 0.10 ml GGE solution was administered in group A, 0.12 + 0.003 ml Triflupromazine hydrochloride followed by 24.33 + 0.67 ml GGE solution in group B and 0.12 + 0.003 ml Triflupromazine hydrochloride, 28.83 + 0.54 ml GGE and 2.97 + 0.19 ml Thiopentone sodium solutions were administered in group C. There were no untoward symptoms at the time of administration of the drugs. The induction time was 3.42 + 0.20 min. in group A, 2.08 + 0.08 min. in group B and 2.40 + 0.24 min. in group C. The induction was smooth in all the groups. On induction pedal, corneal, cutaneous and palpebral reflexes disappeared in all the groups, while palpebral reflex alone persisted in group A. Dilation of pupil with complete relaxation of jaws, anus, penis and abdomen was noticed in all the animals as the anaesthetic effect deepened. Flaccidity of tail was pronounced in group C. All the animals were found to be weak and dull and did not take feed and water upto 12 hours in group A and upto 24 hours in group B and C. They were apparently normal by 24, 36 and 60 hours in group A, B and C respectively. Reduction in rectal temperature was noted in all the groups. Initial reduction followed by an increase in heart rate was seen in group B and C. In group A there was increase in heart rate from the beginning. Tachycardia was observed at the time of recovery in all the groups. The variations in respiration rate were within the normal limits. The duration of anaesthesia was 28.83 + 2.27 min., 44.83 + 1.74 min. and 52.60 + 3.57 min. in group A, B and C respectively. The period of recovery was 18.00 + 0.89 min., 17.33 + 1.05 min. and 34.40 + 1.69 min. in group A, B and C respectively. Recovery was smooth and uneventful. There was a significant fall in the blood pressure (systolic, diastolic and mean arterial pressure) in all the groups, but pulse pressure showed marginal variation. Variations in central venous pressure was not significant. The electrocardiogram revealed a depression of S – T segment in all the groups and depression of P wave in group B and C. Tachycardia was seen at recovery. There was reduction in total erythrocyte count while the leukocyte count showed an initial decrease followed by an increase at 24 hours. The lymphocyte count decreased and the neutrophil count increased. Variation in the eosinophil and monocyte count was not significant. A reduction in the haemoglobin content and packed cell volume was observed in all the groups. The erythrocyte sedimentation was observed in all the groups. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate showed an increase during anaesthesia. Significant increase in blood glucose was noticed in all the groups during anaesthesia and the serum protein values decreased. The serum sodium values showed marginal variations but the serum potassium values showed decrease upto 120 min. There was an increase in the serum chloride values followed by a decrease in all the groups. In all the three groups of animals, variation in serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase level was within normal limits. Gross lesions were not seen in any of the animals sacrificed on 4th or 10th day. But microscopic examination, early degenerative changes were noticed in the liver and kidney of all the animals sacrificed on the 4th day. Evidence of regeneration could be observed by the 10th day.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Tracheal reconstruction in dogs under acepromazine - thiopental anaesthesia
    (Department of Surgery, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 1995) Angamuthu, Jayasudha; KAU; Ravindran Nayar, S
    The experiment was conducted on twelve, apparently healthy, adult, nondescript dogs of either sex, divided into two groups, viz., Group 1 and Group 11, each consisting of six animals. Circumferential resection of two adjacent tracheal rings of the cervical trachea was performed and the trachea was reconstructed by end – to – end anastomosis in the animals of Group 1 and with Marlex mesh prosthesis in the animals of Group 11. All the animals were premedicated with acepromazine maleate IM, and anaesthesia was induced by 2.5 per cent solution of thiopentone sodium IV. Induction of anaesthesia was complete by 3.26 + 0.10 minutes, duration of surgical anaesthesia was 65.00 + 3.29 minutes and time for recovery was 192.91 + 13.68 minutes. Variation in the physiological and haematological parameters during anaesthesia were not significant. In Group 1, all the animals had normal respiratory function throughout the period of observation, following surgery. In Group 11, all the animals, except one, developed severe complications and died within one to four weeks postoperatively. Only one dog survived in this group and was sacrificed on the 45th postoperative day. During the postoperative period, the rectal temperature did not show marked variations in both the groups. The pulse and respiration rates showed an initial increase in Group 1. However in Group 11, marked decrease in pulse rate and increase in respiration rate was noticed. Hemogram on the different postoperative days showed an increase in the total leucocyte count in both the groups, and increase in monocyte and eosinophil count in Group 11. Radiography on different postoperative days in Group 1 demonstrated that there was no reduction in the size of the tracheal lumen at the site of anastomosis in five of the six animals. In Group 11, radiography revealed a progressive reduction in the size of the tracheal lumen at the site of reconstruction in four animals, and only slight reduction in one dog on the 45th postoperative day. At autopsy, gross examination of the trachea at the site of anastomosis in Group 1 showed mild to moderate adhesions to the adjacent tissue and there was no reduction in the size of the tracheal lumen in five of the six dogs of this group. In animals of Group 11, dense adhesion between the site of reconstruction and adjacent tissue was observed. The mesh was fully incorporated at the site of reconstruction in five of the six animals. One animal had shown anastomotic dehiscence. Almost complete occlusion of the trachea by overgrowth of tissue was observed in four animals and slight reduction in the tracheal lumen in one animal. Histopathology at the site of anastomosis in Group 1 revealed complete healing of all the layers of the trachea by the 30th postoperative day. In Group 11, tracheal stenosis was associated with ingrowth of granulation tissue in four animals. The mesh was infiltrated by fibrous tissue in five of the six animals. Epithelium was seen lining the prosthesis on the 45th postoperative day.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Comparison of crushing and modified gambee techniques for intestinal anastomosis in dogs under xylazine anaesthesia
    (Department of Surgery, College of Veterinary and Animal Science, Mannuthy, 1995) Venkatesan, C; KAU; Abraham Varkey, C
    The study was conducted on 12 apparently healthy, adult mongrel dogs of either sex, dived in to two groups viz, group I and group II, each consisting of 6 dogs. All the animals were pre-mediacated with diazepam at the rate of 1 mg/kg bodyweight intravenous and anaesthetized with intramascular administration of xylazine hydrochloride at the rate of 2 mg/kg bodyweight. In the animals of group I and to end intestinal anaestomosis was performed with crushing pattern of suturing and in the animals of group II end to end intestinal anastomosis was performed with modified Gambee pattern of suturing. The anesthetic technique was satisfactory for the surgical procedure in all the animals . The induction tome for anaesthesia was 15.50 + 1.00 minutes. THe anaesthetic effect persisted for about 48.25-1.10 minutes. The abdominal muscle relaxation and analgesic effect were found satisfactory. The recovery period was 30.00 + 1.50 minutes and was smooth and uneventful. The time required to perform anastomosis using crushing and modified gambee techniques were 26.30 + 1.40 and 35.70 + 0.87 respectively. The average number of sutures used in both techniques were 15. In both groups, animals well tolerated food in the immediate post-operative days. However, one animal in group I and three animals from group II, had vomition immediately after consumption of milk at 12 hours post – operatively. Physiological and haemotological parameters did not reveal any significant variation. In both the groups , post operative lateral and ventrodorsal radiographs showed free passage of contrast medium (Barium Sulphate) upto the terminal colon. There was no evidence of anastomotic leakage and proximal distension in both the groups. Autopsy findings revealed that all the animals had adhesion at the anastomotic site with omentum. Adhesion to adjacent intestinal serosal surface were observed in one animal in each group . Gross evaluation of the adominal cavity revealed a low-grade peritonitis in one animal of group I on 3rd post surgical day. The Luminal stenosis of the anastomotic site revealed, maximum luminal stenosis (47.83%) at 7th post –operative days and minimum (21.74%) at 28th day following crushing pattern. In modified Gambee pattern, the maximum luminal stenosis (42.85%) was noticed at 5th and 7th post –operative days and minimum stenosis (7.32%) at 28th day. The luminal stenosis did not produce any clinical symptom in any of the dogs in both the groups. Angiograms of early post – operative day (5th day) showed diffused, avascular zone at the anastomotic site in both the techniques. Eventhourgh, there was commencement of proliferation of vessels and its invasion into anastomotic site by 14th day in the crushing anastomosis, normal vascularity and its crossing over could not be observed till 28th day, where as the modified gambee anastomosis showed proliferation and crossing over of fine arterioles by 28th day. Histological examination demonstrated that in crushing anastomosis comparatively moderate inflammatory reaction with predominance of mononuclears and few polymorphs on the 3rd day, but from 14th day there was only mild inflammatory reaction which which persisted upto 28th day. In modified Gambee technique, only mild reaction was seen on the early post opestive days and it subsided by 21st day. Rapid regeneration of epithelium was noticed in the modified Gambee (7th day) than the crushing technique. On the 28th day, in both the techniques all layers appeared in good apposition with proliferation of connective tissue on the muscular, subserosal and submucosal layers.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on epidural anaesthesia in goats
    (Department of Surgery, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 1981) Sarada Amma, T; KAU; George, P B
    The present study was under taken with the object of finding out the effects of epidural administration of varying doses of lidocaine hydrocaine hydrochloride two per cent solution with and without the addition of hyaluronidase in goates. Epidural injection was given at the lumbosacral site using the Brooks’ epidural needle directed perpendicularly downwards. Thirty – six apparently healthy Alpine – Malabari crossbred bucks aged six to fifteen months and weighing seven to twenty – two kilograms were used for the study. The animals were divided into two groups viz., Group 1 and Group 11, each consisting of 18 animals. In Group 1, lidocaine hydrochloride at the rate of 4 mg, 8 mg and 16 mg/kg body – weight was administered as two per cent solution in three Subgroups each consisting of six animals. Similarly in Group 11, lidocaine hydrochloride was administered as two per cent solution along with hyaluronidase (150 I.U./100 ml of lidocaine hydrochloride solution) in three Subgroup each consisting of six animals. Significant positive correlation was noticed between the depth of insertion of the epidural needle and body – weight of the animals. When the dose of lidocaine hydrochloride was increased, there was proportionate decrease in the time of onset and increase in the duration of anaesthesia. In the same dose level when hyaluronidase was added there was further reduction in the time of onset, but the duration of anaesthesia was decreased. On statistical analysis of the data, no significant difference could be seen between 1) the time of onset of flaccidity of tail and relaxation of anal sphincter 2) the duration of flaccidity of tail and relaxation of anal sphincter and 3) the time taken for assuming sternal recumbency and complete relaxation of the muscles of hind – limbs. At a dose of 4 mg/kg body – weight in both the groups, the extent of analgesia was found to be the same, irrespective of addition of hyaluronidase. At higher doses (8 mg and 16 mg/kg body – weight), the extent of analgesia was found to be more. But when hyaluronidase was added, the extent of analgesia was still further increased. ‘Dog sitting posture’ was observed during the onset of anaesthesia only at a dose of 4 mg/kg body – weight. The animals got up only when flaccidity of tail and relaxation of anal sphincter disappeared. At the dose of 4 mg and 8 mg/kg body – weight there were no untoward reactions. But at the dose of 16 mg/kg body – weight lacrimation, salivation, protrusion of tongue, locked jaw, stiffness of head and neck, pedalling movements with the fore – limbs, opisthotonos and dyspnoea were observed in some of the animals during the onset of anaesthesia. Recovery phase was uneventful in all the animals, at all the dose levels. Transient unilateral or bilateral hind – leg lameness, dullness and anorexia were noticed in some of the animals as a post – anaesthetic complication. Epidural injection of lidocaine hydrochloride, two per cent solution at the rate of 4 mg/kg body – weight is recommended for surgical operations of the hind – quarters and inguinal region, while 8 mg/kg body – weight is recommended for operations on the flank region. Hyaluronidase may be added for getting quicker onset and greater extent of analgesia.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Experimently induced torsion of spleen and its treatment in canines
    (Department of Surgery, College of Veterinary and Animal Science, Mannuthy, 1988) Mohindar Sing, Bhadwal; KAU; Jalaluddin, Am
    Eighteen apparently healthy dogs of either sex, aged one to five years and weighing 10-15 kg were used for the study. All the dogs were dewormed and examined for the presence of blood parasites if any. They were housed separately in cages under identical conditions of feeding and management and kept under observation for 10 days before the experiments. The animals were divided into two groups as detailed below: Group A: Consisting of six animals numbered serially, viz. A(1), A(2), A(3), A(4), A(5) and A(6) and Group B: Consisting of 12 animals divided into two subgroups of six animals each and numbered serially, viz. B1(1), B1(2), B1(3), B1(4), B1(5) and B1(6) and B2(1), B2(2), B2(3), B2(4), B2(5) and B2(6). In the animals of group A, laparotomy was performed and torsion of the spleen was brought about. The observations made in this group served (i) to assess the clinic-pathological changes and (ii) to arrive at appropriate time for the commencement of treatment in group B. In the animals of group B, effectiveness of treatment, following experimently induced torsion of the spleen was studied. In the subgroup B1, detorsion of the spleen was done while in subgroup B2, splenectomy was performed. The animals became dull and recumbent by six hours after experimentally induced torsion of the spleen and remained recumbent till death. The mucous membrane was pale and the capillary refilling time was prolonged. A significant increase in the heart rate, band cell count and serum potassium and a significant decrease in blood pressure, central venous pressure, lymphocyte count and eosinophil count was observed by the ninth hour after torsion. It could be seen that the period from sixth to the ninth hour after torsion of the spleen would be critical and hence the appropriate time to commence the treatment was fixed at six hours after torsion. In group B, where effectiveness of the treatment was studied, only one animal survived after detorsion in subgroup B1 whereas all the animals survived after splenectomy in sub group B2. In subgroup B1, after detorsion most of the animals were recumbent, the extremities were cold and they did not take food and water, whereas in subgroup B2, after splenectomy all the animals were able to stand and they took food and water. The heart rate showed a decreasing trend in both the subgroups. Blood pressure showed a decrease at sixth hour followed by an increase in both the subgroups. Central venous pressure showed an increase at sixth hour followed by a decrease upto 18 hous and then an increase at 24 hours in subgroup B1, whereas in subgroup B2, it increased gradually. Packed cell volume and haemoglobin content decreased in both the subgroups. The serum potassium level remained high in both the subgroups.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Treatment of fracture of tibia in calves and its radiographic evaluation
    (Department of Surgery, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 1981) Ayyappan, K R; KAU; George, P O
    The present study was conducted on 16 apparently healthy cross – bred bull calves aged from six to nine months and weighing 38 to 75 kg. They were divided into two groups, viz: Group 1 consisting of six animals; and Group 11 consisting of 10 animals. Under chloral nacrosis and epidural anaesthesia, fracture of tibia was created either on the middle or at the lower third after incising the skin medially and sawing the tibia with a wire saw. In Group 1, the skin wound was sutured, fracture reduced and plaster cast applied. Enteromycetin was administered intramuscularly. None of the animals could bear weight on the fractured limb. Wound infection and abscess formation was apparent. Though reduction was proper initially, the fragments showed displacement later. Subsequent radiographs did not show any progressive osteogenic reaction and in none of the animals clinical union was noticed. In Group 11, Kuentscher Cloverleaf nail was directed into the medullary canal with the help of the guide wire and was anchored into the distal fragment. The wound was sutured and plaster of paris cast was applied as an additional support. Excepting two animals, the rest could bear weight by the 10th to 30th day. Streptopenicillin or Munomycin was first administered. This was later followed by a course of Chloramphaenicol after sensitivity test of the pus. Periosteal proliferation was apparent on either fragments by third to fifth week which became more prominent by the fifth to sixth week. Lipping of the fracture edges, obliteration of the fracture line and the formation of the callus were observed by the seventh to eighth week. Later, organisation of the callus took place. Of the ten cases, clinical union had taken place in six animals as evidenced by the dense callus in radiographs. In other cases extension of the local infection into the medullary canal had resulted in non – union of fracture even though osteogenic reaction was in progress inspite of the infection. From the results of the present study it is seen that, (1) Internal fixation using Kuentscher Cloverleaf nail supported by plaster cast and administration of antibiotics would be a satisfactory technique, and (2) reduction followed by immobilisation with plaster cast alone will not be satisfactory in the treatment of tibial fractures in calves.