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Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur

The history of agricultural education in Kerala can be traced back to the year 1896 when a scheme was evolved in the erstwhile Travancore State to train a few young men in scientific agriculture at the Demonstration Farm, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram, presently, the Cropping Systems Research Centre under Kerala Agricultural University. Agriculture was introduced as an optional subject in the middle school classes in the State in 1922 when an Agricultural Middle School was started at Aluva, Ernakulam District. The popularity and usefulness of this school led to the starting of similar institutions at Kottarakkara and Konni in 1928 and 1931 respectively. Agriculture was later introduced as an optional subject for Intermediate Course in 1953. In 1955, the erstwhile Government of Travancore-Cochin started the Agricultural College and Research Institute at Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram and the College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences at Mannuthy, Thrissur for imparting higher education in agricultural and veterinary sciences, respectively. These institutions were brought under the direct administrative control of the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Animal Husbandry, respectively. With the formation of Kerala State in 1956, these two colleges were affiliated to the University of Kerala. The post-graduate programmes leading to M.Sc. (Ag), M.V.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees were started in 1961, 1962 and 1965 respectively. On the recommendation of the Second National Education Commission (1964-66) headed by Dr. D.S. Kothari, the then Chairman of the University Grants Commission, one Agricultural University in each State was established. The State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) were established in India as an integral part of the National Agricultural Research System to give the much needed impetus to Agriculture Education and Research in the Country. As a result the Kerala Agricultural University (KAU) was established on 24th February 1971 by virtue of the Act 33 of 1971 and started functioning on 1st February 1972. The Kerala Agricultural University is the 15th in the series of the SAUs. In accordance with the provisions of KAU Act of 1971, the Agricultural College and Research Institute at Vellayani, and the College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, were brought under the Kerala Agricultural University. In addition, twenty one agricultural and animal husbandry research stations were also transferred to the KAU for taking up research and extension programmes on various crops, animals, birds, etc. During 2011, Kerala Agricultural University was trifurcated into Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (KVASU), Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies (KUFOS) and Kerala Agricultural University (KAU). Now the University has seven colleges (four Agriculture, one Agricultural Engineering, one Forestry, one Co-operation Banking & Management), six RARSs, seven KVKs, 15 Research Stations and 16 Research and Extension Units under the faculties of Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering and Forestry. In addition, one Academy on Climate Change Adaptation and one Institute of Agricultural Technology offering M.Sc. (Integrated) Climate Change Adaptation and Diploma in Agricultural Sciences respectively are also functioning in Kerala Agricultural University.


Search Results

Now showing 1 - 9 of 13
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Physiological aspects of ex vitro establishment of tissue cultured orchid plantlets
    (Department Of Plant physiology, College Of Agriculture, Vellayani, 2000) Samasya, K S; KAU; Viji, M M
    The present investigation was undertaken to elicit information on the physiological, morphological, biochemical, biometric and anatomical changes during in vitro propagule multiplication and ex vitro establishment in tissue cultured plantlets of orchids. Dendrobium hybrid Sonia 17 was the variety used for the study. The rooting media was supplemented with different levels of sucrose. At the time of planting the plantlets were subjected to triazole treatment. During the process of hardening the plantlets were maintained in hardening chambers with different levels of light and humidity. Among growth parameters the crop growth rate (CGR), net assimilation rate (NAR) and relative growth rate (RGR) were found to be high at 40 gIl of sucrose concentration. The CGR of these plantlets were on par with normal green house grown plantlets. The photosynthetic rate was found to increase and the transpiration rate was found to decrease at 40 gIl of sucrose . concentration. The maximum survival percentage of the in vitro plantlets occur when 40 g11 of sucrose incorporated in the rooting medium. This may be attributed to the influence of the sucrose concentration on morphological characters studied viz. plant height, number of leaves per shoot and number of roots per shoot. With regard to photosynthetic pigments an increase in the content of total chlorophyll, chlorophyll a chlorophyll b and carotenoids occurred in plantlets treated with 40 g/1 of sucrose. Also the protein content and carbohydrate content was maximum at the above sucrose level. The leaf area, root length, total fresh weight and dry weight of the plantIets maintained at 40 gIl of sucrose level were higher than other treatments. These effects ultimately lead to better survival percentage. Triazole treatment of plantIets during planting out helped in better survival percentage. With regard to the growth parameters the effect was distinct towards the later stage of growth. CG~ NAR and RGR were maximum on the triazole treated (5 mgll) plantIets and was comparable to normal green house grown plants. There was marked increase in the photosynthetic rate and decrease in transpiration rate of plantIets treated with 5 mgll of triazole. However the photosynthetic rate of normal green house grown plants were much more than the tissue cultured plantIets. Regarding morphological characters, increasing concentration of triazole had negative influence on plant height. However plant height of normal green house grown plants were distinctively higher than tissue cultured plantIets. With regard to number of leaves per shoot, triazole treatment showed significant effect only after 30 days of planting out, whereas the number of roots per shoot was very much influenced by triazole. The maximum number of roots was produced at 5mgll of triazole treatment and these effects in turn influenced higher survival percentage of plantIets. ------....- ....- ~ - - - ----- Regarding the biochemical aspects total chlorophyll, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoids contents of plantlets treated with triazole (5 mg/l) were higher and found to be on par with that of green house grown normal plants towards the later stage. The protein content was also positively influenced by triazole treatment (5 mgll) and the value was comparable to that of normal plantlets. In the case of carbohydrate content the treatment becomes statistically significant and the normal green house grown plants exhibited distinctively higher value. The plantlets treated with 5 mgll of triazole were found to have higher leaf area, root length, root: shoot ratio, total fresh weight and dry weight than other treatments. However the root shoot ratio and total fresh weight of treated plantlets were on par with the normal green house grown plants towards the later stage viz, 45DAP. The physiological, morphological, biochemical and biometric characters of the plantlets were also found to be influenced by different levels of light intensity and humidity maintained in the hardening chamber. Among the different treatments, plantlets grown at 50 percent light intensity and 70 to 90 percent relative humidity exhibited higher CG~ NAR and RGR. Also these plantlets exhibited a marked increase in photosynthetic rate and decrease in transpiration rate. However CGR and NAR of green house grown normal plants were distinctively higher during the later period. However the normal plants had distinctively higher CG~ RGR and photosynthetic and very less transpiration rate than other treatments. The plantlets grown under 50 percent light intensity and 70 to 90 percent humidity produced maximum plant height, number of leaves and number of roots per shoot. The survival percent of the tissue cultured plantlets in the field condition (green house) was found to be superior under appropriate environment of light and humidity (50 percent light intensity and 70 to 90 percent relative humidity) There was not much significant difference among the treatments of light and humidity in the case of pigment content. However the plantlets grown in the hardening chamber maintained at 50 percent light intensity and 70 to 90 percent of relative humidity recorded maximum value of total chlorophyll, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoids among treatments and the normal green house grown plants exhibited distinctively higher pigment content. The normal plantlets recorded marked increase in protein content and carbohydrate content than the tissue cultured plantlets. In the present study, an environment of 50 percent light intensity and 70 to 90 percent relative humidity was found to be superior and could favour enhanced leaf area, total fresh weight, total dry weight and root length of plantlets which ultimately resulted in better survival percentage. The in vitro plantlets observed to have anatomical characters as compared to the normal green house grown plants and hardened plantlets. The stomata remained open and less number of stomata per unit area of leaf was observed as the in vitro leaves were concerned. Another peculiarity of the in vitro plantlets was the absence of cuticle layer. The mesophyll layers were also found to be less compared to normal plantlets. These anatomical characters were one of the severe limitations of the micropropagated orchid plantlets during ex vitro establishment which ultimately resulted in high rate of field mortality.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Influence of host plants and soil moisture stress on the water relations in sandal
    (Department of Tree Physiology and Breeding, College of Forestry,Vell, 2006) Dhaniklal, G; KAU; Asokan, P K
    The influence of host plants and soil moisture stress on water relations in sandal was investigated in a pot culture experiment at College of Forestry, Kerala Agricultural University, Vellanikkara. Five host plants, Divi divi (Caesalpinia coriaria Jacq.), Casurina (Casuarina equisetifolia J.R & H.G. Forst), Pongamia (Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre), Lantana (Lantana camara L.) and Erythrina (Erythrina indica Lamk.) were selected for this study. The results showed that Sandal seedlings with and without host showed similar height increment, except when erythrina was the host. The host plant had no influence on most of the growth parameters of sandal seedlings. The collar diameter of sandal seedlings with and without host was on par during the early seedling stage and by the end of the experimental period it showed a significant difference. There was no significant difference in the number of leaves, leaf area and root length of sandal with different hosts. Haustorial connections were not recorded even after the experimental period. Sandal seedlings with Erythrina indica as host decreased the pre dawn water potential. Water stress decreased the seedling height, collar diameter, number of leaves, leaf area, shoot dry weight and total dry weight of sandal seedlings. Fully irrigating the pots once in three days resulted in better growth of sandal seedlings as compared to irrigation once in six days. Water stress increased the root length and root dry weight. Root length was found to be more for sandal seedlings which were irrigated once in six days compared to that, irrigated once in three days. Water stress decreased leaf area of sandal seedlings. Transpiration rate at 14:00 hrs was found to be more than that of transpiration at 8:00 hrs. Transpiration rate decreased with increase in soil moisture stress. Pre dawn water potential was lower for sandal seedlings irrigated once in six days compared to that irrigated once in three days. As the haustorial connections were not observed even after 270 days after planting it can be concluded that the difference in the seedling growth parameters of sandal with some of the hosts is due to the above and below ground competition for sun light, water and nutrients.
  • ThesisItemUnknown
    Studies on the physiological and biochemical changes in relation to reproductive efficiency in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
    (Division of Plant Physiology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, 1981) Seshadrinath, S; KAU; Sabra Abbas
    The average yield of chickpea in India is as low as 700 kg/ha. One of the major causes for this low yield can be attributed to the low reproductive efficiency. The cause for low reproductive efficiency is mainly due to heavy shedding of reproductive structures. The present investigations were, therefore, initiated with the following objectives: 1) To study the genetic variability and diversity with reference to the flowering behaviour and shedding of flowers during the reproductive stage in order to evaluate the peak periods of flowering, shedding percentage and reproductive efficiency.
  • ThesisItemUnknown
    Physiological and biochemical basis of degeneration in Root (Wilt) affected coconut palm
    (Department of Agricultural Botany, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 1983) Sheela Cherian; KAU; Abraham, A T
    Several studies on the physiological and biochemical aspect of the root (wilt) disease have been carried out and conclusions have been drawn. A recent study comprising o f the estimation of protein non protein amino acids and cytokinin from the leaf, root and developing nut o f healthy# apparently healthy and root (wilt) affected coconut palm was carried out in tills, laboratory (unpublished). The chlorophyll content of leaves was also estimated. The present study comprised o f estimation o f gibberellin s and abscissic acid from the leaf# root and nut of healthy apparently healthy and five different intensities of root (wilt) affected coconut palms. The results of the biochemical analysis show that in the root (wilt) affected coconut palms there are alterations or deviations in normal metabolic activities from that o f healthy palms. Earlier work done has shown a reduction in cytokinin content in the root(wilt) affected palm in addition to protein and chlorophyll content. The present study has revealed a deficiency of gibberellins another important growth regulator and an accumulation of the growth inhibitor abscissic acid in the root(wilt) affected palms. The site s of synthesis and / interconversion o f gibberellins are damaged together with the impairment o f the translocation system. Increased respiration lowered CO2 fixation and severe damage o f the shoot system in the later stages are in brief the in tern al and external expressions o f the root (wilt) syndrome. Thus the shoot and root system which are interdependant are unable to function in harmony leading to a failure in their growth and development. An accumulation of ABA along with a reduction in gibberellin level might be the reason for the stunting syndrome seen in root(wilt) affected palms.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Physiological, anatomical and molecular analysis of coconut palms (Cocos nucifera L.) affected with yellowing.
    (Department of Plant Physiology,College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 2011) Deepa, S; KAU; Manju, R V
    Kerala the ‘Land of coconut’ occupies first position in area and production of coconut in India but the productivity is below the national average. This is because of unproductive and senile palms, lack of adaptation of recommended cultivation practises and serious incidence of pests and diseases. The root (wilt), an endemic disease of Kerala causes an annual loss of 968 million nuts. Recently another type of yellowing characterised by mid whorl yellowing shedding of immature nuts and drying of inflorescence without showing characteristic ribbing symptom is rapidly spreading in many parts of Kerala. There is no research report available in this emerging problem in the coconut growing tracts of Kerala. Since there is rampant spreading of yellowing to other coconut cultivated areas causing a serious reduction in nut yield, this problem demands immediate attention. Hence an experiment was conducted in the Department of Plant Physiology, College of Agriculture, Vellyani to generate the basic information on the causative agents and on the changes of physiological, molecular and anatomical realms of coconut affected by mid whorl yellowing. A wide variation was observed in the physiological parameters like total pigments, relative water content, carbohydrate fractions, proteins, phenols and antioxidants betweenpalms with yellowing and control palms. The palms with yellowing showed a significant reduction in the total chlorophyll, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoid content when compared to the healthy palm. Relative water content was lower for all the palms with yellowing compared to the control palm and the healthy palms were maintaining a better water status and membrane integrity. All the selected palms with yellowing recorded an accumulation of reducing sugars compared to the healthy palms. The trend was similar for starch content except for palms with general yellowing. The control palms recorded maximum protein content compared to other palms with yellowing. A significant increase in the phenolic compounds was observed in palms with yellowing compared to the healthy palms. This results point to an activated defense system. The 14th leaf starting from the first fully opened one is the most widely used leaf for nutrient analysis as recommended by the IRHO. (Fremond et al., 1966).The 14th leaf data from the control palms and palms with different types of yellowing were analysed. The data showed that there were significant reductions in the levels of major nutrient nitrogen, phosphorus and also in the levels of magnesium and the micronutrient manganese in case of palms showing mid whorl yellowing compared to the control palm. But significantly higher levels of accumulation were found in case of potassium, calcium, iron and copper. These variations in the nutrient levels can have an influence on symptom development in coconut palms. The maximum yield was recorded for the control palm. Chlorophyll degradation and loss of structural integrity were evident from the anatomical studies of leaf tissues in case of palms with yellowing. Vascular browning which extended to the cortex and the vascular disintegration in the roots of affected palms were seen on anatomical analyses. A pure quality DNA was obtained by modified CTAB DNA isolation protocol. Molecular analyses using nested PCR showed that with the phytoplasma specific universal primers P1/P7-R16F2n/R16R2 provided an amplicon ) in the positive control and palms with inner and middle whorl yellowing and the primers R16mF2 /R16mR1 -R16F2n/ R16R2 provided an amplicon for the positive control and palms with inner, middle and general yellowing. The root (wilt) phytoplasma specific semi- nested primers IF7/7R3- IF7/7R2 provided an amplicon of 493 bp only for the positive control and no amplification was seen in any of the selected palms. The control palm and the palms affected with outer whorl yellowing provided no amplification at all for any of the primers tested. Amplification of phytoplasma specific universal primers in palms with mid whorl yellowing indicates that phytoplasma has got a role in development of the specific symptom. This demands immediate attention and extensive studies on the etiology, changes in biochemical profile, anatomy etc. Salient Findings Amplification of phytoplasma specific universal primers in palms with mid whorl yellowing indicates that phytoplasma has got a role in development of the mid whorl yellowing symptom. But in case of the root (wilt) phytoplasma specific primers, there was no amplification in palms with mid whorl yellowing. This suggests that the mid whorl yellowing of coconut palm which is an emerging problem in Kerala may not be associated with the root (wilt) disease. The results of biochemical and physiological analyses of the selected palms clearly indicate an altered primary metabolism, source-sink relation and a complexity in the nutriophysiology. These altered conditions can act as predisposing factors for the development of specific symptoms. The anatomical analyses showed damages of roots in the palms with mid whorl yellowing. They will have internal browning of vascular elements, extending into the cortex and also disintegration of vascular elements. Future line of work Detailed analysis of nutriophysiology, source-sink relation and hormonal profile. Studies on soil factors like nutrient level and water status. Extension of anatomical studies to different type of tissues. Extension of molecular studies into identification of specific phytoplasmal strains associated with mid whorl yellowing of coconut palms. Development of management strategy for the improvement of the field performance and productivity of coconut palms with mid whorl yellowing.
  • ThesisItemUnknown
    Effect of abiotic stress factors on growth and secondary plant metabolism in Withania somnifera (L) Dunal
    (Department of Plant Physiology, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 2006) Lini Jacob; KAU; Manju, R V
    An experiment was conducted in the Department of Plant Physiology, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, to study the effect of abiotic stress factors on growth and secondary plant metabolism in Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal. The study analyzed the effect of abiotic stresses on growth, physiological, biochemical parameters and also withanolide content-the secondary metabolite of this medicinal plant. The abiotic stresses were three levels of light stress at 25%, 50% and 75% shade and three levels of water stress at 25%, 50%, and 75%FC along with control under optimum conditions. The treatments were imposed for a period of 30 days on 5 month old plants. Growth parameters such as plant height, Dry matter production, length of tap root and physiological parameters such as specific leaf area and relative water content were recorded highest in 75% shaded plants. Stomatal conductance was higher in 25% shade condition. Stomatal frequency and stomatal index were higher in control plants. The total chlorophyll, chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b increased under different field capacity levels and recorded the highest value under 25%FC. Stable isotopes discrimination studies showed significant variation among the treatments. 50% shade showed highest value in stable isotopes. Biochemical parameters total soluble protein, starch content, total phenols, ascorbic acid, free amino acids and reducing sugars were recorded from the leaves of the stress imposed plants. The total soluble protein and ascorbic acid were highest in control condition whereas starch recorded maximum under 25 per cent shade condition. Reducing sugar and phenol content showed highest under 75 per cent shade condition. Amino acid was highest under 25 per cent of field capacity. The secondary metabolite were recorded from the stress imposed, sun dried roots of the plants. The secondary metabolite withanolide was estimated spectophotometrically. The withanolide content was high in 75% shade (0.64%) condition after imposing the stress for a period of 30 days. The activity of free radical scavenging enzymes namely peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase were also estimated in the above treatments and was found to be highly active in 75% field capacity level. The water stress at different field capacity levels reduced the growth of the plants while the activities of free radical scavenging enzymes were shown an increase among the treatments. There was a positive relation with the antioxidant enzymes under 75% FC and withanolide content which was reported to have an antioxidant activity. The gene sequence analysis revealed that hmgr in Withania somnifera is having a size of 262 base pairs. Similarity search using BLAST showed that high percent similarity exist in hmgr across many crop plants and important medicinal plants. Expression levels of HMG Reductase were assessed by relative quantitative RT-PCR and there was a maximum expression of hmgr under 75% shade condition followed by 25% shade. The present investigation has shown that exposure to abiotic stress factors invariably leads to better accumulation of secondary metabolites. The differential expression of hmgr can be a crucial factor in deciding the levels of biosynthesis of secondary metabolites in Withania somnifera when exposed to abiotic stress situation. An understanding of this role of abiotic stress factors is of great importance in phytomedicinal enrichment programme.
  • ThesisItemUnknown
    Physiology and secondary metabolite production in genetically transformed brahmi (Bacopa monnieri L. wettst.) with cytokinin synthesizing isopentenyl transferase (ipt) gene
    (Department of Plant Physiology, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 2007) Vighnesha; KAU; Roy Stephen
    An experiment was conducted in the Department of Plant Physiology, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, to overexpress cytokinin synthesizing ipt gene in Bacopa monnieri through Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation and to regenerate the transformed plants through tissue culture for analyzing the influence of overexpression of ipt gene on growth, physiology and secondary metabolite production. The transformation and molecular works were done in Rajiv Gandhi Center for Biotechnology, Trivandrum. Escherichia coli strain JM 109 was transformed independently with pBI B33 ipt and pBI SAG12 ipt. Triparental mating was done using Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain EHA 105, pRK 2013 and recombinant E.coli. Plasmids were isolated from recombinant E.coli and recombinant Agrobacterium cells to confirm the successful transformation of constructs. Both have showed the insertion release when double digested with restriction enzymes EcoRI and HindIII. Pre incubated leaf explants of Bacopa monnieri were co-cultivated with the recombinant Agrobacterium for two days and transferred to regeneration medium containing MS supplemented with 2mgl-1 BA, 15mgl-1 kanamycin and 300mgl-1 cefotaxime. Putative transformants were regenerated from co-cultivated explants when placed on the selection medium containing 15mg/l kanamycin and 300mg/l cefotaxime. Uninfected explants failed to regenerate in presence of kanamycin. Rooting was not found in the MS medium devoid of growth regulators. Sub culturing of shootlets was done in MS medium supplemented with 1ppm GA and 1ppm IAA. Hardening was done to the fully rooted plants and were kept in five replications for further analysis. DNA was isolated from both wild type and transformants. PCR amplification for nptII and ipt gene specific primers showed presence of gene in transformants but not in the wild type. From the selected transformants, RNA was isolated and RT-PCR was done. RT-PCR analysis confirmed the expression of ipt and nptII gene in all the transformants, while there was no expression in the wild type. Expression of constitutively expressed plant gene –actin was used as loading control. Southern hybridization of PCR amplified products gave the evidence for the presence of ipt gene only in transformants but not in wild type. Physiological and biometric observations were performed on both transformants and wild type which served as control over the transformants. Plant height was more in transformants compared to the wild. Both root length and relative water content was more in wild compared to the transformants. Other parameters like number of branches and number of leaves were higher in the transformants than in the wild. Total chlorophyll, chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b were found to increase for first five weeks in all treatments, after that there was a decrease in the total chlorophyll, chlorophyll a and b in wild type but transformants were able to retain higher contents throughout the period of study. Total soluble protein content was higher in the transformants than the wild type. Stomatal frequency showed a significant difference between the treatments. Higher number of stomata was observed in the transgenics compared to the wild type. The distribution of stomata also differed significantly. In wild type the distribution was equal in both upper and lower surface of leaf but in transformants a higher number of stomata were observed at the lower surface than the upper surface. Cytokinin content was estimated using ELISA. There was a significant variation in cytokinin, iPA concentration between wild type and transformants. Transformants had higher cytokinin content than the wild type. The transformant with B33 promoter had more cytokinin content than transformant with SAG promoter. Bacoside, the major secondary metabolite of the plant was estimated by HPLC and its content between the wild type and transformants were found to be on par. In this experiment, the overexpression of ipt gene in bacopa resulted a higher amount of cytokinin in transgenics and hence had higher growth rate, protein and pigment content. Overexpression of ipt may not increase the bacoside content in the bacopa.
  • ThesisItemUnknown
    Effect of abiotic stress on the physiology and andrographolide content in andrographis paniculata nees.
    (Department of Plant Physiology, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 2004) Parthasarathy, V; KAU; Roy Stephen
    An experiment was conducted in the Department of Plant Physiology, College of Agriculture, Vellayani to study the influence of abiotic stress on growth, physiological and biochemical parameters and andrographolide content of the medicinal plant Andrographis paniculata. The abiotic stresses include three levels of light (open, 50% and 75% shade), three levels of salinity (control, 3 and 6 mmhos/cm) and three levels of water stress (100%, 60% and 30% field capacity). The treatments were imposed for a period of 30, 60 and 90 days after planting. Growth parameters of plant height, leaf area, leaf area duration, dry matter production, specific leaf area, net assimilation rate and relative growth rate were recorded in plants from different treatment combinations. The treatments having maximum effect on the andrographolide content were selected from each shade level for the detailed study of various physiological and biochemical parameters. The effect of stress on the level of expression of HMG-CoA reductase was assessed by Relative quantitative RT-PCR. The secondary metabolite andrographolide content was estimated spectrophotometrically. The andrographolide content was high (1.35 %) in open condition at growth stage of 90 days with 6 dsm-1 salinity and water stress of 60 % FC. Based on the andrographolide content, five treatment combinations were selected from each shade level for further analysis. The physiological parameters like chlorophyll content, stomatal conductance, stomatal frequency and membrane stability index were recorded. The biochemical analyses on starch, sugar, amino acids, protein, phenol, and ascorbic acid were recorded from the selected treatment combinations. The activity of oxidative free radical scavenging enzymes namely catalase, peroxidase, superoxide dismutase were also estimated in the above selected treatment. It was seen that on plant height, leaf area, leaf area duration, specific leaf area, net assimilation rate were high in 50% shade condition. The membrane stability was found to follow trend similar in open and 50% shade condition but low in 75% shade condition. The chlorophyll content was found to increase under shade condition. The chlorophyll ‘a’ and total chlorophyll were high in 50% shade and chlorophyll ‘b’ was high in 75% shade condition. The stomatal conductance and frequency were high in open condition and low in 75% shade condition. The starch, reducing sugar, and protein were high in shade condition. The phenol and total free amino acids were high in open condition and low in 75%shade condition. A positive relationship was obtained between phenol and andrographolide content. The antioxidant enzymes, catalase was high in 75% shade condition and low in open condition but the peroxidase and SOD was high in open condition and low in the 75% shade condition. The relationship between phenol and andrographolide content was positive. On the other hand an inverse trend between the sugar, starch and protein content with andrographolide was observed. The water stress and salinity reduce the growth parameters corresponding to the stress levels. The biochemical parameters like starch, sugar, phenol, protein, amino acids showed a reducing trend with increase in the severity while the activity of free radical enzymes showed an increase. There was positive relationship with the catalase activity and andrographolide content. The secondary metabolite under open condition increased under open condition and decreased under the shade condition. From this experiment it was evident that abiotic stress invariably increased the secondary metabolite-andrographolide content, which has reported to have an antioxidant activity. The gene expression was made under 50% shade and there was light inhibition of expression under open condition. The mRNA was found to be reduced under water stress and salinity. It was inferred that the andrographolide accumulation might be corresponding with the activity of plastidic DOXP/MEP pathway.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of growth regulators on the growth and flowering of anthurium (Anthurium andreanum Linden)
    (Department of Plant Physiology, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 2000) Beena, R; KAU; Mercy, S. T
    An investigation on the effect of growth regulators on growth and flowering of Anthurium andreanum Linden was conducted in the Department of Plant Physiology, College of Agriculture, Vellayani during 1998-2000. Mature plants of three varieties of Anthurium andreanum Linden formed the material. The varieties used were Liver Red (L.R.), Ceylon Red (C.R.) and Kalympong Orange (K.O.). Three growth regulators namely Gibberellic Acid (GA), Tri Iodo Benzoic Acid (TIBA) and Kinetin (K) were used at 100 ppm, 300 ppm and 500 ppm concentrations. Two controls i.e., distilled water spray and no spray were also included. Each concentration of the growth regulator was sprayed three times at one month intervals. Observations were taken three months after the first spray and then at three months intervals, twice more. The effect of treatments on morphological floral, physiological and bio-chemical aspects was studied. Results of the experiments revealed that growth regulators had significant effect on most of the characters under study. They are listed below. ;.. Maximum plant height was obtained nine months after the first spray for K.O. treated with GA at 500 ppm (69.82 cm). ;.. Minimum plant spread (EW) - nine months afte~ the first spray was obtained for K.O. treated with TIBA at 100 ppm (28.44 cm) and minimum plant spread (NS) was recorded by K.O. - no spray (28.02 cm) in the ninth month of observation. 8J ~ Maximum number of leaves/spadices per year (9.0) was recorded by C.R. treated with GA at 300 and 500 ppm. ~ Minimum number of days (40.8) taken for successive leaf production was obtained for C.R. treated with GA at 300 and 500 ppm. ~ Highest" number of suckers/plant (4.6) was produced by K.O. treated with GA at 500 ppm, obtained nine months after the first spray. ~ The highest length of spadix (43.52 cm) was showed six months after the first spray by L.R. treated with GA at 500 ppm. ~ Largest spathe (95.4 cm2) was recorded three months after the first spray by K.O. treated with GA at 500 ppm. ~ Highest longevity of spadix (103 days) was obtained for L.R. treated with kinetin at 500 ppm. ~ Smallest candle size was obtained nine months after the first spray by the variety C.R. treated with TIBA at 500 ppm (4.1 cm). ~ Highest chlorophyll content (2.16 mg/g tissue) was recorded rune months after the first spray by K.O. treated with GA at 500 ppm. ~ Highest carotenoid content (10.41 mg/lOO g sample) was obtained six months after the first spray by L.R. treated with GA at 300 ppm. ~ Highest anthocyanin content (388.2 mg/l OOg sample) was recorded six months after the first spray by L.R. (control 1) distilled water spray. ~ Highest protein content (109 mg/ g tissue) was obtained six months after the first spray by K.O. treated with kinetin at 500 ppm. ~ Highest phenol content (121.2 mg/g tissue) was recorded three months after the first spray by K.O. treated with kinetin at 500 ppm. Based on the economics of growth regulator application, G.A. 500 ppm was the best treatment with positive profit increase in all the three varieties. This treatment achieved an enhanced profit of Rs. 133.70 per plant per year in the variety L.R., Rs. 86.30 enhanced profit in K.O. and Rs. 70.10 in the variety C.R.