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Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur

The history of agricultural education in Kerala can be traced back to the year 1896 when a scheme was evolved in the erstwhile Travancore State to train a few young men in scientific agriculture at the Demonstration Farm, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram, presently, the Cropping Systems Research Centre under Kerala Agricultural University. Agriculture was introduced as an optional subject in the middle school classes in the State in 1922 when an Agricultural Middle School was started at Aluva, Ernakulam District. The popularity and usefulness of this school led to the starting of similar institutions at Kottarakkara and Konni in 1928 and 1931 respectively. Agriculture was later introduced as an optional subject for Intermediate Course in 1953. In 1955, the erstwhile Government of Travancore-Cochin started the Agricultural College and Research Institute at Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram and the College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences at Mannuthy, Thrissur for imparting higher education in agricultural and veterinary sciences, respectively. These institutions were brought under the direct administrative control of the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Animal Husbandry, respectively. With the formation of Kerala State in 1956, these two colleges were affiliated to the University of Kerala. The post-graduate programmes leading to M.Sc. (Ag), M.V.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees were started in 1961, 1962 and 1965 respectively. On the recommendation of the Second National Education Commission (1964-66) headed by Dr. D.S. Kothari, the then Chairman of the University Grants Commission, one Agricultural University in each State was established. The State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) were established in India as an integral part of the National Agricultural Research System to give the much needed impetus to Agriculture Education and Research in the Country. As a result the Kerala Agricultural University (KAU) was established on 24th February 1971 by virtue of the Act 33 of 1971 and started functioning on 1st February 1972. The Kerala Agricultural University is the 15th in the series of the SAUs. In accordance with the provisions of KAU Act of 1971, the Agricultural College and Research Institute at Vellayani, and the College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, were brought under the Kerala Agricultural University. In addition, twenty one agricultural and animal husbandry research stations were also transferred to the KAU for taking up research and extension programmes on various crops, animals, birds, etc. During 2011, Kerala Agricultural University was trifurcated into Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (KVASU), Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies (KUFOS) and Kerala Agricultural University (KAU). Now the University has seven colleges (four Agriculture, one Agricultural Engineering, one Forestry, one Co-operation Banking & Management), six RARSs, seven KVKs, 15 Research Stations and 16 Research and Extension Units under the faculties of Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering and Forestry. In addition, one Academy on Climate Change Adaptation and one Institute of Agricultural Technology offering M.Sc. (Integrated) Climate Change Adaptation and Diploma in Agricultural Sciences respectively are also functioning in Kerala Agricultural University.


Search Results

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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Genetic analysis of F2 and F3 generations for yield attributes and resistances to distortion mosaic virus disease in bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.)
    (Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2003) Sumarani, P; KAU; Arya, K
    The research project "Genetic analysis of F2 and F3 generations for yield attributes and resistance to distortion mosaic virus disease in bittergourd (Momordica charantia L.)" was carried out in Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, College of Horticulture, Kerala Agricultural University, Vellanikkara, Thrissur during the period 2002-2003. The major objectives of the study were to understand the genetics of yield attributes and resistance to bittergourd distortion mosaic virus (BDMV) and to identify resistant genotype with desirable yield traits. The whole investigation was grouped into two experiments in Randomised Block Design with three replication. The F2 and F3 generation of three selected crosses and parents were evaluated for yield attributes and resistance to BDMV. Significant variation was noticed for almost all characters except anthesis of male and female flowers. Highest phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) and genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) were observed for BDMV followed by fruit yield and fruit weight in both generations. High heritability coupled with high genetic gain was noted for fruit weight, fruit yield and coefficient of infection. These characters are controlled mainly by additive genes which rendered scope for direct selection . . High yield was achieved by higher sex ratio, higher fruit weight, long fruit, optimum number of female flowers and low incidence ofBDMV. Based on the results from populations derived from the crosses IC68335 x Preethi and lC 68263B x Preethi as the best genotypes with high yield and resistance to bitter gourd distortion mosaic virus (BDMV) consecutively in both generations.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Morphological, Biochemical and Molecular Markers for the Genetic Analysis of Cashew(Anacardium occidentale L.)
    (Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2003) Usha Vani, D; KAU; Jayalekshmy, V G
    The research project' Morphological, biochemical and molecular markers for the genetic analysis of cashew' was carried out in the College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, Thrissur during the period 2000-2002. The major objectives of the study were to fingerprint cashew genotypes based on genetic analysis carried out and the genetic relationship deduced between the morphological, biochemical and molecular parameters studied and also to identify genetically diverse genotypes among those selected for the study to be used in breeding programmes. The study revealed that among the fourteen characters selected i.e., tree height, tree girth, number of primary branches, number of secondary branches, canopy spread, leaf area, number of panicles m", number of nuts m", number of perfect flowers m", apple weight, nut weight, kernel weight, shelling percentage and nut yield, all showed significant variation except number of primary branches. Number of perfect flowers m", number of nuts m", apple weight, nut weight and kernel weight provide a clear seperation of the genotypes. Correlation and path studies revealed tree height and number of nuts m" had significant positive correlation and direct effect on yield. Tree girth showed positive correlation but significant negative direct effect on yield. Number of primary branches showed significant positive direct effect but a significant negative correlation with yield. Apple weight showed significant negative correlation and significant negative direct effect with yield. Genetic divergence studied using Mahalanobis D2 analysis revealed H-1593 to be the most divergent genotype. Cluster' analysis could group them into four clusters. The members of Cluster I (Sulabha, Priyanka and P-3-2) and Cluster II (Mdk-L, AKM-l and K~22-1) were found to be best suited for hybrdisation being the farthest. Biochemical studies on phenol and tannin content could group the twelve genotypes into those with high and low .contents. The genotype H-1593 had the lowest phenol content. Seed storage protein studies could distinguish K-22-1 from all others by a single unique band. Isozyme analysis in cashew showed only high initial rate of reaction. Further studies to standardise the protocol for isozyme studies needs to be done. Molecular studies involved RAPD analysis using four primers which gave 44 amplification products out of which 30 (68.19 per cent) were found to be polymorphic. Two primers OPP-5 and OPP-IO could distinguish varieties Mdk-2 and Mdk-l with amplicons 22 and 25 respectively. Dendrogram constructed based on the study grouped together Kanaka and Dharasree; Mdk-l and Mdk-2 and H-1600 and P-3-2 with the latter two being the closest of all. On comparative study, H-1600 (Damodar) was tied to Dharasree in biochemical studies and with P-3-2 in molecular studies. In morphological studies also, it was placed close to P-3-2 indicating the proximity of Indian accessions with those of South America. Kanaka and Dharasree were tied together both in morphological and molecular studies but both were diverse by pedigree. Similarly, AKM-l and Dhana were placed close together in the three studies both of which were diverse by pedigree. H-1593 and H-1591 were found to be close in molecular and morphological studies. AKM-l and Mdk-l,Bapatla accessions and early flowering varieties, were closer in both morphological and molecular studies. It can be said that pedigree is not completely answerable to variability. The study had revealed a similar trend for morphological and molecular markers in deducing the genetic divergence. Biochemical markers need more refinement so as to get as precise information as has been obtained for the characterisation of the genotypes through molecular studies.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Interspecific Hybridisation in Sorghum
    (Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 2005) Jithesh, V G; KAU; Suma Bai, D I
    A study on ‘Interspecific hybridization in Sorghum’ was carried out in the Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, College of Agriculture, Vellayani during 2003-2004 with the objective of developing sorghum-sudan grass hybrids with high fodder yield potential and better quality. Five superior accessions of sorghum viz., GD 65174-1,GD65174-2, GD 65195, GD 65239 and Acc. No. 846 (lines) with high yield potential and better palatability and three accessions of sudan grass viz., Jhansi local, SSG-59-3 and IS-720 (testers) with high tillering ability were crossed in a Line x Tester mating design to obtain 15 hybrid combinations. The lines, testers and their hybrids were evaluated along with a check COFS-29 in a replicated field trial for mean performance, combining ability and heterosis. Observations on plant height, tiller number per plant, stem girth, internodal length, leaf/stem ratio, leaf number per plant, leaf weight per plant, days to 50 per cent flowering, green fodder yield, dry fodder yield, crude protein content, crude fibre content and HCN content were recorded. Significant differences among treatments were observed for all characters. Significant differences among crosses were observed for all characters except tiller number per plant. General and specific combining ability variances and effects were studied. The magnitude of SCA variance alone was significant suggesting the predominance of dominance gene action in controlling these traits. Based on mean performance and gca effects, Acc. No. 846 was identified as the best general combiner among lines and SSG-59-3 among testers. The crosses, GD 65195 x IS-720 and Acc. No. 846 x SSG-59-3 were found to be promising for green fodder yield and its component traits based on mean performance, sca effects and standard heterosis. Hence these crosses can be advanced for further trials for developing superior sorghum-sudan grass hybrid varieties.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Genetic improvement of F1 hybrids in anthurium andreanum linden
    (Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 2004) Pravin, R S; KAU; Mayadevi, Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, College of Agriculture
    The present study, ‘Genetic improvement of F1 hybrids in Anthurium andreanum Linden’ was undertaken to improve specific commercial characters such as erect, long inflorescence axis, deep blisters of spathe and short downward candles of ten selected F1 hybrids in anthurium. The analysis of variance revealed significant variation among the fourteen genotypes for the seventeen characters studied. This reveals the high genetic potential for the improvement in this crop. Variability studies indicated high phenotypic and genotypic coefficients of variation for the characters number of suckers per plant, pollen fertility and duration of male phase. The characters with high heritability coupled with high genetic advance values were found for characters number of suckers per plant, pollen fertility and pollen size. These characters are therefore controlled by additive gene action and amenable to genetic improvement through selection. Plant height was found to have highly significant positive phenotypic correlation with number of suckers per plant, leaf size, internode length, number of spadices per plant and pollen fertility. Duration of female phase showed positive genotypic correlation with all characters except days to initiation of female phase. The environmental correlations were absent for almost all pairs of characters except for a few characters . Pollen fertility estimated using acetocarmine method indicated that most of the genotypes had low fertility values. ‘PR x FR (1)’ had the highest pollen fertility of 41.67 per cent followed by ‘Liver Red’ (40.67 per cent). Pollen emergence was low in the months from March to June, during which the average maximum and minimum temperatures were relatively high. Pollen emergence was highest during October to December months. A study of five qualitative characters such as colour of young leaf and petiole spathe colour, spathe texture, candle colour and type of inflorescence axis also showed considerable variation among the genotypes studied. Intervarietal hybridization was done to analyse the cross compatibility between 14 varieties (Ten female parents and four commercially important varieties as male parents) based on the percentage of candles bearing fruits, fruit set and seed germination. A total of 23 crosses were attempted based on the availability of receptive spadices and fresh pollen, out of which 12 were found to be successful. Among the 12 successful crosses percentage of candles bearing fruits was 100 per cent for six crosses. Maximum number of 113 fruits was obtained for the cross (‘LR x PR’) x OG followed by [‘FR x MW (1)’] x LR with 88 fruits. The average number of fruits per candles was highest for ‘LR x PR’ and lowest for ‘PR x FR (1)’. The percentage of fruit set was below 50 per cent for all the crosses. The lowest and highest percentage of fruit set was observed for ‘PR x FR (1)’ and ‘LR x PR’ respectively. From the cross compatibility analysis, it was seen that the percentage of fruit bearing candles was highest for the female parents ‘PR x KR’ and ‘PR x MO’ with two crosses each and ‘OG x DT’ with a single cross (100 per cent). The number of fruit per candle ranged from 23 to 113. ‘LR x PR’ had the highest average number of fruits per candle and it was lowest for ‘PR x FR (1)’. The percentage of fruit set was below 50 per cent for all the crosses. The crosses involving ‘LR x PR’ had the highest average percentage of fruit set. The number of days taken for germination varied from four to nine days. The seed germination was highest for the cross (‘PR x FR(1)’) x LR (85.13 per cent). No cross showed 100 per cent survival beyond four to six months. For ‘OG x DT’ with only a single cross the survival percentage was maximum of 90 per cent. Scoring of the compatibility reactions based on the percentage of fruiting candles, fruit set and seed germination on a scale ranging from zero to nine showed the highest compatibility score of eight for the crosses (‘PR x KR’) x AW, (‘LR x PR’) x OG, (‘PR x MO’) x LR and (‘PR x MO’) x AW. Among the ten female parents ‘PR x MO’, ‘LR x PR’ and ‘PR x KR’ performed as the best female parents and among the four male parents ‘Liver Red’ performed as the best pollen parent.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Compatibility studies of three way crosses in anthurium andreanum linden
    (Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 2003) Premna, Varghese; KAU; Mayadevi, P
    The evaluation of morphological characters and compatibility analysis of 14 selected genotypes was undertaken in the present study titled "Compatibility studies of three way crosses in Anthurium andreanum Linden. The analysis of variance revealed significant variation among the 14 genotypes for the 18 characters studied. This reveals genetic potential for crop improvement. Variability studies indicated high phenotypic, and genotypic coefficients of variation for the characters internode length, number of leaves and spadices per plant per year and days from emergence to maturity of leaves. The characters with high heritability coupled with high genetic advance values were leaf area, anthocyanin content and inclination of candle indicating additive gene action. Plant height was found to be positively correlated with number of leaves or spadices per plant per year. Candle length had positive genotypic correlation with position of candle. Pollen fertility ranged from 9.26 per cent in PR x DT to 35.70 per cent in Carre. Pollen emergence was completely absent in the genotype W x LJ during the course of the study. Pollen production was high in the r, cooler months of October to December and was suppressed in the months from March to June. From the cross compatibility analysis, it was seen that the percentage of fruit bearing candles was highest for W x LJ (100.00 %) with two crosses. The cross PR x LR with all the possible four crosses gave a value of 79.15 per cent. The number of fruits per candle ranged from 12 to 120. 00 x KR had the highest average number of fruits per candle and it was lowest for 00 x PR. The percentage of fruit set was below 50 per cent for all the crosses. The crosses involving 00 x KR had the highest average percentage of fruit set. The number of days taken for germination varied from four to nine days. The seed germination was highest (87.30 %) for the cross (00 x KR) x H. No cross showed 100 per cent survival beyond four to six months. For PR x LR with all the possible four crosses, the survival percentage was 56.80 per cent. Scoring of the compatibility reactions based on the percentage of fruiting candles, fruit set and seed germination on a scale ranging from zero to nine showed the highest compatibility score of nine for (00 x KR) x C. The best female parents identified were 00 x KR and PR x LR based on the overall performance.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Stability analysis of selected mutants of coleus (Solenostemon rotundifolius[Poir.] J.K.Morton)
    (Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, College of Horticulture,Vellanikkara, 2003) Shinoj, P; KAU; Mareen Abraham
    Stability analysis of fourteen mutants of Coleus comprising of eleven promising mutants, two released varieties and one local cultivar was conducted at four locations in four districts of Kerala, namely, Palakkad, Malappuram, Thrissur and Ernakulam during Khariff, 2001. The selected mutants showed significant differences for many of the economic traits over locations. For increasing the tuber yield in Co le us, selection should be based on low tuber number, low starch content and high protein content. Further the tubers should be white coloured, delicious, non-groovy and smooth. The study revealed that the ideal plant architecture in Coleus should have optimum tuber number, white coloured delicious non-groovy tubers with optimum starch and protein content, good texture and medium flavour. The stability analysis identified mutants '641' and '352' as the most stable high yielding well adapted genotype for many of the economic traits over locations.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Genetic analysis of segregating generations for yield attributesand resistance to fruit and shoot borer (Earias vittella Fab.) in bhindi (Abelmoschus spp.)
    (Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2008) Divya, Balakrishnan; KAU; Sreenivasan, E
    The research study entitled “Genetic analysis for yield attributes and resistance to shoot and fruit borer (Earias Vittella Fab.) in Bhindi (Abelmoschus spp.)” was undertaken during the period 2006-2008 at Department of plant Breeding and Genetics, College of Horticulture, Kerala Agricultural University, Vellanikkara, Thrissur. The main objectives of this project were to study the nature of gene action governing fruit and shoot borer resistance and yield attributes and to attempt for transfer of shoot and fruit borer resistance to genotypes with desirable yield attributes. Six diverse okra genotypes viz, Arka Anamika, KL9, Salkeerthy, Sel 2, Susthira and AC5 were crossed in a 6 x 6 complete diallel pattern. Thirty crosses were made out of which 24 Fjs were fertile and six interspecific crosses were sterile. Fifteen selected F2S were evaluated for yield attributes and resistance to fruit and shoot borer. High genetic variability, heritability and genetic gain were observed in fruit weight and plant height. Both Fi and F2 of the cross Arka Anamika x Salkeerthy recorded the higher fruit yield than others. Arka Anamika was found to be a good general combiner for fruit number, fruit weight and fruit length. KL9 showed high gca for days to first flowering, intemodal number and fruit weight. Fruit yield was positively associated with number of fruits, number of intemodes, fruit weight and fruit length. Shoot and fruit borer infestation recorded- negative association with plant height, flowering period, fruit number, fruit yield and intemodal length. Overdominance was observed for most of the yield contributing traits. Generation mean analysis for six generations from two crosses viz. Sel 2 x AC 5 and KL 9 x Salkeerthy were carried out and gene action for yield attributes and resistance to fruit and shoot were studied. Duplicate non allelic interactions were observed for most of the traits studied. Complementary epistasis govern the inheritance of fruit borer resistance in the cross Sel 2 x AC 5. Digenic non-allelic interaction model was found inadequate to explain shoot borer infestation. Biochemical analysis indicated the presence of higher levels of phenol and tannin content in fruits and shoots of resistant genotypes. The Fi of the cross Sel 2 x AC 5 was identified as the best hybrid for both marketable fruit yield and resistance to fruit and shoot borer and it also showed field resistance to Yellow Vein Mosaic Virus.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Morphological, biochemical and molecular markers for the genetic analysis of cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.)
    (Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2003) Usha Vani, D; KAU; Jayalekshmy, V G
    The research project ‘ Morphological, biochemical and molecular markers for the genetic analysis of cashew’ was carried out in the College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, Thrissur during the period 2000-2002. The major objectives of the study were to fingerprint cashew genotypes based on genetic analysis carried out and the genetic relationship deduced between the morphological, biochemical and molecular parameters studied and also to identify genetically diverse genotypes among those selected for the study to be used in breeding programmes. The study revealed that among the fourteen characters selected i.e., tree height, tree girth, number of primary branches, number of secondary branches, canopy spread, leaf area, number of panicles m*, number of nuts m‘ , number of perfect flowers m ', apple weight, nut weight, kernel weight, shelling percentage and nut yield, all showed significant variation except number of primary branches. Number of perfect flowers 2 2 m' , number of nuts m ', apple weight, nut weight and kernel weight provide a clear seperation of the genotypes. Correlation and path studies revealed tree height and number of nuts m'2 had significant positive correlation and direct effect on yield. Tree girth showed positive correlation but significant negative direct effect on yield. Number of primary branches showed significant positive direct effect but a significant negative correlation with yield. Apple weight showed significant negative correlation and significant negative direct effect with yield. Genetic divergence studied using Mahalanobis D2 analysis revealed H-1593 to be the most divergent genotype. Cluster analysis could group them into four clusters. The members of Cluster I (Sulabha, Priyanka and P-3-2) and Cluster II (Mdk-I, AKM-1 and K-22-1) were found to be best suited for hybrdisation being the farthest. Biochemical studies on phenol and tannin content could group the twelve genotypes into those with high and low contents. The genotype H-1593 had the lowest phenol content. Seed storage protein studies could distinguish K-22-1 from all others by a single unique band. Isozyme analysis in cashew showed only high initial rate of reaction. Further studies to standardise the protocol for isozyme studies needs to be done. Molecular studies involved RAPD analysis using four primers which gave 44 amplification products out of which 30 (68.19 per cent) were found to be polymorphic. Two primers OPP-5 and OPP-10 could distinguish varieties Mdk-2 and Mdk-1 with amplicons 22 and 25 respectively. Dendrogram constructed based on the study grouped together Kanaka and Dharasree; Mdk-1 and Mdk-2 and H-1600 and P-3-2 with the latter two being the closest of all. On comparative study, H-1600 (Damodar) was tied to Dharasree in biochemical studies and with P-3-2 in molecular studies. In morphological studies also, it was placed close to P-3-2 indicating the proximity of Indian accessions with those of South America. Kanaka and Dharasree were tied together both in morphological and molecular studies but both were diverse by pedigree. Similarly, AKM-1 and Dhana were placed close together in the three studies both of which were diverse by pedigree, H-1593 and H-1591 were found to be close in molecular and morphological studies. AKM-1 and Mdk-1,Bapatla accessions and early flowering varieties, were closer in both morphological and molecular studies. It can be said that pedigree is not completely answerable to variability.' The study had revealed a similar trend for morphological and molecular markers in deducing the genetic divergence, Biochemical markers need more refinement so as to get as precise information as has been obtained for the characterisation of the genotypes through molecular studies.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Characterization of long pepper (piper longum L) genotypes using morphological, anatomical and molecular markers
    (Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2006) Jitha, Jaleel; KAU; Nandini, K
    The present investigation entitled “Characterisation of long pepper (P. longum L.) genotypes using morphological, anatomical and molecular markers was undertaken at the Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, College of Horticulture ,Vellanikkara during the period 2003-2006. Six female and two male accessions formed the material for the study and were subjected to morphological, anatomical, and molecular characterization. The accessions showed variation in the morphology of vegetative and reproductive branches in leaf size, leaf shape and l/b ratio. Vegetative branches had large cordate leaves with petioles whereas reproductive branches had lanceolate leaves with rudimentary petiole. The l/b ratio of leaves of reproductive branches was higher compared to leaves of vegetative branch. The spikes of females were short, bold and greenish black on maturity whereas it was long, slender and yellow in the case of males. At early stages of spike growth, female spikes were creamy yellow and male green in colour. The stem, leaf, and root anatomy of the male and female accession showed almost similar features. The difference was noticed in the number of medullary and cortical bundles and the presence or absence of mucilage canals. Mucilage canal was present only in the female accessions, Assam, NL-84-68 and Viswam. The male and female spikes differ in their anatomical features. The physiological parameters revealed higher photosynthetic rate for the female accession, Viswam. The male accessions had lower photosynthetic rate compared to female accessions. RAPD analysis done on the eight accessions using five selected primers revealed 15 to 49% variability among the accessions at the molecular level and the primer OPF 5 produced male specific bands. The female accessions yielded maximum piperine and oil content at 60 -70 days maturity when they were greenish black and hard. Among the female accessions, Viswam, NL-84-68 and Assam recorded highest piperine and oil content. Low amounts of piperine and oil were found in male spikes also. Based on the study three female accessions, Viswam, NL-84-68 and Assam were found to be promising types and further breeding programmes can be carried out in these accessions to improve their performance.