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Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur

The history of agricultural education in Kerala can be traced back to the year 1896 when a scheme was evolved in the erstwhile Travancore State to train a few young men in scientific agriculture at the Demonstration Farm, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram, presently, the Cropping Systems Research Centre under Kerala Agricultural University. Agriculture was introduced as an optional subject in the middle school classes in the State in 1922 when an Agricultural Middle School was started at Aluva, Ernakulam District. The popularity and usefulness of this school led to the starting of similar institutions at Kottarakkara and Konni in 1928 and 1931 respectively. Agriculture was later introduced as an optional subject for Intermediate Course in 1953. In 1955, the erstwhile Government of Travancore-Cochin started the Agricultural College and Research Institute at Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram and the College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences at Mannuthy, Thrissur for imparting higher education in agricultural and veterinary sciences, respectively. These institutions were brought under the direct administrative control of the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Animal Husbandry, respectively. With the formation of Kerala State in 1956, these two colleges were affiliated to the University of Kerala. The post-graduate programmes leading to M.Sc. (Ag), M.V.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees were started in 1961, 1962 and 1965 respectively. On the recommendation of the Second National Education Commission (1964-66) headed by Dr. D.S. Kothari, the then Chairman of the University Grants Commission, one Agricultural University in each State was established. The State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) were established in India as an integral part of the National Agricultural Research System to give the much needed impetus to Agriculture Education and Research in the Country. As a result the Kerala Agricultural University (KAU) was established on 24th February 1971 by virtue of the Act 33 of 1971 and started functioning on 1st February 1972. The Kerala Agricultural University is the 15th in the series of the SAUs. In accordance with the provisions of KAU Act of 1971, the Agricultural College and Research Institute at Vellayani, and the College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, were brought under the Kerala Agricultural University. In addition, twenty one agricultural and animal husbandry research stations were also transferred to the KAU for taking up research and extension programmes on various crops, animals, birds, etc. During 2011, Kerala Agricultural University was trifurcated into Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (KVASU), Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies (KUFOS) and Kerala Agricultural University (KAU). Now the University has seven colleges (four Agriculture, one Agricultural Engineering, one Forestry, one Co-operation Banking & Management), six RARSs, seven KVKs, 15 Research Stations and 16 Research and Extension Units under the faculties of Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering and Forestry. In addition, one Academy on Climate Change Adaptation and one Institute of Agricultural Technology offering M.Sc. (Integrated) Climate Change Adaptation and Diploma in Agricultural Sciences respectively are also functioning in Kerala Agricultural University.


Search Results

Now showing 1 - 9 of 24
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Morphometry and ageing of captive male asian elephants (Elephas maximus)
    (Department of Livestock Production Management, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 2003) Sasikumar, M; KAU; Francis, Xavier
    The collection of morphometric details from elephants of different age groups would enhance our biological understanding and management of this valuable species.. A total of fifty two clinically healthy captive male Asian elephants, varying in age, under excellent management, maintained by 'Guruvayoor Devaswom Board' were utilized for predicting body weight and height from body measurements as well as determination of age from physical features. For prediction equations several morphometric parameters were measured. All possible linear regressions of weight on one, two, three and four body measurements were calculated. The equations having highest coefficient determination value (R2) with least standard error of estimation was taken for predicting body weight and height in elephants. The data were also divided into age groups (Group I (Young ones; 0-20 years), Group 11 (Sub adults; 21-30 years), Group III (Adults; 31-40 years), and Group IV (0 Id adults; 41-70 years)) and all possible linear regressions were calculated for each group. The best prediction of body weight (kg) for all age groups (G I to G IV) was obtained based on two parameters; the chest girth (cm) and right forefoot circumference (cm). Single and also the combination of various parameters were used for the prediction' of body weight in different age groups. An equation to predict the height at the shoulders (cm) from right forefoot circumference (cm) for various age groups of elephants was also derived. Various parameters were correlated with age of the elephants and average values of these parameters were salculated for age approximation. The data were again divided into various age groups (Group A (Young ones; 0-20 years), Group B (Adults; 21-40 years), and Group C (Old adults; 41- 70 years)) and comparison of parameters between two age groups was done. The parameters such as depigmentation on the trunk, hair distribution, hollow on the temple region, width of the ear, circumference of tusk base and middle, and height at the shoulders had high correlation as well as significant difference in various age group comparisons. So, these parameters could be useful for age estimation in male elephants with more precision.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Management Systems and Utilisation Pattern of Captive Male Elephants
    (Department of Livestock Production Management, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences,Mannuthy, 2004) Cijo K Joseph
    The utilization pattern, management and nutrition of the elephants of Kerala under different ownership conditions were studied between June-2003 and July-2004 using survey method. The credibility of the information so collected was checked using triangulation method where, the information about an animal was collected from the owner, mahout, and also by physical verification of the claims in all possible cases. It was seen that the elephants of private owners with one elephant (25.2years) were significantly younger than the elephants of private owners with more than one elephant and elephants of temple trusts with one elephant (32.7 and 35.4 years respectively). The comparison of the height of the elephants revealed that the average height of elephants of forest department (245cm) was significantly lesser than the average height of elephants of private owners with more than one elephant and elephants of temple trusts with one elephant (278.7cm and 283.9cm respectively). The group wise variations in the frequencies of bath given to the elephants were insignificant but the duration of bath in elephants of forest department was significantly lesser than the average duration of bath in all other groups. It was also seen that most of the elephants in Kerala did not have proper housing facilities, and that majority of them were tied under tree on sandy floor. Studies on the utilization pattern of the elephants revealed that the elephants irrespective of their type of ownership were idle for most of the time in the year and that the elephants idled for the maximum number of days in a year (322.3 days). Further, the elephants of group-2 attended the maximum number of festivals in a year (82.9 ±6.92 days). Proximate analysis of the feed fed to the elephants revealed that the nutritional status of elephants of temples with one elephant was the highest. The study also revealed that all the elephants of group-4 were given restorative therapy and the elephants of group-5 were not given restorative therapy.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Village level livestock and poultry production under the industrialization scenario
    (Department of Livestock Production Management, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 2007) Rajaganapathy, V; KAU; Francis, Xavier
    An in depth assessment and analysis of two villages, one an industrial area and the other an agrarian hamlet, was taken up. The effect of industrialization and pollution in village level livestock and poultry production and toxic heavy metals content as an indicator of pollution in water, soil, fodder and in biological samples were studied. Based on the observation and scientific validations, changes in livestock farming system and methodologies to alleviate the extent of pollution were sorted out. This study was conducted in Plachimada village - industrial area - in Perumatty Panchayat and in Nallepilly village- control area in Nallepilly Panchayat in Chittoor taluk in Palakkad district. A detailed survey of the existing husbandry systems was done in the selected study area using a schedule. Collection of samples of water, soil, fodder and biological samples milk, meat, egg, blood and dung samples were collected and examined from both industrial and control area. The samples were analyzed for presence of heavy metals like copper, cadmium, lead and arsenic by using Atomic absorption spectrophotometer. A detailed survey was done among fifty farmers from the Plachimada (industrial area) and Nallepilly (control area) villages respectively. The farmers were interviewed with a schedule and the data was obtained. The socio-economic status of the farmers indicated that the middle aged persons were more involved in the agricultural and animal husbandry activities. Most of the farmers had an average monthly income per family of Rs. 2000 in the study area. Cultivation of crops and plantations were less in both industrial and control area. The study revealed that majority of the farmers possessed dairy cattle with major source of income from livestock farming in both these study areas. Economic viability of rearing cattle was better in control area than that of industrial area. Most of the farmers surveyed stayed very near to the industry in the industrial zone. The study revealed that nearness of the industry to the grazing lands may be affecting their livestock farming system. The presence of heavy metals cadmium and lead in drinking water and soil samples of industrial area was more than that of the control zone and the WHO (1995) recommendations. The presence of copper and cadmium in meat samples was higher whereas cadmium and lead in blood samples of the industrial area was found more than that of the control zone and the permitted levels as per the WHO recommendations. The level of copper, cadmium and lead in fodder, milk, egg and dung samples of the industrial area was found more than that of the control zone and the permitted levels as per the WHO recommendations. This study aimed also to find out the relationship between water, soil, plant and animal system. Correlation of fodder and blood heavy metals with other biological samples was done in industrial area. Fodder lead showed a highly significant correlation with milk lead content. Correlation between fodder arsenic and milk arsenic concentration was also significant. Correlation between fodder cadmium with blood cadmium was significant. Correlation was observed between fodder lead with dung lead values. Correlation existed between blood copper with dung copper at a significant level. Similarly correlation of fodder and blood heavy metals with other biological samples was done in control area also. Blood and fodder cadmium was significant and positively correlated. Correlation of fodder lead with milk and dung lead were significant. Fodder arsenic and milk arsenic were significantly correlated. In blood the copper content of milk and dung showed a positive significant correlation. The heavy metals lead, cadmium, arsenic and mercury from industrial pollution are of high environmental concern due to their toxicity even at low concentrations. These metals may persist in the system for several days due to cumulative nature and may cause severe health effects in man and animals. Bioaccumulation of toxic heavy metals, especially lead, cadmium and arsenic in milk, meat and in egg have evoked great concern during the recent years. Heavy metals contaminants may enter the animal system through pollution of air, water, soil, feed polluted by industrial sources. From the present study it was found that the industrial area had contaminated water, soil, and fodder under observation. The heavy metal contamination was from copper, cadmium and lead whereas arsenic was almost within the permissible limits. The biological samples milk, meat, egg, blood and dung collected from the industrial zone were also contaminated with copper, cadmium and lead when compared with the control area samples. The level of heavy metals in the biological samples of industrial area was above the WHO permissible limits. Arsenic was present within the maximum permissible level in all the biological samples. It is also concluded that industrialization may add pollutants to the area thereby causing an indirect effect on livestock production systems and in turn to the human beings. The following recommendations may be suggested. 1. Monitoring the level of pollution in water, soil, plants and fodder crops, animals and in man in industrial zones at regular intervals. 2. Treatment of waste water and other discharges/effluents from industries with implementation of strict rules and regulations 3. Safe disposal of the discharges, effluents and waste materials from the industries and factories. Efficient waste management to be adopted. 4. To create awareness among farming community to adopt better management practices. 5. Encouragement of organic farming. 6. Recommendation of rearing indigenous animals and adoption of Mixed farming - system to improve economic status of farmers. 7. Phytoremediation may be done to decontaminate soil and water to reduce the soil heavy metal content. 8. Identify and growing of trees/ plants to reduce the level of toxic elements from the industrial zones.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Comparative evaluation of porcine production performance in terminally sired and purebred progenies under different management conditions
    (Department of Livestock Production Management, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 2007) Murugan, M; KAU; Joseph, Mathew
    A study was conducted to evaluate the production performance of terminally sired and purebred progenies under different management conditions. Twenty gilts were selected from Large White Yorkshire and also each combination of Large White Yorkshire x Landrace, Landrace x Desi and Large White Yorkshire x Desi . After attaining maturity, they were bred to terminal sire (Duroc). Large White Yorkshire was maintained as pure line. Litter performance of LWY and three breed combinations viz., D x (LWY x LR), D x (LR x Desi) and D x (LWY x Desi) were comparatively evaluated. Twenty four weaned piglets were selected at random from each genetic combination and they were divided into four groups having six animals in each group. Piglets T1 were fed with concentrate feed and T2, T3 and T4 from each genetic group were fed with left over food from hotels, restaurants, slaughter house waste and waste available from agricultural fields. In addition to this, T3 group were supplemented with inorganic minerals and T4 group were supplemented with organic minerals @ one per cent level on dry matter basis from third month to ten months of age. The crossbreds viz., D x (LWY x Desi) and D x (LR x Desi) had highly significant (P<0.01) difference in litter size at birth, litter weight at birth, birth weight, litter size at weaning, litter weight at weaning and weaning weight compared to LWY and D x (LWY x LR) pigs. There was no significant difference between LWY and D x (LWY x LR) ; D x (LWY x Desi) and D x (LR x Desi) pigs in all these litter traits. There were no significant differences (P>0.05) in maximum and minimum temperature and relative humidity between farm and field. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) in mean rectal temperature, pulse and respiration rate between treatments and genetic groups. Significant difference (P<0.01) were observed between morning and afternoon pulse and respiratory rates irrespective of treatment and genetic groups. At the time of feeding, majority of the pigs in different treatments and genetic groups showed eating greedily with drooling of saliva and ear biting, belly nosing and tail biting very frequently. Quantity of faeces voided had a highly significant (P<0.01) difference between treatment in all four genetic groups. LWY pigs voided significantly lesser quantity of faeces than other genetic groups within the treatment. Frequency of defaecation had no significant difference, between treatments and genetic groups. There were no significant differences (P>0.05) in the faecal cortisol level between the treatments and genetic groups of pigs. The proximate composition (percentage) of pooled swill feed samples are comparable to farm concentrate except ether extract (24.56; 6.05 and 4.13) which was very higher in swill feed. Total ash content was higher in the farm concentrate (10.91, 10.13; 6.61). Availability of minerals was higher in inorganic form compared to organic form. Mineral assay revealed that chicken waste showed higher levels of minerals followed by hotel waste and vegetable waste. There was no significant difference between genetic groups within the treatment in serum mineral concentration. The feeding system had highly significant (P<0.01) effect on the mineral concentration. It was highest in T4 followed by T3 and T1 and least in T2. It was comparable between T3 and T2. There was no significant difference in monthly body weights (kg), body measurements viz., body length, girth and height (cm), average daily weight gain and average daily feed intake (g) of pigs between concentrate (T1) and swill feeding (T2). T4 significantly (P<0.01) better than other treatment groups. T3 was significantly (P<0.01) better than T2 and T1. Crossbred pigs had significantly (P<0.01) higher monthly body weight, linear body measurements, average daily weight gain and average daily feed intake than LWY pigs within the treatment. Among the three crossbreds there was no significant difference observed in monthly body weight, linear body measurements, average daily gain and average daily feed intake except in concentrate feeding. In concentrate feeding, D x (LWY x Desi) crossbred consumed significantly (P<0.01) less feed than the other crossbred pigs. There was significant (P<0.01) difference in feed efficiency between T1 and T2. No significant difference was observed between T2, T3 and T4. There was no significant difference between LWY and crossbred pigs within the treatment. T4 attained significantly (P<0.01) higher slaughter weight (kg), hot carcass weight (kg) and carcass length (cm) than the other treatment groups. T3 group attained significantly (P<0.01) higher slaughter weight, hot carcass weight and carcass length than the T2 and T1 treatment groups. No significant difference between T1 and T2 was noticed. T1 had significantly (P<0.01) higher dressing percentage than other treatment groups. T1 had significantly (P<0.01) lesser back fat thickness. There was no significant difference between T2, T3 and T4 in dressing percentage and back fat thickness. T2 had significantly (P<0.01) lesser loin eye area and meat-bone ratio than other treatment groups and there was no significant difference between T1 and T3 and T4. Gut weight was significantly (P<0.01) lesser in T1 than other treatment groups. There was no significant difference between T2, T3 and T4. There was significant (P<0.01) difference between LWY and crossbreds in terms of slaughter weight, hot carcass weight, carcass length, back fat thickness and loin eye area, within the treatment. There was no significant difference noticed between dressing percentage, meat-bone ratio and gut weight within the treatment. Cost of production per kg live weight on feed basis was high in T1 followed by T4, T3 and T2. It was inferred that swill feed supplemented with minerals can increase the profit margin provided a cheaper substitute for the organic minerals presently available in the market is absolutely essential for the field fattener pig production. Swill feed was found to be equally effective compared to concentrate feed in promoting growth of the fattener pig production existing under field conditions. Growth performance and carcass characteristics can be improved by supplementation of minerals in the diet of fattener pigs. Crossbred pigs excelled over pure LWY in terms of post weaning growth performance and carcass characteristics under terminally sired pigs. The crossbreds viz., D x (LR x Desi) and D x (LWY x Desi) had better litter performance than D x (LWY x LR) and LWY pigs. Considering both litter performance and post weaning growth performance, the recommendation is that D x (LR x Desi) and D x (LWY x Desi) crossbreds are best suited for the field fattener pig production in the hot-humid climatic conditions.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Draught Efficiency of Elephants in Timber Mills
    (Department of Livestock Production Management, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences,Mannuthy, 2001) Prasad, A; KAU; Saseendran, P C
    Six elephants working in four different private timber mills in Trichur district were selected for the present study. Average weight of elephants estimated using formula was 4627.80 + 114.15 kg. Elephants consumed 213.00 + 3.338 kg roughages and 7.50 + 0.475 kg of concentrate. They obtained 9.721 + 0.837 kg dry matter, 3.613 + 0.075 kg DCP and 31.517 + 0.754 kg of TDN over and above maintenance requirement, which may be the amount of nutrient utilized for work performance. Elephants were engaged for three types of work in timber mills, carrying, moving/stalking and hauling timber logs. Mean draught developed during carrying was 445.095 + 22.448 kg. Elephant could be made to carry weights upto 20 per cent of their body weight on their tusk during carrying and stalking/moving timber. A new instrument called Elephant Draught Power Monitor was fabricated to measure the draught developed during hauling timber. A regression, Y = 0.7787 x – 100.69 (where Y is the draught developed and X is the weight of the log hauled) was developed from the measurements. The draught power estimated this equation was compared with the values obtained by the formula draught = load x CosƟ. It was assumed that the formula draught = load x CosƟ was not suitable for elephant draught power measurement. The average draught developed during hauling was 1779.391 + 130.386 kg. Highest maximum of weight that an elephant could be made to haul during instantaneous force development was 188 per cent of the body weight. Maximum limit of weight that an elephant could be made to haul during continuous work was 38 per cent of its body weight. Speed of work of elephants during carrying, moving and hauling was 1.333 + 0.075, 0.630 + 0.014 and 0.701 + 0.014 m/s respectively. Speed of work of elephants decreased with increase in weight of the log transported. The average horse power developed during carrying, moving and hauling were 7.116 + 0.106, 2,566 + 0.048 and 7.138 + 0.280 respectively. The average work output per day during carrying, moving and hauling were 1819.004 + 92.619 KJ, 179.718 + 5.955 KJ, 3375.373 + 16.885 KJ respectively. Maximum work output from elephant was obtained during hauling. Maximum work output (34 per cent) occurred during 8.30 am to 9.30 am in timber mills. Elephants were made to work minimum during 12.30 pm to 2.30 pm. Rectal temperature was identified as the most reliable physiological parameter which can be used as an indicator of fatigue. Maximum body temperature recorded during work was 1000 F. Maximum frequency of spraying of saliva during the entire study period was two/minute and maximum frequency of fanning of ears was 45/min. The value of rectal temperature when the elephants were fatigued was 98.60 F. Work may be stopped and elephant should be given rest before reaching this body temperature to avoid undue fatigue. Mechanised power which replaces elephant power in many timber mills has certain advantages. But use of elephant has got the advantage of utilization of renewable resources environmental friendliness and greater maneuverability during work.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Medroxyprogesterone acetate as an aid to birth control programme in stray dogs
    (Department of Livestock Production Management, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 2005) Deepak Mathew, D K; KAU; Joseph Mathew
    The utility of Medroxyprogesterone acetate as an aid in the birth control programme of stray dogs was studied. Eighteen early proestrus bitches were randomly allotted to three equal groups (Group A Group B and Group C). Group A animals were administered with a single subcutaneous injection of 50 mg medroxyprogesterone acetate. Group B animals were administered medroxyprogesterone acetate orally at the rate of 10 mg per day for four days followed by 5 mg per day for another 12 days starting from the end of anoestrus. Six bitches of Group C acted as control animals. All animals in Group A and Group B responded to the treatment though one animal in Group A had returned to cycle in about 50 days. Reproductive cycle was controlled in all six animals of group A at a mean of 3.17 days and a mean of of 2.67 days in group B. Group A animals had a mean duration of control of 83.3 days while in group B it was 90 days. Vulval edema, vulval discharge, tail deviation reflex and interest in male decreased following treatment in Groups A and B while it seemed to be not changed or high in Group C animals. Detailed vaginal cytology was studied using Wright- Giemsa's stain. Cellular changes was characterized by a change from predominance of parabasal cells following treatment in Groups A and B while changes characteristic of oestrus cycle occurred in the control animals. There was significant difference in the mean percentage of parabasal cells between Groups A and B after treatment and during different stages of the oestrus cycle of the Group A up to end of dioestrus. Serum progesterone was estimated in all animals at fortnightly intervals. Animals in group A, B and C showed mean serum progesterone concentrations of 0.53 ng/ml, 0.57 ng/ml and 0.45 ng/ml during the beginning of proestrus. The mean progesterone in serum following treatment elevated in Group A to 27.83 ng/ml, while it maintained a low level of 0.55 ng/ml in group B and had a value of 4.43 ng/ml in group C which indicated oestrus phase. The progesterone level reached maximum concentration of 31.17 ng/ml on day 42 in group A and 49.00 ng/ml during dioestrus in group C. The values remained low in group B. Towards the end of experiment all animals had basal concentration of progesterone. It is concluded that reproductive control can be achieved effectively in bitches treated with medroxyprogesterone acetate by both oral and parenteral routes. Oral administration demand less technicalities and hence is more suitable for use in the field.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Study on management information system in institutional swine farm
    (Department of Livestock Production Management, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 2002) Bindu, P; KAU; Joseph Mathew
    A study on Management-Information System (MIS) was conducted in Centre for Pig Production and Research (CPPR), Mannuthy to analyse the merits and demerits of the MIS presently available in the farm and to formulate an MIS based on computer software which may improve managerial efficacy and decision making process in swine farm and to develop, refine and then recommend a management information system. The merits and demerits of the present MIS in the centre were studied by conducting a survey using separate and well-designed questionnaire among scientists technical staff and administrative staff and also by interview. The information obtained in the survey were analysed and meaningful conclusions were drawn on the efficiency of the present MIS. Observations were made on the present MIS prevailing in the Centre with regard to various production parameters such as animals, its production and reproduction details, feeding, breeding, weeding, human resource components, labour management administration, financial implications, research, teaching and extension activities, profit and loss account productivity of each element and all other related elements. A computerized MIS was developed using the data collected from the farm. The enterprise edition of Visual Basic 6.0 was used as front end, while MS Access-97 was used as back end for the package developed. The MIS developed under this study is structured under a main menuwith various sub-menus such as System, History, Administration, Research, Breed and Management. The System sub-menu has Change Password, Users and Exit options. The History sub-menu is segmented into Introduction, Units divisions, Lay out, Objectives, Head of Station and Teaching and Extension options. The Administration sub-menu is divided into Employee details, Pay Entry Staff, Pay Entry Labours, Enter Biodata and List Employees options. The Research sub-menu has Select Title and Add Title options. Breed sub menu is provided with Details, Breed pictures, Add Animal group, Add Animal, Birth Entry, Death Entry, Sales and Care and Management options. The sub-menu Management is segmented into Registers, Profit/loss, Weight Recordings, Feed Management and Profit Loss Entry options. The developed software was tested by an “on-farm trial run” in the Centre for a period of one month for'identifying the defects and the developed MIS has recommended as a model after rectifying the defect. The model can be recommended for other farms with necessary modifications.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Performance of three introduced breeds of pigs in Kerala
    (Department of Livestock Production Management, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 2000) Dinesh, M T; KAU; Thomas, C K
    A study was conducted to find out the production performance and adaptability of three newly imported breeds of "pigs viz. Duroc, Large White Yorkshire and Landrace and to compare it with that of existing Large White Yorkshire pigs of Kerala. Thirty animals from each group were selected for the study. All the animals were fed with same type of feed through out the experimental period. Body weight and body measurements were recorded at fortnighdy intervals. The quantity of feed consumed by each group was also recorded. Rectal temperature was measured at weekly intervals during the noon hours. Animals were also observed during noon and feeding hours to study the adaptive behavioral manifestations. The results revealed that the body weight of the newly imported pigs were superior to that of Mannuthy Large White Yorkshire pigs. The body weight averaged 64.50+6.63, 62.75±5.16, 82.031±8.50 and 39.89±7.23 between 4.5 to 5 months of age and 171.25+7.69, 173.66+7.38, 169.14±9,98 and 124.66±11.64 between 11 and 11.5 months of age. The newly imported pigs were ready for slaughter at 6.5 to 7.0 months of age while the Mannuthy Large White Yorkshire pigs attained the 100-kg target during 9.5 to 10.months of age. The average daily gain calculated for the Mannuthy Large White Yorkshire pigs was also lower than the three newly imported groups. Average daily gain up to 100 kg body weight averaged 630, 673, 672 and 453 g for Duroc, Large White Yorkshire Landrace and Mannuthy Large White Yorkshire pigs. Feed conversion ratio up to 100 kg body weight averaged 4.03, 3.95, 3.72 and 4.63 for the above four breeds. Results of body measurements show that the Large White Yorkshire pigs maintained at Mannuthy farm was the smallest animal in all weight, groups. Landrace pigs were the longest (120.47 cm) and duroc pigs were the tallest (87.63) at the end of the experimental period. Data regarding the rectal temperature revealed that the temperature recorded for the Mannuthy pigs was slightly higher than the three newly imported groups. Among the four breeds the newly imported Large White Yorkshire pigs were the most aggressive animal at the time of feeding while Duroc pigs were comparatively quiet at the time of feeding. The present study revealed that the overall production performance of Large White Yorkshire pigs, ancestors of which were imported to kerala about 20 years ago, is inferior to that of newly imported Duroc, Large White Yorkshire and Landrace pigs. But the production performance of Mannuthy, Large White Yorkshire pigs was found, to superior to that of many other exotic pigs maintained in other parts of India.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evolving low cost ration for commercial broiler rabbit production
    (Department of Livestock Production Management, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 2006) Biya Ann, Joseph; KAU; Kannan, A
    A study was conducted to document the present rabbit farming scenario in Thrissur district and to evolve a low cost ration for rabbits utilizing concentrates and vegetable cuttings in different ratios. The documentation was conducted on thirty rabbit farmers using a well-designed questionnaire and personal interview. The socio-economic status of the rabbit farmers and management practices were studied. The composite feed samples fed to rabbits were analysed. The rabbit farmers mostly lived in a nuclear family system and were employed either in public sector or owned business. The reason for engaging in rabbit rearing was for additional income generated and for the value of keeping rabbits as pets. Most of the farmers had only 1-6 months experience and the responsibility of rearing rested with wife and children. New Zealand White was the preferred breed and the rabbits were mostly obtained from local rabbit farmers. Most farmers maintained herd strength of less than 20. A mixture of concentrate and locally available leaves and grasses was the major feeding method with a feeding frequency of twice a day and most rabbits were fed 100-125 g ration daily. The crude protein, crude fibre and ether extract of composite rabbit feed was 15.48%, 14.98% and 1.74% respectively. Pan watering was the common method of watering. Cage system was the preferred type of housing with a cage size of 2-4 sq.ft. and 4-6 sq.ft. Majority of the cages were located adjoining the house. Most rabbits were sold at 2 months of age at Rs. 100-150 per pair. Digestive disorders were the frequently occurring disease and rabbits were mostly treated by veterinary doctors. Use of nest box, manure disposal and daily cage cleaning were the commonly adopted scientific management practices. Thirty weaned New Zealand White rabbits were selected and utilized for the study. They were divided into five groups of six animals each and allotted to one of the following treatments: T1 – Rabbits fed with the ration (100 per cent concentrate) provided by the Rabbit Research Station, Mannuthy (Control). T2 – Rabbits fed with 75 per cent concentrate and 25 per cent vegetable cuttings on Dry Matter (DM) basis. T3 - Rabbits fed with 50 per cent concentrate and 50 per cent vegetable cuttings on DM basis. T4 - Rabbits fed with 25 per cent concentrate and 75 per cent vegetable cuttings on DM basis. T5 - Rabbits fed with 100 per cent vegetable cuttings on DM basis. The parameters like fortnightly body weight, fortnightly body weight gain, average daily gain, average daily feed intake on dry and fresh matter basis, feed conversion efficiency, proximate analysis of concentrate and vegetable cuttings, occurrence of disease, carcass traits and economics of production showed significant difference between the treatments. T2 had the highest body weight among all treatments whereas T1 and T3 showed no significant weight difference and T5 had the least weight. A similar trend was seen in average fortnightly weight gain and average daily gain, with T2 having the highest gain and T5 the least gain. The daily feed intake had a linear increase from first to the sixth fortnight in all the treatment groups. The feed conversion efficiency (FCE) increases with increase in the percentage inclusion of vegetable cuttings on DM basis. Vegetable cuttings had a higher percentage moisture, crude fibre and total ash (79.63, 17.08 and 9.58) than concentrate (10.75, 4.09 and 3.57) but lower crude fat (1.75) and nitrogen free extract (50.64). The percentage crude protein content was almost similar in both concentrate (21.82) and vegetable cuttings (20.97). Digestive disorder was the commonly observed disease closely followed by mange. The dressing percentage varies from 45.31 in T5 to 52.27 in T2. The cost of production of one kg of rabbit meat ranges from Rs. 47.52 in T1 to Rs. 8.72 in T5. T2 has a higher weight and feed conversion efficiency, but the cost of production of Rs. 41.56 is high compared to T3, which is on par with T1 in weight gain and lower by Rs. 13.92 in its production cost. Hence rearing rabbits on a combination of 50% concentrate and 50% vegetable cuttings can be recommended for commercial broiler rabbit production.