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Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur

The history of agricultural education in Kerala can be traced back to the year 1896 when a scheme was evolved in the erstwhile Travancore State to train a few young men in scientific agriculture at the Demonstration Farm, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram, presently, the Cropping Systems Research Centre under Kerala Agricultural University. Agriculture was introduced as an optional subject in the middle school classes in the State in 1922 when an Agricultural Middle School was started at Aluva, Ernakulam District. The popularity and usefulness of this school led to the starting of similar institutions at Kottarakkara and Konni in 1928 and 1931 respectively. Agriculture was later introduced as an optional subject for Intermediate Course in 1953. In 1955, the erstwhile Government of Travancore-Cochin started the Agricultural College and Research Institute at Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram and the College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences at Mannuthy, Thrissur for imparting higher education in agricultural and veterinary sciences, respectively. These institutions were brought under the direct administrative control of the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Animal Husbandry, respectively. With the formation of Kerala State in 1956, these two colleges were affiliated to the University of Kerala. The post-graduate programmes leading to M.Sc. (Ag), M.V.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees were started in 1961, 1962 and 1965 respectively. On the recommendation of the Second National Education Commission (1964-66) headed by Dr. D.S. Kothari, the then Chairman of the University Grants Commission, one Agricultural University in each State was established. The State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) were established in India as an integral part of the National Agricultural Research System to give the much needed impetus to Agriculture Education and Research in the Country. As a result the Kerala Agricultural University (KAU) was established on 24th February 1971 by virtue of the Act 33 of 1971 and started functioning on 1st February 1972. The Kerala Agricultural University is the 15th in the series of the SAUs. In accordance with the provisions of KAU Act of 1971, the Agricultural College and Research Institute at Vellayani, and the College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, were brought under the Kerala Agricultural University. In addition, twenty one agricultural and animal husbandry research stations were also transferred to the KAU for taking up research and extension programmes on various crops, animals, birds, etc. During 2011, Kerala Agricultural University was trifurcated into Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (KVASU), Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies (KUFOS) and Kerala Agricultural University (KAU). Now the University has seven colleges (four Agriculture, one Agricultural Engineering, one Forestry, one Co-operation Banking & Management), six RARSs, seven KVKs, 15 Research Stations and 16 Research and Extension Units under the faculties of Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering and Forestry. In addition, one Academy on Climate Change Adaptation and one Institute of Agricultural Technology offering M.Sc. (Integrated) Climate Change Adaptation and Diploma in Agricultural Sciences respectively are also functioning in Kerala Agricultural University.


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Standardization of growth promoters for mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) seedlings
    (Department of Fruit Science, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2019) Athira, A S; KAU; Sreelatha, U
    Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) is a promising fruit crop for Kerala due to high price and consumer demand. Slow growth of the seedlings and prolonged pre bearing period are the major factors limiting large scale cultivation of mangosteen. In this context, the present study entitled ‟Standardization of growth promoters for mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) seedlings” was carried out in the Department of Fruit Science, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara during 2018 to 2019. The main objective of the study was to identify the ideal combination of plant growth promoters for enhancing the growth of mangosteen seedlings. The experiment was laid out in CRD with seventeen treatments replicated thrice. In each replication ten plants were maintained per treatment. Six month old seedlings planted in eight inch pots containing a medium composed of soil + sand + vermicompost in 2:1:1 ratio. Foliar application of NPK mixture (3:1:1) at 0.5 % and 1 % and growth promoters such as GA3 (300 ppm), thiamine (100 ppm), ascorbic acid (100 ppm) were given at monthly intervals during the entire study period (April 2018 to April 2019). Observations on growth characters, root characters, physiological parameters were recorded periodically at different stages of the study. Growth characters such as plant height, plant spread, number of leaves, length and breadth of leaves, total leaf area and internodal length, number of branches were recorded at quarterly intervals upto twelve months after planting. Significant difference was observed among the treatments with respect to plant height and taller seedlings (33.32 cm) with the longest internode (9.44 cm) were observed in T6 (NPK (3:1:1) 0. 5 % + GA3 300 ppm + ascorbic acid 100 ppm. Better plant spread (34.27 cm) was observed in seedlings sprayed with NPK (3:1:1) 0. 5 % (T1). Application of plant growth promoters had no effect on number of leaves produced by mangosteen seedlings. Control plants recorded the highest number of leaves (15.11), which was statistically on par with NPK (3:1:1) 0. 5 % (T1). Leaf length was found to be superior in T1 (NPK (3:1:1) 0. 5 %) at twelve months after planting. However, breadth and total leaf area and Leaf Area Index (LAI) were not influenced by foliar application of nutrients and growth promoters. In general, there was a reduction in all leaf parameters such as number of leaves, leaf length, breadth, total leaf area and LAI in treatments involving GA3. Application of growth promoters could not induce branching in mangosteen seedlings during the period of study. Total number of roots (85.67) was the highest in T1 (NPK (3:1:1) 0. 5 %). Length of the longest root did not show any significant difference among the treatments. However, root spread differed significantly. NPK (3:1:1) 0. 5 % (T1) and NPK (3:1:1) 0. 5 % + thiamine 100 ppm (T3) were the two superior treatments with respect to root spread. Treatments involving GA3 alone and in combination with other growth promoters had an inhibitory effect on root growth and development. Shoot: root ratio was found to be higher (4.64) in T6 (NPK (3:1:1) 0. 5 % + GA3 300 ppm + ascorbic acid 100 ppm) which was on par with control plants. Root hairs were absent in the plants even after twelve months of planting. Highest fresh weight (24.48 g/plant) and dry weight (9.83 g/plant) were noticed in T1 (NPK (3:1:1) 0. 5 %). Plants were analysed for major nutrients (N, P and K) twelve months after planting. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content in the seedlings ranged from 1.4 % - 2.17 %, 0.03 % - 0.10 % and 1.01 % - 1.65 % respectively. Highest nitrogen uptake (190.10 mg/plant) was found in seedlings applied with NPK (3:1:1) 0. 5 % (T1). Higher uptake of phosphorus (5.01 mg/plant) and potassium (120.23 mg/plant) was recorded in T4 (NPK (3:1:1) 0. 5 % + ascorbic acid 100 ppm). The study clearly indicated that foliar application of NPK (3:1:1) 0.5 % (T1) at monthly intervals can be recommended for enhancing the growth of mangosteen seedlings, as superior growth parameters were observed in this treatment. No significant increase in seedling growth was noticed with the foliar spray of NPK 1%.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Nutrient management for pineapple (Ananas cosmosus L.)C.V. Amritha
    (Department of Fruit Science, College of Horticulture Vellanikkara, 2019) Pooja Shree, S; KAU; Ajith Kumar, K
    Amritha, is the pineapple hybrid released from the Pineapple Research Centre, Vellanikkara, under KAU. The present study entitled “Nutrient management for pineapple (Ananas comosus L.) cv. Amritha” was conducted for standardizing the optimum nutrient doses for ensuring high productivity. When grown under the existing POP recommendation of KAU the fruit weight was varying from 0.5 - 1 kg per plant. Therefore, there is a need to develop optimum nutrient doses for ensuring higher productivity of pineapple cv. Amritha. Experiment was conducted with six treatments viz., T1 - POP recommendation of KAU (8:4:8 N, P2O5, K2O g plant⁻¹), T2 - Modified based on soil test results (9.39:11.45:11.36 N, P2O5, K2O g plant⁻¹), T3 - 25 per cent higher than the modified POP based on soil test results (11.7:14.31:14.31 N, P2O5, K2O g plant⁻¹), T4 - 50 per cent higher than the modified POP based on soil test results (14.08: 17.17: 17.03 N, P2O5, K2O g plant⁻¹), T5 - 75 per cent higher than the modified POP based on soil test results (16.4:20.03:19.13 N, P2O5, K2O g plant⁻¹), and T6 - adhoc organic POP. Length of ‘D’ leaf showed significant difference among the treatments after eight months of planting. T6 recorded the maximum length of ‘D’ leaf (44.3 cm) and was on par with T1 (41.1 cm) and T5 (40.9 cm). This was continued in ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth months after planting. Significant difference was observed in ‘D’ leaf area among the treatments after nine months of planting. T6 recorded the maximum ‘D’ leaf area at tenth (113.77 cm2), eleventh (128.70 cm2) and twelfth (155.20 cm2) months after planting and was significantly superior over other treatments. Application of different levels of nutrients had no significant effect on plant height, number of leaves per plant, breadth of ‘D’ leaf, leaf area index and leaf production rate. Treatments, T5 and T6 took 6 ¹/₂ months after planting to attain physiological maturity whereas, other treatments attained physiological maturity at a period of seven months after planting. Days for initiation of flowering was minimum in T5 (39.2 days) and was significantly different from other treatments. In case of days for 50 per cent flowering, T5 recorded the minimum value (47.2 days) and was on par with T4 (49.4 days). Significant difference was observed among the treatments for fruit weight and was highest in T5 (0.985 kg). The maximum length, girth and breadth of fruit was recorded in T5 (14.15 cm), (30.79 cm) and (30.33 cm) respectively. In case of length/breadth ratio T5 (0.48) recorded the highest value which was on par with T6 (0.46). Higher taper ratio values were recorded by T3 (1.041) and T2 (1.040). With respect to the yield per hectare, maximum value (51.99 t/ha) was recorded by T5 which was significantly superior. T5 recorded the highest peel weight (105.74 g), pulp weight (0.402 kg) and crown weight (118.54 g). The minimum peel/pulp ratio was observed in T5 (0.26). There was no significant difference among treatments for days for fruit maturity, harvest index, root:shoot ratio, crop duration and shelf life. On evaluating the quality parameters of fruits, TSS was found to be highest in T5 (15.30 ˚Brix) and was on par with T4 (14.60 ˚Brix). In case of other parameters like titratable acidity, total sugars, reducing sugars, non reducing sugars, sugar/acid ratio, fibre content and ascorbic acid content, the treatments were found to be non significant. The overall sensory score was found to be highest in T6 (69.18) and was followed by T5 (64.12). The highest B:C ratio was calculated for T5 (4.59). Analysis of soil after the harvest of the crop revealed that the values for soil pH, soil EC, organic carbon, available N, P and K were found to be elevated. N, P and K content in the plant and fruit had no significant difference. In the present study early flowering was observed in T5 (75 per cent higher than the modified POP based on soil test results) which in turn resulted in early fruit set and harvesting in the treatment. Highest fruit weight T5 (0.98 kg) and yield per hectare (51.99 t/ha) was also recorded in T5 (75 per cent higher than the modified POP based on soil test results). On sensory evaluation, Adhoc organic POP (T6) was found to be superior and was followed by T5.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of crop regulation on yield and quality of mango (Mangifera indica L.) under high density planting system
    (Department of Fruit Science, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2019) Amritha Manohar; KAU; Jyothi Bhaskar
    Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is the choicest fruit of the world owing to its nutritional qualities, appearance, taste and flavour. Low productivity of mango is a major concern among the mango growers. Adoption of management techniques like high density planting, pruning and use of growth regulators are found to improve the productivity of the orchards. The present study entitled “Effect of crop regulation on yield and quality of mango (Mangifera indica L.) under high density planting system” was conducted in the Mango orchard attached to the Department of Fruit Science, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara during 2017-2019. Seven year old trees of two popular mango hybrids, Mallika and Ratna grown under HDP system were selected for the experiment. The experiment consisted of 17 treatments with 2 replications. Data on vegetative, floral, fruit, stone and quality parameters were recorded for both the hybrids during the period of study. The vegetative growth parameters like tree height, canopy diameter, length of new shoots and number of leaves per shoot exhibited significant variation among the treatments in both the hybrids Mallika and Ratna. Growth parameters were found to be suppressed in the trees which were pruned at 20 cm length and drenched with paclobutrazol (PBZ) @ 7ml/tree. Early emergence of new shoots was recorded for all the treatments in which pruning was carried out during the month of June irrespective of the level of pruning and PBZ application in both the hybrids. Minimum number of days for shoot initiation after pruning was observed in trees which were pruned in August month and applied with PBZ in both Mallika and Ratna. Results revealed that the minimum number of days from pruning to flowering was observed in T16 (pruned at 20 cm length during September and drenched with PBZ @ 7ml/tree) in both the hybrids Mallika (59.50 days) and Ratna (57.50 days). Flower initiation was the earliest in the treatments T10 (pruned at 20 cm length during June and drenched with PBZ @ 7ml/tree) and T16 in Mallika (2nd Nov) and T10 in Ratna (1st Nov). Earliest fruit set was observed for T16 in Mallika (11th Dec.) and for T10 in Ratna (10th Dec.). The minimum number of days from flower initiation to fruit set was recorded for treatments T10 and T16 in Mallika (39.50 days) and T4 in Ratna (38 days). Maximum number of inflorescence per unit area was recorded for the treatment T10 in both the hybrids Mallika (15.25) and Ratna (14.60). A reduction in the length of inflorescence was observed in T16 in both the hybrids Mallika (33.07 cm) and Ratna (35.07 cm) whereas the breadth of inflorescence was minimum for the treatment T10 in Mallika (16.18 cm) and T16 in Ratna (19.08 cm). The percentage of hermaphrodite flowers and sex ratio was observed to be higher for T10 in Mallika and for T16 in Ratna. Maximum number of fruits per tree in both Mallika (31.50) and Ratna (34.50) were recorded for T10. The fruit weight was the highest for T16 in both the hybrids Mallika (624.03 g) and Ratna (468.89 g). The total yield per tree was maximum for T10 Mallika (19.31 kg/tree) and Ratna (16.06 kg/tree). The physical parameters of fruit like fruit length, breadth, circumference, volume and pulp weight was maximum for T16 in both Mallika and Ratna. Peel weight and peel thickness did not show any significant variation among the treatments in both the hybrids. Pulp/peel ratio was recorded to be the highest for T16 in Mallika (12.32) and for T10 in Ratna (15.96).The duration of fruiting was minimum for T12 in Mallika and for T13 in Ratna. Minimum number of days from flowering to harvest was recorded for T12 in Mallika and for T13 in Ratna. In both Mallika and Ratna, the number of days taken from fruit set to harvest was minimum for T10. The stone characters of the fruits such as stone length, width, thickness and weight showed a significant reduction in both the hybrids subjected to pruning at 20 cm length and drenched with PBZ. Pulp/stone ratio recorded was the highest for T16 in Mallika (13.64) and for T10 in Ratna (11.84). On evaluating the quality parameters of the fruits in terms of reducing sugars, total sugars, TSS and sugar/acid ratio the treatments T16 and T10 were found to be superior. Organoleptic evaluation of fruits of both Mallika and Ratna revealed that T16 was the best among all the treatments followed by T10. During the period of study the incidence of major pests like thrips, mango hoppers, leaf eating caterpillars and fruit flies and major diseases like anthracnose and powdery mildew were observed in the orchard. In the present study it was observed that vegetative parameters which favoured early flowering, fruit set and harvesting were observed for the treatments T16 and T10 in both the hybrids. The earliest harvest of fruits was obtained from the trees subjected to treatment T10 in both Mallika and Ratna. Any method which aid in advancing the harvesting of fruits without affecting the quality will help to catch the early market which in turn will lead to fetch a premium price for the early mangoes making the cultivation of mango under HDP system all the more remunerative. Number of fruits per tree and yield per tree was also higher for T10 in both the hybrids. But with regard to fruit weight and fruit quality parameters treatments T16 was found to be superior in both Mallika and Ratna and was comparable with T10.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Nutrient management for pineapple (Ananas cosmosus L.)cv. Amritha
    (Department of Fruit Science, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2019) Pooja Shree, S; KAU; Ajith Kumar, K
    Amritha, is the pineapple hybrid released from the Pineapple Research Centre, Vellanikkara, under KAU. The present study entitled “Nutrient management for pineapple (Ananas comosus L.) cv. Amritha” was conducted for standardizing the optimum nutrient doses for ensuring high productivity. When grown under the existing POP recommendation of KAU the fruit weight was varying from 0.5 - 1 kg per plant. Therefore, there is a need to develop optimum nutrient doses for ensuring higher productivity of pineapple cv. Amritha. Experiment was conducted with six treatments viz., T1 - POP recommendation of KAU (8:4:8 N, P2O5, K2O g plant⁻¹), T2 - Modified based on soil test results (9.39:11.45:11.36 N, P2O5, K2O g plant⁻¹), T3 - 25 per cent higher than the modified POP based on soil test results (11.7:14.31:14.31 N, P2O5, K2O g plant⁻¹), T4 - 50 per cent higher than the modified POP based on soil test results (14.08: 17.17: 17.03 N, P2O5, K2O g plant⁻¹), T5 - 75 per cent higher than the modified POP based on soil test results (16.4:20.03:19.13 N, P2O5, K2O g plant⁻¹), and T6 - adhoc organic POP. Length of ‘D’ leaf showed significant difference among the treatments after eight months of planting. T6 recorded the maximum length of ‘D’ leaf (44.3 cm) and was on par with T1 (41.1 cm) and T5 (40.9 cm). This was continued in ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth months after planting. Significant difference was observed in ‘D’ leaf area among the treatments after nine months of planting. T6 recorded the maximum ‘D’ leaf area at tenth (113.77 cm2), eleventh (128.70 cm2) and twelfth (155.20 cm2) months after planting and was significantly superior over other treatments. Application of different levels of nutrients had no significant effect on plant height, number of leaves per plant, breadth of ‘D’ leaf, leaf area index and leaf production rate. Treatments, T5 and T6 took 6 ¹/₂ months after planting to attain physiological maturity whereas, other treatments attained physiological maturity at a period of seven months after planting. Days for initiation of flowering was minimum in T5 (39.2 days) and was significantly different from other treatments. In case of days for 50 per cent flowering, T5 recorded the minimum value (47.2 days) and was on par with T4 (49.4 days). Significant difference was observed among the treatments for fruit weight and was highest in T5 (0.985 kg). The maximum length, girth and breadth of fruit was recorded in T5 (14.15 cm), (30.79 cm) and (30.33 cm) respectively. In case of length/breadth ratio T5 (0.48) recorded the highest value which was on par with T6 (0.46). Higher taper ratio values were recorded by T3 (1.041) and T2 (1.040). With respect to the yield per hectare, maximum value (51.99 t/ha) was recorded by T5 which was significantly superior. T5 recorded the highest peel weight (105.74 g), pulp weight (0.402 kg) and crown weight (118.54 g). The minimum peel/pulp ratio was observed in T5 (0.26). There was no significant difference among treatments for days for fruit maturity, harvest index, root:shoot ratio, crop duration and shelf life. On evaluating the quality parameters of fruits, TSS was found to be highest in T5 (15.30 ˚Brix) and was on par with T4 (14.60 ˚Brix). In case of other parameters like titratable acidity, total sugars, reducing sugars, non reducing sugars, sugar/acid ratio, fibre content and ascorbic acid content, the treatments were found to be non significant. The overall sensory score was found to be highest in T6 (69.18) and was followed by T5 (64.12). The highest B:C ratio was calculated for T5 (4.59). Analysis of soil after the harvest of the crop revealed that the values for soil pH, soil EC, organic carbon, available N, P and K were found to be elevated. N, P and K content in the plant and fruit had no significant difference. In the present study early flowering was observed in T5 (75 per cent higher than the modified POP based on soil test results) which in turn resulted in early fruit set and harvesting in the treatment. Highest fruit weight T5 (0.98 kg) and yield per hectare (51.99 t/ha) was also recorded in T5 (75 per cent higher than the modified POP based on soil test results). On sensory evaluation, Adhoc organic POP (T6) was found to be superior and was followed by T5.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Standardization of in vitro male bud culture in banana musa (AA) 'kadali'
    (Department of Fruit Science, College of Horticulture Vellanikkara, 2018) Lakshmi, K S; KAU; Jyothi Bhaskar
    The experiment entitled “Standardization of in vitro male bud culture in banana Musa (AA) ‘Kadali’” was taken up with the objective of standardizing a protocol for mass multiplication of banana Musa (AA) ‘Kadali’ through in vitro male bud culture. The work was carried out in the Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory at Banana Research Station, Kannara during 2016-2018. Active meristems of male flowers were used as the explant. The study was undertaken in three parts (1) standardization of establishment media (2) standardization of multiple shoot induction media (3) in vitro rooting and acclimatization. The results indicated that full MS medium containing a combination of NAA 1.0 mgL-1 and BA 4.0 mgL-1 was suitable for better and faster explant establishment. In multiple shoot induction media, multiple shoots were found to develop in all the cultures with full MS medium containing BA 4.0 mgL-1 and BA 6.0 mgL-1, and the highest number of shoots were recorded in full MS medium supplemented with NAA 1.0 mgL-1 + BA 4.0 mgL-1. Considering the length of micro shoots and number of leaves, full MS + NAA 1.0 mgL-1 + BA 6.0 mgL-1 and full MS + NAA 1.0 mgL-1 + BA 4.0 mgL-1 were found to be the best. The best media identified from multiple shoot induction cultures (full MS+ NAA 1.0 mgL-1 + BA 4.0 mgL-1 and full MS + NAA 1.0 mgL-1 + BA 6.0 mgL-1) were modified by adding different levels of thidiazuron (TDZ) and coconut water (CW). Highest number of shoots were observed in full MS + NAA 1.0 mgL-1 + BA 4.0 mgL-1 + CW 15 % + TDZ 0.4 mgL-1and full MS + NAA 1.0 mgL-1 + BA 6.0 mgL-1+ CW 15 % + TDZ 0.4 mgL-1. With regard to number of leaves, full MS + NAA 1.0 mgL-1 + BA 6.0 mgL-1 + CW 15 % + TDZ 0.4 mgL-1and full MS + NAA 1.0 mgL-1 + BA 4.0 mgL-1+ CW 15 % + TDZ 0.2 mgL-1 recorded the highest value. Length of micro shoots did not show any significant difference. In in vitro rooting studies, early rooting and significantly higher number of roots were recorded in full MS medium with three per cent sucrose and IBA 1.0 mgL-1. Root length was highest in the combination of half MS with 1.5 per cent sucrose and IBA 3.0 mgL-1. Well rooted plants were hardened after potting in pro trays containing 1:1 (v/v) sterilized coco peat and vermiculite. After one month of planting out, 90 per cent of the plants were found to survive.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Nutrient management in strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.)
    (Department of Fruit Science, College of Horticulture Vellanikkara, 2017) Arjun Mohan, P; KAU; Ajith Kumar, K
    The experiment entitled “Nutrient management in strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.)” was undertaken at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Ambalavayal, Wayanad during the year 2016-17. Performance of strawberry variety Winter Dawn was evaluated under nine treatments and a control in the open field viz., FYM 10 t ha-1 + NPK 50:20:50 kg ha-1 (T1); FYM 10 t ha-1 + NPK 75:30:75 kg ha-1 (T2 ); FYM 10 t ha-1 + NPK 100:40:100 kg ha-1 (T3); FYM 20 t ha-1 + NPK 50:30:100 kg ha-1 (T4); FYM 20 t ha-1 + NPK 75:40:50 kg ha-1 (T5); FYM 20 t ha-1 + NPK 100:20:75 kg ha-1 (T6); FYM 30 t ha-1 + NPK 50:40:75 kg ha-1 (T7); FYM 30 t ha-1 + NPK 75:20:100 kg ha-1 (T8); FYM 30 t ha-1 + NPK 100:30:50 kg ha-1 (T9) and an absolute control (T10), without any nutrient application. All the treatments were on par and superior over the control (T10) in case of plant height. In case of plant spread, T2, T3, T5, T6, T7, T8 and T9 were on par and superior over the control while T1 and T4 were on par with each other but differs with other treatments. All the treatments except T2 were on par and superior over the control with respect to number of leaves per plant. Application of treatments had no significant effect on days to first flowering. In case of number of flowers and clusters per plant, T1, T2, T3, T5, T6, T7, T8 and T9 were on par and superior over the control while T4 was on par with the control (T10). Days to first harvest was minimum in T6, T7, T8 and T9 which were on par while all other treatments were on par with the control (T10).In case of number of fruits and yield per plant, T7 (FYM 30 t ha-1 + NPK 50:40:75 kg ha-1) and T8 (FYM 30 t ha-1 + NPK 75:20:100 kg ha-1) were on par and superior over other treatments including T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 and T9 which were on par and superior over the control. Average fruit weight recorded under T3, T5, T6, T7, T8 and T9 were on par which was followed by T2 on par with T4 and T1. Days to final harvest was not found to be influenced by the application of different treatments. Biochemical characters of fruits viz., TSS, acidity and TSS/acidity ratio were not having any significant effect due to the application of treatments. In case of total sugars, T3, T7, T8 and T9 were having the highest content and were on par which was followed by T5 on par with T1, T2, T4, T6 and T10. The overall sensory score was highest in T7 followed by T8. Application of different treatments had no significant effect on the shelf life of strawberry fruits. N, P, K and Ca content in the plant were not significantly affected by any treatment while Mg content was found to be on par in all treatments and superior over the control. Soil analysis after the harvest of the crop revealed that the values for soil EC, available P, K, Mg and S were found to be elevated while soil pH, organic carbon and available Ca content were found to be at lower levels than the initial values before planting. It was concluded that among different nutrient combinations evaluated, T7 (FYM 30 t ha-1 + NPK 50:40:75 kg ha-1) with a BC ratio of 3.06 can be recommended for further optimization and refinement.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of promising strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) varieties for Wayanad
    (Department of Fruit Science, College of Horticulture Vellanikkara, 2017) Muhammed Aslam; KAU; Ajith Kumar, K
    The experiment entitled “Evaluation of promising strawberry (Frageria x ananassa Duch.) varieties for Wayanad” was undertaken at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Ambalavayal, Wayanad, Kerala during the year 2016-17. Performance of five strawberry varieties viz., Crystal, Winter Dawn, Sweet Charlie, Sabrina and Eliyana were evaluated under open and polyhouse conditions. Maximum plant height (32.31 cm), number of leaves (26.20) and plant spread (31.41 cm) were recorded in variety Winter Dawn followed by Sweet Charlie under both growing systems. Number of flowers (16.24) and number of clusters per plant (10.13) was significantly higher in variety Winter Dawn followed by Sweet Charlie. Minimum days to first flowering were observed in the variety Crystal (45.21). Maximum number of fruits (12.04), yield (139.51 g) and earlier harvest of the fruits (63.40 days) were observed in variety Winter Dawn under both growing systems. Biochemical characters viz., highest TSS (11.54 0 B), lowest acidity (0.65 %), TSS/acidity ratio (11.3) and total sugars (6.70 %) and overall sensory score were highest in the variety Sweet Charlie followed by Winter Dawn. However, the variety Winter Dawn had better appearance and flavour. It can be concluded that among five varieties evaluated under two growing systems viz., open condition and polyhouse, Winter Dawn and Sweet Charlie are found to be better in yield and quality. Therefore, these varieties can be recommended for commercial cultivation in agroclimatic conditions of Wayanad, Kerala.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of clonal variation in banana musa spp. (aab group) 'rasthali'
    (Department of Fruit Science, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2018) Dhanyasree, K; KAU; Sobhana, A
    The study entitled ‘Evaluation of clonal variation in banana Musa spp. (AAB group) ‘Rasthali’’ was carried out at Banana Research Station, Kannara during May 2017- July 2018 with the objective to conduct survey in central parts of Kerala and assess the natural variability in Rasthali clones of banana. Clones collected from Palakkad and Thrissur districts along with clones maintained at BRS, Kannara were planted in randomized block design with three replications. The clones were characterized based on IPGRI descriptor for banana. The analysis of variance revealed that significant variation for characters like plant height, plant girth, length of leaf, width of leaf, total leaf area/ plant, length of petiole, number of leaves and functional leaves, duration of vegetative phase, shoot to harvest duration, total crop duration, bunch length, bunch weight, number of hands/ bunch, number of fingers/ hands, fruit weight, fruit length, fruit girth, TSS, total sugars, sugar-acid ratio, fruit peel thickness, pulp-peel ratio and shelf life of ripe fruits at ambient conditions. Plant height, plant girth, total leaf area/ plant at bunch emergence stage and total crop duration were highest for Veneer Poovan and highest yield was obtained for Veneer Poovan, Valiya Poovan and Marthaman. Valiya Poovan recorded greatest fruit length, fruit girth and fruit weight. The quality parameters like TSS, total sugars and sugar- acid ratio were recorded highest in Marthaman whereas fruit peel thickness and shelf life were high in Andhra Poovan and, highest pulp- peel ratio in Veneer Poovan. Highest genotypic and phenotypic coefficients of variation were observed for fruit weight. High heritability coupled with genetic gain was observed in all characters except number of hands per bunch, bunch length and bunch weight. The character fruit weight with high value for GCV, PCV and heritability, coupled with genetic gain can be used for direct selection and further breeding programmes. Total crop duration, fruit length, number of fingers per hand, fruit weight, plant girth and fruit girth had showed positive direct effect on bunch weight per plant while, plant height, bunch length and number of hands per bunch showed negative direct effect on bunch weight. Organoleptic evaluation revealed that highest mean score for taste, texture, sweetness, flavour, colour and overall acceptability of fruits was in Marthaman which also recorded high TSS, total sugars, sugar- acid ratio and less acidity. Lowest mean scores for sweetness, flavour, overall acceptability and taste were observed in Cheriya Poovan. Score for colour and texture were minimum in Veneer Poovan. The present study revealed that, based on yield, quality parameters and organoleptic evaluation, Marthaman was the best.
  • ThesisItemUnknown
    Standardization of macropropagation technique in banana (musa (aab) 'nendran')
    (Department of Fruit Science, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2018) Amal Premachandran; KAU; Sajan Kurien
    The quality of the planting material is of paramount importance in successful crop production and banana is no different. Dearth of planting materials and heavy demand ends up with banana farmers forsaking the sucker quality aspects. Different techniques have been attempted for activation of new sucker. However, a standardized protocol of rapid mass multiplication macropropagation technique to produce quality planting material in Nendran is lacking and is the need of the hour. Hence, this study was undertaken with the prime objective of standardizing the bud activation/ invigoration technique leading to efficient sucker production. The second objective was to identify the ideal potting/ grow bag media preferably using locally available and cost effective materials. The third objective was to study the efficacy of the application of biofertilizers particularly Glomus fasciculatum and Azospirillum in macropropagation as this has already been proven to be have positive effect on the growth and yield of banana and finally to study the effect of micronutrient boron and zinc in improving macropropagation efficiency. The study was taken up at Banana Research Station (BRS), Kannara, during 2016- 18 using disease free healthy suckers of Nendran (Musa AAB) and the new sprouts were evaluated for all major morphological characters in all the four experiments. Additionally, carbohydrate content of banana corm was analyzed in the first experiment, percent root colonization and spore count of Glomus fasciculatum, population count of Azospirillum and major soil nutrients (N, P and K) in the biofertilizer experiment, and the nutrient content of selected nutrients in leaf samples in ratoon- 1, ratoon-2 and dead sucker in the micronutrient study were also analyzed and evaluated. In the first experiment on standardizing the bud activation/ invigoration technique leading to efficient sucker production, acid treatment by pouring 5.0 ml of one per cent H2SO4 acid on the apical meristem portion produced the highest mean number of quality suckers of 7.6 in ratoon – 1 and 4.6 in ratoon-2 respectively. Based on the carbohydrate content it could be inferred that the reduction in the inherent carbohydrate reserve had affected the sucker production from mother sucker stage to ratoon-2. In the second experiment to identify the ideal potting/ grow bag, it was found that the soil media gave the highest mean number of quality suckers in ratoon- 1 (5.6) and 4.3 in ratoon-2. In the second ratoon sucker sprouting was only observed in the soil media irrespective of quantity of media used. In the third experiment to study the efficacy of the application of biofertilizers, particularly Glomus fasciculatum and Azospirillum in macropropagation. The treatment, 20g of Glomus fasciculatum plus 10g of Azospirillum per sucker (T10) recorded the highest mean number of quality suckers (4.3) whereas in the second ratoon it was the treatment 30g of Glomus fasciculatum plus 30g of Azospirillum per sucker that recorded the highest sucker production. Based on the spore count, percent colonization and nutrient content of media, it can be confirmed that T10 is the most effective treatment. The soil nutrient analysis revealed that all treatments recorded higher values than that in the control. The fourth experiment to study the effect of micronutrients boron and zinc in macropropagation confirmed that application of Zn (0.1%) to the sucker recorded highest mean number of quality suckers (4.0) in the first ratoon but it was application of Zn at 0.5% that recorded the maximum number of suckers of 4.6 in ratoon-2. This clearly showed that Zn has a promotive role in the sucker production probably by the proven route of enhanced production of auxin. The micronutrient analysis revealed a decreasing trend from ratoon- 1 to ratoon-2 and dead suckers due to dilution effect. The economic analysis based on B: C ratio revealed that in the first experiment the ratio was found to be 0.345. This is due to high cost of coir pith and sawdust. This could be significantly improved in the second experiment where in the ratio was 2.29. In the third experiment it is 1.6 and in fourth it is 2.14. This is inclusive of the prohibitive labour cost added in actual terms. In small and medium holding farms. This part is done by the farmers themselves and hence in real terms the B: C ratio would be much higher. Thus, it can be concluded that with 5.0 ml of one per cent H2SO4 acid application on the apical meristem portion of sucker in 20 kg soil media along with a combined application 20g of Glomus fasciculatum plus 10g of Azospirillum, and Zn (0.1%) to the sucker in the first ratoon and Zn at 0.5% in ratoon-2 will form a standard protocol of rapid multiplication using macropropagation technique for quality planting material production in banana (Musa (AAB) ‘Nendran’