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Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur

The history of agricultural education in Kerala can be traced back to the year 1896 when a scheme was evolved in the erstwhile Travancore State to train a few young men in scientific agriculture at the Demonstration Farm, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram, presently, the Cropping Systems Research Centre under Kerala Agricultural University. Agriculture was introduced as an optional subject in the middle school classes in the State in 1922 when an Agricultural Middle School was started at Aluva, Ernakulam District. The popularity and usefulness of this school led to the starting of similar institutions at Kottarakkara and Konni in 1928 and 1931 respectively. Agriculture was later introduced as an optional subject for Intermediate Course in 1953. In 1955, the erstwhile Government of Travancore-Cochin started the Agricultural College and Research Institute at Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram and the College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences at Mannuthy, Thrissur for imparting higher education in agricultural and veterinary sciences, respectively. These institutions were brought under the direct administrative control of the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Animal Husbandry, respectively. With the formation of Kerala State in 1956, these two colleges were affiliated to the University of Kerala. The post-graduate programmes leading to M.Sc. (Ag), M.V.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees were started in 1961, 1962 and 1965 respectively. On the recommendation of the Second National Education Commission (1964-66) headed by Dr. D.S. Kothari, the then Chairman of the University Grants Commission, one Agricultural University in each State was established. The State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) were established in India as an integral part of the National Agricultural Research System to give the much needed impetus to Agriculture Education and Research in the Country. As a result the Kerala Agricultural University (KAU) was established on 24th February 1971 by virtue of the Act 33 of 1971 and started functioning on 1st February 1972. The Kerala Agricultural University is the 15th in the series of the SAUs. In accordance with the provisions of KAU Act of 1971, the Agricultural College and Research Institute at Vellayani, and the College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, were brought under the Kerala Agricultural University. In addition, twenty one agricultural and animal husbandry research stations were also transferred to the KAU for taking up research and extension programmes on various crops, animals, birds, etc. During 2011, Kerala Agricultural University was trifurcated into Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (KVASU), Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies (KUFOS) and Kerala Agricultural University (KAU). Now the University has seven colleges (four Agriculture, one Agricultural Engineering, one Forestry, one Co-operation Banking & Management), six RARSs, seven KVKs, 15 Research Stations and 16 Research and Extension Units under the faculties of Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering and Forestry. In addition, one Academy on Climate Change Adaptation and one Institute of Agricultural Technology offering M.Sc. (Integrated) Climate Change Adaptation and Diploma in Agricultural Sciences respectively are also functioning in Kerala Agricultural University.


Search Results

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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Management of Oestrous Cycle in Crossbred Cattle Using Prostaglandin
    (Department of Animal Reproduction, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences,Mannuthy, 1994) Ajit Kumar, G; KAU; Madhavan, E
    With the object of studying the efficacy of administration of prostaglandin F2 alpha in the management of oestrous cycle and fertility of fixed time insemination in induced oestrus, 96 heifers and cows which were cycling, selected from Kerala Agricultural University Livestock Farms, were allotted to three different groups. Sixteen heifers and 16 cows in group I were given 25 mg PGF2 alpha (Lutalyse) intramuscularly when they had functional corpora lutea, while in group II, 16 heifers and 16 cows were administered two injections of PGF2 alpha 25 mg each 13 days apart. Sixteen heifers and 16 cows were treated as control (Group III). Twelve heifers (75%) and 16 cows (100%) in group I and all animals in group II responded to treatment. Mean time taken for induction of oestrus was 56.64 and 65.44 h respectively in heifers and cows. This difference was statistically significant. Parity of cows significantly influenced the time taken for induction of oestrus. Duration of oestrus was significantly different between heifers (21.86 h) and cows (31.13h) of the experimental group. Significant difference in the duration of oestrus was observed among cows between experimental and control groups. All experimental animals which responded to PGF2 alpha showed marginal increase in physical characters of the reproductive tract like vulval oedema, hyperaemia of vaginal mucosa, vulval discharge and tonicity of uterine horns. Majority of the experimental animals showed medium to high intensity of oestrus compared to natural oestrus. The first insemination and overall conception rates of heifers in group I, inseminated 72 h post-treatment, were 33.33 and 66.67 per cent respectively as against 33.33 and 50 per cent when inseminated 96 h post-treatment. Cows in groupI recorded 25 and 62.50 per cent and 37.50 and 62. 50per cent first insemination and overall conception rates respectively when inseminated 72 h and 96 h post-treatment. When heifers and cows in group II were inseminated 72h after the administration of the second dose of PGF2 alpha, 12.50 and 25 per cent conceived at first insemination with overall conception rate of 62.50 and 37.50 per cent respectively. The corresponding values in group II, when inseminated 96 h, were 25 and 12.5 per cent and 50 and 12.5 per cent respectively. Among control 6.25 per cent of heifers and 18.75 per cent of cows conceived at first insemination. The first insemination conception rate of heifers of experimental (25%) and control groups (6.25%) were significantly different. However, overall conception rate did not differ between the three groups. There was no influence of parity or season on the conception rate. Similarly the time taken for induction of oestrus, duratioh of oestrus, physical changes of the reproductive tract during oestrus and intensity of oestrus did not affect the conception rate. Heifers and cows required 1.88 and 1.93 inseminations respectively per conception when treated with PGF2 alpha as against 3.14 and 3.33 in the control group. Though, the present investigation revealed that PGF2 alpha can be used in the management of oestrous cycle in crossbred heifers and cows with fixed time insemination, the high cost of the drug and the conception rate obtained warrant further studies on fertility in relation to detected oestrus and fixed time insemination after the administration of PGF2 alpha.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Superovulatory response, embryo collection and transfer in crossbred cows
    (Department of Animal Reproduction, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 1996) Unnikrishnan, M P; KAU; Suresan Nair, S P
    Out of eleven crossbred cows superovulated with 2000 IU of PMSG on day eleven and 25 mg PGF2 alpha 48 h later, nine animals (81.8%) exhibited oestrum after an average interval of 39.44 ± 2.44 h. Average duration of oestrum was 40.00 ± 2.00 h with 66.7 per cent of them exhibiting intense heat signs and 33.3 per cent exhibiting only moderate heat signs. Average number of corpora lutea and unovulated follicles in both the ovaries put together was 6.67 ± 0.50 and 6.22 ± 0.57 respectively. Ovarian response was more in right ovary than in left ovary, though not statistically significant. Average fluid recovery on flushing was 79.5 per cent which was comparatively low. The average embryo recovery and percentage of embryo recovery were 3.38 ± 0.70 and 53.11 ± 10.18 respectively, which was comparatively lower. The reason for poor recovery of embryo was attributed to poor fluid recovery on flushing. The average number and percentage of transferrable embryo recovered were 1.50 ± 0.53 and 33.34 ± 10.14. Reason for these lower rates were attributed to loss of embryo quality, due to prolonged action of PMSG. Donors of parity over three performed better on superovulation and flushing, than those below three. Animals of age group six to nine years produced more transferrable embryos than cows of age group ten and above. A conception rate of 30 per cent was achieved after transfer of embryos to naturally synchronised recipients. Heifers appeared to be better recipients than cows. Although a high incidence of abortion was encountered, birth of an embryo transfer male calf was also recorded in the study. All the donor cows came into regular oestrous cycle within four months of superovulation treatment.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of different glycerol concentrations on freezing of buck semen
    (Department of Animal Reproduction, College of Veterinary and animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 1995) Prasanth, V; KAU; Mathai, E
    With the object of studying the effect of different concentrations of glycerol on post-thaw motility and fertility of frozen buck semen, five Malabari crossbred (Alpine x Malabari) bucks maintained at Artificial Insemination Centre and 75 does in heat, brought to the A. I. centre, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, Thrissur were used. The average volume of semen was 0.71 ± 0.02 mI. Semen volume varied significantly between bucks. The average colour index was creamy, density was DDDD and the mass activity was ++++. The average pH of semen was 6.85 ± 0.01. The average sperm motility percentage was 85.83 ± 1.05. Motility percentage varied significantly between bucks. The average sperm concentration was 2842.33 ± 153.93 millions/mI. Highly significant difference in sperm concentration was noted between bucks. The average live sperm percentage was 91.03 ± 0.56. There was highly significant difference in live sperm percentage between bucks. Significantly higher percentage of sperm motility was noted in spermatozoa with seminal plasma than in spermatozoa without seminal plasma at 60 minutes of incubation. Slight increase in motility percentage was noted for spermatozoa with and without seminal plasma at 10 minutes of incubation. From 10 minutes to 60 minutes motility was gradually decreasing. Between bucks there was highly significant difference in sperm motility of incubated spermatozoa. Live sperm percentage was significantly higher for spermatozoa without seminal plasma at all time periods of cold shock. There was a rapid reduction in live sperm percentage at five minutes of cold shock. The live sperm percentages between bucks were significant at different time periods except at 10 minutes and 30 minutes of cold shock. The average time taken for reduction of methylene blue by spermatozoa with and without seminal plasma were 173.16 ± 8.77seconds and 197.00 ± 9.97 seconds respectively. Significant difference was noted in methylene blue reduction time between bucks. Average percentage sperm motility after washing was 76.71 ± 0.79. Maximum percentage motility after glycerolisation was obtained in six per cent glycerolated semen (67.85 ± 1.39). There was highly significant reduction in motility percentage after glycerolisation. Maximum post-thaw motility was obtained in six per cent glycerolated extender (42.00 ± 1.84). Highly significant reduction in motility percentage was noted after freezing. The conception percentage and kidding percentage were 47 .36 and 43. 85 respectively. Average gestation length was 149.85 ± 4.45 days. The number of kids per kidding averaged 1.7. Percentage of male and female kidsborn were 51.16 and 48.83 respectively. From this study it could be inferred that Tris extender with six per cent glycerol was superior to Tris extender with four per cent, five per cent or seven per cent glycerol for better post-thaw motility and fertility of frozen buck semen.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Synchronisation of oestrus super ovulation and embryo collection in goats
    (Department of Animal Reproduction, College of Veterinary and animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 1994) Benjamin, E D; KAU; Nair, M S
    With the object of evolving effective methods for standardising techniques for synchronisation of oestrus superovulation and collection of embryos 18 healthy goats were selected from the goat farm attached to the College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Mannuthy and randomly divided into three different groups with six animals in each Animals m the first group were given two doses of 10 mg PGF2cl H days apart and those in the second group were given 12 5 mg progesterone injection daily for 16 days Six animals in the third group were not given any treatment and kept as control The respective treatments were repeated in group I and II after a period of sixty days and superovulation in group I was carried out with eCG injection 1000 IU given intramuscularly on the day previous to the second dose of PGF2a In group II superovulation was done by intramuscular injection of 1000 IU eCG given on the 15th day of progesterone treatment All the animals in the above groups and animals in the control group were inseminated with good quality buck semen four to six hours after the onset of oestrus Embryos were collected surgically m all the eighteen goats by flushing the fallopian tube towards the fimbria after conducting laparotomy of the inseminated goats on the left flank All the animals in group I came to oestrus 57 8 ± 5 65 h after the second injection of PGF2a and the duration of oestrus was 48 ± 8 76 h In group II 83 33% were m oestrus at an interval of 101 6 + 6 11 h after the last progesterone injection and the duration of oestrus was 28 ± 1 41 h The results of administration of eCG in the second treatment regime with PGF2a in group I revealed that all animals in this group evinced oestrus at a mean interval of 50 3 ± 10 86 h after the second injection of PGF2a and the mean duration of oestrus was 44 ± 4h The total number of ovulation points on both the ovaries in this group were 8 4 ± 1 94 with 4 ± 1 30 and 4 4 ± 0 748 for the right and left ovaries respectively The total number of unruptured follicles on both the ovaries was 5 33 ± 1 64 The animals in group II after administration of eCG and progesterone evinced oestrus 72+9 06 h after the last progesterone injection with the duration of oestrus as 38 3 ± 4 46 h The total number of ovulation points on both the ovaries was 12 8 ± 1 4 and the values were 7 5 ± 2 31 for the right and 5 3 ± 2 04 for the left ovary The total number of unruptured follicles on both the ovaries was 3 2 + 1 579 The results of embryo collection in animals in group I revealed that the average number of embryos collected from both the ovaries was 4 8 ± 0 97 with 2 2 ± 0 66 for the right and 2 6 ± 0 39 for the left ovary The total number of embryos collected from all the animals in both the ovaries was 24 (57 14%) of which 17 (70 83%) were transferrable
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Pathological conditions of ovary and bursa in cross-bred cattle
    (Department of Animal Reproduction, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 1994) Viju George; KAU; Prabhakaran Nair, K
    Two hundred and fifty two non – gravid genitalia and 13 gravid genitalia of cross – bred cows collected from slaughter houses were examined morphologically for lesions in the ovary and bursa and those with gross lesions were examined histopathologically for confirmation of the conditions. Eighty – seven pairs of ovaries showing cyclic activity, nine pairs of ovaries from pregnant animals, 12 pairs of inactive ovaries and 1.4 pairs of senile atrophic ovaries were utilised for biometrical studies of ovaries, corpora lutea and graafian follicles. While out of the 252 genitalia examined, 139 (55.16 per cent) showed one or more lesions of the ovary and bursa, only 39.28 per cent showed one or more lesions in the ovary. The ovarian pathological conditions were inactive ovaries (23.41 per cent), cystic ovaries (2.78 per cent), cystic corpora lutea (2.78 per cent), haemorrhage in the ovary (5.56 per cent), persistent corpus luteum (0.79 per cent), retention cyst (0.79 per cent), par ovarian cyst (3.17 per cent) and par ovarian abscess (0.40 per cent). The incidence of pathological conditions of bursa was 26.98 per cent, which included bursitis and ovarobursal adhesion (25.79 per cent), hydrops bursa (0.40 per cent) and haemorrhagic bursitis (0.79 per cent). The most common type of bursitis was fibrinous which was the mildest and was of no significance in causing infertility. The strandular type of ovarobursal adhesions might lead to subfertility or infertility. The weight and dimension of senile atrophic ovaries were significantly higher than those of ovaries in follicular and luteal phases of the cycle and inactive ovaries (P > 0.01). Similarly the weight and dimensions of ovaries in follicular and luteal phases of the cycle were significantly more than those of inactive ovaries (P > 0.01). However no significant differences in the weight and dimensions of ovaries in follicular and luteal phases of cycle and the right and left ovaries in both phases of cycle were noticed. It may be concluded that the pathological conditions affecting ovaries and bursa of cross – bred cows slaughtered at local slaughter houses were fairly high probably on account of the fact that most of the cows slaughtered were problem breeders. The biometrical and gross morphological studies of the ovaries of cross – bred cows in cycle, anoestrum and senility would greatly help the clinician in differential diagnosis of these conditions.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Intra-uterine infusion of homologous plasma in the treatment of endometritis in cows
    (Department of Animal Reproduction, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 1995) Venugopal, R; KAU; Prabhakaran Nair, K
    The present study was undertaken on infertile cows with uterine infections, with the objective to evaluate the beneficial effect of intra – uterine infusion of homologous plasma as a non antibiotic alternate therapy for bovine endometritis. The luminal secretions of cows with clinical endometritis allotted to group 1 (n = 13) and 11 (n = 10) were aseptically collected at the time of oestrum and subjected to plate count to assess the uterine bacterial load prior to treatment. Cows belonging to group 1 were given 25 to 35 ml of homologous plasma as intra – uterine infusion on the day of oestrum whereas in control group (group 11) the cows were given 25 to 35 ml of sterile normal saline as intra – uterine infusion. Luminal secretions of all the cows were collected aseptically at the succeeding oestrus following treatment and the uterine bacterial load was estimated. Cows which showed recovery in terms of clinic – gynaecological findings were bred artificially. Following plasma therapy definite improvement as evidenced by clear uterine discharge, higher uterine tone and intensity of oestrum was noticed in the treatment group. These changes were not pronounced in the control group. The mean uterine bacterial load showed reduction after intra – uterine treatment in both group 1 and 11, however the reduction was statistically insignificant. The mean duration from intra – uterine treatment to succeeding oestrus was prolonged in group 1 (28.23 + 4.67 d) as against normal in group 11 (20.3 + 0.4 d). The first insemination conception rate recorded in group 1 was 53.85 per cent as against 40 per cent in group 11 showing that there was definite improvement was in conception rate following plasma treatment. Repeat breeder cows with subclinical first degree endometritis allotted to group 111 were administered 25 to 35ml homologous plasma 24 h after insemination whereas repeat breeders (group IV) were left untreated following insemination. The mean conception rate for group 111 was 36.36 as against 20 per cent for group IV. This result also signifies the beneficial effect of plasma treatment in improving conception rate of repeat breeders. An in vitro test to study the antibacterial effect of plasma was carried out by measuring the reduction in turbidity of a bacterial suspension on addition of plasma. It was found that the reduction in turbidity was significant (P < 0.05) in plasma tubes compared to saline tubes. Maximum reduction had occurred within 0 to 1 h interval in plasma tubes. This indicated an immediate antibacterial effect of plasma It could be inferred from the above findings that homologous plasma drawn from the cow at the time of oestrum has significant bactericidal and bacteriostatic properties and when infused into the uterus of cows affected with endometritis helps in quicker clinical recovery and better conception rate. Post insemination plasma infusion into the uterus also improved conception rate in repeat breeders. Hence plasma treatment is recommended as an effective less expensive and non antibiotic alternate therapy for endometritis and repeat breeding in cows.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Phosphorus and trace element status of anoestrus and repeat breeder crossbred cows
    (Department of Animal Reproduction, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 1995) Joy, George; KAU; Prabhakaran Nair, K
    The role of phosphorus, copper, zinc, manganese and cobalt in reproductive function was evaluated on the basis of serum values of these elements in fertile, anoestrum and repeat breeder cows. Serum samples drawn from seventeen cows each of fertile, anoestrum and repeat breeder cows were analysed for serum inorganic phosphorus and trace elements namely copper, zinc, manganese and cobalt. Cows and heifers which conceived with one or two inseminations were considered as fertile animals. Anoestrus and repeat breeder cows were selected based on the breeding history and clinico – gynaecological examination. Serum inorganic phosphorus was estimated by modified metol method using kits. The levels of serum inorganic phosphorus was 7.526 + 0.5304 mg% in fertile cows as against 6.082 + 0.337 mg% for anoestrus cows and 6.345 + 0.4474 mg% in repeat breeder cows. The level was significantly lower (P < 0.05) in anoestrus cows than in fertile cows. It can be surmised that hypophosphataemia might be the cause for anoestrum. Though inorganic phosphorus level in serum was lower in repeat breeders than in fertile cows it was not statistically significant. Hence the effect of hypophosphataemia in repeat could not be established with certainty. Serum copper, zinc, manganese and cobalt were estimated by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry by perkin Elmer – 2380 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Among these trace elements the serum level of copper only was found to significantly vary among fertile, anoestrus and repeat breeder cows. The serum copper in fertile cows registered a value of 0.733 + 0.0511 ppm which was significantly higher (P < 0.01) than those recorded for anoestrus (0.509 + 0.0591 ppm) and repeat breeder cows (0.542 + 0.415 ppm). Since liver is a storage organ for copper the serum levels of copper will drop only after depletion of liver storage. It is therefore reasonable to assume that hypocuprosis as evidenced by lower serum values might have contributed to anoestrum and repeat breeding. The serum zinc, manganese and cobalt levels in fertile cows were respectively 1.337 + 0.1555 ppm, 0.0553 + 0.0095 ppm and 0.0702 + 0.0100 ppm. The corresponding values for anoestrus cows were 1.028 + 0.0984; 0.0339 + 0.0052 ppm and 0.0641 + 0.0052 ppm. These values did not vary significantly from those of fertile cows. Similarly the corresponding values for repeat breeders were recorded to be 1.017 + 0.0654 ppm, 0.0429 + 0.0033 ppm and 0.0795 + 0111 ppm which did not differ significantly from values of fertile cows. Therefore the role of zinc, manganese and cobalt in anoestrum and repeat breeding could not be established.