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Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur

The history of agricultural education in Kerala can be traced back to the year 1896 when a scheme was evolved in the erstwhile Travancore State to train a few young men in scientific agriculture at the Demonstration Farm, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram, presently, the Cropping Systems Research Centre under Kerala Agricultural University. Agriculture was introduced as an optional subject in the middle school classes in the State in 1922 when an Agricultural Middle School was started at Aluva, Ernakulam District. The popularity and usefulness of this school led to the starting of similar institutions at Kottarakkara and Konni in 1928 and 1931 respectively. Agriculture was later introduced as an optional subject for Intermediate Course in 1953. In 1955, the erstwhile Government of Travancore-Cochin started the Agricultural College and Research Institute at Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram and the College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences at Mannuthy, Thrissur for imparting higher education in agricultural and veterinary sciences, respectively. These institutions were brought under the direct administrative control of the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Animal Husbandry, respectively. With the formation of Kerala State in 1956, these two colleges were affiliated to the University of Kerala. The post-graduate programmes leading to M.Sc. (Ag), M.V.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees were started in 1961, 1962 and 1965 respectively. On the recommendation of the Second National Education Commission (1964-66) headed by Dr. D.S. Kothari, the then Chairman of the University Grants Commission, one Agricultural University in each State was established. The State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) were established in India as an integral part of the National Agricultural Research System to give the much needed impetus to Agriculture Education and Research in the Country. As a result the Kerala Agricultural University (KAU) was established on 24th February 1971 by virtue of the Act 33 of 1971 and started functioning on 1st February 1972. The Kerala Agricultural University is the 15th in the series of the SAUs. In accordance with the provisions of KAU Act of 1971, the Agricultural College and Research Institute at Vellayani, and the College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, were brought under the Kerala Agricultural University. In addition, twenty one agricultural and animal husbandry research stations were also transferred to the KAU for taking up research and extension programmes on various crops, animals, birds, etc. During 2011, Kerala Agricultural University was trifurcated into Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (KVASU), Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies (KUFOS) and Kerala Agricultural University (KAU). Now the University has seven colleges (four Agriculture, one Agricultural Engineering, one Forestry, one Co-operation Banking & Management), six RARSs, seven KVKs, 15 Research Stations and 16 Research and Extension Units under the faculties of Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering and Forestry. In addition, one Academy on Climate Change Adaptation and one Institute of Agricultural Technology offering M.Sc. (Integrated) Climate Change Adaptation and Diploma in Agricultural Sciences respectively are also functioning in Kerala Agricultural University.


Search Results

Now showing 1 - 9 of 36
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Performance and ergonomic evaluation of direct pady seeder and mechanical rice transplanter in wet lands
    (Department of Farm Power Machinery and Energy, Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Tavanur, 2013) Rathod Sachin, Ravsu; KAU; Sureshkumar, P K
    An experiment was conducted to evaluate the performance of the ‘Aiswarya’ 8 row direct seeder and ‘Mahindra PF455S’ 4 row walk behind mechanical transplanter with ‘Jyothi’ rice variety in wet lands from the ergonomic point of view. It conducted with selected male and female subjects in the age group of 25–35 years. The performance of these machines was compared with manual transplanting. The results show that the seed rate for direct seeder was very low with 37 kg ha-1 as compared to the mechanical transplanter (55 kg ha-1) and manual transplanting (72 kg ha-1). EFC found for direct seeder and mechanical transplanter was 0.11 ha h-1and 0.12 ha h-1 respectively. The field efficiency was found to be 69% for direct seeder and 74% for mechanical transplanter. Fuel consumption of the mechanical transplanter was found 3.7 l ha-1. The grain yield and straw yield in mechanical transplanting method was higher 2652 kg ha-1 and 3482 kg ha-1 as compared to 2265 kg ha-1 and 2885 kg ha-1 in the case of direct seeding. But in the case of manual transplanting, the yields were 2025 kg ha-1 and 2508 kg ha-1 respectively. The mean value of WHR and OCR with direct seeder was 145.5 beats min-1 and 0.95 l min-1 for male and 148.9 beats min-1 and 0.98 l min-1 for female. But in case of mechanical transplanter, the mean value of WHR and OCR was 131.6 beats min-1 and 0.80 l min-1 for male and 134.1 beats min-1 and 0.83 l min-1 for female. There was complete recovery of HR after 8 min with direct seeder and 6 min with mechanical transplanter. In case of direct seeder ODR, OSR, OER, BPDS values were given by male 6.5, 0, 6.0, 40.8 and by female 7.5, 0, 7.5, 45.6. The corresponding values for mechanical transplanter were 3.0, 1.5, 3.5, 36 by male and 3.5, 1.5, 5.0, 36. As per the grading of energy cost of work, direct seeder categorized as “very heavy type” and mechanical transplanter as “heavy type”. The 8 row direct seeder is not suitable for female subjects. A 4 row Mahindra walk behind mechanical transplanter could be used successfully not only to improve the yield but also to provide operator comfort as compared to the 8 row direct seeder.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Development and evaluation of modified atmosphere packed passion fruit(Passiflora edulis)
    (Department of Post harvest technology and agricultural processingKelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Tavanur, 2012) Madhana Supriya, R; KAU; Sudheer, K P
    Passion fruit is a tropical fruit which is extensively used in juice processing. The fruit is highly perishable and losses its quality immediately after the second day of harvest. The postharvest loss in quality and commercial value is due to the intense respiratory activity and significant moisture loss. Hence a study was undertaken to develop a wax applicator to extend the shelf life of passion fruit by adopting the postharvest technologies. A simple and efficient wax applicator with a capacity of 250 kg.hr-1 was developed based on the physical properties of the fruits. Various samples of the passion fruits were treated with bee wax and commercial wax packed in LDPE bags of 200 and 400 gauge. The effect on the shelf life extension of fruits was investigated individually and in combination of wax and LDPE bags. In the case of LDPE bags, different levels of perforations such as 0%, 0.5%, 1% and 2% were used. The samples were kept in ambient condition viz., 32 - 35°C and 70 - 80% RH and at cold conditions as 7ºC and 90% RH. The physicochemical characteristics of samples were tested periodically at an interval of 5 and 7 days, under ambient and cold storage conditions, respectively. The results obtained were subjected to statistical analysis. From the results it was revealed that the samples kept in non-perforated polythene covers were found to be better than those kept in perforated bags and in normal atmosphere. A maximum shelf life of 40 days was obtained for passion fruits at 7oC coated with commercial wax emulsion. Thus, commercial wax coating in combination with LDPE bags acted as a barrier against moisture loss and respiration rate of fruits. However, the fruits kept as control had lost consumer acceptability after the tenth day of study at cold condition and within two days at ambient storage conditions.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Water balance study of Karuvannur river basin
    (Department of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Tavanur, 1988) Santosh, G Thampi; KAU; John Thomas, K
    This study was undertaken to quantitavely assess the water resources of the Karuvannur River Basin and to study the monthly water balance in order to estimate the balance for ground waterrecharge or depletion during the period 1976 to 1985. The mean monthly rainfall over the basin during the period 1976-1985 was determined by Thiessen polygon method . Data regarding the amount of water released for irrigation from the Peechi reservoir was also collected. Due to lack of data, contribution from other sources was not taken into account. The total runoff from the basin during each month of this period was determined . The various crop combinations in the basin were identified and the area under each of these was estimated . The actual evapotranspiration during each month was estimated using the method outlined by Doorenbos and Kassam. The basin was regarded as an independent hydrologic unit . Hence surface and subsurface inflow and outflow were assumed to be negligible.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Development of a low cost garden tractor
    (Department of Agricultural Engineering, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 1982) Sivaswami, M; KAU; Muhammad, C P
    The study was conducted with the objectives of systematic analysis of components with respect to their kinematics, dynamics and ergonomics and evaluation of traction performance and economics of low cost garden tractor. A greaves Lombardini 5.4 hp diesel engine with 1800 rpm was selected and a simple three step speed reduction system having a single stage V belt drive and double stage chain drives with a pivotted countershaft clutch have been designed. A road speed of 6.635 kmph and field speed of 3.317 kpmh were achieved by using a cone pulley arrangement with 6.00 x 12 size wheel.Correct position of various components bringe the centre of gravity of the unit with and without implement at very close to the final drive axle for easy balancing
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Development of small scale equipment for extraction of cocoa butter and production of cocoa powder
    (Department of Agricultural Engineering, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 1982) Ganeshan, V; KAU; George, T P
    The primary objective of this project was to evolve a viable technology and equipment system for small scale processing of cocoa beans. The study mainly concentrated on the development of an extraction unit for the separation of butter from cocoa mass. Various equipment required for small scale processing of cocoa beans were either identified or designed.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Development and field evaluation of a cardomom polishing machine
    (Department of Farm Power Machinery and Energy, Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Tavanur, 1999) Anu, Ray Mathew; KAU; Mohammad, C P
    Cardamom capsules when dried have a dried flower stalk which is hard to be removed by manual operation. For destalkinq, a power operated cardamom polishing machine was developed, tested and its performance was evaluated. A polishing drum with attached wooden blades seperated the dried capsules fed in. from the flower stalk attached and were collected seperately. A single phase 1 hp motor served as power source. A 3-factlJr, factorial experiment in Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with drum speed, feed/batch, and retention time as independent variables was performed.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Modelling the hydrology of watershed by using HEC-HMS
    (Department of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Tavanur, 2016) Makkena, Jyothi; KAU; Vishnu, B
    A hydrological model is a commonly used tool to estimate the hydrological response of a watershed to precipitation. Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) is a physically based semi-distributed hydrologic modelling software developed by the Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. It is designed to simulate the complete hydrologic processes of dendritic watershed systems under various widely varying geographic conditions.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Investigations on energy conversion of waste coconut water through an Up-flow Anaerobic Hybrid Bioreactor
    (Department of Farm Power, Machinery and Energy, Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Tavanur, 2016) Dayanand, Kumbar; KAU; Shaji, James P
    Many Agro-industries discharges considerable amount of wastewater to water bodies. Anaerobic digestion of organic effluents from agro-industries has a great importance in pollution abatement as well for renewable energy production. Waste coconut water (WCW) is a medium strength waste water for which high rate anaerobic treatment is an affordable technology. This technology offers simultaneous production of energy in the form of biogas along with pollution control. Conventional biogas plants are slow in operation with long Hydraulic Retention Times (HRTs) in the order of 35 to 55 days, necessitating very large digester volumes. Hence, anaerobic treatment of WCW is technically and economically feasible only through high rate bioreactors, where we can reduce the HRTs in the range of 6 to 8 days. Hence, an investigation was taken up to study the performance of a high rate bioreactor viz. Up-flow Anaerobic Hybrid Bioreactor (UAHBR) for biomethanation of WCW. It was revealed that the WCW had a low pH along with high Bio-chemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Total Solids (TS). The semi-continuous digestion WCW was carried out in a lab scale floating gas holder digester. The digester was operated at different HRTs of 35, 30 and 25 day and performance evaluated. During all HRT there was a profound effect of pH over the working of the digester. The maximum daily biogas production and biogas productivity were 21.9 L and 3.5 L.L-1 during 30-day HRT. The TS reduction had the maximum value of 51.94 at 35-day HRT. The performance of the digester deteriorated at 25 day HRT and the minimum reduction was only 1.38 %. The system showed signs of failure. Existing full scale UAHBR was operated at different HRTs of 16.67 and 15 day and performance evaluated. The reactor was stable in operation throughout the period of operation and revealed high organic reduction with biogas production. The maximum specific biogas production and biogas productivity were 354.31 Lkg1TSadded and 13.50 L.L-1 during 15-day HRT. The TS reduction was in the range of 79.35 and 81.40 during the period of 15-day HRT.Experimental UAHBR was fabricated and performance evaluated at different HRTs of 15, 12, 10, 8 and 6 day. Reactor was stable in operation during 15, 12, 10, 8 and 6 day HRTs and exhibited high process efficiency characterised by good organic reduction and biogas production. The performance was slightly deteriorated with 8 and 6-day HRT. The maximum daily biogas production and volumetric biogas production were 114 L and 877 L.m-3 for 6-day HRT. The maximum specific biogas production and biogas productivity were 225.73 L.kg-1TSadded and 8.7 L.L-1 during 15-day HRT.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Development of seedling uprooting unit for system of rice intensification
    (Department of Farm Power Machinery and Energy, Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Tavanur, 2016) Sreerag, P M; KAU; Shivaji, K P
    The present study was conducted to develop a seedling uprooting machine for System of Rice Intensification (SRI). System of Rice Intensification is a method developed in Madagascar in the early 1980’s, where, it has been shown that yields can be enhanced by suitably modifying certain management practices such as controlled supply of water, planting of younger seedlings and providing wider spacing. In this method 12 to 15 days old root washed seedlings are transplanted on the well puddled field. Only one younger seedling is transplanted per hill with row to row and hill to hill spacing of 25 cm. The preparation of seedlings for this method involves uprooting from nursery and washing the roots. This is done manually and no mechanical device for uprooting seedlings is available at present. In this circumstance, there is a need for the mechanization in the uprooting, washing and feeding the seedling to root washed transplanter. On this ground a seedling uprooting unit for system of rice intensification was developed and field tested. The seedling uprooting unit was consists of four major components namely bed cutting tool, conveyor unit, main frame and power unit. In order to cut the required thickness of soil bed, cutting tool was developed and fabricated with MS flat sheet of 2mm thickness. It consists of a rectangular base plate (25×30 cm) placed horizontally beneath the cutting blade. The cut seedling beds were conveyed through a slatted belt type conveyor having two adjacent roller chains inter linked with MS flat linkages giving overall belt width of 25 cm and 155 cm belt length. In order to drive the conveyor belt, a power unit from the existing vertical conveyor reaper was chosen. It consisted of 4 hp gasoline engine. According to the geometry of power unit a suitable frame was fabricated using MS angles (3×3 cm) to attach the cutting and conveying unit. The developed seedling uprooting unit was tested in the field to optimize the speed of operation and angle of cutting. Three levels of angle of blade viz., 20, 30 and 40 degrees and three levels of engine speed viz., 1000, 2000 and 3000 rpm were selected for the study. The thickness of bed, time of operation, wheel slip and plant damage were tested with respect to the above selected cutting angles and engine speeds. From the field observations it was found that cutting angle of 30° with engine speed of 2000 rpm was best for the effective seedling uprooting in terms of bed thickness, time of operation, wheel slip and plant damage. For this final prototype field performance characteristics like field capacity, field efficiency and fuel consumption were assessed. The theoretical field capacity was computed as 163.33 m2h-1 and field efficiency was found to be 81.2 per cent. The observed fuel consumption for the final prototype was in the range of 0.51 to 0.53 l.h-1. At the present wage rate of Rs 300 per day, the total cost for uprooting and washing of seedlings for cultivating an area of one hectare by manual method is about Rs 750. The total cost for uprooting and washing of seedlings for cultivating an area of one hectare by using machine is Rs 250. Hence a saving of Rs 500 can be expected by using the developed machine for preparing the seedlings required for cultivating one hectare.