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Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur

The history of agricultural education in Kerala can be traced back to the year 1896 when a scheme was evolved in the erstwhile Travancore State to train a few young men in scientific agriculture at the Demonstration Farm, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram, presently, the Cropping Systems Research Centre under Kerala Agricultural University. Agriculture was introduced as an optional subject in the middle school classes in the State in 1922 when an Agricultural Middle School was started at Aluva, Ernakulam District. The popularity and usefulness of this school led to the starting of similar institutions at Kottarakkara and Konni in 1928 and 1931 respectively. Agriculture was later introduced as an optional subject for Intermediate Course in 1953. In 1955, the erstwhile Government of Travancore-Cochin started the Agricultural College and Research Institute at Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram and the College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences at Mannuthy, Thrissur for imparting higher education in agricultural and veterinary sciences, respectively. These institutions were brought under the direct administrative control of the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Animal Husbandry, respectively. With the formation of Kerala State in 1956, these two colleges were affiliated to the University of Kerala. The post-graduate programmes leading to M.Sc. (Ag), M.V.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees were started in 1961, 1962 and 1965 respectively. On the recommendation of the Second National Education Commission (1964-66) headed by Dr. D.S. Kothari, the then Chairman of the University Grants Commission, one Agricultural University in each State was established. The State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) were established in India as an integral part of the National Agricultural Research System to give the much needed impetus to Agriculture Education and Research in the Country. As a result the Kerala Agricultural University (KAU) was established on 24th February 1971 by virtue of the Act 33 of 1971 and started functioning on 1st February 1972. The Kerala Agricultural University is the 15th in the series of the SAUs. In accordance with the provisions of KAU Act of 1971, the Agricultural College and Research Institute at Vellayani, and the College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, were brought under the Kerala Agricultural University. In addition, twenty one agricultural and animal husbandry research stations were also transferred to the KAU for taking up research and extension programmes on various crops, animals, birds, etc. During 2011, Kerala Agricultural University was trifurcated into Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (KVASU), Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies (KUFOS) and Kerala Agricultural University (KAU). Now the University has seven colleges (four Agriculture, one Agricultural Engineering, one Forestry, one Co-operation Banking & Management), six RARSs, seven KVKs, 15 Research Stations and 16 Research and Extension Units under the faculties of Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering and Forestry. In addition, one Academy on Climate Change Adaptation and one Institute of Agricultural Technology offering M.Sc. (Integrated) Climate Change Adaptation and Diploma in Agricultural Sciences respectively are also functioning in Kerala Agricultural University.


Search Results

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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Development of technology for preparation of soft cheese (Paneer) from jackfruit seed milk
    (Department of community science, vellayani, 2023-09-29) Fathima,Sanam; KAU; Krishnaja, U
    The study entitled “Development of Technology for Preparation of Soft Cheese (Paneer) from Jackfruit Seed Milk” was conducted at the department of Community Science, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, during the period 2020-2023. The objective of the study was to develop a dairy analogue using jackfruit seed milk and to evaluate its quality and sensory attributes. Seeds from jackfruit cultivars Varikka and Koozha with two maturity indices (m1) fully ripe, (m2) fully matured, were selected for the study. The jackfruit seeds were manually peeled off using a stainless-steel knife. Seeds were soaked in different soaking media such as (s1) water, (s2) 2% sodium bicarbonate, (s3) 3% sodium hydroxide, (s4) 2% salt water Treatments: 2x2x4 =16, Replication: 3. The seeds from both varieties were cleaned and white arils was peeled off for further processing. The two varieties of seeds with different maturity indices were undergone two heat treatments (h1) steaming, (h2) pressure cooking. Treatments: 2x3= 8, Replication: 3 The extraction of jackfruit seed milk was done by washing and weighing the Pre-processed jackfruit seeds and blend with water (ratio 1:1.5 w/v). The blended mixture was then filtered through cheese cloth into a glass jar, the extracted jackfruit seed milk was stored in refrigerator at 4°C. The screening of the jackfruit seed milk obtained from the 24 treatments were tested for yield ratio, sensory attributes and curd setting properties. The soaking time was standardised to 24 hours. The heat treatments (steaming and pressure cooking) were standardised at 100°C for 20 minutes. Functional characters like yield ratio, sensory attributes, curd setting of the samples were examined. After statistical analysis of sensory evaluation, yield ratio and curd setting properties of the 24 samples varikka fully ripe soaked in water (v1m1s1) with no heat treatments was chosen as the best milk for the preparation of paneer. For the preparation of paneer four combinations of milk was extracted (f1) jackfruit seed milk (100%), (f2) jackfruit seed milk (50%) + groundnut milk (50%), (f3) jackfruit seed milk (50%) + soymilk (50%) and (f4) jackfruit seed milk (50%) + soymilk (25%) + groundnut milk (25%) and selection of coagulum for paneer preparation was done. (c1) vinegar, (c2) lemon juice and (c3) 10% citric acid, these combinations were tested for yield ratio sensory evaluation and coagulation. (c1) vinegar had the highest coagulation among the 3 coagulants. jackfruit seed milk (50%) + soy milk (50%) was selected as the best combination for the preparation of paneer. The preparation of paneer was done by soaking and blending the selected combination and straining it through cheese cloth, extracted milk was coagulated using vinegar and the coagulated mass was collected by keeping weight, the collected paneer was cut into 7-6-inch pieces and immersed in cold water, the paneer was then wrapped in butter paper and stored in polyethylene pouches and refrigerated at ambient temperature. The quality analysis of the paneer show (9.1g/100g) protein, crude fiber (2.38 %), carbohydrate (1.8 mg/100g), calcium (132.40 g/100mg), fat (3.4 g/100g) moisture content (8.75%) and total solid content (12.17±1.3%) the total bacterial count, total fungal count, total coliform count was accessed using microbiological methods. The presence of bacterial colonies, fungal growth and coliforms was not observed in the initial stage (TLTC) but after one-week bacterial count (43x106), fungal count (42x107) and coliform count (36x102) was detected. The preparation of the jackfruit seed milk + soy milk paneer is convenient to prepare, nutritious and will becomes more in demand as a diary alternative once introduced to the market therefore jackfruit seed milk paneer is a great choice as a dairy analogue without preservatives and harmful chemicals to target broader consumer base.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Process optimization of fruit blended boba tea pearls from cassava (Manihot esculenta)
    (Department of community science, college of agriculture ,Vellayani, 2023-09-11) Gayathri, D.; KAU; Anitha Chandran
    The study entitled “Process Optimization of fruit blended Boba Tea Pearls from cassava(Manihot esculenta)”was conducted at the department of Community Science, College of Agriculture, Vellayani during the period 202O-2022.The objective of the study was to develop fruit blended Boba tea pearls from cassava and to evaluate its quality attributes”. Matured M4 cassava was selected and collected from CTCRI, Sreekaryam. Five fruits like dragon fruit, passion fruit, pineapple, jackfruit and mango were selected to make fruit blended boba tea pearls. Cassava was properly cleaned, washed , cut into small cubes and grinded using water for extracting the starch content using a muslin cloth. The slurry was kept for 6-7 hours and the supernatant was discarded . The sediment was then oven dried at 60 C for 2-3 days until it reached moisture content between 5-7 per cent. Fruit pulp was taken after removal of seeds. Fruit blended tapioca pearls was developed by gelatinizing cassava starch powder blended with fruit pulp in the proportions 40:60, 35;65, 70:30, 75:25 and 80: 20 with 10 gram of sugar and was oven dried until the moisture content of the pearls between 5-7 per cent. The dried pearls was then packed in HDPE covers for further sensory studies. For the selection of one best proportion from each fruit,100 grams of the developed fruit blended pearls was subjected to cook in 10 gram of sugar syrup in 100 0C till the pearls become transparent, chewy and jelly like form. Five proportions along with the control of fruit blended tapioca pearls were subjected to sensory evaluation and the best one from each fruit blended tapioca pearls was selected. From the sensory evaluation it was found that T1M(40 ; 60) was the best proportion for mango blended tapioca pearls, T5P (20;80) for passion fruit tapioca pearls, T4P(30: 70 ) for Pineapple blended tapioca pearls, T3J(30: 70) for jackfruit tapioca pearls and T3D(35:65)for dragon fruit tapioca pearls. Nutritional analysis showed that Pineapple blended tapioca pearls T3PI(2.62g/100g) contain highest carbohydrate content and the lowest carbohydrate content was observed for plain tapioca pearls(control).Phenol concentration was highest for control compared to fruit blended tapoca pearls. TAA content was observed highest for passion fruit (9.15g/100g) compared to other treatments and was low in mango blended tapioca pearls. Jackfruit blended tapioca pearls have highest oxalate content compared to other fruit blended pearls and it low in mango and pineapple pearls. On mineral composition it was showed that Jackfruit blended tapioca pearls (T4J) has more potasuim content and lowest for passion fruit tapioca pearls. Phosphorus content was highest in passion fruit blended tapioca pearls P6 (0.013g/100gm)and lowest for control. Calcuim content was highest in mango (3.1g/100gm)and was lowest in Pineapple and passion fruit. For magnesium it was observed that pineapple blended tapioca pearls have highest calcium content(1.8g/100gm). While analysing the PH of fruit blende tapioca pearls it was found that highest pH value is for passion fruit blended tapioca pearls(4.8g/100gm) and pineapple blended tapioca pearls(4.2g/100gm) and the lowest pH was observed for control or plain blended tapioca pearls. Physical properties like swelling power of tapioca starch powder and yield was analysed. Swelling power of tapioca starch powder was found to be 13.08. Total bacterial count, Total fungal count and total coliform count was assessed using microbiological methods under 1 month interval. The presence of bacteria , fungus and E-coli was not detected until 3 months of storage studies. It shows the quality and the shelf stability of the product. To increase the physiological and nutritional characteristics of Boba pearls ,there is a need for new interventions which increases its properties Addition of fruits will increase its nutritive value along with sensory appeal without adding any artificial colours or flavours. Compared to fruits , cassava is low in dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals etc. So addition of fruit based boba pearls not only give an additional texture and flavour ,but also provide nutritive values compared to plain tapioca pearls. The development of process protocols for cassava boba pearls and its technology transfer will benefit cassava growers as well as micro-enterprises to strengthen enterprenurship under One District One product scheme.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) hybrids for yield and quality
    (Department of Plantation Crops and Spices, College of Agriculture,Vellanikkara, 2021-12-30) Jintu, Varghese; KAU; Jalaja S, Menon
    The demand of cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) for export and local consumption is increasing in the country and there is a gap of 7 lakh tonnes in the production to meet the requirement. Due to pressure on land, the possible way to increase production is to increase productivity by adopting improved varieties. Hybrid vigour was well exploited in cashew. Cashew Research Station, Madakkathara has developed many hybrids through hybridization programmes which are maintained in the farm. In the present study 19 hybrids of stabilized yield along with 11 cross parents and check variety Poornima were evaluated for yield and quality traits during the year 2020-2021. Qualitative and quantitative parameters including those of growth, inflorescence, apple, nut, yield and biochemical attributes revealed a spectacular array of variations among the tested genotypes. Among hybrid population, upright and compact canopy with intensive branching habit, yellowish red flush colour and pyramid shaped loose inflorescence were predominating. Early flowering from October was recorded in 13 cashew hybrids and four parents. Cluster bearing habit was observed in hybrids H03-113/1 (4.65 fruits), H03-55/10 (4.55 fruits) and H03- 53/9 (4.10 fruits). The apple weight varied from16.83 g (H03 55/10) to 137.49g (Priyanka). Nut weight of more than 10g was observed in hybrids H03-21/10, H03- 97/2, H03-36/8, H03-110/1, H03-52/6, H03-52/7, H03-52/5, HO3-95/4 and H03- 18/17 and these can be represented as bold nut hybrids. The average kernel weight varied from 1.62g (H03-55/10) to 4.19g (H03-95/4). Nut yield above 18 kg/tree was recorded in hybrids, H03-92/3 (20.2 kg), H03-52/5(21.5kg), H03-36/8(22.10 kg), H03-110/1(23.40 kg), H03-97/2 (24.50 kg), H03-21/10 (25.20 kg) and in parent, Amrutha (21.3kg) and check variety, Poornima (20.0 kg). In biochemical analysis, TSS ranged from 13.150Brix (H03-18/17) to 17.40Brix (H03-53/9). Vitamin C content ranged from 107.5 to 220.15mg/100ml. Lowest tannin content was shown by hybrid H03-55/11(0.085%), H03-92/3(0.09%) and H03-55/10(0.09%). The hybrids H03-57/4, H03-110/1, H03-113/1, H03-52/5 and xx H03-21/10 and parents, Dhana, Madakkathara-1, Vridhachalam-3, and K-22-1 were less susceptible to TMB. Nut yield per tree was found to possess significant positive correlation with nut weight, kernel weight, apple weight, number of bisexual flowers and shelling percentage. In the principal component analysis 85.92% of total variability was explained by the first three components with an eigen value greater than one. The characters like yield per plant, apple weight, shelling percentage, kernel weight, nut weight and bisexual flowers contributed more towards diversity. Eight hybrids viz., H03-21/10, H03-97/2, H03-36/8, H03-110/1, H03-52/6, H03-52/7, H03-52/5 and H03-95/4 were placed in the first quadrant along with check variety Poornima. Magnitude of heterosis was calculated for 19 hybrids over mid parent (relative heterosis), better parent (heterobeltiosis) and standard variety (standard heterosis). The above eight hybrids along with H03-18/17 exhibited better heterosis. The hybrids, H03-36/8, H03-97/2, H03-110/1, H03-21/10 and H03-52/5 which exhibited heterosis and nut weight above 10g, tree yield above 18kg, kernel weight above 2.5g and shelling per cent above 28 were selected as promising types. Hence these hybrids may be recommended for commercial cultivation. Further studies should be undertaken with different traits for exhaustive evaluation for commercialization. The hybrids H03-52/6, H03 -52/7, H03-95/4 and H03-18/17 having good yield and quality traits can be utilized for crop improvement programmes.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Characterization and quality analysis of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) genotypes of Kerala
    (Department of Plantation Crops and Spices, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 2021) Reshma, P; KAU; Sreekala, G S
    The present study entitled “Characterization and quality analysis of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) genotypes of Kerala” was taken up with the objectives of survey, characterization and quality analysis of black pepper genotypes of Kerala based on morphological and biochemical parameters. The survey conducted in black pepper plantations and homesteads in fourteen locations of six Agro-Ecological Units (AEUs) identified twenty one genotypes. Five genotypes designated as G1 (Wayanadan), G2 (Chumala), G3 (Vellayaranmunda), G4 (Nadan), G5 (Nadeshan) from AEU 21 (Wayanad Eastern Plateau), six genotypes designated as G6 (Karimunda), G7 (Neelamundi), G8 (Cheppukulamundi), G9 (Vattamundi), G10 (Thulamundi), G11 (Manjamunda) from AEU 12 (Southern and Central Foothills), three genotypes designated as G12 (Chengannurkodi), G13 (Vellanamban), G14 (Jeerakamunda) from AEU 14 (Southern High Hills), three genotypes designated as G15 (Kuthiravally), G16 (Kottanadan), G17 (Arimulak) from AEU 3 (Onattukara Sandy Plains), two genotypes designated as G18 (Padappan), G19 (Karivilanchy) from AEU 8 (Southern Laterites) and two genotypes designated as G20 (Narayakodi) and G21 (Panniyur 1) from AEU 4 (Kuttanad) were selected for the study. Twenty one genotypes were morphologically characterized for both qualitative and quantitative characters. Thirty four qualitative characters were observed and among those only twenty two characters showed variability. Characters such as runner shoot production, pubescence on stem, type of veining, leaf texture, spike colour, spike orientation, spike shape, spike fragrance, spike proliferation, colour change while fruit ripening, fruit taste and seed texture were uniform in all the selected genotypes. The UPGMA dendrogram divided all the genotypes into 15 clusters at 73 per cent similarity. Sensory evaluation of the selected black pepper genotypes showed a significant variation for colour, odour, taste and flavour. G16 (Kottanadan) was significantly superior in taste while G15 (Kuthiravally) was superior in odour and flavour. Thirty four quantitative characters were recorded for plant, leaf, inflorescence, fruit and seed characters. Summarizing these quantitative characters using descriptive statistics revealed wide range of variability in number of well developed fruits per spike, number of spikes per 30 cm2 , number of spikes per vine, bulk density and specific leaf area. Principal component analysis was undertaken to examine the variation and to estimate the relative contribution of various trait for total variability. The principal component analysis for twenty three yield related characters revealed seven principal components at 85.53 per cent variability. The eleven quantitative characters such as juvenile leaf length, leaf length, leaf width, number of spikes/30 cm2 , number of spikes per lateral branch, number of spikes per vine, number of nodes per lateral branch, number of well developed berries per spike, berry diameter, support height and vine column diameter contributed more to the yield. The score plot identified fifteen clusters in which genotypes with superior yield namely, G1 (Wayanadan), G4 (Nadeshan), G5 (Nadan), G15 (Kuthiravally) and G21 (Panniyur 1) formed unique clusters. Minimal data set generated for black pepper included four characters namely, number of nodes per lateral, number of well developed berries/spike, number of spikes/30 cm2 and berry diameter. The principal component analysis for five physiological parameters revealed one principal component at 73.34 per cent variability. Genotypes with high leaf thickness, high relative water content, high epicuticular wax, low specific leaf area and low stomatal density were associated with drought tolerance in black pepper. Sixteen clusters were identified based on score plot. Biplot analysis identified genotypes G16 (Kottanadan), G13 (Vellanamban), G6 (Karimunda), G7 (Neelamundi), G18 (Padappan) and G20 (Narayakodi) as most desirable genotypes for drought tolerance. The principal component analysis for six quality attributes revealed two principal components at 66.62 per cent variability. The genotypes were grouped into seventeen clusters based on score plot while the biplot identified genotypes G16 (Kottandan), G15 (Kuthiravally), G21 (Panniyur 1), G19 (Karivilancy), G17 (Arimulak), G13 (Vellanamban) and G6 (Karimunda) as the high quality ones. The genotypes studied for qualitative, quantitative, physiological and quality traits showed a moderate variability and can be used in the selection of suitable parents for breeding purpose and gene mapping studies.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Growth, yield and essential oil production responses to microbial elicitation in Ocimum basilicum L.
    (Department of Plantation Crops and Spices, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 2021) Rajeswari, E; KAU; Deepa, S Nair
    The seeds of O. basilicum used for the study were sourced from Anand Agricultural University, Gujarat. The study was carried out in two phases: Phase 1- Seed priming using fungal derivatives for enhanced germination. Phase 2- Evaluation of the effect of foliar application of fungal derivatives for growth, yield and essential oil production. In the first phase of study, the seeds were subjected to various priming treatments using fungal derivatives viz., Trichoderma viride cell wall extract (1 %) (TCWE), Trichoderma viride culture filtrate (1 %) (TCF), Piriformospora indica cell wall extract (1 %) (PCWE), Piriformospora indica culture filtrate (1 %) (PCF) and hydro priming, maintained upto 30 days after sowing. The seeds without any priming were taken as the absolute control. In the second phase of study, the 30 days old seedlings of O. basilicum were transplanted to grow bags. The foliar spray of corresponding fungal derivatives (cell wall extract and culture filtrate) at 1 % concentration were given to plants at fortnightly intervals from transplanting to 90 days after sowing. The treatment without any foliar application was taken as the absolute control. The seeds bioprimed with PCF @ 1 per cent recorded the highest germination per cent (96%), survival per cent (96%) and had taken minimum number of days (3 days) to initial sprouting. While TCF @ 1 per cent exhibited the highest germination index (34.50) and lowest mean germination time (6.29 days). With regard to seedling development, PCF @ 1 per cent recorded a significantly higher shoot length (21.50 cm), root length (19.50 cm), seedling length (41.00 cm) and seedling vigour index (39.37). The highest (1.07) allometric index was observed in the treatment PCWE @ 1 per cent. At 110 DAS, the plants subjected to foliar application with PCF @ 1 per cent exhibited higher plant height (80.20 cm), collar girth (6.03 cm), leaf area (4010.82 cm2 ), number of branches (28.00) and number of flowering shoots (104.00). The same treatment induced early flowering (55 days) in O. basilicum. The foliar spray treatment with PCF @ 1 per cent exhibited significantly higher total chlorophyll content (1.20 mg g-1 ) and polyphenol content (84.31 mg PE g-1 ) at 110 DAS. The plants subjected to foliar application with PCF @ 1 per cent recorded maximum leaf biomass (210.00 g and 19.04 g), stem biomass (135.33 g and 12.21 g), herbage yield (345.33 g and 31.25 g), root biomass (52.00 g and 4.63 g) and total plant biomass (397.33 g and 35.88 g) respectively, on both fresh weight and dry weight basis. The same treatment recorded the highest leaf biomass (125.33 g and 12.44 g), stem biomass (76.00 g and 7.31 g), and herbage yield (201.33 g and 19.75 g), on fresh weight and dry weight basis respectively, in the ratoon crop harvested 60 days after the first cut. PCF @ 1 per cent was also observed to give the highest essential oil content (2.11 per cent and 1.00 per cent) and oil yield (443.10 g and 19.04 g, respectively) in terms of both fresh and dry leaf weight. This is followed by PCWE @ 1 per cent and TCF @ 1 per cent in terms of oil content and yield. In the first phase of study, PCF @ 1 per cent gave better performance in terms of seed germination, seedling growth and seedling vigour index. The transplanted seedlings from the same treatment when subjected to foliar application with PCF @ 1 per cent at fortnightly intervals gave the highest plant growth, biochemical and yield parameters in the second phase of study. Hence, it can be inferred that biopriming followed by foliar application of the fungal derivative PCF @ 1 per cent would give superior performance in terms of plant growth, yield and essential oil production in O. basilicum.