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Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University, Guntur (AP)

The Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University (APAU) was established on 12th June 1964 at Hyderabad. The University was formally inaugurated on 20th March 1965 by Late Shri. Lal Bahadur Shastri, the then Hon`ble Prime Minister of India. Another significant milestone was the inauguration of the building programme of the university by Late Smt. Indira Gandhi,the then Hon`ble Prime Minister of India on 23rd June 1966. The University was renamed as Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University on 7th November 1996 in honour and memory of an outstanding parliamentarian Acharya Nayukulu Gogineni Ranga, who rendered remarkable selfless service for the cause of farmers and is regarded as an outstanding educationist, kisan leader and freedom fighter. HISTORICAL MILESTONE Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU) was established under the name of Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University (APAU) on the 12th of June 1964 through the APAU Act 1963. Later, it was renamed as Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University on the 7th of November, 1996 in honour and memory of the noted Parliamentarian and Kisan Leader, Acharya N. G. Ranga. At the verge of completion of Golden Jubilee Year of the ANGRAU, it has given birth to a new State Agricultural University namely Prof. Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University with the bifurcation of the state of Andhra Pradesh as per the Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Act 2014. The ANGRAU at LAM, Guntur is serving the students and the farmers of 13 districts of new State of Andhra Pradesh with renewed interest and dedication. Genesis of ANGRAU in service of the farmers 1926: The Royal Commission emphasized the need for a strong research base for agricultural development in the country... 1949: The Radhakrishnan Commission (1949) on University Education led to the establishment of Rural Universities for the overall development of agriculture and rural life in the country... 1955: First Joint Indo-American Team studied the status and future needs of agricultural education in the country... 1960: Second Joint Indo-American Team (1960) headed by Dr. M. S. Randhawa, the then Vice-President of Indian Council of Agricultural Research recommended specifically the establishment of Farm Universities and spelt out the basic objectives of these Universities as Institutional Autonomy, inclusion of Agriculture, Veterinary / Animal Husbandry and Home Science, Integration of Teaching, Research and Extension... 1963: The Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University (APAU) Act enacted... June 12th 1964: Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University (APAU) was established at Hyderabad with Shri. O. Pulla Reddi, I.C.S. (Retired) was the first founder Vice-Chancellor of the University... June 1964: Re-affilitation of Colleges of Agriculture and Veterinary Science, Hyderabad (estt. in 1961, affiliated to Osmania University), Agricultural College, Bapatla (estt. in 1945, affiliated to Andhra University), Sri Venkateswara Agricultural College, Tirupati and Andhra Veterinary College, Tirupati (estt. in 1961, affiliated to Sri Venkateswara University)... 20th March 1965: Formal inauguration of APAU by Late Shri. Lal Bahadur Shastri, the then Hon`ble Prime Minister of India... 1964-66: The report of the Second National Education Commission headed by Dr. D.S. Kothari, Chairman of the University Grants Commission stressed the need for establishing at least one Agricultural University in each Indian State... 23, June 1966: Inauguration of the Administrative building of the university by Late Smt. Indira Gandhi, the then Hon`ble Prime Minister of India... July, 1966: Transfer of 41 Agricultural Research Stations, functioning under the Department of Agriculture... May, 1967: Transfer of Four Research Stations of the Animal Husbandry Department... 7th November 1996: Renaming of University as Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University in honour and memory of an outstanding parliamentarian Acharya Nayukulu Gogineni Ranga... 15th July 2005: Establishment of Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University (SVVU) bifurcating ANGRAU by Act 18 of 2005... 26th June 2007: Establishment of Andhra Pradesh Horticultural University (APHU) bifurcating ANGRAU by the Act 30 of 2007... 2nd June 2014 As per the Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Act 2014, ANGRAU is now... serving the students and the farmers of 13 districts of new State of Andhra Pradesh with renewed interest and dedication...




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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Guntur, 2015) RAMANA, J.V.; Dr. V. SATYANARAYANA RAO
    The study was undertaken with an objective to study the inheritance and nature of gene action underlying the seed yield and oil content besides understanding the diversity among the collected genotypes, variability, heterosis and inbreeding depression in the attempted crosses in sesame. Thirty six genotypes of sesame were evaluated for nine characters viz., days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, plant height, number of primary branches/plant, number of capsules per plant, number of seeds per capsule, 1000 seed weight, oil content and seed yield per plant to estimate divergence (morphological and molecular), correlation coefficients, heritability genetic advance and path coefficients along with selection of parents for hybridization, utilizing selected genotypes in five parameter model for generation mean analysis, heterosis and inbreeding depression from the seasons viz., rabi 2010, kharif 2011, rabi 2011, kharif 2012 and rabi 2012 at Agricultural Research Station, Yallamanchili, Andhra Pradesh and Agricultural College farm, Bapatla. . Analysis of variance showed highly significant differences among the thirty six genotypes for all the characters studied indicating that the data generated from the above diverse material will yield reliable genetic information. The genetic variability studies revealed that the material used in present investigation possessed variability which provides scope for selection by breeder. Moderate to low coefficients of variability was observed for most of the traits indicating moderate variability. The estimates of high heritability and moderate genetic advance as per cent of mean were observed for the traits number of primary branches/plant, 1000 seed weight and seed yield per plant. The correlation analysis revealed that the genotypic correlations were, in general higher than the phenotypic correlations and thus suggested that the observed relationships among the characters were due to genetic factors. The trait, seed yield per plant had highly significant positive association with number capsules per plant, number of seeds per capsule and 1000 seed weight indicating the importance of these traits in improving the seed yield per plant while oil content was negatively associated with seed yield per plant indicating higher the yield lesser will be the oil content. Considering the nature and magnitude of character association and their direct and indirect effects, it can be inferred that simultaneous improvement of seed yield per plant is possible through manifestation of number of primary branches per plant, number of capsules per plant, number of seeds per capsule and 1000-seed weight. In diversity analysis, the per cent contribution towards genetic divergence was maximum by the trait, number of primary branches per plant. The thirty six genotypes were grouped into seven clusters using Tocher’s method and the distribution of thirty six genotypes into seven clusters was at random with maximum number of genotypes in cluster I (12 genotypes). The maximum intra cluster distance was observed in the cluster IV and the inter cluster distance was the highest between clusters V and VI indicating wide genetic diversity between the clusters and crosses can be attempted between the genotypes of these clusters to obtain desirable transgressive segregants. Higher cluster mean values for number of primary branches per plant, number of seeds per capsule, days to maturity and plant height were observed in cluster V while cluster VI recorded minimum number of days to 50% flowering and highest seed weight and seed yield per plant indicating the importance of this cluster in breeding programmes to generate early maturity types with increased seed yield through seed weight. The first four principle components with Eigen values more than one contributed 79.42% towards the total variability. The thirty six genotypes were grouped into seven clusters by using agglomerative hierarchical cluster analysis. Among the clusters, cluster I was the largest containing ten genotypes followed by clusters II and VI with seven genotypes each. The intra cluster euclidean square distance was the highest in cluster I while the inter cluster euclidean square distance was maximum between clusters II and VII. The cluster mean data indicated that the cluster V is useful for generating early maturing types with high seed yield per plant through 1000 seed weight while cluster VI is helpful for increased seeds per capsule and oil content. The results of generation mean analysis of various seed yield and yield components of ten crosses showed very less variability in the material for most of the characters in terms of mean values. The results of C and / or D scaling tests were significant for all the crosses indicating the presence of epistatic interactions in all the crosses for all the traits. Complementary epistasis for yield and oil content was observed in the crosses YLM 89 x YLM 92 and YLM 95 x YLM 92 while, duplicate type of epistasis was noticed in the crosses YLM 93 x YLM 92, YLM 90 x YLM 100 and YLM 95 x YLM 100. Desirable heterosis for plant height and days to maturity (negative), seed yield per plant (positive) was recorded in the crosses YLM 89 x YLM 100 and YLM 90 x YLM 100 while most of the traits in most of the crosses showed inbreeding depression.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Guntur, 2015) GIRIJA RANI, M; Dr. P.V. SATYANARAYANA
    Rice crop continues to suffer with biotic and abiotic stresses. It is often prone to lodging due to unpredicted cyclonic rains. Sometimes heavy precipitation in short period at flowering to harvesting stage causes severe yield loss. Lodging can reduce yield up to 80% and can cause severe knock on-effects, including reduced grain quality, greater drying cost, slower manual as well as mechanical harvest. The present study was aimed to detect presence of identified lodging resistant QTLs in elite lines, gene action of lodging resistance and to confirm presence of lodging resistance QTL through bulked segregant analysis in F2. Genetic diversity among 51 elite rice lines for lodging resistance was determined using 13 molecular markers linked to SCM2 (strong culm 2) conferring lodging resistance and estimated magnitude of genetic diversity for 14 phenotypic characters viz., days to 50 % flowering, plant height, number of ear bearing tillers plant-1, panicle length, number of filled grains panicle-1, spikelet fertility, test weight, grain yield plant-1, culm diameter, culm thickness, culm strength, 4th internodal length, bending strength and per cent of lodging with D2 analysis. Based on molecular diversity, sixteen hybrids were generated using parents susceptible to lodging as lines (MTU 7029, MTU 1061, MTU 1001 andMTU 1010) and lodging resistant lines as testers (II 110-9-1-1-1-1, PS140-1, MTU 1121 and BPT 2270) in LxT fashion during kharif 2012-13. Choice of parents using molecular diversity is in agreement with genetic diversity studies of phenotypic characters. Selection of superior hybrid by combining per se performance, sca and heterosis is more desirable for evolving good segregants. Hybrids, MTU 7029/ II 110-9-1-1-1-1 and MTU 7029/MTU 1121 were found to be superior for grain yield per plant and lodging resistance out of 16 hybrids evaluated during Rabi 2012-13. These hybrids MTU 7029/II 110-9-1-1-1-1 and MTU 7029/MTU 1121 were also studied to unveil gene action for lodging resistance loci and associated markers in identified donors using bulked segregant analysis during kharif 201314. Lodging resistance related traits such as culm diameter, culm thickness, culm strength, basal inter nodal length, bending strength and per cent of lodging expressed dominance x dominance type of interaction along with duplicate epistasis in both cross combinations. Results of bulked segregant analysis revealed that two markers RM 20557 and RM 5509, on chromosome 6 were associated with per cent of lodging, culm strength and culm diameter in F2 plants of MTU 7029/II 110-9-1-1-1-1. Identified markers, RM 20557 and RM 5509 linked to lodging resistance from the donor II 110-9-1-1-1-1 and found to be associated with previously reported QTL region of strong culm 2 (SCM2 ) on chromosome 6. ` In F2 derived population of MTU 7029/MTU 1121, SSR marker RM 6933 was found to be linked with culm strength and culm diameter and RM 216 was associated with culm diameter. RM 6933 is in the vicinity of reported QTL SCM4 on chromosome 2 which confers culm strength. Identified lodging resistant loci were confirmed by genotyping and phenotyping of F3 families of two crosses during Rabi 2013-14. Studies on genetics of lodging resistance revealed modified epistatic dihybrid ratio of 10:6 for lodging susceptibility and resistant families in MTU 7029/II 110-9-1-1-1-1. While in cross combination MTU 7029/MTU 1121, modified dihybrid ratio of 1:15 for lodging susceptible and resistant families indicated duplicate dominance epistatic interaction of lodging resistant loci. Analysis of variance of F3 families of both crosses revealed there is significant difference for all the 14 characters studied. Clustering pattern of lodging resistant F3 lines was assessed using Mahalonobis D2. Lodging resistant F3 lines with high yield, strong and wider culms were grouped in clusters 14 and 4 in cross combination of MTU 7029/II 110-9-1-1-1-1. Eight lodging resistant F3 lines of MTU 7029/ MTU 1121with higher yield were grouped in cluster 4. These lodging resistant lines can be advanced to next generation for development of high yielding non lodging varieties. In both the crosses, per cent of lodging positively correlated with plant height among F3 families. Culm diameter also positively correlated with panicle length among F3 families of MTU 7029/II 110-9-1-1-1 and identified markers RM 20557 and RM 5509 associated with QTL SCM2 had pleiotropic effect on panicle organization. In MTU 7029/MTU1121 derived F3 families, bending strength expressed negative significant association with number of productive tillers plant-1. Genetic basis of lodging resistance loci was identified as epistatic interaction involving two genes. Expression of lodging resistance is specific with donor parent. Identification of lodging resistant loci associated with molecular markers will help in precise selection of lodging resistant lines in breeding programmes which can with stand cyclones and give assured yields.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Guntur, 2015) JHANSI RANI, P; Dr. P. V. SATYANARAYANA
    The present investigation on “Genetic Studies on Panicle, Quality and Yield Traits in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)” was carried out at Andhra Pradesh Rice Research Institute & Regional Agricultural Research Station, Maruteru from Kharif 2012 to Kharif 2013 to study the heterosis and combining ability involving 7 lines and 3 testers as parents and 21 F1s and to study six genetic components in two crosses for 23 panicle, yield and quality characters in rice. The 21 crosses generated in L x T mating design using seven lines viz., MTU 1071, MTU 1075, MTU 1081, MTU 1121, NRI 003, MTU II-118-24-4-1 and MTUPS-140-1 and three testers viz., MTU 1010, MTU 3626 and TN 1 were used to study heterosis and combining ability for 23 traits pertaining to panicle, quality and yield in rice. The estimates of heterosis and heterobeltiosis were variable among crosses in desirable direction. The highly heterotic cross combinations identified were MTU 1075 / MTU 1010 for earliness, number of grains primary branches-1, spikelet fertility percentage and grain yield panicle-1; MTU II-118-24-4-1 / TN1 for panicle length and 1000 grain weight; MTU 1075 / MTU 3626 for number of grains primary branches-1 and number of fertile grains panicle-1; MTU 1081 / MTU 3626 for number of grains secondary rachis branches-1, spikelet fertility percentage, 1000 grain weight kernel breadth and L/B ratio; NRI 003 / MTU 1010 for semi dwarfness, grain yield panicle-1 , grain yield plant-1; MTU-PS-140-1 / TN1 for kernel breadth and L/B ratio. The gca/sca variance indicated that all the characters were predominantly governed by non additive gene action except for days to 50% flowering, high density grain index, kernel length, L/B ratio, gel consistency and amylose content. The parents identified as good general combiners for early and short stature were MTU 1081 and MTU 1010. The parent MTU 1121 was the best general combiner for panicle length, number of grains primary rachis-1, spikelet fertility percentage, 1000 grain weight, grain yield panicle-1, grain yield per plant-1, kernel length and L/B ratio. The tester MTU 1010 was the best combiner for panicle length, number of grains primary rachis-1, number of fertile grains panicle-1, grain yield panicle-1, grain yield plant-1, kernel length and L/B ratio. Multiple crossing among these parents is suggested to pool the genes in improving rice grain quality in addition to grain yield. The best specific cross combinations identified in the present investigation were MTU 1081 / MTU 3626 for short stature and 1000 grain weight; MTU 1071 / MTU 1010 for number of ear bearing tillers plant-1, 1000 grain weight, grain yield panicle-1 and grain yield plant-1; MTU II-118-24-4-1 / MTU 1010 for number of grains secondary rachis branches-1, number of fertile grains panicle-1 and spikelet fertility percentage; MTU-PS-140-1 / MTU 3626 for panicle length and number of fertile grains panicle-1. Generation mean analysis was carried out in two crosses viz., MTU 1075 / MTU 3626 and MTU 1121 / TN 1 to know about epistatic interactions. Significance of scaling tests indicated presence of epistatic interactions for all the traits under study. Though both additive and non additive gene actions were significant, non additive gene actions played predominant role in the inheritance of the traits. Majority of the characters were under the influence of duplicate epistasis besides additive type of gene effects for which biparental mating system or reciprocal recurrent selection may be employed to modify the genetic architecture of rice for getting good quality besides high grain yield. The special emphasis of the present study is about panicle traits pertaining to grain number and grain weight such as number of grains primary rachis branches-1, number of grains secondary rachis branches-1, number of fertile grains panicle-1, grain yield panicle-1, 1000 grain weight and grain yield plant-1. Studies on inheritance for these panicle traits revealed that, for number of grains primary rachis branches-1, number of fertile grains panicle-1 and 1000 grain weight, predominance of dominant gene action was observed. Dominance [h] gene effects and dominance x dominance [l] effects were in same direction indicating complementary epistasis. For number of grains secondary rachis branches-1, all the gene effects were positive, the magnitude of additive gene effects were predominant in MTU 1121 / TN 1 in which pedigree breeding will be rewarding for improvement of this trait and the magnitude of dominant gene effects were positive in the other cross in which selection in segregating generations will be ineffective. For grain yield panicle-1, both additive [d] gene effects and dominance x dominance [l] interaction were positive and significant but the magnitude of dominance x dominance interaction was high. For grain yield plant-1, both dominant gene effects and additive x additive interaction were positive and significant but the magnitude of additive x additive interaction was high. In case of MTU 1075 / MTU 3626, [h] and [l] components were in opposite direction which indicates duplicate epistasis and selection in early generation is ineffective for this trait. Complementary epistasis was observed in case of MTU 1121 / TN 1 as the sign of [h] and [l] were in same direction. Improvement of yield mainly depends upon the cross selected for improvement, for which only biparental mating in early generations followed by selection in advance generation would be more effective than direct selection in early segregating generations.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Guntur, 2015) SIRISHA, A.B.M.; Dr. LAL AHAMED MOHAMMAD
    The present investigation on “Genetic Analysis of Yield and Quality Traits in Upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)” was carried out during kharif 2010-11 for divergence studies at Agricultural College Farm, Bapatla, with 60 genotypes and during kharif 2013-14, ten diverse parents and their hybrids with two checks were evaluated for combining ability, heterosis and stability over locations viz., Regional Agricultural Research Station, Lam Farm; Agricultural Research Station, Jangamaheshwarapuram and Agricultural Research Station, Darsi of Andhra Pradesh for yield and yield components viz., plant height, days to 50% flowering, number of monopodia per plant, number of sympodia per plant, number of bolls per plant, boll weight (g), seed index (g), lint index (g), ginning out-turn (%), 2.5% span length (mm), bundle strength (g/tex), fibre elongation (%), uniformity ratio, micronaire (10-6 g/in) and seed cotton yield per plant (g). The genotypic coefficients of variation for all the characters studied were lesser than the phenotypic coefficients of variation indicating the interaction of genotypes with environment. Moderate to high variability and high heritability coupled with high genetic advance as per cent of mean was observed for number of monopodia per plant, number of bolls per plant, boll weight and seed cotton yield per plant indicating the predominance of additive gene action and their exploitation through direct phenotypic selection. Correlation and path analysis indicated that plant height, number of sympodia per plant, number of bolls per plant, boll weight, lint index, bundle strength, fibre elongation and micronaire had positive significant and positive direct effect on seed cotton yield per plant indicating the use of these attributes in selection to evolve high yielding genotypes for upland cotton. The results of multivariate analysis indicated the presence of considerable genetic divergence among the 60 genotypes and grouping of genotypes into eight clusters each using D2 analysis and cluster analysis. In Mahalanobis’ D2 statistic, maximum contribution towards genetic divergence was made by uniformity ratio, lint index, boll weight, monopodia per plant, micronaire, bundle strength, 2.5% span length, bolls per plant, days to 50% flowering, fibre elongation, seed index and plant height. Principal component analysis identified six principal components (PCs) which contributed 79.79 % of cumulative variance. The factors, ginning outturn, sympodia per plant, plant height, monopodia per plant, days to 50% flowering, seed cotton yield, fibre elongation, micronaire, seed index, boll weight, bundle strength, bolls per plant, uniformity ratio and lint index contributed positively to the first principal component. Agglomerative cluster analysis revealed wide genetic distance between the genotypes of clusters I (BGH-23, TSH-333, PEE DEE-0113, CSH-17, JK-206-6, JK-276-4) and IV (BBGH-77, BBGH-33); clusters VII (HAG-812, H-492, ARB 9009 ) and V ( BL-7, GHL-5, BGH-94, BBGH-26, BBGH-1, BBGH-3); clusters VII (HAG-812, H-492, ARB 9009) and IV (BBGH-77, BBGH-3) and clusters VIII (GHL-8, RAH-100, L-603, G-COT-16) and IV (BBGH-77, BBGH-33). Based on the divergence studies and yield performance, ten diverse genotypes viz., BGH-94, BBGH-77, BBGH-3, BBGH-26, BBGH-33, BBGH-1, GHL-5, BL-7, GHL-8 and BGH-23 were selected and 45 hybrids were generated in diallel fashion without reciprocals to study the combining ability and stability of hybrids over locations. The analysis of variance for combining ability revealed sufficient variability for treatments and hybrids for all the 15 characters over locations and pooled analysis. The gca and sca variances indicated that non-additive gene action was predominant for all the yield and yield components. In pooled analysis, the lines, BGH-94, BBGH-1, GHL-8, BBGH-26, BBGH-77 and BBGH-3, were found to be promising general combiners for seed cotton yield per plant and other traits. Based on per se performance, sca effects and standard heterosis in pooled analysis, BBGH-3 × BBGH-26 and BBGH-77 × BBGH-1, were found to be promising over the best check Bunny Bt for seed cotton yield per plant and other desirable quality characters like bundle strength, fibre elongation and uniformity ratio. Pooled analysis of variance for stability revealed significant differences among the genotypes and locations for all the yield and yield component traits in both Eberhart and Russell, and AMMI models. In Eberhart and Russell model, seven hybrids viz., BBGH-3 × BBGH 26, BBGH-3 × GHL-8, BBGH-3 × BGH-94, BBGH-26 × BGH 94, BBGH-33 × BBGH -1, BBGH -1 × BGH -94 and BL-7 × BGH-23 recorded stable performance for seed cotton yield. While in AMMI analysis, hybrids, BBGH-3 × BBGH-26, BBGH-1 × BGH -94, BBGH -3 × GHL-8, BBGH-77 × BBGH-26, were found to be stable for seed cotton yield per plant. The hybrid, BBGH - 3 × BBGH-26, was identified as stable for seed cotton yield in both the stability methods and also recorded significant per se performance, sca effect and standard heterosis, sca effect and standard heterosis for plant height, number of bolls per plant, boll weight, ginning outturn, bundle strength, fibre elongation, uniformity ratio and micronaire. Thus, this hybrid needs to be tested over large number of environments for further confirmation before it is being exploited commercially.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Guntur, 2015) BAYYAPU REDDY, K; Dr. V. CHENGA REDDY
    The present study on “Genetic analysis of fibre quality traits in intra-specific hybrids of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)” was conducted to elicit the information on the genetic diversity among the genotypes, character association, direct and indirect effects of yield components, type of gene action and combining ability effects in intraspecific hybrids of cotton, heterosis of hybrids, stability parameters of hybrids over environments for yield, yield components and quality characters and to identify the donor parents having favourable alleles. Ten parents (G. hirsutum L.) were selected based on their performance in genetic divergence study with 63 genotypes during kharif, 2012-13. Forty five intra-specific cross combinations were made in a half-diallel fashion during off season at RARS Lam Farm, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh. Evaluation of these hybrids along with the parents and standard check was carried out at three locations i.e., RARS Lam, Guntur, ARS, Jangamaheswarapuram and ARS, Darsi during kharif, 2013-14. The three methods of grouping revealed the presence of genetic divergence among the selected 63 cotton genotypes. D2 analysis and Ward’s minimum variance method grouped the 63 cotton genotypes into 8 clusters each. In D2 analysis, lint index followed by micronaire, seed index, days to 50% flowering contributed maximum for the divergence. In Principal component analysis seven principal components (PCs), contributed 84.004 per cent of cumulative variance. The first principal component contributed maximum towards variability (23.799). Ten divergent genotypes NDLH 1938, L 788, L 770, NA 1325, L604, SURABHI, RAH 1004, HYPS 152, MCU 5 and G COT 16 were selected for crossing based on their per se performance for different characters along with inter-cluster distance in Mahalanobis’ D2, principal component and cluster analysis. The analysis of variance revealed significant differences among the genotypes for all the characters under study. Wider genetic variability was observed for lint index, seed cotton yield plant-1 and lint yield plant-1. High heritability coupled with high genetic advance as per cent of mean was observed for number of bolls plant-1, seed index, lint index, ginning out-turn, micronaire, seed cotton yield plant-1 and lint yield plant-1. The character association analysis revealed that number of monopodia plant-1, number of bolls plant-1, boll weight, chlorophyll content, 2.5% span length, bundle strength and lint yield plant-1 has significant positive association with seed cotton yield plant-1 at both phenotypic and genotypic levels. The path coefficient analysis indicated that the number of bolls plant-1, boll weight, seed index, 2.5% span length and lint yield plant1 showed direct positive effects and significant positive correlation with seed cotton yield plant-1 indicating their importance in direct selection. The pooled analysis of variance of 56 genotypes (45 hybrids, 10 parents and 1 check) showed significant differences due to locations, parents, hybrids and various interactions indicating the existence of sufficient variation in the material under study. The ratio of gca to sca indicated the presence of non-additive gene action in all the characters except for days to 50% flowering and 2.5% span length. The gca effects from pooled analysis revealed that none of the parent recorded significant gca effects for all the characters. Among the parents, NDLH 1938 showed significant positive gca effects for most of the yield and quality characters. The crosses, NDLH 1938 × L 604, NDLH 1938 × RAH 1004 and NDLH 1938 × L 770, recorded high per se performance, significant positive sca effects and high standard heterosis over the standard check, Bunny, for seed cotton yield plant-1. Genotype × environment interaction studies with Eberhart and Russell model revealed that no hybrid had stable performance for all the characters in all the locations. The hybrids, NDLH 1938× NA 1325, NA 1325 × MCU 5, SURABHI × MCU 5, RAH 1004 × G COT 16 and MCU 5 × G COT 16 had stability for seed cotton yield plant-1 over locations. The hybrid, NDLH 1938 x L 604 predicted to perform well in the favourable environments and the hybrid, NDLH 1938 x L 770, predicted to show good performance in poor environments. Identification of unique favourable alleles in the donor parents analysis revealed that for improving NDLH 1938 × RAH 1004 hybrid for 2.5 % span length the donor parent SURABHI and for lint index L 788 and NA 1325 were showed significant positive μG' estimates. Whereas, for boll weight three parents, L 788, L 770 and L 604, showed the significant positive μG' estimates in combined analysis. Only one parent i.e., G COT 16, showed the significant positive μG' estimates in combined analysis for boll weight for improving NDLH 1938 × L 770 hybrid. The hybrids NDLH 1938 × L 604, NDLH 1938 × RAH 1004 and NDLH 1938 × L 770 recorded high per se performance, significant positive sca effects and high standard heterosis for seed cotton yield plant-1 along with yield contributing characters like number of bolls plant-1, boll weight, lint yield plant-1 and quality traits like 2.5 % span length, micronaire, bundle strength, uniformity ratio and elongation %. These hybrids may be tested over large number of environments for further confirmation before they are being exploited commercially.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Guntur, 2015) VIJAYA LAKSHMI, B; Dr. Y.SURYA NARAYANA
    The present investigation on “Genetic analysis of morpho physiological traits related to water stress in rice (Oryza sativa L.)” was carried out at Andhra Pradesh Rice Research Institute & Regional Agricultural Research Station, Maruteru during Kharif 2011 & Rabi 2011-2012 and at Rice Research Unit, Bapatla during Kharif -2012 to study the heterosis, combining ability analysis involving ten parents and 24 F1’s, correlation and path analysis and six genetic components in two crosses for nineteen yield and physiological traits under stress and non stress conditions. Heterosis in F1 hybrids from L x T analysis under water stress condition revealed higher magnitude of heterobeltiosis for number of panicles per plant, grain yield per plant and leaf rolling whereas in case of SPAD chlorophyll meter reading, relative water content, flag leaf area and chlorophyll stability index, it was low. Six cross combinations viz., BPT 5204/Annada, BPT 5204/Rajendra, NLR 34449/Annada, NLR 34449/Ramappa, JGL 3855/Rajendra and IR 64/Annada exhibited high degree of heterosis for grain yield per plant under water stress condition. Such high heterosis for grain yield was due to additive effect of one or more component traits. The analysis of variance for combining ability for nineteen yield components and physiological traits revealed significant differences among the lines, testers and hybrids evaluated under water stress condition for yield contributing characters and physiological traits. The GCA and SCA variances indicated non additive gene action was predominant for all the yield components and drought related traits except for days to 50% flowering, yield per plant and chlorophyll stability index where additive gene action was predominant. Based on per se performance, SCA effects and standard heterosis, four cross combinations viz., JGL 3855/Rajendra, MTU 1001/JGL 17004, BPT 5204/Annada, NLR 34449/Ramappa were found promising under water stress condition for most of the yield attributing characters and drought related traits. Highly significant positive correlations were observed between grain yield and number of panicles per plant, panicle length, filled grains per panicle, harvest index and relative water content under water stress. Path analysis revealed spikelet fertility %, filled grains per panicle and relative water content were the major contributors of grain yield by way of their positive and high direct effect. The L x T design does not provide comprehensive picture on gene actions governing the traits. Hence, generation mean analysis was done in two crosses viz., MTU 1001/JGL 17004 and NLR 34449/Annada under water stress and non stress conditions to know about epistatic interactions. Significance of one or more of the four individual scaling tests, A,B,C and D revealed presence of epistatic interactions for all the characters in two crosses studied under both non stress and stress conditions except for harvest index in MTU 1001/JGL 17004 under stress condition indicating simple genetic model was inadequate to explain the genetic variation controlling the inheritance of traits. Estimates of the type of gene action for nineteen traits revealed dominance gene action (h) was the main type of gene effects for both crosses. Additive gene effects are of minor importance in the explanation of traits variation. Though both additive and non additive gene actions were significant, non additive gene actions played predominant role in the inheritance of the traits. Majority of the characters were under the influence of duplicate epistasis for which biparental mating system or reciprocal recurrent selection may be employed to modify the genetic architecture of rice for getting drought tolerance besides high grain yield. The complementary type of epistasis was recorded in MTU 1001/JGL 17004 for plant height, panicle length, and grain yield per plant while in NLR 34449/Annada for number of tillers per plant, filled grains per panicle, and flag leaf area under both situations.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Guntur, 2015) NAGENDRA RAO, K; Dr. Y. SURYANARAYANA
    The present investigation on “Genetics of salt tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.)” was undertaken at Agricultural Research Station, Machilipatnam during 2010-12. The experimental material for genetic divergence and variability studies comprised of fifty elite rice genotypes obtained from different locations, while 10 divergent and elite rice genotypes identified from genetic divergence studies along with their 45 hybrids obtained from 10 x 10 diallel mating excluding reciprocals constituted the experimental material for studies on combining ability and stability studies with regards to yield, yield attributes and salinity traits under saline conditions. In general, shoot length, shoot dry weight, shoot potassium content, productive tillers hill-1 and grain yield plant-1 had recorded high variability (PCV and GCV) and heritability coupled with high genetic advance as per cent mean. Fifty genotypes studied in the present investigation were grouped into eight clusters. Among the eight clusters, cluster II was the largest comprising of 14 genotypes while V, VI and VII clusters had single genotype. The results on intra-cluster D2 values revealed maximum genetic divergence among the genotypes in cluster IV, compared to those in other clusters. Further, the inter-cluster D2 values of eight clusters revealed highest divergence between clusters VII and VIII, followed by cluster I and VIII indicating that genotypes from these clusters were highly divergent. Minimum inter-cluster distance was observed between clusters IV and VIII indicating their close relationship and similarity with regards to the characters studied. A perusal of these results revealed that there was no cluster with at least one genotype with all the desirable traits, which ruled out the possibility of selecting directly one genotype for immediate use. The results revealed high grain yield, productive tillers, spikelet fertility percent and shoot potassium content for cluster VII; shoot length, shoot dry weight, number of days to 50 percent flowering and 1000 seed weight for cluster V; plant height, root length and root dry weight for cluster VI; and shoot sodium content for cluster VIII indicating the importance of selection of genotypes from these clusters in hybridization programmes for improvement of the respective traits. Further, shoot sodium content contributed maximum (59.67%) followed by shoot potassium content (15.51%) and shoot dry weight (9.80%). Grain yield per plant (4.33%), plant height (3.59%), days to 50 per cent flowering (3.51%), 1000 seed weight (2.86%), productive tillers hill-1 (0.49%), root length (0.16%) and spikelet fertility per cent (0.08%) each were noticed to contribute less than 5 per cent towards the total divergence. The results on mean performance for parents and hybrids in general, revealed higher grain yield, spikelet fertility per cent, productive tillers hill-1 and shoot length were recorded during normal rabi. The mean squares due to gca and sca indicated the importance of both additive and non-additive gene actions for different traits studied. However, pre dominant role of non-additive gene action was observed for all characters studied in the present investigation. The analysis of variance for stability revealed mean squares due to seasons and genotypes x seasons interaction to be significant for all the traits. Studies on environmental index revealed the suitability of normal kharif season to be favourable for shoot dry weight and plant height, while late kharif season was noticed to be congenial for 1000 seed weight. Normal rabi, however, was noticed to be suitable for shoot length, shoot potassium content, root length, root dry weight, productive tillers hill-1, spikelet fertility percentage and grain yield plant-1, whereas late rabi was favourable for shoot sodium content and days to 50 percent flowering. The results on AMMI analysis revealed IPCA II and IPCA III axis to be nonsignificant for most of the characters studied. However, IPCA I was significant for all characters studied, except spikelet fertility percentage. The interaction of 55 genotypes in four seasons was therefore inferred to be best predicted by the first interaction principal component. AMMI analysis of variance for grain yield plant-1 indicated that the genotype main effect and environment additive effect were significant and accounted 61.08% and 3.62% of the total variation. G x E interaction (35.30% of total variation) was partitioned into three interaction principal component axes (IPCAs), out of which IPCA 1 was significant and accounted for 55.27 per cent of the total G x E interaction sum of squares percentage. In general, MTU 1061 and MTU 1001 recorded greater means and were good general combiners in addition to being stable and widely adaptable over seasons reflecting their potential in development of stable and adaptable high yielding varieties with resistance to salinity. Further, BPT 2231 during normal kharif and NLR 40024 during late kharif and normal rabi seasons, were identified as promising parents for season specific breeding programmes. NLR 33359 X MTU 1001, NLR 40024 X MTU 1061 and NLR 40024 X MTU 1001 were identified as high yielding, stable and widely adaptable hybrids for saline soils. The hybrids, NLR 33057 X NLR 3041, NLR 33057 X MTU 1061 and MTU 1001 X BPT 2231 were found promising for normal and late kharif seasons, while NLR 40024 X PUSA 1121 was noticed to be superior for normal kharif and rabi in addition to late rabi. The hybrids, NLR 33358 X MTU 1061, NLR 33358 X MTU 1001 and NLR 33359 X MTU 1061 were noticed to be potential for both normal and late rabi under saline conditions.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Guntur, 2015) GOVARDHAN, G; HARIPRASAD REDDY, K
    The present investigation entitled “Genetic analysis of yield, yield attributes and drought tolerant traits in mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek)” was conducted as three seperate experiments during kharif 2012, kharif 2013 and kharif 2014. Each experiment was carried out in field condition as well as under rainout shelter (17m × 7.5m) located at dry land farm of Sri Venkateswara Agricultural College, Tirupati. Sufficient irrigation was provided to one set upto field capacity, whereas other was imposed to moisture stress from 42 days to maturity through rainout shelter. This investigation were carried out systematically to study the nature of genetic variability, character association, combining ability, heterosis and generation mean analysis for yield, yield attributes and drought related traits. In experiment-I, fifty eight mungbean genotypes including four checks were evaluated by adopting augmented block design-II having 6 blocks and 4 checks. Analysis of variance revealed that significant differences among the genotypes for all the characters studied except relative water content. Estimates of phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) were higher than genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) for all the characters. High to moderate GCV estimates and high heritability coupled with high genetic advance as per cent of mean were observed for relative injury, number of branches per plant, number of pods per cluster, specific leaf area, 100 seed weight, plant height, harvest index, SCMR and seed yield under both irrigated and moisture stress conditions suggesting that involvement of additive gene action for these characters. Hence, simple directional selection based on these characters in the segregating generations would be more effective and rewarding. Correlation analysis indicated that seed yield had positive and significant association with days to 50 per cent flowering, number of pods per cluster under irrigated condition and plant height under moisture stress condition harvest index. xvii However, under both irrigated and moisture stress conditions number of pods per plant and relative water content would be rewarding and simultaneous selection of these traits might bring an improvement in seed yield per plant coupled with drought tolerance. Path analysis revealed that, the traits viz., harvest index, pods per plant, pods per cluster, SCMR and relative water content had positive direct effect and significant association with seed yield per plant under both the conditions. Hence, these traits might be considered while constructing selection indices aiming for drought tolerant lines with high yield. In experiment-II, combining ability and heterosis studies were conducted with seven mungbean genotypes viz., MGG 347, MGG 351, LGG 460, LGG 528, KM 122, CN 9058 and VG 6197A which were selected based on mean performance in earlier season. These were crossed in half diallel fashion and resulted 21 F1 hybrids along with their parents were evaluated under two water regimes viz., irrigated and moisture stress condition. Based on per se performance and gca effects, four genotypes viz., MGG 347, MGG 351, LGG 460 and LGG 528 were identified as the best for improvement of yield and drought tolerance traits. The crosses viz., MGG 347 × MGG 351, MGG 351 × LGG 460 and LGG 460 × LGG 528 were identified as best specific cross combinations as these exhibited significantly high sca effects for seed yield per plant along with one or a few drought related traits in desirable direction. Hence, these crosses are reliable for further drought tolerance breeding where intermating approach followed by selection in their later segregating generations could be practiced for isolation of high yielding lines with drought tolerance. Heterosis studies revealed the crosses viz., MGG 347 × MGG 351 for SCMR, chlorophyll stability index and seed yield per plant; MGG 351 × LGG 460 for relative water content, relative injury and seed yield per plant maintained consistent relative heterosis, heterobeltiosis, standard heterosis under both the conditions. Further, the cross LGG 528 × CN 9058 for specific leaf area, MGG 347 × KM 122 for relative injury, MGG 351 × VG 6197A for chlorophyll stability index under moisture stress conditions exhibited significant heterobeltiosis. Similarly, the crosses MGG 347 × CN 9058 for SCMR and KM 122 × VG 6197A for chlorophyll stability index exhibited standard heterosis under both irrigated and moisture stress conditions. Hence, these crosses were emerged out as best specific combinations for their respective characters and could be utilized for obtaining transgressive segregants with high yield coupled with drought tolerance ability in advanced generations. In experiment-III, generation mean analysis was conducted using basic six generations (P1, P2, F1, F2, B1 and B2) of three selected crosses viz.,. MGG 347 × MGG 351, MGG 351 × LGG 460 and LGG 460 × LGG 528. Significance one or more scaling tests viz., A, B, C and D in most of the traits indicated the presence of digenic non-allelic interactions in the inheritance of these traits. Though both additive and non additive gene actions were significant, non additive gene action played predominant role in the inheritance of the traits. It was found that the cross MGG 347 × MGG 351 was the most promising for seed yield, yield attributes and drought related traits based on mean performance. Majority of the traits were found to be under the influence of duplicate type of epistasis for which one or two cycles of recurrent selection followed by pedigree breeding would be effective to modify the genetic architecture of mungbean for attaining higher yield with drought tolerance.