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Banda University of Agriculture and Technology, Banda

Banda University of Agriculture and Technology, Banda has been established as a full-fledged State University, having unique honour of being the “First Agricultural University of Bundelkhand Region”. The University was notified vide Government Order No. 301/79-V-1-10-1 (Ka) 27-2009 Lucknow and established on 2nd March 2010 under Uttar Pradesh Agriculture University Act (Sanshodhan) 1958 Gazette-Adhiniyam 2010. Initially it was named as “Manyawar Shri Kanshiram Ji University of Agriculture and Technology, Banda”, which was changed as “Banda University of Agriculture and Technology, Banda” vide Uttar Pradesh Agriculture University Act (Sanshodhan) Adhiniyam, 2014, No. 1528(2)/LXXIX-V-1-14-1(Ka)-13-2014 dated 4th December 2014. The University has been established for the development of the agriculture and allied sectors in the Uttar Pradesh on the whole and Bundelkhand region in particular. It is committed to serve the Bundelkhand region with trinity concept, i.e. complete integration of teaching, research and extension for the development of agriculture and allied sectors in order to ensure food security and enhance socio-economic status of inhabitants. State Government of Uttar Pradesh has assigned the University with the responsibilities of (a) human resource generation and development, (b) generation and perfection of technologies, and (c) their dissemination to the farmers, orchardists and dairy farmers in the Chitrakoot Dham and Jhansi divisions. The Chirtrkoot Dham Division consists of four districts, namely Banda, Chitrakoot (Karvi), Mahoba and Hamirpur whereas Jhansi Division consists of Jhansi, Lalitpur and Jalaun (Orai) districts.


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Forty-six germplasm of field pea including two checks (IPFD 10-12 and Ambika) were evaluated for genetic parameters, character association studies, and molecular diversity during rabi 2021-22 at BUAT, Banda. The observation was recorded on fifteen morpho-biochemical characters. Analysis of variance showed the existence of sufficient variability for studied characters among test genotypes. The results revealed that plant height, pods per plant, effective pods per plant, biological yield per plant, seed yield per plant, non-reducing sugar, reducing sugar, total sugar, and total phenol exhibited high estimates of both PCV and GCV, indicating the possibility of improving these traits through selection. High heritability coupled with high genetic advance as percent of mean recorded for plant height, total number of pods per plant, effective pods per plant, biological yield per plant, seed yield per plant, non-reducing sugar, reducing sugar, total sugar, and total phenol indicated that these traits were governed by additive gene effects and selection may be effective. Correlation analysis revealed that seed yield per plant had strong positive association with total number of pods per plant, effective pods per plant, biological yield, seed per pods and plant height. Path analysis revealed that effective pods per plant, followed by biological yield exerted highest direct effect on seed yield in positive direction, whereas highly positive indirect effect exhibited by total number pods per plant, biological yield, and plant height via effective pod per plant, indicating these traits were important contributors to seed yield. A total of 43 repeatable alleles were detected by 14 polymorphic SSR markers in a size range of 150 bp (AA122) to 970 bp (AA504) with maximum of 4 fragments intensified by AD147, D21, AA504, AA122, and A9. Based on Jaccard dissimilarity coefficients and UNJ methods, all 46 genotypes were grouped into 3 clusters. The PCoA revealed 20.95% and 10.85% of the variation, respectively with 31.80% of cumulative variation. SSR markers indicated the presence of considerable genetic variability in studied genotypes.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Wheat, is a second staple food crop that feeds billions of people worldwide, faces production challenges due to the adverse effect of high temperatures and drought stress. To enhance its performance under such adverse conditions, stress tolerant lines with adaptive traits can significantly improve selection efficiency. This study involved the assessment of 108 wheat accessions, along with check HD 2967, DBW 222, and WCF 12-07 during 2021- 22 and 2022-23. The screening was conducted under optimum, heat and drought stress environment at BUAT Banda. A total of 14 agro-morphological, four physiological, and six stress indices were employed to evaluate the genotypes and assess their tolerance to drought and heat stress. ANOVA revealed significant differences among all genotypes across almost all characters under three environments. However, NT was non-significant among the test genotypes. Additionally, CTBS in HSE also displayed non-significant differences across different environments. Under a heat-stress environment (HSE), seed yield (SY) effected with highest reduction, with an average decrease of 58.31%. In contrast, under a droughtstress environment (DSE), the mean seed yield reduction was 27.52%. Among the evaluated genotypes, EC 445310, EC 445114, and EC 277156 demonstrated superior performance by exhibiting minimal yield reduction in HSE. On the other hand, genotypes IC 534830, IC 78859, and IC 82369 showed notable resilience to drought stress, displaying the least yield reduction in DSE. In both stressed environments, several traits exhibit positive correlations with seed yield (SY), including biological yield (BY), grain filling duration (GFD), number of tillers (NT), and hundred kernel weight (HKW). Conversely, canopy temperature at all three stages shows negative correlations with SY in both stress environments. Among accessions, based on stress tolerance indices (STI), IC 55718, IC 73575, and IC 0594378 identified heat tolerant genotypes. Under drought stress, IC 73575, IC 0443622, and IC 104617 stand out as the top-performing genotypes based on their STI. The genotypes IC 55718, IC 73575, IC 0594378, and IC 79040 were consistently identified as the top- performing genotypes in both stress environments. Their adaptability to adverse conditions makes them the common best-performing genotypes. Chlorophyll and CT stand out as crucial physiological traits that provide valuable insights into identifying wheat genotypes with the ability to cope with the challenges posed by climate change in wheat production. By incorporating selection indices that consistently associate with these physiological traits, the potential to significantly improve the selection efficiency of superior genotypes becomes evident.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Twenty-nine elite genotypes of mungbean were characterized morphologicallybyusing PPV&FRA DUS descriptors and deliberated for genetic variability parameters toknowthe variability in the studied material. Further, the genotypes were delineated usingmolecularmarkers (SCoT, SSR and gene based markers) to know diversity within and betweengenotypes.The DUS descriptors, plant habit and colour of premature pod did not showed anyvariationamong genotypes. The genotypes were distinct remarkably for the descriptors liketypeofgermination, anthocyanin pigmentation, time of flowering, plant growth habit, stemcolour,stem pubescence, leaflet lobes, leaf shape, colour and size, leaf vein colour, petiolecolour,flower colour, mature pod colour, pod pubescence, pod position, curvature of mature pod, podlength, seed colour, lustre and shape among the genotypes indicating their utilizationincharacterization, registration, protection and purity maintenance. In the present investigation,PCV was more than the GCV for all the fourteen quantitative traits showing the presenceofenvironmental influence on character expression. Further, the genetic variability was moreforthe characters viz., days to flower initiation, days to maturity, plant height, total number of podsper plant, pod length, number of seeds per pod, chlorophyll content index at 15 days, seedindexand seed yield per plant. High heritability and high genetic advance for the traits flowerinitiation, days to maturity, plant height, total number of pods per plant, pod length, numberofseeds per pod, chlorophyll content index at 15 days, chlorophyll content index at 30days,chlorophyll content index at 45 days and chlorophyll content index at 60 days, seedindexandseed yield per plant indicated the additive gene effects role and exploitation of simple selectionName of the student: Pragya Jee ID. No. : 2031 Semester : IV Programme : M.Sc. (Ag.) Year of admission : 2021 Department : Genetics andPlantBreeding Major Subject : Genetics and Plant Breeding Minor Subject : Plant Biotechnology for these traits improvement. All the twenty-nine genotypes were characterized usingStartCodon Targeted (SCoT), Sequenced Characterised Amplified Region (SCAR), gene basedandSimple Sequence Repeats (SSR) markers for screening of these genotypes. Ten SCoT, oneSCAR, three gene based and seven SSR primers were used for the molecular characterizationwhile, a total of 96 alleles were detected by 10 SCoT markers in a size range of 100-1450bpwith maximum 14 fragments intensified by SCoT-5 followed by SCoT-11 with 11fragmentsand a total of 29 alleles were detected by 7 SSR, 1 SCAR and 3 gene based markers inarangeof 100-1100bp with maximum 05 fragments intensified by g779 followed by CEDG293andCEDG 211 with 4 fragments. The study has identified some informative primers that could be employed tocarryoutfuture valuable molecular assessments for the purpose of improvement in Vigna genotypes.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    “Genetic Diversity in Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana L.) Genotype using SCoT Markers”
    (Banda University of Agriculture and Technology, Banda, Uttar Pradesh (India) 210001, 2023-08-18) Vijay Kumar Kushwaha; Kamaluddin
    An experiment was conducted in Augmented Design at Research Farm, College of Agriculture, Banda University of Agriculture and Technology, Banda during Kharif 2021- 22 to characterize finger millet genotypes for descriptive traits using DUS guide lines, to evaluate studied genotypes for yield and yield components and to assess the genetic diversity using molecular markers. The experimenting material was consisting of 49 genotypes including 4 checks viz. VL 149, RAU 03, VL 376 and VL 352 and the material was procured from IIMR, Hyderabad. DUS characterization was done using 22 descriptors and sixteen yield traits were recorded for characterization of genotypes for yield and yield component. Molecular diversity of the studied genotypes was estimated using SCoT marker. Cluster analysis was carried out using DARwin software and population structure was constructed using STRUCTURE software. The genotypes under investigation were highly diverse for ear shape, ear head length and seed colour descriptors. Dark colour seeded genotypes were more prevalent in the collected materials suggested that these entries may be used as parent in breeding varieties with good nutritional quality. The Shanon diversity index ranged from 0.598 to 1.317 indicating that wide range of variability for studied traits exist in the material. High heritability with high genetic advance was estimated for plant height, days to 50 % flowering, days to maturity, number of leaves per plant, flag leaf area, biological yield per plant and harvest index indicating that additive gene action was involved in expression of these traits and simple selection can be used to improve these traits. Positive and significant correlation was found between seed yield and 1000 seed weight, productive tillers per plant, harvest index, days to 50% flowering and biological yield per plant indicating that the these should give importance while making selection for seed yield per plant. All the forty-nine genotypes were grouped in to three clusters. Cluster I included 23 genotypes followed by II and III with 15 and 11 genotypes, respectively. The genotype from cluster II and III will generate maximum extent of variability among segregants upon crossing the genotypes from these two clusters as the inter cluster distance between these cluster was found highest. PCA analysis divided all variables into sixteen components in which seven principal component was obtained with eigen value greater than one and these contributed 76.941% variation to the total variability. SCoT 1, SCoT 3, SCoT 9, SCoT 11 and SCoT 14 was found to be informative and able to detect polymorphism among the studied genotypes due to its high PIC value. All the studied genotypes were separated in to three population using STRUTURE software. Some genotypes represented as admixture indicating that those genotypes were collected from the same region.