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Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 2013) PRASAD, NIMITA; Bara, Niva
    Consumer behaviour reflects the totality of consumer‟s decisions with respect to the acquisition, consumption, and disposition of goods, services, activities, and ideas by human decision making units. Consumer behaviour is affected by a lot of variables, changing from personal motivation, needs, attitudes, and values, personality characteristics, socio-economic, and cultural background, age, sex, professional status to social influence of various kinds exerted by family, friends, colleagues and society as a whole. Keeping these facts in view the study entitled “consumer‟s behaviour of reliance fresh in respect to fruits and vegetables, and dairy products.” is undertaken along with the following objectives:-To study the socioeconomic profile of the consumers of Reliance Fresh, and to analyse the major factors influencing the consumer‟s buying behaviour. Reliance fresh was selected purposively for the study because of its dominance in the availability of fresh fruits, vegetables and dairy products. The data were collected through interview schedule by personal contact with the consumers coming in the store. Through data analysis it was revealed that consumers consider brand to be the most important followed by „one stop shop‟, quality and price. However, consumer‟s attitude and loyality towards Reliance fresh were not uniform. The demographic variables such as age, sex, marital status, as well as income, brand, specific beliefs, customer care services, conducive environment, range of products etc. also affect consumer‟s behaviour. Majority of the respondents shopped all the items irrespective of its dominance in fruits and vegetables because of its good quality and low price. Reliance Fresh is providing a guaranteed market for the farmers‟ produce, reducing transaction cost and training the farmers in better and sustainable farming practices. Reliance fresh should come up with more attractive promotional schemes along with customer care services to promote its business.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 2014) MASHI, ASHISH JOHN; Kumar, Prashant Kumar
    The following Conclusion has been derived from the observation indicates that  The performance in growth of T&D breed pig was tremendous in five villages of Ranchi on the basis of low mortality rate, high weight gaining capacity and most important birth giving capacity of sows.  Nine different problems were identified in rearing of pigs in which feeding was the major problem among all blocks other problems were transporting , water , diseases, slow growth rate, lack of information and training Housing Labour and low birth giving capacity  Different source of feeding show better output in rearing included Hostel waste , Local collection from neighborhoods ,farming waste and own house waste are the different activities in feeding excepted grazing observed under only one village Tumba village.  Average feed 2.27 kg per pig per day was observed this amount of feed resulted in low mortality, high birth giving and high weight gain in a period of a year.  Report confirmed that Txd pig rearing is highly profitable at marginal farm level in Ranchi district of Jharkhand thus the net profit was 68.03 % per year per pig and average expenditure was 31.97% in which 10.05 % was feeding expenses, 3.23% was labour expenses, 3.37% was medicinal expenses and 15.31% was other expenses per year per pig.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 2013) SHARMA, ABHINAW; Kumar, Niraj
    Eco Agriseeds, an India based Company in which the study entitled “Study On Marketing Channel Of Seeds Of Cereals And Vegetables In Eco Agriseeds Private Limited” was conducted at Medchal, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. The study was carry out to know the demand driven marketing trends of crop variety(ies) of the seeds of the company and the cost of production of various crops and their varieties in Eco Agriseeds Pvt. Ltd. To study of the demand driven marketing channel of Cereals and Vegetables of Eco Agriseeds Pvt. Ltd. many concerned officers were contacted to get relevant data as per discussion held and ultimately the opinions of the Farmers and Dealers about Eco Agriseeds products were taken, based on this research finding it was found that the demand of the products of the company are increasing due to comparable price and high quality. The study further revealed that procurement was the major expense during the production and price fixation, followed by packaging and transportation costs. The study also revealed that half of the price estimated is done after adding all the rebates and discount. The whole study clearly indicates that the quality of Eco Agriseeds products was found to be superior in comparison to other companies’ products. The market size of Eco Agriseeds products also found to be increasing with a rapid pace. The company is making a special in the mind of farmers on the basis of price as per quality of its products.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 2013) KUMAR, LALAN; Kumar, Prashant
    The study entitled “To Study The Promotion Of Micro Drip Irrigation System And Its Impact On Horticultural Crop Production In Ranchi District Of Jharkhand” was conducted under the banner of Indian Society of Agribusiness Professionals (ISAP). The main emphasis was laid down on the impacts of drip irrigation on the productivity of horticultural crops and its economic benefit of drip irrigation on horticultural crop production. During the course of study the main cliental group of concerned officers involved in horticultural activities and the farmers who are put fourth all their strength for promotion of horticulture and deriving economic benefits by virtue of its production and productivity were also included to gather relevant data pertaining to the production and productivity of important horticultural crops by using drip irrigation method. The entire collected data both from primary and secondary sources were completely incorporated in electronic system for its analysis to come out with concrete and relevant information which may be benefited for the farming communities of Ranchi district of Jharkhand. The thoughts were also be beneficial for the government agencies while preparing the road map of horticultural development in the state. On the basis of analyzed data it was found that the drip irrigation was having high economic benefit on horticultural crop production as compared to the conventional method. The study also revealed that production of the horticultural crops became almost double after applying drip irrigation method. In selected vegetable crops like tomato, potato, bitter gourd and chilli. The quality of Micro Drip Irrigation method was found to be superior in comparison to other methods. The application of drip irrigation technique was also found to be increasing with a rapid pace and becoming popular among the farming communities The main cause of popularity of drip irrigation was due to water save as water is a scarce and limiting factor in Jharkhand state so that the presented and analyzed data in terms of horticultural crop will prove to be boon for the area of Ranchi district.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 2014) YADAV, SUNIL; Kumar, Niraj
    Monsanto, a Denmark based International organization is manufacturing agro seeds in India. The seeds include hybrid vegetable seeds, fiber seeds, millet etc. The study was carried out to find out its marketing trend and demand in Gumla region of Jharkhand. Farmers and dealers were contacted to get relevant data as per developed questionnaire based on this research finding during 2014 it was found that the demand of Monsanto products are increasing due to comparable price and high quality. The data related to cost, consumption, size of pack, major seeds of Monsanto products and other company’s products were also collected. On the basis of survey work, it was found that the quality of Monsanto products were found to be superior in compared to other companies products. The market size of Monsanto products also found to be in increasing trend. The sales of Monsanto products were found to be average in the year 2014.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Study on Impact of Watershed Development Projects promoted by NABARD and JSWM in selected Districts of Jharkhand
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 2015) ., MANILA; Jha, B. K.
    Watershed projects initiated by NABARD and JSWM in Jharkhand state are effective way to address the problem of water and land resource management, livelihood generation and upliftment of weaker sections of society. However, a successful watershed project in any area is the result of high social mobilization. Two watershed projects of NABARD and one of JSWM were studied for their cost components, benefits, credit requirement, credit arrangement and gap. The study included primary data analysis collected through scheduled questionnaire from farmers, PIA, input suppliers and other respondents and secondary data analysis collected from NABARD’s regional office, Ranchi and other Government line Departments.The study on cost revealed that, larger the treatment area higher the cost involved in the watershed project. On the basis of the soil depth, texture, erosion status and slope of the land the treatment varies in different area, also the engineered structures required in a particular area is dependent on above mentioned characteristics. Maximum increase in surface water and ground water was seen in Ara Nadi project. Change in land use pattern was observed in each project. Maximum increase in cultivated area was observed in Chumba Nala project. Maximum increase in irrigated land was observed in Ara nadi project area. Among three watersheds farmers of Chumba saw maximum increase in their income level. The credit requirement of the area with higher social mobilization was high. Ara Nadi project area saw maximum credit requirement of Rs.15,15,84,143.60. Despite the effort of NABARD and JSWM, these areas have very limited source of proper credit facility. The highest credit arrangement of Rs.50, 60,000 was observed in Ara Nadi project area. Although Ara Nadi was completed 4 years before, the gap in credit was maximum in this project area. A total gap of Rs. 23, 86,042.90 was observed in this project area. It can be concluded that, the watershed projects are useful interventions Sustainable Management of natural resources, employment generation, through various watershed plus activities which in turn increases the credit demand in the implemented area.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 2015) DEO, NISHANT; Prakash, Surya
    The study examined current situation of hybrid rice adoption in Ratu and Kanke Block of Ranchi District and gave preliminary assessment of economic impact of hybrid rice cultivation along with productivity and profit difference between hybrid rice and HYV cultivars at farm levels. Fifty farmers from five villages of each block were selected for the study, making the sample size 100. Most of the farmers in the study areas i.e. 72 percent were marginal farmers with landholding smaller than 1ha. Most of the respondents from both the block i.e. 42 percent were in 46 to 60 years age group. The numbers of hybrid rice adopters in both the blocks were lower than HYV users, in Ratu and Kanke block hybrid adopters were 44 percent and 46 percent respectively. The hybrid and HYV paddy productivity difference in the Ratu and Kanke block were 18.13% and 21.1% respectively. The expenditure covered by Hybrid paddy adopters was 17% more than the HYV paddy users. The profit margin of hybrid rice cultivars was 27.1% more than the HYV adopters. The socio economic impact of hybrid rice cultivars was better in qualitative terms than that of HYV adopters. In terms of income the hybrid paddy adopters income was twice as that of HYV users, also 100 percent of the hybrid adopters were engaged in secondary activity, also they were active members of SHGs and KCC loan users. Most hybrid adopters are technically efficient and were socially uplifted. After analyzing the outcomes of the study it was observed that 55 percent of the respondents in the selected village were not taking HYV rice and rest 45 percent were Hybrid paddy users and were mostly growing Pioneer PHB77, Bayers-6444, JK-401, Advanta 832.801,807, Frontline- NK 51, NK52, Dhanya 775 & 778. We can conclude that hybrid rice adoption in the study area was satisfactory and hybrid adopters were socioeconomically more efficient.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 2015) Kumari, Preeti; Upasani, R.R.
    Water is the most precious gift of nature and is the most crucial elements for the sustainability of the life. The strategic role of irrigation as an essential input for crop production can’t be denied. As a traditional productive input, it ensures production by acting as an agent of insurance against inadequate and inconsistent monsoon. Ultimately the outcome provides agricultural production stability. The various irrigation methods under different system of irrigation differ with regard to extent of control, timeliness and adequacy of supply of irrigation water for crop cultivation. Consequently, the economic benefits and the costs due to these irrigation methods vary among different irrigation systems. Keeping in view the above facts, the present study has been undertaken in five block of Ranchi district with a purpose to address the issues particularly with respect to examine the effect of methods of irrigation on water supply, average yield, expenditure under different irrigation techniques, water productivity, and the fertilizers requirements of major vegetable crops, on the sample farms. For this purpose five blocks viz. Nagri, Bero, Khunti, Itki, and Ratu were selected randomly from the list of vegetable growing blocks of Ranchi using drip irrigation system. Among selected five blocks, 50 farmers were selected randomly. The selected farmers were mostly growing chilli, ginger, tomato and cabbage under drip irrigation facility. For comparing the benefits under drip irrigation method over conventional irrigation method, the data were collected through survey method in the cropping year 2014-15. The study revealed that under the two study irrigation techniques, farmers were saving more than 70 per cent of water were in all four crops under consideration, maximum being under chilli cultivation i. e. 84 per cent higher by using drip irrigation over conventional methods of irrigation. Apart from water requirements, farmers of selected blocks also saved fertilizer cost under drip irrigation system. Maximum saving was registered in chilli cultivation (i.e. average 35 %) and minimum in the case of ginger crop by using drip irrigation. The overall productivity of the vegetable crops also registered mean yield increase tremendous growth in the range of 53 per cent to 71 per cent under drip irrigation system over the conventional irrigation system. It is also important for the farmer to save direct cash from the system what they are using. Here the mean saving by farmers was 45 per cent in cabbage cultivation under drip irrigation, whereas minimum saving was from chilli cultivation under drip i.e. 37 per cent. The observations also revealed that maximum water productivity was under drip in ginger cultivation i.e. 54.34 Kg/acre/mm and minimum under cabbage i.e. 11.36 Kg/acre/mm while under conventional method it registered 2.68 Kg/acre/mm and 3.50 Kg/acre/mm of these two crops, respectively. It was further observed that all vegetables registered better benefit-cost ratio under drip irrigation system as maximum benefit-cost ratio were in the case of cabbage cultivation i.e. 7.90 which were followed by chilli (7.35), tomato (6.09) and ginger (5.30) cultivation. The efficiency of different inputs used on the vegetable cultivation indicated that almost all the resources used were found to be efficient under drip irrigation system over conventional method of irrigation. Hence on the basis of above findings it can be concluded that among two irrigation methods drip irrigation was the most efficient in terms of increased yield ,water productivity and economics as compared to conventional method of irrigation.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 2015) PAL, NARENDRA SINGH; SINGH, P. K.
    The study entitled “Sales potential of rice varieties developed and marketed by Pan Seeds at Bundu Block in Ranchi district of Jharkhand” was undertaken to assess sales potential of rice seed of Pan Seeds Pvt. Ltd., to identify the factors influencing demand of rice varieties and to suggest marketing strategy for promoting rice varieties. Sixty farmers from six villages of Bundu block were selected for the study. It was observed that average area under upland, middle land and low land was nearly 35%, 46% and 19% in the villages. The proportion of irrigated and unirrigated area was about 46% and 54% respectively in the selected villages. It was also observed that four companies of rice seed were operating in the selected village in which Pan Seeds Company and Pioneer Seed Company were the major players. The Bayer crop science and Advanta were also operating in the area but their role was not much in seed sales to the farmers. It was also found from the investigation that Dealer was the most important source of knowledge for new rice variety. The second important source was Neighbour followed by Sales Representative and Campaign, respectively. It was also found that near about 328 kg of rice variety was sold by Pan Seeds Company in the selected villages. It was further observed from the study that the most important factor for demand of rice variety in the village by the farmer was quality of rice seed variety. The second important was yield of rice variety and the next important factor was price of rice seed variety followed by insect/disease resistance. For development of marketing it is necessary to provide facilities to farmers regarding seed availability in the villages. It is also necessary to develop market of rice seed in the villages is publicity of rice seed variety among farmers organize group discussion and also provide rice seed at proper time, Similarly the quality and price are important for development market.