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Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of Post - Harvest Application of Calcium Salts And Ga3 on Storage Behaviour of Mango (Mangifera Indica L. ) Cv Langra
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 2004) Ashish Ranjan; R. N. Ray
    Mango (manigifere indical) is the national fruit of India and also acknowledged as “King of Fruits”. The mango fruits are highly perishable and can not be stored for long as it becomes over ripe and are spoiled within 7-8 days under ambient condition .Hence,an experiment entitled “Effect of post-harvest application of calcium salts and GA3 on storage behavior of mango cv. Langra was conducted during June 2003 in the laboratory of Dept. of Hort.BAU Ranchi .The Langra fruits after harvesting were dipped for 5 minutes in 1% and 2% solution of Cacl2,Caso4,Ca(No3), & Cao, and 100 &200 ppm solution of GA3 along with dipping in plain water as control. Thus, the experiment was consisted eleven treatments replicated three times in completely Randomized Design. Dipping fruits in 1% Ca(No3)2 solution, significantly reduced post –harvest loss and spoilage percentage of fruits which was followed by dipping in GA3 200ppm .Marketing of fruits was greatly influenced by post –harvest application of different chemicals. Langra fruits dipped in GA3 200ppm exhibited highest percentage of marketing followed by fruits dipped in 1% Ca(No3)2.Similarly rate of ripening was decreased in different treatments in comparison to control. The slowest rate of ripening was visualized in Langra fruits dipped in GA3 200ppm followed by Ca(No3)2 at 1%. TSS of mango fruits increased continuously during storage. After reaching highest level it declined afterward on prolongation of storage. Fruits treated with Ca(No3)2 retained significantly highest level of TSS followed by TSS followed by GA3 200 ppm on 13th day of storage. Acidity of fruits decreased gradually under all the treatments with advancement of storage. Ca(No3)2 at 1% was significantly effective in retaining the acidity of Langra fruits followed by GA3 200 ppm. The ascorbic acid contant of Langra fruits decreased gradually. Post harvest application of GA3 2ppm significantly retained higher ascorbic acid followed by Ca(No3)2 at1%. The reducing, non-reducing & total sugar of Langra fruits showed interesting trend upto certain period during storage and after that it started declining. Langra fruits dipped in GA3 200ppm and Ca(No3)2 at 1% showed increasing reducing, non –reducing and total sugar upto 13th day of storage while control fruits attained highest level on 9th day and then declined during storage.TSS/Acid ratio of langra fruits increased gradually during storage under all the treatment.Ca(No3)2 at 1% and GA3 200ppm was effective in slowing rate of increase of TSS/Acid ratio. Thus,post harvest application reflected that dipping of Langra mango fruits in Ca(No3)2 at 1% of Ga3 200ppm was effective in maintaining quality attributes like TSS, acidity ascordic acid reducing non reducing and total sugar etc of fruits during storage and reduced physiological loss in weight and spoilage to a greater extent and delayed the ripening for 4days and improved the marketability .
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on Wheat And Indian Mustard Intercropping Under limited Irrigation
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 2004) Sunita Kujur; R. K. Bhagat
    Field experiment was conducted at Birsa Agricultural University Farm, Kanke, Ranchi during 2002-03 to study the feasibility to increase. productivity and profitability of wheat mustard intercropping system under limited irrigation. The experiment consisting of eleven treatment combinations in row arrangement of wheat and mustard was planned in acid soil (pH 5.7) of sandy loam texture (20.0% silt and 19.6% clay) having low in available N (191.30 kg ha ¹), P2O5 (19.06 kg ha) and medium in available K₂O (161.28 kg ha¹) under randomized block design with three replication. Result revealed that a combination of 5 rows of wheat and 5 rows of mustard recorded the highest wheat equivalent yield of 24.22 q ha however, it was statistically at par with row ratio of 9:1 in wheat and mustard (21.88 q ha¹) as well as sole cropping of wheat (21.71 q ha ¹). Combination of 5 rows wheat and 5 rows of mustard and 9 rows of wheat and one rows of mustard were significantly superior to the rest treatment combinations. Under intercropping system 5:5 row ratio of wheat and mustard recorded the maximum LER (1.15) indicated beneficial association and Relative crowding coefficient (1.87) indicated their better compatibility than the rest treatments. Dominance of wheat over mustard was recorded in all the row ratio combination except 1:9 row ratio of wheat and mustard. The competition ratio value of wheat is more than one in all the ratio values of wheat and mustard combination except 1:9 row ratio. 5 rows of wheat and 5 rows of mustard combination recorded the highest net return (Rs 13965 ha), benefit cost ratio (2.47 on per rupee investment) and monetary advantage index (Rs 2056 ha). It was observed that the energy input was increasing with the increase in wheat rows and decreasing with the increase in mustard rows. Maximum energy output (35685 MJ ha¹) and energy use efficiency (3.91) also recorded under 5:5 row ratio of wheat and mustard.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect Of Fertilizers And Fym On Growth And Biomass Production Of Seedlings Of Some Agroforestry Tree Species
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 2003) Kumar Rajesh Raman; O.N.Pandey
    An experiment was carried out at Forestry Faculty Campus Nursery, Kanke, Ranchi during rainy season of 2002 to find out the effect of organic and organo inorganic sources of nutrients on seedling raising of Acacia mangium Willd. Dalbergia sisso Roxb., Derris indica Bennet, and Gmelina arborea Linn., the four important agroforestry tree species of region. The experiment was conducted in Completely randomized Design having six replications. There were four sets of experiments, one for each of the species under test. The four fertilizer treatments comprised as F.-control, F,-Soil: FYM: Sand in 2:1:1 ratio with a total soil of 800 g per polythene pot, F-F, +50 mg urea +50 mg SSP + 25 mg MOP per 500 g of soil mixture and F,-F, + 100 mg urea + 100 mg SSP + 50 mg MOP per 500 g of soil mixture Acacia mangium seedlings were found to be highly responsive to nutrition supplemented externally. Its root and shoot length, collar diameter, leaf area per seedling, fresh and dry weight of seedlings and root shoot ratio were best expressed when polythene bags were supplied with 100 mg urea + 100 mg SSP + 50 mg MOP per 500 g of soil mixture in addition to FYM. The lower dose of inorganic fertilizer (50 mg urea +50 mg SSP+ 25 mg MOP per 500 g of soil mixture) blended with FYM performed equally well as that of its higher inorganic fertilizer dose in respect of number of leaves per seedling. Dickson Quality Index (DQI) and coefficient of certainty. Days taken to complete germination and survival percentage were not affected significantly by different doses of fertilizers under test. Germination percentage was marginally higher in polypots getting FYM alone as external nutrition. Dalbergia sissoo had its best expression in terms of most of the growth and quality parameters studied with the application of FYM alone. Days taken to complete germination, germination percentage, shoot length, collar diameter, fresh and dry weight of seedlings, root-shoot ratio, DQI and coefficient of certainty were observed to be the most favourable with the application of FYM alone. The difference between root lengths in the treatments receiving external nutrition was non significant. Survival percentage of seedlings did not appear to be a function of external nutrition. Number of leaflets per seedling was maximum with lower dose of fertilizers blended with FYM (F) and leaflet area per seedling was the maximum with the higher dose of inorganic fertilizers blended with FYM (F) Response of Derris indica was more or less on the lines of that noted for Dalbergia sissoo, FYM treated polypots took the minimum time for completion of germination. Germination percentage as well as survival percentage were not affected significantly due to external fertilization either through the organic source or through organo-inorganic combinations. Application of manure and fertilizers helped the seedlings in attaining better growth and development, but they did not differ significantly among themselves. Thus it can be inferred that application of FYM is adequate to produce healthy seedlings of good qualities. Gmelina arborea was observed to be the most responsive species to external nutrition among the four species put to test Root and shoot length, collar diameter, leaf number, leaf area, fresh and dry weight of seedlings, root shoot ratio, Dickson Quality Index and Coefficient of Certainty had their best expression when supplied with the higher inorganic fertilizer dose (100 mg urea + 100 mg SSP + 50 mg MOP per 500 g of soil mixture) in combination with FYM. Days taken for completion of germination was influenced favourably due to FYM application alone. Residual N, P2,O5, and K2,O in the soils of polypots of all the tree species were higher with external fertilization and the highest values were associated with the higher dose of inorganic fertilizers in combination with FYM (F). The left over soils in polypots are transferred to the agroforestry fields along with seedlings, where the seedlings are expected to make use of the residual nutrients.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Long Term Effect of Fertilizer, Manures And Lime on Availability of Sulphur to Wheat Crop
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 2003) Santosh Sahay; B.P. Singh
    Continuous use of chemical fertilizers, manures and lime is likely to bring about major changes in primary and secondary nutrients status of the soil which will affect crop yield and its quality. These fertilizers, manures and lime applied to soils for cropping are likely to affect the sulphur fractions in soil which in turn will affect crop-sulphur requirements. Sulphur being a deficient secondary nutrient in rainfed uplands of the region thus need attention. In order to advocate use of sulphur fertilizers, an understanding of the sulphur transformations during its cycling in agricultural soil is required. Permanent manurial trial proves an excellent platform for precise monitoring of the changes in soil sulphur forms and their availability to crops. The present investigation entitled "Long term effect of fertilizers, manures and lime on availability of sulphur to wheat crop" was therefore undertaken to ascertain the cumulative effect of fertilizers, manures and lime on different forms of sulphur, total nitrogen, available nutrient and sulphur content and its uptake by crop. There were fourteen treatments consisting of inorganic fertilizers and FYM; either alone or in different combinations with lime or without lime under maize-wheat rotation. Texture of soil is sandy clay loam and higher clay content was observed in FYM treated plots. Soil pH increased with the addition of lime and to some extent with the application of FYM whereas highest value (6.6) was recorded in the treatments containing N+ Lime and lowest in plots treated with N alone (4.0). The organic carbon status of soil increased with the continuous application of FYM and highest amount was found in the treatments where full dose of FYM applied along with fertilizers and lowest in N + Lime plots which was even lower than control.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on dry Root rot of chickpea Caused By Macrophomina Phaseolina (tassi ) Goid
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 2004) Vijay Mohan; N. Kudada
    Dry root rot of chickpea was found to be prevalent in all the localities surveyed. The incidence varied from 15.6 29.4% and 17.134.3 % during Rabi, 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 crop seasons, respectively. The causal organism was identified as Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid. Among solid media, maximum radial growth (89.7 mm) of the fungus was recorded on PDA. Among liquid media potato dextrose broth supported maximum dry weight of mycelium(165.7 mg). In vitro evaluation of fungicides, Etaconazole recorded lowest recorded lowest radial growth (12mm) and hightest inhibition (86.6%) over control. Seed treatment with Carbendazim plus soil drenching with etaconazole recorded lowest mean disease incidence (16.9%) and highest mean grain yield (19.1q/ha) during Rabi, 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 crop seasons, respectively.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Genetic Variability, Correlation And Path Analysis in Finger Millet (Eleusine Coracana Gaertn.)
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 2003) Asha Rose Baxla; Z. A. Haider
    Finger millet (Eleusine coracana Gaertn) is one of the important small millet which is well adapted to diverse agro- climate conditions. At present it is grown in about 2 million hectares with annual production of about 2.6 million tones and productivity of approximately 1300 Kg/ha. In India , it is extensively cultivated in Karnatake, Andhra Pradesh,Tamil Nadu, Maharastra, Orissa Jharkhand , Uttaranchal and Chharisgrah. In Jharkhand the crop is grown in around lakh hectare with an annual production of about 3 Lakh tones. The low productivity of this region is primarily due to lack of high yielding varieties and poor management . To give a new philip to the production and break the yield barrier of this crop, the plant breeders have to think of newer and better methods and technique of production. In this quest attention has to be focused not only on yield but also on yield contributing components. The selection of an efficient breeding produce for complex character like ,seed yield depends not only on the extent of genetic variability and heritability but also on the association of seed yield with other component characters. With the above objective in mind, the present project was undertaken with thirtysix genotypes of finger millet. The crop was sown during kharif 2001, in RBD with three replications following the recommended agronomic practices. The analysis of variance revealed significant difference for all the character except grain yield per panicle.Days to 50 % flowering plant height days to maturity and panicle length showed wide range of variability. The characters like days to 50 % flowering plant height panicle length days to maturity and grain yield per plant recorded high phenotypic and genotypic coefficient of variation. Effective tillers per plant, total tillers per plant and grain yield per panicle also recorded high phenotypic coefficient of variation. High heritability was observed for the character days to 50 % flowing plant height panicle length number of finger per panicle and days to maturity. Moderate value of heritability was observed for effective tillers per plant total tillers per plant; 1000 grain weight harvest index and grain yield per plant. These characters also had high or moderate value of genetic advance as percent of mean. Correlation analysis revealed that grain yield per plant and days to maturity .There was however negative correlation between 1000 grain weight grain yield per panicle and grain yield per plant. Path coefficient analylsis revealed that effective tillers per plant days to maturity 1000 grain weight and hervest index had direct influence on grain yield while days to 50% flowering plant height panicle length number of finger per panicle, total tillers per plant and grain yield per panicle contributed indirectly to the grain yield. The results obtained in the present investigation indicated that days to 50 % flowering plant height , day to maturity panicle length and effective tillers per plant were yield contributing characters in finger millet and may be beneficial for selection.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation And Characterization of Different Gladiolus Cultivers For Quality Flower Production
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 2003) Rupa Rani; C. Singh
    The present study was conducted to know the performance of different varieties of gladiolus during Oct-May 2001-2002 in plateau region of Jharkhand .The experiment was conducted in Horticulture Section of Birsa Agricuture University ,Kanke ,Ranchi. Fifteen treatments were used for the experiment .Corms were planted in Randomized Block Design with three Replications. Gladiolus is one of the most important bulbous flowers with its majestic flower spikes, with massive florets of brilliant colours, attractive shapes ,varying sizes and excellent keeping quality. It is ideal both for garden and for cut-flowers and occupies 5th place in the international flower trade. Gladiolus is commercially grown in the states like Maharashtra, Karnatake, West bangal and Kerela . Jharkhand has very congenial climate for gladiolus cultivation and its cultivation can definitely increase the economic condition of Farmers .Keeping this view in mind an experiment on Evolution of gladiolus cultivars was done to assess the performance of different gladiolus cultivar for quality flowers production. During the experiment it was found that variety American Beauty gave significantly maximum sprouting percentage (96.86),higher mean plant height (98.84cm ) and ultimate length of leaves per plant (43.11cm).This variety also gave best spike characters like maximum ultimate length of spike character like maximum ultimate length of spike (64.45cm) and ultimate weight of spike (69.29g) best flower characters were also shown by the variety American beauty like maximum number of florets per spike (17.24) and size of florets per spike (12.21cm) where as maximum number of days of opening of basal florets was taken by the variety Her Majesty (93.79days). Maximum duration of flowering in field condition was shown by the variety White prosperity. Maximum number of comes per plant (2.00 )and weight of corms per plant (44.37g) was found in the variety Red Majesty. While minimum plant height (75.00cm) length of leaves per plant (21.26cm) ,minimum length of spike per plant (36.38cm)lesser no of florets per spike (7.68) and minimum size of floret per spike (7.62cm) was shown by variety Rose supreme .Minimum duration of flowering in field condition (7.65 days) and vase life in aqua solution (5.33day) was shown by the variety Thoinbolina .Minimum number of corms per plant (1.26) and weight of corms per plant (24.51g) was found in the variety Blorina.Hence it can be concluded that the variety American beauty performed better that other varieties because it has topped the list in many characters like in percentage of sprouting plant height length of leaves length of spike weight of spike number and size of florets ect.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of Nitrogen and Phosphorus on Growth, Flower Yield and Vase Life Of China Aster (Callisstephus Chinensis L. Nees)"
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 2003) Noorsaida Khatoon; B.M.Chowdhary
    China aster is one of the most popular winter season annuals. It ranks next to chrysanthemum and marigold. Five colour (pink,light pink,white, creamy white and viotet) are popular among growers. The objective of experiment entitled “Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus on growth, flower yield and vase life of china aster (callistephus chinensis L. Nees)” was to know the nutrient requirement of china aster for growth ,flower yield and vase life. Keeping this in view an experiment was conducted with 4 levels of each nitrogen (N0,N50,N100,N150) and phosphorus (p0,P25,P50,P75) with uniform dose of @ 50Kg-1. Application of 50 Kg N and 75Kg N p ha-1 recorded the maximum plant height of 24.99 and 26.66 cm respectively. 100 kg N and 50KgP2O5 resulted into the maximum plant spread (N-S) of 25.17 and 24.97cm,respectively .N 150 Kg and P 50Kg resulted maximum spread in(E-W) direction. Number of branches per Plant were maximum with N150 and P75 (26.17 and 24.47 respectively). Similarly number of leaves per plant were recorded maximum with application of N100 and P50 (35.40 and 33.92 respectively.) Lower and higher doses of nitrogen did not influence days to flower bud initiation. However, 100 Kg N/ha delayed it . Lower dose of Phosphorus resulted in earlier flower bud initiation. The earliest blooming and harvesting were recorded with lower level of nitrogen and higher level phosphorus. Maximum vase life 6.83 and 6.58 days were recorded with N50 and P25 respectively. Interaction of NxP was found to be non significant for all characters except the fresh weight of flowers .So far as the economics was concerned, the treatment combination N100P75 gave the maximum net profit (Rs 201194ha-1) followed by N150P75(Rs 192458ha-1.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Study of Combining Ability And Heterosis of Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) in Rainfed Ecosystem
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 2003) Madhuri Arya; D. N. Singh
    Enhanced rice production during the past two decades is the result of development of semi-dwarf, high yielding and photoperiod-insensitive varieties Now it is a matter of concern that the yield level of high yielding dwarf varieties of rice is getting plateaued in the areas of assured irrigation, which account for more than 75% of rice production. This warrants search for and adoption of innovative breeding approaches to further raise the ceiling of genetic yield to elevate the yield potential of semi-dwarf varieties, exploitation of hybrid vigour has been considered to be the most potent approach Combining ability studies are useful in classifying parental lines in terms of their hybrid performance. Among different methods adopted the line x tester analysis has been recommended for early evaluation of parents, because of its simplicity in both experimentation and analysis (Dhillon, 1975). Such studies in rice are useful in assessing the heterotic ability of parents and thus aid in selecting parents which when crossed would give to more desirable segregates for increased yielding ability. Thus, using this model present investigation was carried out with 15 lines x 3 testers. The total of 45 crosses were made during kharif 2001 and the crossed seed were again grown in kharif 2002. The data were recorded for 15 quantitative characters, which was further utilized in analyzing various genetic parameters. The analysis of variance revealed highly significant differences among the genotypes for almost all the characters except grain yield per panicle. This indicates the inherent genetic variability among all the genotypes (parents as well as crosses) for all the characters. High estimates of heritability (broad sense) along with moderate genetic advance for the characters days of panicle emergence, days to maturity, plant height, number of grains per panicle, 1000 grain weight, grain yield per plant and harvest index were observed. The similar results were also observed by Singh and Choudhary (1996), Most of the crosses showed positive heterosis over mid-parent and better parent for grain yield per panicle, 1000 grain weight.