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Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, Jharkhand-6, 2019) Kumar, Bidya Bhushan; Sharma, A.K.
    The present study was conducted on the fractured cases in companion animals reported at Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, Ranchi Veterinary College, Kanke, Ranchi for the treatment. The study has been conducted in two parts. In part one the fractured cases reported between January 2012 to December 2017 have been screened from the available record to find out the incidence regarding animals affected, etiology, breed, age, sex, types of fracture and method of fracture fixation. In part two the study has been conducted on femur and tibia fracture in 15 clinical cases on either sex presented for the treatment at Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, Ranchi Veterinary College, Kanke Ranchi.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, Jharkhand-6, 2018) KUMARI, SNEHA; Sharma, A.K.
    A total 1905 cases of surgical condition have been brought at department of Vet. Surgery and Radiology, Ranchi Veterinary College, Kanke, Ranchi from May 2017 to June, 2018. Out of 1905 cases, urolithiasis have been found in 50 cases (2.62 %) comprising of 36 cases of caprine (goats) (72%), 6 cases of cattle / calves (12%) and 8 cases of dogs (16%). Maximum numbers of cases from ruminants (42) , age group varied from 6 months – 1year were affected more with high percentage of 57.14 %. Among the total ruminants affected with urolithiasis, 92.85% were castrated and 7.15% were intact. Most of the cases were reported in the month of summer (52.38%) followed by winter and rainy seasons. Wheat bran (Chokar) was the major diet or constituent of feeding materials in maximum number of urethral obstruction in ruminants. Out of 42 ruminants affected with urolithiasis, only 22 animals (52.38 %) were treated by local veterinarian with the use of lasix and cystone tab etc, without successful outcome. Out of 42 cases of ruminants, 15 cases of goats and 5 cases of bovine/buffalo calves showing the complete urethral obstruction has been screened and selected for tube cystostomy procedure as a treatment of urolithiasis. Heart rate, respiration rate and rectal temperature showed the progressive and significantly decrease (P<0.05) from 48 hrs onwards at different intervals upto 96 hrs of operation as compared to base value. Rectal temperature showed the nonsignificant decrease (p>0.05) at different intervals of observation. The value of SAP and DAP recorded at 96 hrs of observation exhibited significant fall (p<0.05) as compared to base value. MAP value measured at 48 and 72 hrs exhibited significant decrease (p<0.05) as compared to base value. Onpresentation of 15 goats affected with urolithiasis, Mean ± SE value of haemoglobin, PCV, TLC and neutrophils recorded before operation was significantly higher (p<0.05) which decline progressively and returned towards normalcy by the end of treatment. Marked lymphopenia have been recorded in 15 goats affected with urolithiasis. However there were progressive increases in lymphocytes after the treatment. The values of BUN, creatinine, total serum protein and alkaline phosphatase were significantly elevated following urethral obstruction in goats. However after treatment these were decline progressively and returned near to the reference value by the 96 hrs. Hypoglycemia was the consistent finding before tube cystostomy in all the animal affected with obstructive urolithiasis which returned to normal level by the end of observation.The swelling, pain and exudation were subsided after 24hrs of observation and the scoring value recorded at 96 hrs exhibited significant fall (p<0.05) as compared to the value recorded at 24hrs. Urine pH recorded at different time intervals following tube cystostomy in goats were expressed as non-significant variation (P>0.05). Urinary protein recorded before treatment was significantly high (p<0.05). However, after treatment the protein level in the urine progressively fall after wards at different intervals of observation. The value of reduced glutathione was increased at different intervals till the end of observation after treatment of animals which showing highly significant (P<0.01) from 72 hrs as compared to base value. The value of superoxide dismutase (U/mgHb) also showed progressive increase at different intervals of observation following tube cystostomy in goats. The value recorded on 24hrs onwards after treatment showed significant elevation as compared to base value. The initial value of catalase after the treatment progressed to increase at different time intervals. The value recorded at 24 hrs just after the treatment did not exhibited significant variation whereas the catalase value at 48, 72 and 96 hrs of observation exhibited highly significant and elevated as compared to pretreatment value. In contrast with the report of catalase, SOD and GSH, the MDA value (Lipid peroxidation) exhibited progressive decrease at different intervals after the treatment. The catalase value observed from 24 hrs onwards upto 96 hrs recorded highly significant fall (p<0.01) as compared to base line value. Bovine /Buffalo calves Statistically heart rate, respiration rate values exhibited significantly higher value but remained within the physiological limits. After the treatment, these values were decline progressively and returned to normal or near normal level by the end of treatment (96 hrs). A consistent hypothermia has been noticed in all the animals throughout the observations but within normal physiological range. The haemato biochemical parameters viz. Hb, PCV, TLC, Neutrophils, BUN, creatinine, total protein, alkaline phosphatase were recorded to be high level before treatment which tend to decline after treatment. Lymphocytes % was progressively increased at different intervals of observation. However, the value of lymphocytes measured on 96 hrs were significantly high (75.87±6.96 %) as compared to the base value. Similar trend of variation in the neutrophils has been observed but in opposite to lymphocytes. The value of lymphocytes at 96 hrs exhibited significant fall (p<0.05) as compared to the base value. A hypoglycaemic state has been observed in all the animals with findings of serum glucose with the value of 48.42±8.50 mg/dl. Although, after treatment the level of blood glucose exhibited progressive increase at different intervals of observation and returned toward normalcy in the range of physiological limits. There were transient and non- significant decreases in urine pH at different intervals of observation. More reduction in urine pH was observed at 48 hrs. Protein level in urine was qualitatively noted to very high before the tube cystostomy procedure. However, it was progressively decrease at different intervals of observation and returned to almost in traces by end of observation (96 hrs). The value of reduced GSH was initially low which progressed to increased at different intervals following treatment of urolithiatic animals. The value recorded at from 24 hrs onwards at different intervals exhibited significant increase (p<0.05) with that of pre-treatment value. The value observed on 96 hrs showed highly significant elevation (p<0.01) as compared to base line value. Super oxide dismutase level before treatment in animal affected with urolithiasis was decreased and after treatment, the SOD showed the progressive increase at different intervals of observation. The value on 72 and 96 hrs of observation showed marked and significant increase (P<0.01) with that of pretreatment value. There was progressive increase in the catalase enzyme at different intervals of observation following tube cystostomy in calves. The value of catalase activity was recorded from 48th day onwards upto 96 hrs exhibited significant elevation (p<0.01) as compared to the base value. In contrast with catalase , the MDA level (Lipid per oxidation) was found be increased before treatment and it level became down at different intervals with the value estimated to be 2.60±0.15 nmol/mgHb as compared to pre-treatment value (5.42 ±0.16 nmol/mg Hb). Swelling, pain and exudation was more marked on 24 hrs which decreased after in both the species but it persisted in calves up to the end of observation. Out 15 goats, 5 goats had rupture of bladder and 10 had intact bladder. The goats having intact bladder showed tensed bladder and colour change varied from pink to bluish with rough surface of bladder. In calf, 3 cases presented with rupture of bladder where as in two cases bladder was intact.The calf presented with intact bladder showed much tensed bladder with haemorragic appearance. Calculi from the ruptured bladder has been removed which varied from pasty and sticky, sandy to multiple white concretions. In goats, the tube cystostomy was completed with mean operation time of 33.66±2.21 min. The mean ± SE value for completion of tube cystostomy procedure was quite high in calves which recorded to be 56.00±6.96 min. Post - operatively, time for removal of Foley’s catheter was found to be 15.07±1.03 days (12-25 days), respectively in goats as compared to calves , in which it was observed to be 18.50 ±2.25 days (15-25 day). In goats, complication like tube blockage was evident in 5 cases, accidental removal of tube in one case, wound dehiscene in 4 cases along with other complication, presence of pus in the subcutaneous tract of catheter with damage of tube in 5 cases. Recovery was found in 80% cases of goats and 60% cases of calves. . It is concluded that the tube cystostomy is a quick, practicable and reliable procedure of choice for the management of obstructive urolithiasis in young male goats and calves of any age groups at field level. This technique is also effective in faster decrease in oxidative stress and helpful in early recovery by repair of damage cells and removal of toxic substances.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, Jharkhand-6, 2018) Kumar Singh, Saurav; Sharma, A.K.
    The present experiment was conducted on 90 surgically created wound in fifteen apparently healthy dogs of either sex of one and two year .The selected dogs were dewormed two week prior to commencement of experiment. All dogs were maintained under iso-managemental condition and similar feeding schedule. The wounds of groups I,II and III were treated with PRP, PRP+PRPgel and PRP+Ultraviolet ray respectively. Gross morphological parameter such as general appearance of wound, appearance of granulation tissue, degree of inflammation ,filling of wound gap by granulation tissue, extent of percentage wound contraction, appearance of scab and shedding, complete healing and extent of cicatrisation were studied on day 3, 9, 15, and 21 post treatment. Physiological parameters like heart rate (beats/min), respiration rate (breaths/min) and rectal temperature (oF) were recorded before and at 3, 9,15, and 21 days post treatment. Histomorphological parameter like inflammatory cell infiltration, neovascularization, fibroplasia, collagen fibres and epithelialization were studied on day 3,9,15 and 21day. Histochemical parameter for wound healing viz. onset and extent of collagen fibres, elastin fibres and reticular fibres were observed at interval of 3, 9,15 and 21 days post treatment. These parameters were visually quantified on the scale of 0,1,2,3 and in some parameter up to 4. There was Clotting of blood on day 1st post wounding in all the groups. On 2rd days the wound appear moist and pinkish in all the groups. On 4th days the wounds were exudating in PRP and PRP Gel treated group whereas no exudation has been found in the UV treated group. Scabbing was started in 5th to 6th days interval of post wounding in all the groups which were completed between 11st to 14th days in UV and PRP group as compared to PRP Gel .Sloughing completed on 19th to 21stdays in the wounds treated with PRP alone (group I) and in combination with UV rays (Group III). Whereas, PRP gel group (group II) exhibited moderate sloughing by the end of observation (21 days). In PRP group, wound contraction was progressive and significantly higher at different interval of as compared to wound contraction on 3rd day. Almost similar observation has been found in other two groups also but the maximum contraction of significance (P<0.05) were recorded on 9th and 15th days post treatment in ultraviolet group as compared to PRP Gel and PRP solution alone. A Transient and non- significant (p>0.05)variations in heart rate has been recorded at different intervals in all the groups .Respiration rate recorded at different interval of observation before and after treatment in all the groups showed non significant variations (p>0.05). Rectal temperature on 3rd day post wounding were (101.74±0.24), (101.04±0.26) and (101.4±0.15) oF in PRP solution, PRP Gel and ultraviolet groups, respectively (p>0.05). From 3rd onwards, the value of rectal temperature did not differ significantly within and among the groups. Leucocytic infiltration, neovascularization, fibroplacia, epithelialization, collagen formation, elastin formation and reticular formation has been observed histomorphologically at different intervals of observation post treatment with PRP solution alone or in combination of PRP gel or Ultraviolet therapy in the experimental wounds of dogs. Leucocytic infiltration showed marked and significant at 3 days of observation in all the groups. Neovascularization and epithelialization exhibited marked enhancement in all the groups at 9 and 15th days of observations, whereas in other histomorphological parameters marked with high and significant scoring mostly at 15 and 21st days of observation post treatment. As compared to PRP solution and PRP gel groups, UV group exhibited more marked alterations in favour of wound healing on 3rd day of histophathological observation, however the extent of regenerative epithelialization was clearly observed to be maximum in the wound treated with PRP +UV followed by PRP +PRP GEL and lowest in those treated with PRP alone . Granulation tissue at this period of observation were composed of plump fibroblast cells scattered within fine collagen fibres ,thin walled new capillaries and mononuclear cells admixed with oedematus and inflammatory changes in all the groups with no microscopic differences of significance among them. On 9th day of observation, epithelialization and granulation became more marked along with intense appearance of fibroblast, collagen and capillaries in UV treated wound followed by PRP solution and PRP gel. There was continued increase in accumulation of collagen fibres and proliferation of fibroblast from 15 to 21 days. Histochemically, microscopic section in group I and II showed the moderate appearance of collagen and elastin and reticulin fibers. However increase in the amount of the matured collagen, elastin and reticulin fibres were more pronounced in wound treated with PRP+UV followed by PRP+PRP GEL and PRP alone, respectively with reduction in leucocytic infiltration and neovascularization. Among the group , ultraviolet treated wound exhibited significantly higher (p<0.05) SOD level in homogenised tissue from 3rd day onward as compared to other groups at corresponding interval. However the catalase value observed at 21st days showed significant fall (p<0.05) as compared to the value recorded at different interval in all the groups. The maximum elevation of SOD and catalase were recorded at 15th days of observation in ultraviolet group as compared to other groups. The values of catalase activity recorded at different interval showed a non-significant variation among the groups. The MDA activities exhibited progressive and significant decrease (p<0.05) at different period of observation in all the groups compared to the base value. The value of MDA activity in ultraviolet group showed maximum decrease as compared to other groups with corresponding intervals. On the basis of above findings following conclusions can be drawn: • Preparation of platelet rich plasma (PRP) solution and PRP gel was quite easy, economical and with need of limited resources. • PRP solution alone and in combination with PRP gel or ultraviolet therapy had significant effect in reducing inflammation and increase in granulation of wound. These were more pronounced in ultraviolet treated group followed by PRP solution and PRP gel. • Wound treated with PRP solution along with ultraviolet exhibited highly significant wound contraction at 9 and 15th days of observation as compared to PRP solution alone and PRP solution with PRP gel. • Heart rate, respiration rate and rectal temperature were non- significantly variables at different intervals of observation in all the groups. • Fibroplasia, epithelialization and neovascularization appeared more in ultraviolet group followed by PRP gel and PRP solution. • Wound treated with PRP solution in combination with ultraviolet proved to be superior in terms of early increase in collagen, elastin and reticulin fibers. • Super oxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase activity in all the groups showed a progressive and time dependent increase. However, SOD activity was more marked and significant in ultraviolet treated groups. In contrast of SOD and catalase, the MDA (Melondialdehyde) activity was progressively decreased at different intervals of observation in all the groups. A marked reduction in MDA activity was recorded in PRP gel at 15 days and in ultraviolet group at 21 days post wounding. • During the present study the intradermal administration of autologous PRP solution at wound margin and at the center of wound along with topical application of PRP gel or ultraviolet therapy showed significant enhancement of wound epithelialization and reduced scar formation. PRP solution in combination of ultraviolet therapy showed marked decrease in oxidative stress, extensive wound contraction, diminution of scar and early maturation evidenced by extensive collagen, reticulin and elastin fibers. • Hence, intradermal injection of PRP solution followed by ultraviolet therapy can be recommended as better enhancement of wound healing in dogs over PRP solution alone or in combination of PRP gel.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, Jharkhand-6, 2018) KUMAR, PANKAJ; Sharma, A.K.
    The study was conducted in 20 clinical cases of dogs of variable age (1 – 10 years) and weight (10 – 40 kg) affected with liver and kidney disorder and brought for treatment at the department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, Ranchi Veterinary College, Kanke, Ranchi. These cases were screened on the basis of history, physical and clinical examination. Physiological parameters (heart rate, respiration rate and rectal temperature) and haemato-biochemical parameters (Hb, PCV, TLC, DLC, Platelets, ALP, ALT, AST, BUN, Creatinine, total protein and albumin) were determined for evaluation of disease condition. Ten clinical cases each from liver and kidney disorder were randomly divided in to two groups containing 5 animals each. In group I, fine needle aspiration biopsy was performed with the use of 10 ml hypodermic syringe of 20 G, 1.5 inch length. Whereas, the animal of group were subjected to core biopsy with the used of biopsy gun of 18 G , 20 cm length, 22 mm throw and 17 mm sample notch. Following observation was recorded before and after the biopsy procedure. In Kidney biopsy, the value of heart rate recorded at different intervals following biopsy with fine needle (group I) and automated biopsy gun (group II) were none significantly variables within the groups. The value respiration rate recorded in group I at the intervals of 1, 24 hrs were significantly higher (P<0.05) as compared to the base value. However, the values returned towards normalcy by the end of observation (144 hrs). The values recorded following biopsy with automated biopsy gun (group II) at 1 & 24 hrs were also significantly higher as compared to base line value. Rectal temperature: A sub normal temperature has been recorded in dogs in both the groups affected with kidney disorders. The value recorded at 24 and 48 hrs following biopsy in both groups were significantly high (p<0.05) as compared to base line value. Haemato – biochemical changes in liver and kidney biopsy were non – significantly variables within the groups. Ultrasonographically the cases from liver affections were diagnosed to Cirrhosis which characterized by irregular margin of liver lobes and hyperechoc nodules in the liver parenchyma whereas another scanning showed that accumulation of fluid around the liver lobes and liver tissue appeared hyperechoic also suggestive of liver cirrohosis , Presence of multiple anechoic area with degeneration of liver parenchyma cavitation indicative of liver carcinoma. Ultrasonographic scanning of kidney revealed anechoic pocket within the kidney with hyperechoic outline of medulla indicative of hydronephrosis , whereas in other scanning showed hyperechoic renal cortex which suggestive of infiltrative renal disease or acute tubular necrosis. Six animals of liver disorder showed multifocal distribution of lesion, whereas 4 animals exhibited diffuse distribution of lesion. In dogs affected with kidney disorders, multifocal distribution of lesion was maximum (60%) followed by focal 20% and diffused (20%) . Maximum animal affected with liver disorder showed the heterochoic nature of tissue echogenicity during ultrasonography followed by hypoechoic and isoechoic tissue echogenicity. Where as in the ultrasonographic examination of kidney revealed hyperechoic kidney in maximum patients followed by equal distribution of other classified tissue echogenicity viz. hypoechoic, Isoechoic and heteroechoic. Changes in the volume of liver and kidney were recorded during ultrasonographic examination. It was abnormal contour in 4 , Increased size in 4 and reduced in 2 animals of liver disorders. Whereas animal affected with kidney disorder exhibited reduced size in 4, calcified in 2 , increased in 3 and abnormal countour in 1 animals. In three renal biopsies hematuria, noted immediately following biopsy which resolved in 2–3 days. haematuric condition has not been encountered with liver biopsy procedure. Biopsy sample has been collected by fine needle using disposable syringe of 10 ml of 20 G needle was subjected to preparation of smear on slide and after proper fixation it was stained with wright/Giemsa stain for cytological examination. Cytological examination from liver tissue revealed hepatic carcinoma in 2 cases, inflammatory hepatitis in one case and appearance of blood picture in 1 cases whereas in one case it could not be sampled even after 3 attempts. Cytological examination from kidney tissue revealed nephritis in 2 cases and tubular degeneration in one cases. Whereas in two cases no abnormality. The detail of cytological findings are tabulated below: Hepatic carcinoma : The aspirate showed clusters of widely differentiated cells with markedly a typical features of increased cytoplasmic basofilia with marked variation in cell size, nuclear size and nuclear – cytoplasmic ratio indicative of malignancy. However on the basis of their features of clustering with tendency to angular adherence. It was diagnosed as heptic carcinoma.Inflammatory hepatitis: The aspirates showed degenerative hepatocytes along with infiltration of mononuclear cells suggestive of acute hepatitis. Nephritis: Aspirates showed tubular epithelial cells varying form cuboidal to squamous type with prominent feature of lymphocytes, monocytes with mononuclear cells. Tubular degeneration of kidney: Aspirates showed degeneration of tubular epithelial cells as evidenced by desquamation of lining epithelial cells as well as most o the lining epithelial cells were absent. Kidney and hepatic core biopsy were obstained with double spring loaded biopsy gun with a throw of 22 mm and sample notch of 17 mm under ultrasound guided free hand technique in the animals of group II. Histopathological examination of collected samples from liver through automated biopsy gun revealed hepatitis (1), coagulative hepatic necrosis (1) and fibrosis in the liver (1) . There were no results in terms of histopathological findings In two case of hepatic core biopsy. Tissue core biopsy collected from automated biopsy gun from kidney exhibited acute tubular necrosis and interstitial nephritis in 1 animals each. While in other three cases of kidney biopsy , diagnosis could not be possible might be due to insufficient samples and fragmentation of tissue during processing of hispathological examination.The detail of pathological findings were tabulated below: Hepatitis : There were infiltration of mononuclear cells in portal areas along with evidence of hepatic degeneration. Fibrosis in liver : Proliferation of fibroblast cells and collagen fibers mostly in portal as well as interlobular area Coagulative hepatic necrosis: Focal area of hepatic necrosis characterized by eosinophilic cytoplasm with nuclear features of picnosis, kariorhexia, kariolysisa and anucleosis. Interstitial nephritis: There was mononuclear cell infiltration in interstitial area along with degenerative desquamative changes in tubular epithelial cells. A cute tubular necrosis: The tubular epithelial cells were seen features of degenerative changes as characterized by cytoplastic eosinophilia, vacuolar changes as well as picnotic nuclei along with desquamative changes. On the basis of above findings following conclusion can be drawn: • Right kidney biopsy was found to be comparatively more accessible to get the tissue as compared to left kidney. Whereas the biopsy from left kidney was easier and precise due to its clear-cut demarcation between cortex and medulla under ultrasonography. • Clinical and haemato- biochemical parameters recorded before and after biopsy in both the organs did not revealed significant variation. • Ultrasonographic examination revealed more abnormality has been detected on the left side of liver • Intraoperative observation during ultrasonographic examination revealed that 60 % of case showed multifocal lesion in both kidney and liver affections. Ultrasonographic examination in terms of volume of organ exhibited highest percentage of abnormal contour, increased volume with 40% each in liver scanning whereas on kidney scanning showed maximum percentage (40%) of reduced size of kidney with no demarcation between cortex and medulla. • Cytological examination from liver tissue revealed hepatic carcinoma in 2 cases, inflammatory hepatitis in one case and appearance of blood picture in 1 cases whereas in one case it could not be sampled even after 3 attempts. Cytological examination from kidney tissue revealed nephritis in 2 cases and tubular degeneration in one cases. Whereas in two cases no abnormality has been detected. • Histopathological examination of collected samples from liver through automated biopsy gun revealed hepatitis (1), coagulative hepatic necrosis (1) and fibrosis in the liver (1). There were no results in terms of histopathological findings in two case of hepatic core biopsy. Tissue core biopsy collected from automated biopsy gun from kidney exhibited acute tubular necrosis and interstitial nephritis in 1 animal each. While in other three cases of kidney biopsy , diagnosis could not be possible. • On the basis of above findings it can be concluded that the fine needle biopsy with help of 10 ml hypodermic needle with 20 G 1.5 inch needle by aspiration was quite helpful get the sufficient cells for cytological examination in small and medium breeds of dogs in neoplastic condition but limited access and insufficient samples in the fibrotic and vacuolar lesions. However, biopsy gun with 18 G needle was quite useful to get sufficient amount of tissue for histopathological examination of liver and kidney tissue with no adverse reaction but it gives only 50 % (3 cases of liver and 2 case of Kidney) success rate in the diagnosis of disease condition. Studies on large scale are warranted to improve the collection of samples from the multiple lobes particularly for liver disorder and refined technique for processing of samples for diagnosis of disease conditions.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 2012) Turi, Dayanand; Sharma, A.K.
    A total of 18 clinically healthy goats of 1-2 years of age and weighing between 12-15 kg were used for the present experiment. All the animal were randomly divided in three groups containing six animals in each group. Epidural administration of Lignocaine 2% @ 4 mg/kgbwt was epidurally administered over the lumbosacral space in group I whereas, the animals of group II and III were given butorphanol@0.04 mg/kgbwt and tramadol @ 1mg/kgbwt, respectively in combination with lignocaine (4 mg/kgbwt). Clinical observations viz. RT, HR, RR, systolic arterial pressure, diastolic arterial pressure, mean arterial pressure, electrocardiographs as well as haematological parameters like Hb, PCV, TEC, TLC, differential leucocyte count and blood platelets were recorded before and after administration of drugs at 5, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 minutes. Biochemical parameters like serum glucose, SGPT(ALT), SGOT(AST), alkaline phosphatase, total serum protein, blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine were recorded before and at different intervals of 1, 2, 4 and 24 hours following epidural administration of drugs. Anaesthetic parameters like onset of analgesia (min), duration of analgesia (min), time to recumbency (min) and time to standing (min) were also monitored in all the groups. Animals of group II showed a significant decrease (P< 0.05) in rectal temperature up to 60 minutes of observation as compared to base line value. Group I did not exhibit any significant alteration (P>0.05) in temperature at any intervals of observation, whereas group III exhibited significant decrease (P<0.05) up to 45 minutes of observation. Lignocaine alone and in combination with tramadol injected epidurally, did not exhibit any marked alteration in respiratory frequency in group I and lll. However, the effect of lignocaine and butorphanol in group ll showed a significant bradypnoea at 15, 30 and 45 minutes post injection as compared to base value. The animals of group l and llI manifested non-significant alteration (P>0.05) in heart rate up to 90 minutes of observation as compared to their base line value following administration of anaesthetic agent. However a significant decrease (P< 0.05) in heart rate could be recorded at 30 minutes post injection in group ll. In contrast to group l, group ll and lll showed a significant decrease in the value of systemic arterial pressure at 15 and 30 minutes of observation. Diastolic and mean arterial pressure did not show significant variation within and among the groups. The analgesic score at anus, tail, perineum, upper part of the limbs and flank was noticed at 5 min and maximum at 15 minutes of observation in all the groups. The excellent analgesia could be recorded up to 45 minutes in group II and up to 30 minutes in group I and III, after that the score of analgesia was declined and reached to no analgesia by the end of observation in group II and group III and at 90 min of observation in group I. Motor incoordination and sedation was more marked in group II as compared to group III and I. Onset of analgesia was delayed in group ll (4.17 ± 0.40 min) as compared to group l (3.33 ± 0.61 min) and group lll (3.67± 0.42 min) but it persisted for a longer duration of time in group ll (105.83 ± 4.83 min). The analgesic combination of lignocaine and butorphanol (group ll) had a significantly marked effect on standing time (110.33 ± 5.01 min) of the animals as compared to group l animals. The recumbency time was observed to be almost similar in all the three groups. Two animals of group III exhibited urination in scanty amount 10 min after epidural administration of lignocaine with tramadol. While,one goat of lignocaine – butorphanol group exhibited shivering after administration of drugs. A normal sinus rhythm was recorded before medication in all the groups at different intervals of observation. The animals of group II showed a significant bradycardia as depicted by increase in R-R and Q-T intervals. The R-R and Q-T intervals remained slightly higher up to 90 min of observation in group II and III and then returned to normal sinus rhythm afterwards. The epidural effect of analgesics in group l, ll, and lll did not show any marked alteration in the value of haemtological parameters like packed cell volume, total erythrocyte count, lymphocyte percentage, neutrophil percentage and monocyte percentage. The post injection value of these blood profiles did not differ significantly with their respective base line value and ranged within normal physiological limits. Hyperglycaemia was observed to be a consistent feature in all the three groups following administration of analgesics. Significant increase in glucose level could be recorded upto 2 hours of observation whereas, in group lll its level increased significantly at 2 hours of observation as compared to the base value. Other biochemical parameters viz SGPT (ALT), SGOT (AST), alkaline phosphatase, total serum protein , blood urea nitrogen, and creatinine level varied nonsignificantly at different intervals of observation within and between groups. It is concluded that combination of lignocaine with butorphanol produces better and longer duration of analgesia with transient variation in different clinical and haemato - biochemical parameters, hence butorphanol in combination with lignocaine may be recommended to be used as epidural analgesic in small ruminants for management of operative procedures.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 2015) Kumari, Laxmi; Sharma, A.K.
    The present research work was conducted to evaluate the accessibility of dexmedetomidine, midazolam and its combination by propofol infusion on clinicophysiological, anaesthetic, haemodynamics and haemato- biochemical profiles in dogs during ovariohysterectomy procedures. The study was conducted on 20 healthy female dogs, divided randomly into four groups of five animals each and designated as group P, DP, MP and DM. Atropine sulphate was given 20 min prior to administration of propofol in all the groups. In group P, propofol was administered after 20 minutes of atropine. In group DP dexmedetomidine was given @ 20μg/kg b.wt. IM, just 5 minutes after atropine administration thereby propofol “to effect” was administered after 15 minutes of dexmedetomidine administration. Similarly in group MP and DM, midazolam was administered @0.2 mg/kg b.wt and dexmedetomidine and midazolam was taken as 20μg/kg b.wt.+0.2 mg/kg b.wt. in a same syringe and administered to animals after 5 min of atropine and after 15 minutes propofol “ till effect”. Heart rate ( beats/min), respiration rate (/min), rectal temperature (ºF), systolic arterial pressure (mmHg), diastolic arterial pressure (mmHg), mean arterial pressure (mmHg), electrocardiographic study as well as anaesthetic observation such as muscle relaxation, pedal reflex, palpebral reflex, intubation response and salivation were recorded at 0, 10, 20, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 minutes of observations. Induction time (min), recovery time (min), sternal-recumbancy time (min), standing recovery time (min), complete recovery time (min) and duration of anaesthesia (min) were also recorded. Haematological parameters like haemoglobin, packed cell volume, total erythrocyte count, total leucocyte count, differential leucocyte count and biochemical parameters like blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine, serum glucose ALT, AST and total protein were recorded at 0, 30, 60, 120 minutes and at 4 and 24 hours of drug administration. Pain following surgical procedures were analysed by Melbourne pain scale which were started after 30 minutes of recovery from anaesthesia and carried out an interval of 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes and then 1 and 2 hours. In all the groups, there was initially significant increase (P<0.05) in heart rate at 10 and 20 minutes of observation as compared to base line thereafter it decreased throughout the observation. The maximum elevation in heart rate was observed at 10 minute of observation in all the groups. In group DP the significant variation (P<0.05) was observed at 60 minute of observation as compared to base line thereafter it decreased non significantly up to end of observation. There was marked increase in respiration rate in group MP and P after administration of drugs up to 20 minutes of observation. In group DP and DM there was non significant (P>0.05) decrease in respiration rate throughout the end of observation except at 60 minutes in group DP where there was significant variation (P<0.05). The rectal temperatures in all animals were decreased after the administration of drugs. There was significant decrease (P<0.05) in rectal temperature throughout the end of observation in group P. Systolic arterial pressure and diastolic arterial pressure increased upto 20 minutes in all the groups thereafter it decreased upto the end of observation. In group MP there was non significant (P>0.05) variance was observed throughout the end of observation as compared to the base line. A significant elevation of diastolic arterial pressure was observed at 10 minutes in group P and 20 minutes in group DP and DM while significant elevation was observed at 20 minutes in group MP. Muscle relaxation was better in group DM followed by group DP, MP and P at 20 minute interval thereafter profound muscle relaxation was observed upto 45 minute intervals thereby muscle tone improved afterwards. Palpebral reflex completely abolished from 30 to upto 45 minutes intervals in all the groups. Palpebral reflex reappeared firstly in group P (60 min) then in group MP, DM and DP. The pedal reflex score was more in group DM at 20 minutes of interval as compared to other groups. The intubation response was more profound at 30 minutes intervals after administration of propofol. The laryngeal reflex returned first in group MP followed by group P, DM and DP. Induction time was shortest in group DM (1.20±0.20 min) followed by groups DP (2.80±0.49 min), P (3±0.45 min) and MP (4.40±0.40 min). Recovery was longest in group DP (79.00±2.07 min) and shorter in group P (59.40±7.3 min). The animals of group DP attained a longest sternal recumbent (89.60±1.91 min) position than other groups. It was minimal in group P (76.20±6.27 min) followed by groups MP (77.80±1.28 min) and DM (88.80±2.03 min). Standing recovery time was highest in group DP (102.00±2.59 min) followed by groups DM (101.20±2.58 min), MP (84.80±2.40 min) and P (77.40±6.19 min), respectively. The animals of group P (78.60±6.33 min) walked and moved earlier, showing complete recovery of animals than all the other groups while animals of group DM (120.40±2.93 min) had a delayed complete recovery time. Pain score in the animals of all groups were less just after 30 minutes of recovery. In group DP, the values of pain scores showed the decreasing trend from the beginning of observation till end of observation. Animals of group DP exhibited less pain as compared to other groups at all its intervals of observation followed by group DM, P and MP. There was non –significant alteration in the value of heamatogical parameters viz. Hb, PCV, TEC and TLC in all the groups during observation period. While, neutrophilia and lymphocytopenia was the consistent findings in all the groups. Hyperglycaemia was seen in all the groups following administration of drugs. The maximum rise was seen at 1 hour intervals in group DP, MP and DM and at 30 minute intervals in group P. The hypoproteinemia was seen in all the groups and maximum declination was seen at 1 hour interval in group MP and DM and at 4 hour in group P and at 2 hour interval in group DP. There were non significant alterations in the value of ALT, AST, creatinine and BUN in all the groups. It was concluded that dexmedetomidine+midazolam+propofol anaesthesia (DM) was found to be effective and produced satisfactory surgical anaesthesia with significant reduction of propofol as well as produced profound analgesia. Hence it is recommended as better anaesthetic combination over other groups.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 2015) Kumari, Lalita; Sharma, A.K.
    The present research work was undertaken to evaluate and compare the epidural ropivacaine alone and in combination with dexmedetomidine or fentanyl on clinico-physiological , haemodynamics, electrocardiographic , anaesthetic and haematobiochemical profiles in female black Bengal goats. A total of 15 clinically healthy goats of 1-3 years aged and weighing between 10- 15 kg were used for the present experiment. All the animals were randomly divided into three groups of five animals each. Ropivacaine (0.75%) @ 1 mg/kgbwt was epidurally administered in the lumbosacral space in group I whereas, the animals of group II and III were given dexmedetomidine @ 2 μg/kgbwt and fentanyl @ @ 2 μg/kgbwt, respectively in combination with ropivacaine hydrochloride (1 mg/kgbwt). The values recorded in the animals of group ll exhibited significant fall at different intervals of observation as compared to the base line values. Animals of group lll exhibited significant increase at 120 and 240 mins of observation as compare to the base line values, whereas, animals of group l revealed a non significant change at different intervals of observation. The values of respiration rate recorded in group l and ll also showed a nonsignificant fall at different intervals of observation following administration of epidural anaesthetics. The value recorded at 90 and 120 mins of observation in group ll exhibited marked significant fall as compared to group lll and l at respective intervals. A non-significant decrease in the heart rate was noticed at different intervals of observation in the animals of group l and lll after administration of epidural anaesthetics .The value recorded in group ll exhibited significantly lower at 90 mins onwards observation as compared to base line values. However these values were returned towards normalcy by end of observation. All most similar trend of variation in systolic arterial pressure just like heart rate has also been observed in systolic and diastolic arterial pressure. Systolic arterial pressure was non-significantly variable at different interval of observation in group l. whereas, the systolic arterial pressure showed a significant fall at 30 to 120 mins of observation in group ll. The animal of group lll also observed the similar trend of 2 variations but the value of observation at 120 min showed significant decrease as compared to the base line values. The animal of group l did not found a definitive trend of variation in diastolic arterial pressure, hence the value recorded at different intervals were non- significantly varied (P>0.05). In compare to this, the animal of group ll showed a non significant decrease at 30, 60 and120, min of observation.DAP in group lll exhibited progressive non-significant fall at different interval of observation. MAP was also found to be decreased after epidural administration in all the groups, however the value recorded at different interval of observation in group l and lll did not show definitive trend of variation. Map in group ll measured as significant decrease at 30 to 120 mins of observation, whereas, the value was significantly lower (P<0.05) at 120 min of observation in group lll as compared to the base line value. All the groups recorded with normal sinus rhythm before medication. After epidural administration, all the groups exhibited slight changes with increase in RR intervals, Q.Tintervals and width of QRS during electrocardiographic monitoring. Group II showed marked increase in RR intervals QT intervals and width of QRS as compared to group I and III. Ropivacaine, ropivacaine- dexmedetomidine and ropivacaine – fentanyl treated groups produced complete analgesia of thigh, stifle joint, tail, perineum and anal region up to 120 min of observation in all the groups. However, the moderate analgesia was persist on these area only in group II as compared to mild analgesia observed in group I and III on 240 min of observation. Mild to moderate analgesia was noticed in upper abdomen (cranial to umbilicus), posterior abdomen (caudal to umbilicus) and pedal reflex. However, the extent of analgesia was much more in group II followed by group I and III. Ataxia was observed in the all the groups after epidural administration of anaesthetic agents at lumbosacral space. Sedation was noticed in all the groups up to 120 min of observation, however a sedation was much more in group II as compared to group l and lll Onset of analgesia was early in group II as compared to group I and III and it persisted for a longer duration of time in group II followed by group III and I. The 3 analgesic combination of ropivacaine – dexmedetomidine treated group (group II) had a significantly marked effect on duration of analgesia and standing time as compared to group I and III, whereas, group I and III did not differ significantly in terms of duration of analgesia and standing time to each other. The recumbency time observed in all the groups was non-significantly variables. Frequent and scanty urination was the consistent finding in the groups after epidural administration of drugs. Defecation was not reported in any of the animals. The animals of group l, ll and lll did not show marked alterations in the values of haematological parameter Viz Hb, PCV, TEC, DLC and TLC. Post injection values of Hb, PCV, TEC, TLC did not differ significantly (P>0.05) at any interval and with base line and ranged within normal physiological limit. Hb showed non-significant variation between and within the groups. PCV was found to be non-significantly decrease post injection in all the groups, however these value return near to base line value by 24 hrs of observation. A consistent and significant increase in neutrophil noticed up to 24 hrs of observation in group ll where as up to 4 hrs of observation in group l and lll with comparison to the base line value.The value recorded at 4 hrs of intervals was significantly higher (P<0.05) in group lll as compared to the base line values. All the groups didn’t differ significantly at respective intervals of observation between the groups. Relative changes with respect to neutrophils in lymphocytes were constantly observed at different interval of observation after administration of epidural anaesthetics. A significant decrease was noticed in group I at 1 and 4 hrs of intervals as compared to the base line. While, the base value was significantly higher as compared to the value observed from 2 hr onwards till the end of observation. In group-III, the value recorded at 4 hrs of intervals revealed significant fall as compared to base value. The value of monocytes observed in all the groups were non-significantly decrease up to 4 hrs post injection. Eosinophils exhibited opposite change of variation as compared to changes observed in monocytes. Consistent increase in the value of blood glucose have been recorded following administration of epidural anaesthetics agent in all the groups. The value measured at 1 hr in group l and 2hrs in group III was significantly elevated (P<0.05) as compared to the 4 base line value. In the animal of group ll the value recorded at different intervals particularly at 1, 2 and 4 hrs of intervals were highly significant as compared to the base line values. However these value return toward normalcy by the end of observation . The value recorded in group ll at 1 and 4 hrs of intervals was highly significant as compare to the group l and lll at respective intervals. AST, ALT and Alkaline phosphatase recorded in group II (ropivacaine - dexmedetomidine) were significantly elevated, whereas, these parameters showed nonsignificant elevation in group I and III at different intervals of observation as compared to base value. However, these changes were with normal physiological limits. BUN and creatinine levels after epidural in all the groups revealed non- significant elevations, whereas total protein exhibited non –significant increase in group II and non-significant decrease in group I and III. CONCLUSION 1. Rectal temperature, heart rate and respiration rate was significantly decreased (P<0.05) in ropivacaine – dexmedetomidine group (group II), whereas these values exhibited non- significantly fall (P>0.05) in group I and III. 2. Haemodynamic parameters viz. SAP, DAP and MAP revealed non- significant alterations in group I and III whereas , group II showed significant decrease (P<0.05) in SAP and MAP at different intervals of observations. 3. Electrocardiogram revealed bradycardia in group II with prolongation of RR intervals, QT intervals and Width of QRS complex, whereas, in group I and III these changes was variables which of little significance. Arrhythmia was observed in group III (ropivacaine- fentanyl) at variable intervals of observation. 4. A significant hyperglycemia was recorded at 1 hr in group I and 2 hrs in group III and 1, 2, & 4 hrs in group II as compared to base value. The hyperglycemia was more marked in group II. However, changes in these values were reversible and returned towards normalcy by the end of observation. 5 5. Haematobiochemical parameters (Hb, PCV, TLC, TEC, DLC, BUN, creatinine, ALT, AST and total protein) showed non – significant alterations at different intervals of observation in group I and III. The animal of group II showed transient changes in the haemato-biochemical parameters but the value of ALT and AST was significantly higher as compared to base value. 6. Ropivacaine, ropivacaine- dexmedetomidine and ropivacaine – fentanyl produced complete analgesia of thigh, stifle joint, tail, perineum and anal region up to 120 min of observation in all the groups. However, the moderate analgesia was persist on these area only in group II as compared to mild analgesia observed in group I and III on 240 min of observation. Mild to moderate analgesia was noticed in upper abdomen (cranial to umbilicus), posterior abdomen (caudal to umbilicus) and pedal reflex in all the groups. However, the extent of analgesia was much more in group II followed by group I and III. 7. Ropivacaine with dexmedetomidine produces significantly longer duration of analgesia, time of standing as compared to ropivacaine and ropivacaine fentanyl group,whereas onset of analgesia and time of recumbency did not show any significant variation among the groups. But it was faster in group II followed by group I and III. 8. On the basis of present findings, it is concluded that ropivacaine alone and incombination of dexmedetomidine or fentanyl produces longer duration of analgesia in the different part of the hindquarter with little variations in different clinical, haemodynamics and haematobiochemical parameters as well as produces less untowards reaction. However, ropivacaine – dexmedetomidine produces early onset, profound longer duration of analgesia by blocking of motor and sensory nerves. Hence, dexmedetomidine is considered as suitable combination with ropivacaine over fentanyl in small ruminants for achieving longer duration of analgesia with cardiovascular stability and least side effects.