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Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 2008) BAURI, RAM KRISHNA; Deb, A. R.
    An overall 19.63 percent infection was observed in domestic and zoo animals in and around Ranchi.  Zoo animals had significantly higher gastrointestinal protozoa (35.75%) than domestic animals (17.40%).  E.histolytica and B.coli were common gastrointestinal protozoa infecting domestic and zoo animals in and around Ranchi.  Among zoo animals, higher degree of gastrointestinal protozoan infection was found in lion (90%), and monkey (85%).  Among domestic animals, pigs (93 %) and dog (73.52%) had a higher degree of gastrointestinal protozoan infection.  B.coli infected pigs were controlled effectively by oxytetracycline (100% on 3rd day of observation) and Metronidazole +Furazolidone combination (100% on 5th day of observation).  Initially B.coli infected pigs had decreased Hb, PCV, and TEC values, but these values returned towards normal ranges after 7th day of observation.  The DLC values of B.coli infected pigs showed decreased values of neutrophils, and lymphocytes, and increased eosinophils values which came towards normal range on 7th day of observation.  The average body weight gain in oxytetracycline and metronidazole + furazolidone combination treated T & D piglets showed higher value viz.35.25 ± 1.64 kg and 28.08 ± 1.75 kg of body weight respectively than untreated infected control piglets (15.75 ± 2.39).  The average body weight gain in oxytetracycline and metronidazole + furazolidone combination treated desi piglets showed higher body weight viz. 36.67±1.07 kg and 32.50±0.96 kg respectively than untreated infected control piglets (22.00±0.88 kg).  Of both the treatment groups, the group treated with oxytetracycline had significantly higher body weight gain, 35.25 ± 1.64 kg and 36.67±1.07 kg in both T & D and desi piglets, respectively than metronidazole +furazolidone combination treated T & D and desi piglets (28.08 ± 1.75 kg, 32.50±0.96 kg, respectively).  Zoonotic gastrointestinal infections were observed in both domestic and zoo animals in and around Ranchi. Gastrointestinal protozoan infections in human population could be presumed to be acquired from the environmental contamination by the zoo and domestic animals. The present findings have provided very useful information for adopting suitable chemoprophylactic measures to reduce the risk of gastrointestinal protozoan infection in domestic animals and zoo animals.  The observation on different haematological parameters during B.coli infection and their treatment indicated that the harm caused by B.coli in pigs could be reduced to a greater extent by suitable therapeutic management.  Application of suitable control packages were found to be very encouraging for maintaining optimum health and economical pig production.  Oxytetracycline drugs showed higher efficacy than metronidazole + furazolidone combination and it showed significantly higher growth in body weight in both T& D and desi piglets.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 2008) Singh, Rakesh Kumar; Deb, A. R.
    The present experiment was conducted to find out the status and impact of H. contortus (helminth parasite) in goats to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of cow-urine (Go-mutra) against natural infection of haemonchosis in goats by observing the treatment effects followed by EPG, different haematological parameters and subsequently their body weight changes and the results obtained have been summarized as follows:- The overall prevalence of Haemonchus spp. in goats was observed to be 36.85 per cent. There was non-significant differences in the prevalence of Haemonchus spp. infection in goat reared on different managemental conditions. Age-wise prevalence of Haemonchus spp. infection in goats indicated that there was non significant difference during 1st and 2nd year. Sex-wise prevalence of Haemonchus spp. infection, it was observed that female goats had higher degree of infection than males. Breed-wise prevalence of Haemochus spp. infection in goats indicates Black Bengal goats (37.14%) were more susceptible to infection than Beetal (33.96%), Jamunapari (27.03%) and Barbari (13.64%). The efficacy of cow-urine (Go-mutra) in Haemonchus spp. infected goats were assessed by applying EPG method reveal significant differences in different groups of goats. The haematological profiles of experimental group of goats during H. contortus infection and treatment with Go-mutra was observed that Hb per cent in blood samples of treated goats was significantly higher than infected untreated control goats but there was significantly increased lymphocyte per cent in control group of goats on different days of infection compared with Go-mutra treated goats. The haematological values of experimental goats during haemonchosis and treated with cow-urine, it was observed that significantly increased percentage in Lymphocyte and Eosinophil in control group than treated goats however, The Neutrophil per cent and Moncocyte per cent were almost unchanged during infection in all the group of goats. The goats having haemonchosis and treated with Go-mutra showed higher gain however, in infected untreated control group there was no desire improvement in the body weight gain. Based on the results of this study it could be concluded that:- Cow-urine (Go-mutra) long term treatment in Haemonchus spp. infection (in goats) was found to resistrict the infection to a limited degree. Due to high cost of Go-mutra, the treatment was found uneconomical. Go-mutra may be a very good supportive therapy along with specific anthelmintic preparation if given, for combating haemonchosis in goats. For evaluating the therapeutic efficacies of Go-mutra for parasitic infection, the more detail studies will be required.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 2008) Kishor, Birendra; Kumar, Ashok
    The highest percentage of prevalence of Schistosoma spp. in cattle, buffablo, sheep and goat was found in more than 9 month of age group of animals. 2. There was no effect of sex on the prevalence of Schistosoma spp. in cattle, buffalo, sheep and goat. 3. The maximum prevalence of Schistosoma spp. was found during monsoon season followed by winter and summer. 4. The praziplus was found most effective in natural infection of Schistosoma spp. at the dose rate of 35 mg/kg body weight orally once. 5. Schistosomasis may effectively be controlled as per above recommendation.