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Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Pig farming practices of tribal Pig Farmers of Ranchi District
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 2003) Manoj Kumar verma; A K. Pandey
    Majority of the respondents belonged to middle age group (31 to 50 years), about 30% were illiterate, almost equal percentage belonged to joint and nuclear family type with medium family size (6-9 members). Majority of the pig owners had low or no social participation, and extension contact. There was no significant difference with regards to average pertaining to the socio-personal variables between the farmers residing nearby villages and farmers of remote villages. 2. In context to economic characteristics, the study revealed that most of the respondents had marginal and small land holding, small livestock holding, medium (5-8) stock size of pigs, low socio economic status with agriculture as primary occupation and animal husbandry as secondary occupation. The average family income was found to be Rs. 29850 and Rs. 23125 for the respondents of nearby and remote villages respectively. 3. Most of the respondents, reared desi pigs. They preferred to rear desi pigs because it was easily available, resistant to diseases and its easy management and less expenditure. 4. Majority of the respondents had experience of about 3 years in pig rearing, not trained but willing to take training in pig husbandry.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Extension Management I Tribal Areas of Ranchi District- A critical Appraisal
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 1991) Satya Sunder Deb Barma; Dr. R. M. Srivastava
    The conclusions drawn from this study are as follows: Since this was an exploratory type of research many management issues have not been touched. The summary has already pin pointed the outcome of the study. However in brief the following conclusions could be drawn out of the present study. 1. The present day general extension management system for the non-tribal and tribal populations alike are not appropriate for tribal areas. 2. For the tribal areas, a special system of management shall have to be developed based on a separate set of Extension workers who are selected for aptitude and motivation and who know the language and acquire working experience with the people of the area by living in the area. 3. The management shall have to be area/population/tribes specific with the full participation of the population and on a full package basis viz. selection of beneficiaries, their training, supply of inputs/production and marketing - all fewer than one umbrella under Single Window Delivery system with the optimum dosage of social scientist component. 4. A comprehensive co-ordinated Research programme on the Extension Management in Tribal Areas is needed to develop the right type of system and working models, which alone would provide a sustainable management, production system as well as a sustainable development to ensure the desired prosperity of the tribal areas.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Economic Motivation And Adoption of Improved Farming Practices In Belangi Village
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 1989) Oraon, Jagarnath; R. M. Srivastava
    The present study was conducted in Belangi, one of the adopted Model Village of B.A.V. during 1988. The data for the study were collected mainly through the standardized questionnaire by personal interview techniques. The main objective of the study was to find out the economic motivation and its relationship with adoption of improved farming practices. The farmers adopt the farming practices only for the economic gains. The socio-cultural factors influence the farmers adopt the farming practices mainly for economic gains. Higher the economic motivation, the more will be the favorable attitude towards improved farming practices. Under Model Village Development Programme for long term socio-economic improvement based initially on transfer of technology works, five villages under Ranchi district of different socio-geographic regions were selected by B.A.V. The villages are Belangi (Ratu Block), Sonal (Handar Block), Gangaghat (Angara Block), Rarha and Boreya (Kanke Block). The programme has become very popular and a situation has come when the University, the Govt., Semi Govt. and voluntary agencies have all joined hands under one umbrella for a common goal, i.e. over all development of the village.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, 1987) MIR, BASHIR AHMAD; SRIVASTAWA, R.N.
    Communication is the basic step in effecting changes in any aspect of client system. To make forming communities better informed, the extension worker requires communication devices that can over-come the berriers of illiteracy and triton which are predominant among the Indian farmers. Inspite of the many efforts scientific form information is not reaching the potential users as rapidly as it is anticipated. The sources/ channels of communication through which now knowledge is flowing to the farmers has always motivated the social scientists to go into detail of such situations. The present study entitled "Role of information sources and communication channels in adoption of cross breeding programs by dairy farmers" was planned with the following objectives. To study the socio-personal and economic characteristics of dairy formers of selected villages of Chotaraypur and Keshair. To study the reported extent of awareness of dairy farmers regarding various aspects of cross breeding programe, information sources and communication media. To study the communication media utilization pattern of the dairy farmers at the different steps of decision making. To study the communication media utilization pattern of the farmers with different socio-economic status and education level. To study the sources of communication at different stages of adoption pertaining to cross breeding programme. To study the relationship of socio-personal and economic characteristics of dairy farmers in relation to adoption of cross breeding programme.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 1986) Draboo, Saadat Rehman; Srivastava, R.M.
    The findings of this study are of practical utility to developmental agencies, research workers engaged in sheep developmental programmes in this country in general, Chotanagpur and Kashmir in particular. 1. Analysis of socio-personal characteristics has indicated that respondents were mostly illiterate and had low social participation although comparatively in Kashmir education was slightly better than Chotanagpur. This indicates that rural people are mostly backward. They are hardly educated; hence education should be given first priority. For the spread of 1iteracy, the most effective way is the primary school and efforts should be made to open it in every village especially in Chotanagpur where its need is of immense importance. In Kashmir further measures should be taken to educate people in larger scale. The present system of education has not had vocational bias and therefore does not offer prospects of improvement in the livelihood pattern or standard of living especially in Chotanagpur where majority of house holds live below the poverty line. As there is no immediate gain the formal system does not appeal to them readily. Thus, vocational education and training can be gainfully introduced. Here. Local dialect should be used as medium of education and training upto middle stage and after that efforts should be made to provide working knowledge of the normal medium of instructions to facilitate their children to take up to higher studies.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 1986) Draboo, Saadat Rehman; Shrivastava, R. M.
    Adoption of improved sheep husbandry practices may result in better economic returns to the farmers and it is also assumed that adoption or rejection of an innovation is related to many factors. The study was planned to determine the factors associated with adaption of improved sheep husbandry practices in two types of situations vis., Chotanagpur and Kashmir. In Kashmir the adoption rate is presumed to be higher as compared to Chotanagpur, so the study will give an indication of technological gap as well as differential factors associated dth adoption. This study will be of immense utility to extension workers, planners, academicians to utilize the Endings to their best use. The available literature relating to the studies on adoption and diffusion of improved agricultural, dairy husbandry practices is quite exhaustive but there are very few studies conducted in relation to adoption of improved sheep husbandry practices. Thus, there was definite need for such studies. With the view the present study entitled " A sociological study of the factors determining the adoption of improved sheep husbandry practices by farmers was planned with the following objectives: 1.To study the socio-personal, economic and psychological characteristics of sheep breeders of selected villages of Chotanagpur and Kashmir. 2. To investigate the extent of adoption of improved sheep husbandry practices by farmers of selected villages.