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Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, Jharkhand-6, 2019) Kumar, Naveen; Mehta, Suresh
    Erythrocytes were round to oval in shape with length of 10.21 ± 0.29 µm and width of 8.4 ± 0.38 µm in fowl. They were elongated in shape with length of 12.03 ± 0.20 µm and width of 7.01 ± 0.06µm in guinea fowl whereas elongated with length of11.66 ±0.22 µm and width of 6.19 ± 0.15 µm in pigeon. The cytoplasm of erythrocytes of domestic fowl and pigeon were homogenous pink colour whereas homogenous with light pink colour in guinea fowl. In fowl the nuclei were elliptical, oval,or round while in guinea fowl and pigeon they were elongated. The nuclei stained violet-blue in fowl and pigeon whereas in guinea fowl it was light pink. Heterophils were almost round in shape with average diameter10.99 ± 0.18 µm in fowl. While they were almost round with slight bulging in shaped with size of 11.35 ± 0.13 µm in guinea fowl and rounded shaped and measured 10.11 ± 0.17 µm in pigeon. The nuclei of heterophils were 2-4 lobed in fowl, 3-4 lobed in guinea fowl and 2-3 lobed in pigeon. In fowl, the arrangement of nuclear segments were spiral, S, and M .In guinea fowl, the arrangement of nuclear segments were U and 8. In pigeonthe nuclei were 2 to 3 lobed. The arrangement of nuclear segments were S, U and V shaped .Eosinophils were rounded in shape in fowl as well as guinea fowl and round to oval in pigeon. The average dimeter was9.11 ± 0.25mmin fowl, 11.5±0.12 mm in guinea fowl and 10.44 ± 0.26 mm in pigeon. In fowl, the nuclei were mostly two to three lobed. The darkly stained, chromatin materials were distributed in patches. The cytoplasmic granules were round, coarse, numerous, and homogeneously distributed throughout the cytoplasm and eosinophilic. In guinea fowl, the nuclei were generally three to four lobed .The size and arrangement of lobes varied greatly. The cytoplasm was relatively darker and cytoplasmic granules were densly packed. The cytoplasm was moderately eosinophilic. In pigeon, the nuclei were 2-4 lobed. The cytoplasm was comparatively darkly stained. The cytoplasmic granules were round, and, loosely packed. Basophils were irregularly rounded in fowl, oval to elongated in guinea fowl and rounded in pigeon. The average size was 7.53 ± 0.20mm in fowl, 8.30 ± 0.16 mm in guinea fowl and 7.73 ± 0.15 mm in pigeon. In all the three species nuclei were not clearly visible. The cytoplasm was comparatively lighter in fowl as well as pigeon and generally darkly stained in guinea fowl. The cytoplasmic granules were comparatively lighter in fowl and pigeon whereas comparatively darker in guinea fowl. It gives foamy appearance in fowl. Small lymphocytes were almost round in fowl, almost rounded with few blebs in guinea fowl where as almost rounded to oval in pigeon. Their size was 7.90 ±0.07 mmin fowl, 8.40 ± 0.09mm in guinea fowl and 8.27 ±0.11 mm in pigeon. Medium sized lymphocytes were elongated to rounded in fowl, rounded to oval in guinea fowl whereas irregularly rounded in pigeon. Their size was 8.5 ± 0.12mm in fowl, 9.92 ± 0.16mm in guinea fowl and 9.5 ±0.16 mm in quail. Large lymphocytes were rounded to oval in fowl while irregularly rounded in guinea fowl as well as in pigeon. Their size was 10.09 ± 0.18mm in fowl, 10.94 ± 0.11mm in guinea fowl and 10.30 ±0.10 mm in pigeon. In fowl, small lymphocytes had almost spherical nuclei surrounded by a peripheral cytoplasm. The cytoplasm stained comparatively darker in colour. In medium sized lymphocytes cytoplasm was comparatively more in compare to small lymphocyte. In large sized lymphocytes, nuclei were irregularly oval in shaped .Cytoplasm was comparatively more than small and medium sized lymphocytes.In guinea fowl, small lymphocytes almost irregular shaped nuclei surrounded by a thik cytoplasm. The medium sized lymphocytes had comparatively less amount of cytoplasm than compared to small lymphocytes. In large sized lymphocytes, nuclei were irregular shaped which had small amount of cytoplasm. The cytoplasm was comparatively darkly stained. In pigeon, small lymphocytes had almost rounded in shape and occupied almost all area. The medium sized lymphocytes had irregularly rounded shaped nuclei with comparatively less amount of cytoplasm than small lymphocytes. The large sized lymphocytes had almost round nuclei with large amount of cytoplasm than small and medium sized lymphocytes. The cytoplasm stained comparatively darker in colour. Monocytes were rounded in fowl, elliptical to rounded in guinea fowl and almost rounded in pigeon. Their size was 10.19 ± 0.11mm in fowl, 12.0 ±0.13mm in guinea fowl and 10.82 ± 0.14mm in pigeon. In fowl, the nucleus was eccentric and rounded in shape. The cytoplasm was foamy in appearance due to presence of large number of vacuoles. In guinea fowl, the nuclei were eccentric, irregular and horse shoe shaped. In pigeon, the nuclei were irregular shaped and eccentrically placed. The cytoplasm was foamy in appearance with few vacuoles and granular dots. The cytoplasm stained comparatively darker in colour. Thrombocytes were mostly oval in fowl while oval to rounded in guinea fowl as well as in pigeon. Their size was 4.20 ± 0.08 mm in fowl, 4.80 ±0.16 mm in guinea fowl and 5.86 ± 0.10 mm in pigeon. Thrombocytes were the smallest blood cell in all three species. In fowl, the thrombocytes stained reddish violet. They occurred mostly singly or in small group. The nuclei were moderately basophilic and irregularly rounded in shape. Cytoplasm was non-granular. In guinea fowl, the thrombocytes stained moderately violet in colour. They mostely occurred in cluster of large group. Their nuclei were slightly basophilic and rounded in shape. In pigeon, the thrombocytes stained light pinkish. They always occurred in single. The nuclei were elongated in shape, The cytoplasm was less in amount and purple in colour. The basophilic granules showed weak positive reaction in fowl while, strong in guinea fowl and moderately positive in pigeon when the blood smears were stained with toluidine blue stain. Heterophils showed strong positive reaction in guinea fowl, while moderate in pigeon and weak in fowl in their cytoplasm when the blood smears were stained with the periodic acid-Schiff stain. Eosinophil showed strong positive reaction in form of black colour granule in fowl, while moderate in pigeon and weak in guinea fowl when the blood smears were stained with Sudan Black B. Lymphocyte showed strongly positive reaction in fowl while moderate in guinea fowl and weak in pigeon in the form of black-brown patches when blood smears were stained for acid phosphatase. Eosinophil of guinea fowl as well as pigeon showed moderate positive reaction however, reaction was weak in fowl for alkaline phosphatase in the form of brown coloured granules. Eosinophil of guinea fowl as well as pigeon showed strongly positive reaction while reaction was moderately positive in fowl for peroxidase. All cells were negative in all the three species for Non-specific esterase.