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Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on the Germination and Seedling Growth of Some Tree Special in Flayash Amended Soil
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 2001) Anil Kumar Mishra; V. Sivaji
    Coal combustion for electricity generation inevitably produces large amount of coal residue known as Flyash. Enormous accumulation of flyash is posing a problem of waste disposal. Thus it becomes obligatory to the forestry community to manage this waste produce beneficially and make the ecosystem environment friendly. Since flyash contains many nutrient elements essential for plant growth, its use as a fertilizer supplement in Agriculture and Forestry has been suggested. The present investigations were carried out to study the effect of flyash on germination and growth of some tree species and also to study their comparative growth performance in the flyash amended soils. Three commonly growing tree species in Chotanagpur zone viz., Dalbergia sissoo (Sissoo) S,, Leucaena leucocephala (Subabul) S, and Melia azedarach (Bakain) S, were chosen. Five treatments of flyash amended. soils viz., 100 per cent soil (m,), 75 per cent soil + 25 per cent flyash (m). 50 per cent soil + 50 per cent flyash (m), 25 per cent soil + 75 per cent flyash (m) and 100 per cent flyash (mg) were taken to study their effect on the germination and growth of above seedlings. The experiment was laid out in Completely Randomized Design with three replications in the campus of Faculty of Forestry. The investigations were carried out to study the time taken for completion of germination, germination percentage, shoot length, collar diameter, root length, fresh weight and dry weight of root, stem and leaves, leaf number, leaf area and nodule number of the seedlings. Laboratory experiments were conducted to estimate the trace metals viz., Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu in different plant parts of seedlings. Moisture content and water holding capacity of soils were estimated before and after the experiments. Results of the present investigations showed that the flyash increased the time taken for completion of germination with increased proportion of flyash in all three species. The germination percentage increased upto 25 per cent flyash but subsequently decreased in 50 per cent to 100 per cent flyash amendment. The growth of seedlings varied in different parameters in different species depending upon the flyash proportion. Increase in growth was observed in all parameters in 25 per cent flyash amended soils but in several parameters, it was reduced in soils with high proportion of flyash, though in many cases the growth was superior than control. Shoot length increased upto 50 per cent flyash addition in Dalbergia sissoo and Melia azedarach, but in Leucaena leucocephala it increased up to 100 per cent flyash.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on the Role of Different Rooting Media on Sprouting, Rooting And Survival of Stem Cuttings of Dalbergia Sissoo Roxb.
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 2000) Bishwanath Kumar Singh; V. Sivaji
    Sissoo is a multipurpose deciduous tree species. It grows in tropical to subtropical climate. In recent past, the importance of this species has been increased because of its recommendation for afforestation of most of the wastelands and for agroforestry due to its suitability for the above purposes. Vegetative propagation through cuttings is a method of propagation in which selected trees can be multiplied rapidly while maintaining uniformity in plantation stand and biomass production. It also obviate the Inherent biological problems connected with seeds. The objectives of the present experiment are (i) To study the role of different rooting media on the sprouting and rooting behavior of stem. Cuttings of sissoo, (ii) To study the role of different rooting media on the survival and growth of plants. The rooting media taken in this experiment were soil, sand and vermicomposting. There were twelve treatments viz. Soil (100%), Sand (100%). Vermicomposting ( (100%), Soil (50 %) + Sand (50 %). Soil (50%) + Vermicomposting (50% ) , Sand (50%) + Vermicomposting (50%). Soil (75%) + Sand (25%). Soil (75%) + Vermicomposting (25%). Sand (75%) + Vermicomposting (25%), Soil (25%) + Sand (75%) , Soil (25% ) + Vermicomposting (75%) , Sand (25%) + Vermicomposting (75%) . Accordingly, Mixtures were prepared by volume and filled in polythene bags of the size 8"x4" for planting the cuttings. Replications were three and the design. of the experiment was Randomized Block Design (R.B.D.). The observations were taken on different parameters i.e. number of days taken for initiation of shoot emergence and completion of shoot emergence, number of shoots developed per cutting, shoot length at monthly intervals, basal diameter of shoots after three and four months, number of days taken for rooting, percentage of cuttings rooted, number
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of PGRs on the Rooting, Sprouting And Survival of Stem Cuttings of Derris Indica Bennet And Gmelina Arboria Roxb
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 2000) Jyotish Kumar Kerketta; O.N. Pandey
    Derris indica (Karanj) and Gmelina arborea (Gamhar) are the species belonging to the family Leguminosae (Papilionaceae) and Verbenaceae, respectively. As we know both the species are very useful in forestry especially G. arborea is a valuable timber extremely suitable for furniture. Similarly D. indica is significantly important for karanj oil, and its cake is used as manure for different crops. It is also the nitrogen-fixing tree species. Both the species are found suitable for reforestation, afforestation, agroforestry and social-forestry programmes. For maintaining the quality and quantity of both the species by asexual method, the present investigation entitled "Effect of PGRS on the rooting, sprouting and survival of stem cuttings of Derris indica Bennet and Gmelina arborea Roxb. " was conducted. Four levels of PGRS (Plant Growth Regulators) i.e. 3000 ppm IBA, 5000 ppm IBA, 7000 ppm IBA solution and Rootex in powder form; and control were taken as treatments. Fifteen to eighteen centimeter long cuttings of 0.5 to 1.0 cm diameter (at basal portion) were taken from 10-20 years age class healthy trees during last week of August, 1998. This experiment was conducted in Randomized Block Design with three replications at nursery site of Faculty of Forestry, BAU, Kanke, Ranchi. As far rooting behavior is concerned D. indica always showed better result in comparison to G. arborea in all respects viz., number of days taken for rooting, number and length of primary and secondary roots, percentage of rooting. 54 per cent rooting was observed in D. indica whereas G. arborea showed 37 per cent rooting. In case of levels of hormones used, IBA 5000 ppm always performed better result than others. 67 per cent rooting response was seen in 5000 ppm IBA followed by 60 per cent in 3000 ppm IBA. 7000 ppm IBA got fourth position having 35 per cent of rooting. All the treatments were superior to control. Interactions between the species and levels of PGRS showed significant effect on percentage of rooting. D. Indica with 5000 ppm IBA combination showed the maximum (82%) and G. arborea with control showed the minimum (13%) rooting. Regarding growth and uniformity of plants, D. indica between species and 5000 ppm among the levels of hormones showed the best result in all respects viz. days taken for completion of shoot emergence, shoot length, number of leaves per shoot, leaf area and basal diameter but in case of number of days taken for initiation of shoot emergence and number of shoots per cutting 7000 ppm performed better. Higher percentage of survival of plants (50%) was achieved by D. indica and G. arborea gave 34 per cent of survival. 5000 ppm again proved its superiority, giving maximum percentage of survival (62%) followed by 3000 ppm IBA (59%). 7000 ppm IBA got fourth position in this respect. All the treatments were superior to control. Hence for rooting of cuttings of D. indica and G. arborea, 5000 ppm IBA may be recommended to the growers/farmers in future for their multiplication.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 2007) KUMAR, SUBODH; Sah, R.B.
    The success of afforestation, reforestation and agroforestry programmes lies in the availability of quality nursery stock of the tree species to be planted because health and vigour of nursery stock is an index of its future performance on out planting. Size of the seeds and presowing treatment are important factors which affect the quantity and quality of the nursery stock to be produced. Albizzia lebbek (L) Benth. and Delonix regia (Boj.) Rafin are important tree species desired for raising plantations. Considering these points in view, an experiment was carried out to study the influence on the germination and initial seedling vigour due to the size of seeds of Albizzia lebbek and Delonix regia as well as due to presowing treatment applied on these seeds. The experiment was conducted in the nursery of Faculty of Forestry, BAU, Ranchi in a Completely Randomized Design with three replications taking three different seed size viz. large, medium and small; three different presowing treatments viz. seeds soaked in water for 12 hrs, seeds soaked in hot water at 80 0C for 2 minutes, and seeds dipped in cow dung for 2 days. The seed were also sown in control conditions i.e. without any presowing treatment. The data on shoot length (cm), collar diameter (mm) and number of leaves per plant was recorded at an interval of 30, 60, 90 and 120 days after sowing (DAS). Whereas, the data on root length and dry weight of different parts of seedling was taken after harvesting (i.e. 120 DAS). The Vigour Index was also calculated. In general, the larger seeds have pronounced effect on the early seedling growth as compared to medium and smaller seeds. The seeds treated with hot water at 80 0C performed better early growth and was followed by those treated with cow dung slurry for 2 days. The influence of interactions of seed sizes and presowing treatment on the growth performance of the seedlings was found significant. The maximum percentage of germination was found in large seed treated with hot water at 80 0C followed by cow dung slurry for 2 days, cold water for 12 hrs, respectively whereas minimum percentage of germination was noticed in smaller seed in control condition. Root length, shoot length, root-shoot ratio, number of leaves per plant, dry weight of shoot, root & leaves, and total dry weight of seedling were found better in large seed treated with hot water at 80 0C whereas the least growth was found in smaller seed in control condition. The Vigour Index of seedling was found better in hot water at 80 0C with large seed followed by cow dung slurry for 2 days. Thus, in the present study seed size and presowing treatment had shown the significant influence on the germination and initial seedling growth of Albizzia lebbek and Delonix regia. It is recommended that small seeds of should be removed from the sample and before sowing the seeds should be treated with hot water at 80 0C for 2 minutes to get better and uniform germination as well as quality seedlings.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 2009) SINGH, MITHILESH KUMAR; Malik, M.S.
    The present experiment was conducted on the “Status of Natural Regeneration in Shorea robusta gaertn. (Sal) in different sites of Rarha Forest, Ranchi (Jharkhand)” at different sites of Rarha Forest, Ranchi in simple random sampling design. The forests of the study area were sampled between April to October, 2008. Four sites were selected for the study; which are as follows: Top of the hill (S1), Adjacent to village (S2), Parallel to road (S3) and Valley (S4). Sampling locations were established every 100 m within each 500m transect in each site. Altogether 20 locations were sampled in the area. The regeneration survey was carried out in line plot survey. Regeneration survey was carried out in 2m X 2m plot on either side of the survey line. The experiment in the present study was planned with the following objective: -i) To examine the status of regeneration in Sal forest at different sites and ii) To study the factors responsible for the status of regeneration in the above sites. The parameters calculated for each sites are Number of seed bearers at different locations, Girth at breast height of seed bears, Height of seed bears, Seed dispersal distance from mother tree, Soil characters of different sites, Regeneration data on Sal, and Identification of factors affecting regeneration. The present findings indicated that maximum number of seed bearer trees at sites top of hill, adjacent to village, parallel to road, and valley were in girth class 40-50cm (101 trees), 60-70 cm (105 trees), 60-70 cm (50 trees) and 30-40 cm (100 trees) respectively. Among the study sites maximum height was obtained at Adjacent to Village (S2) sites which was 24.40m for girth class 100-110cm followed by 21.17m for girth class 90-100cm, while minimum height was 4.47m found in valley (S4) site at 20-30 girth classes. In valley, soil pH and organic carbon was maximum whereas N, P, K is vary from site to site. In case of N, P and K, maximum was obtained in top of hill (S1) sites (334 kg/ha), parallel to road (S3) sites (40.26 kg/ha), and adjacent to village (S2) sites (264.24 kg/ha). Soil of the research area is sandy loam and clayey loam. Percentage of silt and clay remained almost unaltered but slight increase in sand, fine as well as coarse, was observed. Maximum WHC (%) was obtained in adjacent to village (S2) sites which were 45 followed by 36 parallel to road (S3) site, while minimum WHC was 26 found in top of hill (S1) site. The increasing regeneration categories of different sites are as adjacent to village > parallel to road > Valley > top of the hill. Out of the total survey area adjacent to village (S2) has good regeneration followed by parallel to road (S3). The percentage of regeneration weightage of top of hill (S1), adjacent to village (S2), parallel to road (S3), and valley (S4) was 12%, 45%, 28% and 15%, respectively. The regeneration weightage of top of hill (S1), adjacent to village (S2), parallel to road (S3), and valley (S4) was 5.75, 7.75, 7.75 and 1.75, respectively. There are various forms of biotic pressure like fire, grazing and browsing, and weed infestations, firewood collection, timber cutting, etc are seen in the study area. In the sites adjoining village and parallel to road such type of fire is maximum as compared to top of hill, whereas in valley no evidence of surface fire is observed. In almost all the study sites accidental type of forest fire is evident. However, incidences of deliberate fire for different purposes are also common. More incidences of grazing is seen in two study sites (near village and parallel to road) whereas, in other tow sites (top of the hill and valley) grazing incidence is less. In all the sites weed infestation like patches of Lantana camara, Eupatorium odoratum etc. have become a common occurrences. On top of the hill the distance traveled by seeds was found maximum (approx 345 m). In adjacent to village and parallel to road the distance traveled by seeds was less (approx 125 m) which is indicates by Sal pole crops. In valley, the distance traveled by seeds was found upto a distance of (approx 300 m) beyond 300 m the Sal plant are almost negligible.