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Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Host Genotype X Rhizohium Interaction in Vigna Species
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 2002) Praveen Singh; M. Chakraborty
    The present investigation was carried out to study the symbiotic response of rhizobia under the influence of competition with native population and to section the most efficient and stable RhiStable rhizobium legume genetic system for simbiotik improvement of of vegan spaces for this purpose four different mutants including parent restrain of moth bean rhizobium strain Mr 125 H2 S2 cowpea rhizobium group and a local strength of cowpea rhizobium along with an uni no clotted control where taken since the cowpea rhizobium able to to infect six different host legume nine different variety of three different vegana is places where taken as host genotype the nine varieties and six extent of rhizobium including control where grown in all possible combination standard organic practice follow during the crop growth data were recorded on different yield component and symbiotic trips statical analysis was done in factorial rbd coloration and regression analysis were also done for few important trips analysis of variance revealed significant difference due to host genotype and rhizobium population for all the character study except for days to 50% flowering for which rhizobium difference were not significant interaction between the host genotype and rhizobium was also significant for all the treat study except for date to 50% flowering and number of seat per had the highest noodles was observed by eastern Mr 125 s to s m 8 hy5 aged 57 which was 30% more than the parent strength Mr 125 s2s M8 the relative contribution of host janu type rhizobium strain and host genotype X rhizobium interaction to total phenotype variation was computed following the fixed effect model of analysis of variance plant genotype comment contributed highest variety for all the character studied the host X strength interaction effect watch lower than stand affect the study of correlation coefficient between yield and other character indicate that the the highest polarization contributing character to what grain yield was nodal wait per plant followed by total and contain hundred seed hundred seed weight lhb contain board per plant and nodal number per plant the regression coefficient for explaining the host X interaction by difference between the slope of regression line so that copy variety RC 101 head hai mean grain yield with maximum slope of regression line indicating the high sensitivity response to word rhizobium in koh solution the barati aaye more 225 and soon enough from both been and have been spaces respectively are particularly interesting for stability for grain yield and total and contain the maintain their high yielding potential and the genetically diverse rhizobium population with a low slope of regression
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Genotypic, Phenotypic Variability And Correlation Studies in Finger Millet
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 2001) Vijay Krishna Pattnayak; D.K. Ganguli
    Finger millet (Eleusine coracana Gaertn.) Commonly Known as ragi or madua holds important position in Indian agriculture because (a) its ability to sustain various biotic and abiotic stresses and (b) it is a good source of organic and inorganic nutrients. The crop belong to the family Poaceae and believed to be a polite with 9 as basic chromosome in view of its important in term of tolerance against many factor as well as being rich in essential nutrient both these qualities should to the agro climate condition and the major consumer of Jharkhand state study was undertaken with five parents and their three f2s to have a idea on very bility heritability genetic advance and Collins during kharif 1999 batch 2015 avation were recorded on day two flower ring de to maturity plant height pencil length fingers per penicillin finger length seed weight per pencil tillers and effective tailor per plant significant difference was observed for most of the characters among five parents and their three f2s plant height had marketability Hive variance value where was the value for other parameter where comparatively to Lo there was no significant difference in mean between large and small sample pal of f2s for all the characters between large and small sample of f2s there was no significant difference in variance also for most of the characteristic Harry bility for days to flowering pencil length and finger length was observed both in parent as well as F2 generation but de to maturity had hai heritability in F2 generation only pencil length finger length seed with per pencil and de to flowering in parents had hai genetic advance where is de to maturity finger length pencil length and seed weight per penicillin had considerable genetic advance in f2s positive significant Collins of seed weight per pensiline with fingers per penicillin was observed in parents in f2s with large as well as small sample positive significant caller range of sin seed weight per pencil was noticed with fingers per pencil colour and effective tailor per plant normal distribution of population in all f2s was observed for all characteristic accept number of Taylor and effective .
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Study of Variability, Correlation And Path Analysis In Some Fastigiata Genotypes of Groundnut ( Arachis hypogaea L.)
    (69, 2000) Yogendra Prasad; D.K. Ganguli
    The present investigation was carried out on thirty groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) genotypes belonging to fastigiata group. The material was sown in three replications in randomized block design during Kharif season of 1999. The plant character studied were days to first flowering days to 50 percent flowering, height of the main axis number of primary branches, number of pods per plant , shelling percentage, percentage of sound mature Kernel , 100- Kernal weight , pod yield per plant and harvest index. The observed data were analysed and genetic parameters viz. variability, heritability (broad sense) genetic advance, correlation coefficient and path coefficient were estimated. Analysis of variance for all the above quantitative characters revealed highly significant differences among the thirty genotypes. High phenotypic and genotypic coefficient of variability could be recorded for height of main axis , number of primary branches, number of pods per plant ,100-Kernel weight, pod yield per plant and harvest index, pod yield per plant, height of main axis and number of pod per plant. Pod yield per plant was found to be positively and significantly correlated with number of primary branches , number of pods per pant and harvest index. However, its association was significantly negative with height of main axis both at phenotypic as well as genotypic levels. Path coefficient analysis indicated high positive direct effect of number of
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Characterization of Germplasm of Upland Rice (Oriza Sativa L.)
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 2000) Sunil Kumar; D.N. Singh
    Rice (Oryza sativa L.) ix most important staple food of more than half of the human race and it is primarily a high calorie food containing 85 per cent protein, 0.34 per cent fat, about 90 per cent carbohydrate and trace amount of ash, fiber and vitamin B after milling. It occupies second position in the world in acreage and production, only after wheat. Its area is concentrated in South-East Asian Countries, which accounts for 80 per cent of the total production. In India it is also most important staple food crop covering 44 million hectares of land and producing 84.74 millions tonnes (Survey of Indian Agriculture 2000) Spectacular yield gains in rice production were achieved after the introduction of semi dwarf varieties with improved management practices but rice being cultivated in monsoon, faces problem of adaptation for specific ecosystem such as waterlogging, salinity, drought, low solar radiation etc. Also continuous and intensive cultivation of newly developed semidwarf varieties under high fertility condition resulted in problem related to buildup of pest populations and outbreak of epidemics. To combat these problems breeders are looking for new sources of genetic material for Incorporation of multiple resistance for which traditional cultivars have been found to be major donors Of all the ecotypes the upland ecology is more variable and the varietal improvement is more challenging Eighty per cent of the varieties released so for are for irrigated ecology and hardly 5 per cent for uplands and low productivity reduces the average yield of the rainfed upland areas. Therefore, collection, conservation, characterization and evaluation of germplasm, which is the backbone of any crop improvement programme was undertaken to prepare a systematic list or catalogue for ready references of breeders and scientists. Direct seeding in dry condition under upland situation was done during 1999 in 2 replication plot of 10 metre and 30 cm length, 90 cm wide. Each replication consists 50 germplasm and 3 check varieties One germplasm in two-crop row and each row consisted seven hills in both replication. In first replication crop row started from check varieties and second row started from 50 germplasm ended with check variety Birsa Dhan-101. The distance from row to row was 20 cm and plant to plant distance was 15 cm. The characterization and evaluation work were done on 12 different characters. Some characters are preferred by farmers as useful traits. Thus, the results evaluated that eight germplasm could be used as donors for favourable genetic characters and for direct release of variety viz. Gora Dhan-8, Lalmati Gora-1, Gora G.P-2, Gora Dhan-1, Gora Dhan-2, Nanhi Gora-1, Karanga Gora-I and Barka Gora-1.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Study of Combining Ability And Heterosis in Transplanted Rice (Oryza Sativa L. )
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 2000) Deo Raj; D. N. Singh
    Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is predominantly self pollinated crop. India is the largest country in the world in terms of area and second largest in production after China. However, the average productivity in India is very low as compared to China. However, the average productivity in India is very low as compared to China. The present investigation was carried out to identify suitable yield component characters for selection on the basis of various variability parameters and also to identify suitable parents for hybridization programme on the basis of combining ability studies and per se performance. A line x tester design was framed out with fifteen female lines and three well established testers. Forty-five crosses thus obtained by were evaluated along with eighteen parents in a randomized block design with three replications during kharif 1998-1999 for eight quantitative and four qualitative characters. The observations data obtained were utilized in analyzing various genetic parameters for all the characters following standard methods. The analysis of variance revealed highly significant difference among the eighteen parents and among the forty-five crosses for all the characters studied. This indicated that there was genetic differences among the as well as among the crosses. The genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variations were higher in parents than the crosses for all the characters studied except in days to 50% flowering and Grain yield per plot. Plant breeders are mainly concerned with the genotypic coefficient of variation and it was found in considerable amount for the characters number of tillers per plant, number of ear-bearing tillers per plant, plant height, 1000-grain weight and Grain yield per plot. All the parents were showed 1-5 on scale rating for leaf types and tolerance to diseases and their crosses showed intermediate type. Among the eighteen parents only few were showed horizontal type flag leaf and rest showed vertical type whereas their crosses showed intermediate type. There were four types of plant in parents and their crosses showed intermediate types:
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Variability And Correlation Studies in some Bread Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L. ) Lines
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 1999) Ashisan Tuti; V. Kerketta
    Wheat (Triticm aestivumL )is one of the important cereal in India. It belong to the family Gramineae with chromosome No 2n=42 .It ranks second as staple food after rice in India with the total area of 25.40 million hectares. In the global ranking India ranks fourth in the area and second in the production of wheat crop. Being on Important crop, its genetically improvement through exploitation of existing wide variability is of prime important. Hence a field experiment was conducted to study the variability and correlation studies in some wheat lines. The analysis of variance revealed significant differences among the lines for all the characters. The heritable and non heritable variation were ascertained with the help of genetic parameters like heritability , genetic advance, genetjic and phenotypic coefficient of variation. High heritability was observed for the character germination percentage number of grains in main spike and 1000- grain weight. The lowest heritability was observed in grain weight per plant.The high genetic advance was observed for the character number of tillers per plant,1000- grain weight ,number of grains in main spike and germination percentage. The values of phenotypic and genotype coefficient of variation were high for the characters number of tillers per plant, number of grain in main spike,1000- grain weight germination percentage and plant height. The correlation between the characters germination percentage and number of tiller per plant and 1000- grain weight and length of the main spike and plant height and 1000 grain weight were found either signjijficant at 5 per cent and 1 per cent level of significant. The results obtained in the present investigation indicated that the characters number of tillers per plant number of grains in main spike ,1000 grain weight plant hight and dajys to 75 per cent flowering are the yield components. These can be used as thse indicators for improving wheat varieties. These characters are correlated with yield and also have high value of heritabililtyl genetic advance and genetic asvances as per cent of mean. ON the basis of yield ,the entries KG-79.KG-181 K-9709 performed better than other entries.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Analysis of Different Quantitative Characters in Upland Rice (Oryza sativa L. )
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 1999) Chandra Kishor; Z. A. Haider
    Forty genotypes of upland rice ( oryza stavia L.) of diverse origin formed the material for the present study. These genotypes were directly sown in a Randomised Block Design with three replications under upland situation during kharif season of 1997.Observation were recorded on five randomly selected plants from each entry of every replication. Analysis of variance revealed significant difference among the genotypes for all the characters, except, number of tillers per plant, effective tillers per plant effective tillers per plant and grain per panicle. A wide range of variability was observed in grain yield per plant, flag leaf area, grain yield per panicle, 1000 – grain weight, plant height and effective tillers per plant. Phenotypic as well as genotypic coefficient of variation was high to moderate in grain yield per panicle, plant height, 1000grain weight and number of grains per panicle. Heritability and genetic advance as percent of mean was also high for grain yield per plant, flag leaf area, grain yield per panicle, plant height, 1000- grain weight and number of grain per panicle. Grain yield per plant had a significant and positive association with number of tillers per plant , effective tillers per plant height, panicle length, number of grains per panicle, grain yield per panicle, flag leaf area and 1000- grain weight both at genotypic and phenotypic level. Path analysis revealed that all the characters had positive direct effect on grain yield per plant, except 1000- grain weight. GFrain yield per panicle had highest direct positive effect but its indirect effect via numbers of grain per panicle, 1000- grain weight, flag leaf area and effective tillers per plant was weak negative. Rest of the characters had appreciable positive direct effect. Over all estimation is that grain yield per panicle number of grains per panicle, flag leaf area and plant height may be used in section for increasing grain yield in upland rice.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Genetic Divergence And Correlation studies in Niger (Guizotia Ahyssinica Cass. )
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 1999) Sanjay Kumar; Sohan Ram
    The present investigation was carried out in 72 germplasms of niger maintained in Niger Research Scheme of Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics at Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke to collect information on the extent of variability, degree of association of different yield components, their direct and Indirect effect on seed yield and extent of genetic diversity among the genotypes. The experiment was conducted in Niger Experimental Plot of Ranchi Agricultural College Farm during Kharif 1997. A broad spectrum of variability was visualized in almost all characters, mainly in plant height, number of primary branches per plant and number of secondary branches branches per plant, number of capitulum per plant, days to 50 per cent flowering and days to maturity. Genotypic coefficient of variation was appreciable in number of capitulum perplant, plant height, number of primary branches per plant and 1000-seed weight. These characters also expressed moderate heritability estimates. Selection based on these characters would give more progress than based on other characters. Genetic divergence study revealed clustering of germplasms into 8 clusters irrespective of their origin. Many genotypes based on cluster means and genetic diversity was identified as potential parents. Genotypes, BNS-5, GA-23, Phule-5 and ONS-107 of cluster II and BNS-9, RCR-219 and RCR-234 of cluster VI were suggested as potential parents for crossing programme. Hybridization between genotypes of cluster II and VI was suggested for yield improvement. Days to maturity contributed more than 50 per cent in genetic divergence, but role of plant height and 1000-seed weight also had recommendable role in genetic diversity.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Genetic Variability Correlation And Path Analysis in Greengram (Vigna Radiata L. Wilczek
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 1999) Kamleshwer Kumar; K. D. Prasad
    Forty greengram genotypes were grown in a randomized block design with three replications during wet season of 1998. The data recorded on ten quantitative characters viz., days to 50 per cent flowering, days to maturity, plant height (cm), number of primary branches per plant, number of secondary branches per plant, pods per plant, pod length (am), number of seeds per pod, 100-seed weight (g) and yield per plant (g) were analysed to find out the estimates of variability, heritability (broad sense), genetic advance, correlations and path coefficients. The analysis of variance revealed highly significant differences among the genotypes for all the ten characters under study. Days to 50 per cent flowering, days to maturity, plant height and number of pods per plant showed a wide range in their gross variability. The characters, number of primary branches per plant, number of pods per plant, grain yield per plant and number of secondary branches per plant recorded high phenotypic coefficient of variation, Plant height, 100-seed weight and number of seeds per pod showed moderately high coefficient of variation. Number of secondary branches per plant, number of primary branches per plant, 100-seed weight and yield per plant recorded high genotypic coefficient of variation while plant height, number of pods per plant and days to 50 per cent flowering showed moderate coefficient of variation. Heritability (in broad sense) for the characters days to 50 per cent flowering, 100-seed weight and days to maturity were high. Number of secondary branches per plant, 100-seed weight and number of primary branches per plant showed high genetic advance as per cent of mean. Grain yield per plant was strongly correlated with number of pods per plant and number of primary branches per plant. Correlation between days to 50 per cent flowering and days to maturity was highly significant . Path coefficient analysis revealed that the character number of pods per plant had the maximum direct effect on grain yield per plant. Pod length and number of secondary branches perta plant also showed appreciable magnitude of direct effect on grain yield per plant. High correlation between grain yield per plant and pod length was also through number of pods per plant. It appears that phenotypic selection for number of pods per plant, number of secondary branches per plant and pod length would be useful for all practical purposes in greengram.