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Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Plant Biodiversity Status Survey And Biomass Productivity In Coppice Sal (Shorea robusta Gaertn .F.)Forest of Rarha
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 2003) Narendra Prasad; M.H.Siddiqui
    Biodiversity which refers to variation and abundance of species in their environment is now a days projected as futuristic economic resource. Being tropical in nature, India possess rich biological diversity. The total biological wealth of India is about 45000 species, which is 12% of the global wealth. The population explosion in India has resulted. Drastic changes in the environment, habitat as well as on the number and variety of species. Presently in India the forest is about 19.39%, whereas in Jharkhand State which is characterized by hill, minerals and tribal, the forest cover is about 27.15% of the total geographical area (79714 sq km). However, this much percentage of the forest is not sufficient to meet the peoples' demand as a result the forest wealth is facing lot of problems. Ultimately the biodiversity of the area is also affected due to intensive rate of deforestation or tree removal. The present study has been conducted on the plant biodiversity status of coppice Sal forest of Rarha which covers an area of about 5 ha. The Rarha Research Station is located in hilly region of Chotanagpur plateau of Jharkhand at a distance of 25km from Ranchi on Ranchi Patratu Road. The data was collected by laying out homogeneously distributed 10 quadrats (sample plots) of the size 10m x 10m in Coppice Sal forest area from the month of March 2001 to August 2001.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Influence Of Nitrogenous, Phosphatic And Potassic Fertilizers On Production Of Healthy Seedlings Of Albizia Lebbek.(L.) Benth in nursery
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 2001) Jai Kumar; M.H.Siddiqui
    The application of fertilizers in agriculture crops has been widely practiced since many years, but its application in forestry plantation is of a recent origin. The usefulness of fertilizers in the forest nurseries for production of healthy planting stock usually will be of much use in getting established the plantation. Keeping this view in mind an experiment entitled "Influence of nitrogenous, phosphatic and potassic fertilizers on production of healthy seedlings of Albizia lebbek (L.) Benth. in nursery" was conducted at the nursery of Faculty of Forestry, Birsa Agricultural University. Ranchi. Kala Siris [Albizia lebbek (L.)Benth.] is a leguminous multipurpose tree, produces nitrogen rich fodder, green manure, high quality fuel and timber, medicine and host tree for lac. Three type of fertilizers viz, Urea, Single Superphosphate and Muriate of Potash were used either singly or in combination. There were 15 treatments with three replications, arranged in completely randomized design. All treatments of SSP and MOP were applied as basal dose at the time of tube filling and simultaneous seed sowing, however Urea was applied as one basal. dose and two equal split doses at 15 days interval. Various parameter such as seedling height, collar diameter, root length, number of root nodules, number of branches, leaf number, leaflet area, fresh weight, dry weight and survival were taken from the end of second month upto the seventh month. At the end of seven month maximum seedling height was observed in N100 (20.40 cm) followed by N100P 100Kso (19.70 cm). Similarly in the case of collar diameter, maximum value was obtained by N100 and minimum value is noticed in K treatment. A significant difference in root length of seedlings was found for all the treatments with the maximum value in N100P100Kso (32.36 cm) followed by K75 (31.43 cm) and minimum value in Kas (24.68 cm) treatment. In the case of root-shoot ratio, maximum effect was noticed in combined dose of Psokso which was at par with control (2.11). The formation of root nodules was more actively noticed between the age of 3 to 5 month, which decreases afterwards. Treatments like N100 K75,P50K50 were at par with control in formation of root nodules.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of NPK Fertilizers on Growth And Biomass Production of Terminalia Arjuna Bedd. At Seedling Stage
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 2001) Santosh Kumar; M.H. Siddique
    At the time of plantation usually healthy seedlings are preferred, but it is not possible to get all the seedling healthy, which has bearing on future growth of plantations. Artificial supply of inorganic nutrients is an establishment practice in agriculture for producing vigorous crops, but its adoption in forestry is of a very recent origin. Therefore, it is required to conduct research work on the use of various fertilizers in forestry for producing healthy and vigorous seedlings and to minimize the number of days during nursery period. Keeping this hypothesis in mind an experiment was conducted to find out the effect of urea, SSP and MOP to produce healthy seedlings of Terminalia arjuna Bedd. in nursery. For this, the three fertilizers viz., Urea, SSP and MOP were used in different doses individually or in combinations. The different doses of urea and SSP were 50, 100 and 150 mg per seedling while MOP were 25, 50 and 75 mg per seedlings. In this way 15 treatments including control (untreated seedling) were applied in C.R.D. with three replications at nursery site of Faculty of Forestry, B.A.U., Kanke, Ranchi (Jharkhand). The two fertilizers, i.e. SSP and MOP were applied as basal dose at the time tube filling and seed sowing, while urea was applied in three split doses starting from seed sowing to the end of first month. The different growth parameter such as seedling height, collar diameter, leaf area, root-shoot ratio, dry biomass etc, were measured from the end of 2nd months to the 7th month. The statistical analysis of all growth data has shown significance differences between treatments and control. Maximum survival percentage (92%) of the seedlings was recorded at the end of 7th month in comparison to the untreated seedlings. Maximum seedling height at the end of 7th month was found in case of N₁P100K (33.05 cm) followed by NPS (27.92 cm) and minimum value was recorded in P50 (20.85 cm). In case of collar diameter, similar trend is noticed, i.e. maximum collar diameter by N₁00P100K (0.56 cm) and lowest by P. (0.42 cm). The leaf area and leaf number measured per seedling have provided maximum value of 2.79 cm² and 18.16 by N.P.K... Respectively, while lowest values were 1.79 cm² and 10.55 respectively by N
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Growth Study Of Acacia Auriculiforms A-Cunn. (EX.Benth) Cassia Slamea Lam.And Dalbergia Sissoo Roxb. At Different Initial Spacings
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 1993) Zubair Ahmed; Dr.M.H.Siddiqui
    A field experiment entitled Growth Study of Acaci auriculiformis A. Cunn. (ex. Benth.), " Cassia siamea Lam. and Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. at Different Initial Spacings", was started at Rarha research station of Faculty of Forestry, Kanke, Ranchi, in 1984 and various parameters recorded after 9 years (in 1993). The experiment was conducted in a Randomised Block Design with three spacing treatments, viz., 1.0m x 1.0m, 1.5m x 1.5m and 2.0m x 2.0m, each replicated thrice. The results revealed a remarkable improvement in soil properties such as organic carbon, available N, P and K. Soil pH did not show a significant change. A Significant decrease in survival per cent was found at the close spacing especially for D. sissoo, whereas C. siamea exhibited very high (more than 95%) survival at all the spacings. Mean girth and top girth increased. with increase in growing space. C. siamea attained minimum mean girth and D. sissoo the maximum. Whereas mean height also increased with increase in spacing, top height did not vary with the density of the crop. Trees of A. auriculiformis were generally taller than D. sissoo, but C. siamea trees were much shorter. Total basal area and volume per hectare decreased with decrease in stocking especially in case of A. auriculiformis and were significantly higher than that of C. siamea which in turn exceed D. sissoo.