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Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Integrated Approach For The Management of Major Insect Pests of Blackgram
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 2003) Dharamjeet Kumar; Devendra Prasad
    The experiment were conducted on the research farm of Birsa Agriculture university ,kanke during Kharif 2000-2001 to achieve the objectives. Out of 19 insect pest associated with blackgram,leafminer, Bihar hairy caterpillar ,leafhopper, foliage feeder, semillopper thrips ans pod borers were categorized as major pests. Reaction of blackgram entries against insect pests. Out of 12 genetypes screened pant U-19 received minimum incidence of leaf miner , Bihar hairy caterpillar ,leafhopper, foliage feeder thirps and pod borers and also responsible for higher grain yield. Evolution of IPM modules against insect pests Lower incidence of leafhopper, ,leaf miner, foliage feeder Bihar hairy caterpillar semilooper and thrip were recorded resulting 89.29,97.13,90.32 ,77.78,85.00 and 85.56 percent reduction in the populations of respective pest were observed where all the carbora 3G @ 0.5Kg a.i./ha B1 collection and destruction of different stage of insect pests, C1 installation of bird perches and D1 foliar application of monocrotophos at the time of flowering .Soar benefit cost ratios are concerned highest B:C ratio (8.23:1) was recorded with the application of monocrophos at flowering as against two modules (4.86:1) viz. installation of bird perches along with spraying of monocrophos. Efficacy of insecticides and their combination with NSKE against insect pests associated with blackgram. All the insecticides were proved to be effective on reducing the incidence of insect pests as comparted to untreated control . Imidacloprid was found to be effective in suppressing the populations of leafhopper, leafminer and thrips to the extent of 80.64, 86.67, and 83.50 percent, respectably , at 10 Dat . Higher reduction in the population of Bihar caterpillar was obtained with thev application of dichlorovos (81.83), Chloryriphos (81.25% ) and lambda cyhalothrin (80.96%). Chlorpyriphos, dichlorovos and lambda cyhalothrin were found to be equally effective in minimizing the pod damage as well as achieving the higher grain yields resulting 193.74, 181.54 and 194.10 percent more yields respectively. Considering the value of additional yields cost of insecticides and their applications lambda cyhalothrin,dichlorvos and chlorpyriphos were proved to be economical in achieving the higher B:C ratios of 9.33:1, 9.01.1:1 and 8.13 :1 respectively. Considering the overall findings of the present investigation , it was concluded that blackgram should be grown under the protections of either lambda cyhalothrin, dichlorvos, monocrophos or chlorpyriphos at the time of flowering resulted lower incidence of insect pests and higher B:C ratio ranging between 9.33:1 and 8.13 :1
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Integrated Management Of Pod Borer Infesting Chickpea
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 2003) Niraj Kumar; Devendra Prasad
    Integrated approaches were adopted during rabi 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 in the research farm of Birsa Agriculture university ,Ranchi for the management of gram pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) infesting chickpea. Higher levels of the larval population were obtained between 22 nd Feb and 15 March 2002 under the influence of maximum temperature ranging from 27.2degree c to 29.6 c as well as minimum temperature (11.2-12.5degree c) coupled with rainfall about 16,14.6 and 15.8 mm received during the month of January ,February and March 2002, Respectively. Phule G-92926 showed moderately resistant reaction against H. armigera. Tolerant rection was recorded in IPC-98-12, RSKG-7 GJG-9804, Phule G-45421, MPJGK-2, PBG-204, BG-1106, BG-1053, H-98-155 and H-97-23. Larval reductions ranging from 31.75 to 51.50 percent was recorded on chickpea intercopped with linseed (2:1) while 28.29 to 51.50percent was obtained on chickpea sown on 6th November as compared to 7th December sowing. However, endosulfan 35 EC proved to be responsible for higher reduction ranging from 70.80 to 88.35 percent closely followed by HANPV (60.22-82.02% ) and vanguard (51.82-75.70%). Chickpea + linseed (2.1) was also responsible for producing 20.73 percent more yield whereas 40.28 percent additional yield was obtained in 6th Novermer sowing in Comparison to 7th December sowing. A separate trial conducted on biopesticided also indicated similar results. Larval reductions of H. armigera ranging from 72.95 to 87.81 percent, 63.63 to 79.37 percent, 56.13 to 79.37 percent, 60.45 to 78.12 percent , 54.77 to 75.93 percent, 57.50 to 75.00percent, 54.77 to 73.90 percent and 51.82 to 73.90 percent were obtained by the application of endosulfan , Bt biolep, HaNAV, Rakshak gold, Halt, cartap hydrochloride an vanguard, respectively. These insecticides were also responsible for reduced pod damage and higher grain yield of chickpea (71.52- 81.68 % more yield over control.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Population Build Up And Biopesticides Against Pod Borer Helicoverpa Armigera Hub. Infesting Chickpea
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 2001) Neena Bharti; Devendra Prasad
    Investigation were carried out during rabi 1999-2000 in the pulses area of Birsa Agriculture University ,Ranchi to study the population build up and management of Helicoverpa armigera (HUB) infesting chickpea under the agro climatic conditions prevailing around Ranchi. Initally low populations of H. armigera were recorded during second fortnight of January 2000 on chickpea snow in different ways. During 1st week of February, the population of the pest was increased in all the sowing dates which continued for two consecutive weeks and increased abruptly forming the highest peaks on 21st February in all the sowings. The peaks of the larval populations were occurred under the influence of minimum and maximum temperatures of about 10.3oC and 22.6C, respectively, evening relative humidity ranging from 48 to 55 percent coupled with rainfall of about 15.4,43.2, 10.4 and 3.6 mm received during 3rd ,6th ,7th and 8th standard week i.e. during the month of January and February. Cloudy weather condition of about 6,2,4 days during 6th ,7th, 8th standard weeks respectively and lower rate of parasitization also favored the peak of the population .Falling phase of the pest populations were negatively and significantly correlated with temperatures. Early sowing of chickpea (21st and 31st sowing) received lower incidence of H.armigera as well as higher grain yield of chickpea as compared to late sowing viz. 30th November ,10th,20th,and 30th December sowings. Multiple regression between pod damage and yield of chickpea sown on different dates indicated that a unit increase in pod borer damage was followed by a decline of 12.40 Kg/ ha in yield. Biopesticides like Bt, Halt, Dipel, Biolep. NSKE, NPV, Delfin, cartap hydrochloride, Rakshak gold and Rakshak were responsible for higher larval reduction ranging from 84.96 to 90.98 percent, 14 days after treatment. Endosulfan used as check was responsible for reducing the population to the extent of 92.23 percent. Lower pod damage and higher grain yields were also obtained by the application of biopesticides which were comparable with endosulfan. So far newer insecticides are conceded deltamethrin + triazophkos (Spark 36EC), lambdacyhalothrin (Karate 5EC) lufenuron (Match 5%EC) and acephate fenvalerate (Koranda) were found to be very effective in reducing the larval population to the extent of 95.19 percent, 14 days after treatment, Cypermethrin remained at par with newer insectivides. The performance of NPV and Achook were as good as cypermethrin.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Population Dynamic and management of Insect Pests Associated With Cauliflower
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 2000) Gopal Krisna; Devendra Prasad
    Investigation was carried out during winter 1998-99 in the insectory of Entomology Department. Birsa Agriculture University Kanke Ranchi for the management of major insect pests associated with cauliflower under the agro climatic conditions prevailing around Ranchi. Seven insect pests viz diamond back moth, Plutella xylostells (L); aphids, lipaphis erysimi (Kalt)Myzus persicae (Sulz) cabbage caterpillar ,pieris brassicae (L) cabbage semilooper,plusia orichalcea (fab)painted bug, Bagrada hilaris (B) and Bihar hairy caterpillar,Splosoma oblique (Wlk) were observed on cauliflower ,In which diamond back moth abd aphids were categorixed as najor pests. Temperature and relative humidity play an important role for the population buildup of insect pests. Ambient maximum minimum and average temperature ranging from 22.0 to 27.5 degree, 6.64 to 12.00 and 14.89 to 20.0degree c favored the population buildup and multiplication of diamond back moth and aphids. The significance of relative humidity ranging from 51.70 to80.50 per cent (max) , 30.86 to 53.14 per cent (min) and 41.40 to 63.79 per cent (average) was also associated with the population buildup of diamond back moth. However, the range of maximum relative humidity (54.40 -80.50 %), minimum relative humidity (30.85-53.14%) and average relative humidity (41.40-63.80%) were slightly increased for development of aphids. All the insecticides were found to be equally effective against diamond back moth and two species of aphid (L.erysimi and M.persicea) Chlorpyriphos emerged to be very effective synthic insecticide in reducing the population of diamond back moth, L.erysimi and M.persicea ranging from 70.17 to 90.67 percent ,86.67 to 94.53 percent and 80.10 to 93.77 percent respectively .Among biopesticides flufenoxuron (cascade 10DC @ 400ml/ha) appeared to be the most effectiveinsecticide responsible for minimizing the higher population of diamond back moth (65.95-86.49%) L.erysimi (67.00-9400%) and M. persicea (47.00-92.17%) Better results were also obtained with the application of B.t(Dipel) and cartap hydrochloride (caldan). Intercropping with dissimilar hosts were responsible for suppressing the incidence if insect pests. Reduction in the population of diamond back moth,L.erysimi and M persicae ranging from 42.40 to 91.82 percent ,35.06 to 81.25 per cent and 24.97 to87.52 per cent were obtained when coriander was intercropped with cauliflower. The corresponding figures in case of garlic ranged from 54.49 to 90.90 per cent ,33.51 to79.17 per cent and 22.76 to 63.70 per cent respectively .The population of these pests were increased slightly when mustard was intercropped with cauliflower. The highest yield of cauliflower was obtained with the application of chlorpyriphos followed by cypermethrin. However the yield obtained in different treatments except cauliflower .However +mustard and untreated control were nit different significantly
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Sanjay KumarManagement of Major Insect Pests Linseed Through Varietal Resistance And Intercropping
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 2000) Sanjay Kumar; Devendra Prasad
    Investigation were carried out during two consecutive years viz.1997-98 and 1998-99 in oil seed area of Birsa Agriculture university , Kanke ,Ranchi for the management of major insect pest of linseed with particular reference to budfly , Dasyneura lini (Barnes ) under the agro –climate conditions prevailing around Kanke ,Ranchi. Eleven insect pests viz, Chrotogonus trachypterus Blanch, Oxya Velox F. Amrasca Kerri (Pruthi) , Plusia orichalcea F. Aphis craccivora Koch , Macrosiphum spp., Nezara viridula Linn., Spilosoma oblique (WLK.), Helicoverpa armigera (Hub)., Microtermes spp. And Dasyneura lini (Barnes) appeared at different growth stages of linseed. Amongthem budfly, D. lini was categorized as key pest whereas capsule borer, H. armigera touched to the level of major pest. The activities of biotic agents like spiders and black ants, Acantholepis simplex forel were observed. It is of great significance to report that JLT-83. LCK-9626 and NL -97 were found to be free from the attack of H.armigera during both the years of experimentation. Linseed cultivars viz ,LMH-90-7,JRF-5,LMH-91-24, Neela LMH-16-5, IC -16392,LMH-5-28, SLS-18, LMS-91-8, NL- 97 and NL -88 were found to be resistant to D. lini during both the years of experimentation Linseed carried comparatively lower incidence of H.armigera in intercropping system with mustard. All the intercropping had suppressing effect on the incidence of budfly ,D.lini as compared to sole crop of linseed being more pronounced when mustard and safflower were grown as intercrop. On the whole it emerges that the linseed cultivars showing resistance to key pest should be grown in intercropping system with mustard for realzing the higher grain yield under the agro- climate conditions prevailing around Kanke (Ranchi).
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Management of Gram Pod Borer, Helicoverpa Armigera (Hub) Through Intercropping and Insecticides
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 1999) Binay Kumar; Devendra Prasad
    Investigation were carried out during rabi 1997-98 in the pulse area of Birsa Agriculture university KankeRanchi for the management of Helicovera armigera (Hub)infesting chickpea under the agroclimate conditions prevailing around Ranchi. The highest peak of the population of H armigera was obtained under the influence of temperature ranging from 22.3degree c(maximum) to 13.1 (minimum),relative humidity below 75 percent and rainfall received about 28.8mm. Chickpea carried a significantly lower larval population of H arnigera invariably in all cropping system as compared to sole crop being more pronounced when coriander when coriander was put as intercrop. Chickpea +coriander was responsible for larval reduction ranging from 35.71 to 60.25 percent during successive growth stages of chickpea and also responsible for the highest equivalent yield (20.08q/h)ha. Among different cultivars of chickpea ,BG-372 received lower incidence of H armigera and highest grain yield of 10.12q/ha. Correlation coefficient indicated that relative humidity and number of rainy days played an important role for the larval population build up of H armigera on chickpea. Role of temperature was also positively and significantly correlated with the larval with the larval population recorded on BG 372. The best performance was also obtained by the application of ifaenurin +pofenofos suppressing highest larval population of H.armigera ranging from 75.25 to 100percent followed by caldan 50SP (67.17-94.86%) and cascade 10 DC (59.59-9532%) .Neem based insecticide and biopesticides were alsoresponsible for higher lrval reduction ranging from 67.17 to 92.14 percent (HaNPV), 67.17 to 90.09 percent (Rakshak), 51.01 to 92.79 per cent (Rakskak gold) and 51.01 to 92.49 per cent (Dipel 8L). HaNPV was found to be very effective in controlling pod damage as a result of which 160.29 per cent more grain yield was recorded. Howerever, Synthetic insecticide Viz, iufenron+profenofos was also effective producing 113 percent more grainyield over untreated control. Other neem based insecticides and biopesticide were also found better producing 44-87 percenbnt more grain yield over untreated control.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on The Management of Gram Pod Borer Helicoverpa Armigera ( Hub ) Through Varietal Selection And Need Based Insecticides
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 1998) Sailes Kumar; Devendra Prasad
    Investigations were carried out during rabi 1995-96 in the pulse area of Birsa Agriculture University , Kanke Ranchi to develop IPM approaches against Helicoverpa armigera infesting chickpea under the agro climatic condition prevailing around Kanke. In general increasing trend of the larval population of H. armigera were recorded at different stages of crop growth .Higher levels of the larval population of H armigera were associated with the 50 percent as well as full bloom of chickpea crop which occurred generally during first fortnight if February in mist if the cultivars of bold seeded, high fertility (HF), late sown and desi type of chickpea. However, in the case of Kabuli type, such peaks were obtained one week earlier i.e. 29 th January ,1996. Screening of different cultivars revealed that the better performances were achieved by BGD-82, FG-443 (late sown), BGP-83, ICP-94-132 and IPM-94-129 (Desi type) IPCK-94-4, HK-89-96 (kabuli type) ICP-93-8, BG-1039 (High fertility) and CSG -8943 (Bold seeded ) recording lower larval population of H armigera throughout the plant growth result in lower pod damage and higher grain yield of chickpea. The best performance was recorded by the application of endosulfan (0.07%) suppressing the highest larval population of H.armigera (90.74%) which was also responsible for the lowest pod damage (7.8%)and highest grain yield (1550Kg/ha ) of chickpea .Among neem based insecticides NSKE 5% proved to be the best insecticide reducing larval population to the tune of 89.66% as a result of which lower pod damage 9.5% and higher grain yield (15 q/ha) of chickpea were recorded. Other neem based insecticide also showed better results.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies On The Pest Complex Of Cowpea In Relation To Intercropping And Insecticide (Carbofuran 3G)
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 1997) Sanjay Kumar Bhagat; Devendra Prasad
    Field experiment was carried out at the pulses section of Birsa agriculture university , Kanke Ranchi during Kharif season to ascertain the succession and population bulid up of insect pests as infleuenced by biotic and abiotic factors and to derermine the influenced of carbofuran 3 G and cropping system on the pest complex of Gomati variety of cowpea,vigna unuiculata(L) walp. Eighteen insect pests observed on cowpea at different stages of crop growth.Of these leafhopper, Amrasca Kerri pruthi; aphid, Aphis craccivora Koch; leafminer, Acrocercops phaespora meyr;semilooper, Anomis flava fab. And pod borer complex viz Maruca testulalis (Geyr) Euchrysops cnejus (Fab), Lampides boeticus L. and Helicoverpa armigera (Hub) were consider to be major pests. Three groups of predators namely spiders unidentified ,lady bird beetle,, coccinella septempunctata L and black ant, Acantholepis simplex forel. Were found to be associated with the insect pests of cowpea regulating the pest population build up. A temperature range between 20.5degree C-22.5 degree vc (minimum) and 29.4degree c -30.2dgree c (maximum) during preceding week under the influence of rainfall favored the highest population densities of leafhopper ,A Kerri aphid, A. craccivora leafminer, A phaeospora and semilooper A. flava. Application of carbofuran 3G at the rate of 0.5 kg a.i. per hectare exercised 3-feld impact by accelerating the plant height, minimizing the incidence of insect peats and increasing the crop yield. Intercropping of gora paddy(BR-23-19)and marua (A-404) brought about considerable suppressing effect on the incidence of the most of the insect peats associated with cowpea. Cowpea was responsible for producing 4.10 quintal per hectare additional yield through intercrop of marua (4:1) when the yield of cowpea is added with marua yield after conversion.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Occurrence And Management of Rice Gall Midge
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 1997) Gondra Mardi; S.K. Chaudhary
    Three grasses Eleusine indica,Bothriochloa sp and paspalum sp have been recorded as alternative host of rice gall modge. Highest infestation was observed on Eleusine indica in second week of july. Seasonal occurance of Orseolia oryzea W.M. on Kharif rice showed that pest infestation started in second week of August and continued upto last week of October ,the peak activity was observed in last week of September. Parasite activity of the Platyqaster oryzae was started in the last week of august,at the minimum host infestation of 2.0per cent.The peak activity occurred during second week of October consequently heavy (42)% mortality of gall midge due to this natural enemy was observed during this month. Field of management of gall midge by insecticides were evaluated in direct sowm and transplanted kharif rice.In case direct sown rice lowest gall midge attact was recorded in the plot treated with phorate 10 G, followed by carbofuran 3G and Chlorpyriphos 40 EC . Highest yield was also recorded from the plots treated with phorate 10G and carbofuran 3 G. As far as transplanted rice is concerned the lowest incidence of rice gall midge was observed in the plots treated with carbofuran 3G (3032.5kg/ha) followed by chlorpyriphos 40EC(2910.0 Kg/ha ) and phorate 10G (2832.5Kg/ha). The cost benefit ratio showed that phorate 10G wa most economical in case of direct sown rice and chlorpyriphos in case of transplanted rice.