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Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, Jharkhand-6, 2018) Hansdah, Raj Kiran; Kumar, Ramesh
    Rainfed agriculture in India is practiced over 58 per cent of cultivated areas and contributes 40 per cent of country’s food production. India as a whole and Jharkhand in particular depends on the onset of monsoon and rainfall distribution during crop growth season. The annual and seasonal rainfall received and its variability directly influences the success or failure of crops. Therefore, its amount, time of occurrence, and spatial variability governs the agricultural practices adopted in the rainfed region. Occurrence of continuous dry spell in monsoon season is a common phenomenon. Detailed knowledge of the rainfall pattern and soil properties helps in crop planning and designing in different soil condition (Upland, Medium land and Low land). Keeping these facts in view the present study was undertaken with a view to plan the crop based on soil and rainfall characteristics for Saraikel-Kharsawan district of Jharkhand. Soil samples collected from upland, medium land and low land from all 9 blocks of Saraikela-Kharsawan district from 0 - 30cm depth were analysed for physical properties (viz. soil texture, bulk density, field capacity, permanent wilting point, available water capacity) and chemical properties (pH, organic carbon, available N, P and K). Daily rainfall data for 17 years (2001- 2017) of 9 blocks collected from the DAO Saraikela-Kharsawan were analysed for weekly, monthly, seasonal and annual distribution and other analysis viz. Meteorological drought, Initial and Conditional probabilities, Agricultural drought and Incomplete gamma probability were made using software (Weather Cock v1.0) developed by coordinating unit of AICRP on Agrometeorology CRIDA, Hyderabad. Soil of the district are majorly in sandy loam to loam in texture on upland and medium lands and Sandy clay loam to clay loam on lowlands. Bulk density and other soil moisture retention parameters (FC, PWP and Av. water) followed the trend of mechanical separates as well as the textural class. Wide fluctuations in soil reaction were observed among the blocks. It varied from highly acidic (4.6) to alkaline (7.5) in the blocks of Saraikela-Kharsawan district. Fertility level in terms of organic matter was in low to high (0.39 - 0.86 %) and available N and P were in low to medium (240 - 475 and 11.6 - 22.5 kg ha-1 respectively) range, while K was noticed in the ranged of 46.9 to 412.3 kg ha-1 in the block. An overall increasing trend in annual and seasonal rainfall was observed in all blocks except in Kharsawan where it was slightly decreasing (i.e. -3.7 mm/yr in annual and -8.1 mm/yr in seasonal). Among the seasons, monsoon received maximum rain (85-89%) and only 11-15 % rain was received in remaining three seasons (Post monsoon, Winter & Summer). Rainfall variability in terms of CV% was notice maximum in rabi season (118-157%) than that of kharif (18-39%). Initial and conditional probability in terms of P(W) and P(W/W) above of 0.5 level for 20 mm rain has been observed from 24 to 38th SMW in most of the blocks. For 50 mm limit it has been observed from 25-35th SMW in Kharsawan and Kuchai and in rest of the blocks it has been noticed in 4-6 weeks during kharif. Water balance study for all three situations indicated dry to moist weather condition prevailed. Severity of meteorological drought analyzed for all 9 blocks indicated that Chandil, Gamhria, Ichanagar, Kurku, Nimdih, Rajnagar and Saraikela faced only one year severe drought while no severe drought was observed in Kharsawan and Kuchai. Moderate drought was observed maximum (6 year) in Gamharia, while mild drought was maximum (7 years) Kharsawan. No drought was observed between 8 to 14 years in the blocks during the period. Early (22-28th SMW), middle (29-35th SMW) and late (36-42th SMW) season agricultural drought was observed maximum in Rajnagar (i.e. 35%), Nimdih (24%) and Gamharia and Rajnagar (29%). No mid season agricultural drought was noticed in Kharsawan. Gamma distribution of rainfall at five levels of probabilities (90, 75, 50, 20 & 10 %) analysed at annual and weekly basis for all blocks of Saraikela-kharsawan. Assured rain on weekly basis at 50% probability was more close to normal rain in all blocks of Saraikela- Kharsawan. Crop growing environment in terms of soil characteristics and weather variables were analyzed separately for all 9 blocks. Planning of crops with suitable varieties were identified for normal, early and late drought conditions based on rainfall characteristics, temperature, humidity and soil parameters for kharif and early season rabi crops. Under crop plan, besides the improved and hybrid varieties of rice, some local and promising varieties have also been incorporated as the farmers are well satisfied with the varieties. Some crops like sugarcane and fodder crops (berseem, fodder maize, cowpea etc.) have also been incorporated in some blocks depending upon the need of the farmers. On uplands, Maize, Pigeon pea, Urd(black gram), Moong(green gram), Ground nut, soybean, seasamum and Lady’s finger have been suggested to grow as sole crop or in combinations as intercrop.