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Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Participation of Scheduled Caste Women in Farm and Home Activities
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 1997) Ashok Kumar; R.P.Singh "Ratan"
    The conclusion drawn from the above finding lead to summaries that wide spread illiteracy among scheduled caste farm woman and their poor socio – economic status have compelled them to be unware and ignorant of the new developments in farming as well as their very poor input in farm related decisions. On the other hand it is evident from the finding that womens higher rates of indepentdent participant in farm and home related activities have affected their health adversely leading to a number of minor and major health hazards/problems.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Study on Major Agricultural Tribes of Ranchi District in Relation To Their Participation in Agricultural Extension Programmes
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 1993) Lalit Kumar Das; Dr. N. Prasad
    1. A considerable percentage of oraon and Munda farmer respondents were found to be in the medium category of socio-economic status. 2. The economic motivation, risk-preference and scientific orientation of a little over 50 per cent of tribal farmers and extension participation for an appreciable percentage (69 x) of these farmers were at a medium level. 3. By and large, the tribal farmers' awareness level with the agricultural extension programmes was also medium, 4 In the opinion of majority of tribal farmer respondents,. their participation in agricultural programs, its quality and level of implementation of these programmes was neither high nor low. 5 Similar was the case with regard to the extent of use of extension methods by extension workers, as well as, farmers. Out of the extension methods, however, where the Oraon farmers considered group meeting and method demonstration to be effective, the Munda farmers preferred method demonstrations and discussion with farmers.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Job Analysis of Agricultural finance officers in Banking institution
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 1991) Abhai Shanker Sinha; N.Prasad
    There is clear gap in the working pattern and working environment of the Agricultural Finance Officers between actual and desired situations. This situation may be assigned as a factor in the lack of job satisfaction.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Adoption and communication behaviour of Tribal farmers with Respect to Rock Phosphate
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 1991) Prabhakar Trikey; H.S.P. Sinha
    Tribal farmers in general do not use phosphatic fertilizer due to economic reasons besides others like poor knowledge and mythical beliefs. Some of them, however, use fertilizer as it gives visual effect immediately while others do not use it at all. The upland soil of Chotanagpur is acidic. The use of water soluble phosphatic fertilizer like super phosphate is found to be less effective in acid soils due to phosphate fixation. If phosphate fertilizer has to be made available to plants, method of preventing phosphate fixation like application of organic matters and liming have to be done,which will be prohibitive on economic consideration. Therefore, the cheap alternative phosphatic fertilizer as Rock phosphate powder for acid soils, which can release slowly and also prevent phosphate fixation in the soil is generally recommended for the tribal farmers. The government, therefore, subsidized Rock phosphate up to 75 per cent for tribal farmers in the shape of incentive. The subsidies are being given to the farmers to speed up the rate of adoption of new technology. The strategy here was to facilitate the trial use which would follow the full scale adoption, still the farmers do not use cheap Rock phosphate for fertilizer to our expectation and consequently yield of tribal farmers is poor .
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 2010) Hansdah, Barma; Bara, Niva
    The findings of the study provide relevant information related to socio-economic and entrepreneurial characteristics of woman entrepreneurs and also general information regarding their enterprises. The study also revealed the motivational factors and perception of woman entrepreneurs about the business environment. It is evident from the study that the women were good managers and getting support from their family members and extension organizations. Based on the findings it can be concluded that entrepreneurial income of farm woman was also crucial for improving their position, self esteem, self confidence, self development and decision making power in the family, as well as giving them the means for survival when the family support system breaks down. The woman entrepreneurs under the study reported a number of constraints which could be removed by appropriate measures. It may be concluded that there is need to encourage viable entrepreneurial activities like poultry, vegetable cultivation, mushroom cultivation, dairy, goatry, tailoring and pickle making. by mitigating constraints for grater economic independence by conducting need-based training and providing initial inputs through SHGs. Intensive technical guidance and essential extension services should be rendered for entrepreneurship development apart from strengthening the institutional and infrastructural facilities.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 2012) Choudhary, Sujit Kumar; Bara, Niva
    The spread of self help group (SHG) can be traced back to the efforts of Md Yunus of Bangladesh. The self –help group emerged to help the rural poor particularly women in securing support like credit and other services. The formation of self-help groups has enabled the rural women to become economically independent, come out of the vicious cycle of poverty and live with dignity and confidence. The self help groups are said to have a great potential in accelerating the pace of rural development. Hence, it was considered worthwhile to study the performance of SHGs from close quarters and to suggest the strategies to overcome the constraints/problems. In this backdrop the study entitled, ‘‘Performance Appraisal of Woman Self-Help Groups in Ranchi District of Jharkhand’’ was taken up with specific objectives; to study the socio-economic characteristic of woman SHG members, to assess the nature and quality of management functions performed by the SHGs members, to analyze the performance of the SHGs in terms of organizational growth, economic achievements and institutionalization and to identify the constraints encountered by the SHGs members in promotion of the group activities. Three blocks namely Burmu, Angara and Tamar were purposively selected from Ranchi district. From each selected block two villages were randomly selected. All the members of the selected SHGs under selected villages i.e. 75 in number constituted the sample for study. The data were collected through interview schedule, observation, informal personal and focused group discussion. The finding of the study revealed that majority of the respondents were middle aged belonged to scheduled tribe community, having education up to middle school level. They reported improvements in their technical skills after becoming members of SHGs. The typical size of SHG was 10-15 members and they used saved on an average Rs. 5-10 per week per member. Conducting meetings, saving & thrift, discussion and solution of social issues, disbursement of loan through consensus were the core activities of the woman SHGs. SHGs were found to be successfully generating additional income through small income generating activities like lac cultivation, vermi compost prepration, masala packing and bamboo basket making. The result showed that most of the group members had maintained good and harmonious working relationship among themselves and created a cordial atmosphere so that they could contribute effectively. The members responded positively to socio-economic impacts of SHGs leading to improvement, in their quality of life in terms of reduction in availing loan from money lenders and increase in income, employment, infrastructure and financial management skills. However, majority of the members faced problems like low level of education, lack of knowledge about innovations, high price of inputs, irregular and ineffective training programmes, poor linkages with outside traders, inadequate marketing facilities and lack of storage facilities, which need to be solved through various extension and developmental efforts.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 2011) HEMROM, PRADEEP KUMAR; Bara, Niva
    The findings presented in the preceding paragraphs lead to conclude that education was the strongest contributing factor for innovative Safed Musli growers to adopt improved technology and get access of credit, training and mass media. Further profit making was the prime motive of the Musli growers. Case study further indicated that agri-preneurship like cultivation of Safed Musli requires technical knowledge as well as keen sense of marketing practices, exploitation of opportunities and willingness to the environment. Safed Musli growers under the study reported a number of constraints which could be removed by appropriate measures. It can be concluded that Government and research/extension system should promote end-to-end approach covering input supply, production, post-harvest management, processing and marketing of Safed Musli at par with other commercial crops.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 2013) Ranjan, Rakesh; Jha, B.K.
    Mobile has emerged as important communication media in agricultural extension. A number of initiatives have been undertaken by government and non-government organizations. In Jharkhand the services of Kisan Call Centre and voice mail of IIFCO-Kisan Sanchar Nigam Limited are already going on. Birsa Agricultural University has developed guided SMS. Hence, it was thought prudent to conduct a study on “Access of agricultural information through mobile in Jharkhand” with the specific objectives viz. to study the use of different mobile applications by the farmers, to assess farmers’ preference about different types of media-text ,audio, image and video, to assess the quality of receptivity and applicability of different types of information received through different types of mobile applications, to ascertain association of mobile use ,access of agricultural information through mobile, information application and level of satisfaction in getting agricultural information through mobile with socio-personal and economic characteristics of respondents and to study the constraints associated with application of mobile in agricultural extension. The research design was ex-post facto. To make the study representative, Dumka, Palamu and E. Singhbhum districts were selected from agro climatic zone IV, V & VI respectively. One block each from these districts were selected on the criteria of number of IKSL service user and general agricultural development. Twelve respondents each from IKSL and non-IKSL category were selected. Thus sample size became 90. Fifteen independent variables viz. age, family education, social participation, extension contact, mass media and IT exposure, innovation proneness, attitude towards mobile, annual agricultural income, information needs, knowledge about mobile feature, level of aspiration about mobile, and monthly expenditure on mobile service and four dependant variables viz. mobile use, access of agricultural information through mobile, information application and level of satisfaction in getting agricultural information through mobile were selected which were measured through scales and indices already available or were developed under the study. The data were collected through pre-tested schedules. The collected data were analysed and interpreted through statistical tests like frequency, percentage, mean, correlation and regression. Result indicates that there was no significant difference between IKSL and non –IKSL categories of respondents as far as independent variables are concerned. All the respondents had knowledge and skill about call receiving feature. Nokia 1616 and Nokia 1800 were the predominant mobile sets with the respondents. Mobile use and information application were calculated to be 0.84 and 0.69 respectively. Video was the most preferred media. Most sought after, understood and applied information was disease control. Minimum loss from reception to application was reported in varieties. The selected variables could explain the variability to the extent of 25.5%, 63.0%, 41.6% and 47.4% in mobile use, access of agricultural information through mobile, information application and level of satisfaction in getting agricultural information through mobile respectively. Non-availability of mobile number of source emerged to be the most important constraint. Based on the findings of the study it could be concluded that mobile has the potential to transform the landscape of agricultural extension.