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Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi


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  • ThesisItemUnknown
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 2014) Hembrom, Lakhindar; Prasad, Rabindra
    Rice (oryza sativa L) is the most important food crop of Jharkhand including India. Among the biotic stresses, insect pest complex play major role in causing economic loss in yield of rice. Pest spectrum of a crop varies in time and space. In order to explore the pertinent formation pertaining to real pest situation and their holistic management the present studies entitled, "Integrated approach for the management of major insect pest of rice" was undertaken in wet season during, 2011 and 2012. As such, four experiments viz. monitoring of insect pests, varietal screening of promising rice varieties (i.e. HPR), insecticide evaluation trial and integration of HPR with need based use of the insecticide were conducted for the two consecutive years, 2011 and 2012 in kharif season. Overall results of two years studies are briefly mentioned here as under. Pest monitoring studies indicated that out of 17 insect pests species, occurring in succession and in overlapping fashion in the cropping season, six species of the insects were noticed as major pests and they were. Orseolia oryzae WM, Scripophaga incertulas Wlk, Dicladispa armigera Oliv, Cnaphalocrosis medinalis Guenee, Nephotettix spp. and Leptocorisa spp. The studies on varietal reaction (i.e HPR) against the major insect pests revealed that rice varieties, viz, Kavya, Suraksha IR-36. RD-202 and BG-380-2 emerged as resistant to the six major prevailing insect pest species, resulting in higher grains yield of 33.60, 37.60, 40.60 and 42.15 q/ha, respectively Lalat remained resistant to all the major pests except C. Medinalis and realized highest yield of 42.40 q/ha. The susceptible check variety, TN- 1 yielded the lowest quantity of 25.65 q/ha on account of substantially higher incidence of the pest complex in the unprotected and natural pest infestation. The results of the insecticidal evaluation trial revealed that Super-D 55 E, @ 1500 ml/ha, applied on need based basis at 25,45,75 DAT and at milking stage of the rice (var IR-64) remained most effective against all the six major pests, resulting in the highest yield (47.18q/ha) and net profit of Rs. 19,187/ha with benefit cost ratio (BC R) of 4.5:1.Need based foliar spray either with Cartap hydrochloride 50 SP @ 1300 g/ha, accephate 75 SP @ 1300 g/ha, monocrotophos 36 SL@ 1500 ml/ha or trizophos 40 EC @ 1250 ml/ha also emerged as highly promising and effective against almost all the six major pests, which, in turn, resulted higher yields of 43.75, 42.40, 45.15 and 43.60q/h and net profit of Rs. 13,500/ha Rs. 13,045/ha, Rs 17,000/ha and Rs. 15,485/ha with BCR of 2.46:1; 3.12:1;4.47:1 and 4.69:1 respectively. The unprotected rice (var. IR-64), gave rise to the lowest yield of 29.15 q/ha probably due to much higher incidence of all the prevailing major pest species. Studies of integration of HPR and need based insecticidal application of the recommended insecticides indicated that rice (var. PAC-807) received substantially lower incidence of all the six major insect pests resulting in highest grains yield of 40.97 q/ha with net profits of Rs. 12,125/ha and BCR of 3.19:1. PAC-807 grown in protected conditions remained at par with those of Naveen, Birsa Mati and followed by Lalat and IR-64 in protected situations in this regard. The findings also indicated that the pests susceptible rice varieties viz. TN-1,. IR- 64, Pusa Basmati- 1 resulted to relatively higher gain in yield to the tune fo 33.09,39.59 and 57.86 percent as compared to those of pest resistant varieties viz; IR-36, Lalat and Naveen) realizing lower gain in yield to the true of 27.76, 29.24 and 45.11 percent respectively. Based on the overall findings, it may be concluded that integration of HPR and Judicious use of the recommended insecticides could be one of the successful tool of IPM for sustainable production of rice.