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Acharya Narendra Deva University of Agriculture & Technology, Ayodhya


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Economic analysis of paddy cultivation in Ambedkar Nagar District of Uttar Pradesh
    (ANDUAT, Kumarganj, Ayodhya, 2021-07-05) Verma, Saurabh; Singh, K.K.
    Paddy is most prominent crop among the food crops of India and is likely to be continued to dominant in future also. The highest percentage of people in country are engaged in the processing and marketing of paddy. The random cum purposive sampling technique were used to select District, Block, Village and the sample farmers, Ambedkar nagar District of Eastern Uttar Pradesh At first was selected purposively of the to avoid the operational inconvenience of the investigator with a list of all 9 blocks of Ambedkar nagar district of Eastern Uttar Pradesh along with area of paddy was undertaken block wise and the one of the block namely Tanda was selected purposively for this study. A list of village growing paddy in selected block was from official record and five villages having reasonable higher area under paddy were was obtained selected randomly for study. A list of all the cultivator of each selected villages were prepared along with their size of the operational holding and then it was arranged in ascending order on the basis of holding size. The cultivators were classified into three categories viz. below 1 ha. (marginal), 1- 2 ha. (small), and 2-4 ha (medium). Finally 100 farmers were selected randomly from five selected villages. The study reveals that per farm average investment on overall farms recorded to Rs.319642.70 In cropping pattern paddy covers 36.79 per cent to total cropped area and the cropping intensity was 193.00 per cent shows inverse relation with the size of holding. Per hectare cost of cultivation shows negative relation with size of holding as it was maximum of Rs. 39111.01 on small farms. On all farms per quintal cost of production overall was found to Rs.589.298 and productivity was 51.27 quintal per hectare. Five variables namely seed. machinery charges manure and fertilizer, irrigation charges and human labour were considered work-out the resource use efficiency. These three factors had positive role in production of paddy on all size groups of farms and two factor had negative role in the production of paddy. The value of M.V.P. to factor costs was found both( positive and negative) indicating the positive factor that, there is further scope to increase the investment on these factors to realize return more than the cost. In case of paddy cultivation Labour problems Technical, Irrigation, Seed problems, and financial problems. The following suggestion were made viz, to establish sound irrigation facilities, at farm level, HYV of seed to be used along with timely sowing and improved agricultural implements, liquidity of crop loan through Kisan Credit Card be available without delay.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Economic study on Zaid Pulse Crops grown in Auraiya district of Uttar Pradesh
    (ANDUAT, Kumarganj, Ayodhya, 2021-09-03) Sengar, Vikas Singh; Singh, K.K.
    Present study entitled “Economic study on Zaid Pulse Crops grown in Auraiya District of Uttar Pradesh” Multistage stratified purposive cum random sampling technique was applied for the selection of district, block, villages as well as respondents. The primary data were collected through survey method with the help of personal interview. A list of all the villages falling under both selected blocks Auraiya and Ajeetmal were prepared and five villages each were randomly selected from every block. . The farmers were stratified into three strata viz. Marginal (below 1ha.), Small (1-2 ha.), and Medium (2-4ha.). Ultimately 100 respondents were selected for conducting the detailed study. The data pertained to the agricultural year 2020-21. Both tabular and functional techniques were used for analysis of data. Present study based on randomly selected respondents of marginal, small and medium categories with average size of land holding as 0.79, 1.81 and 3.36 hectare, respectively. Cropping pattern of sample farms for black gram per cent area to gross cultivated area shows decreasing trend with increasing size of farms and Intensity of cropping showed decreasing trend with increasing size of farms. Investment on farm assets per farm was positively associated with size of farms and investment on per hectare was negatively associated with size of farms. Costs of cultivation per hectare increased with farm size but income major had inverse relationship with size of holding, manures and fertilizers and irrigation found statistically significant on most of the farm size. MVP were more than one in all the cases except few which indicate the further chance of investment on variable inputs to get the additional income. From investigation in aggregate measures calculated for financial efficiency has shown the farm business income of marginal farms was seen to be more profitable than small and medium farms. In case of black gram the higher marketing efficiency obtained 98.35 followed by 23.64 and lowest 11.41 in channel I, followed by channel II and channel III respectively. In case of green gram the higher marketing efficiency obtained 98.11 followed by 22.02 and lowest 8.91 in channel I, followed by channel II and channel III respectively. In this context of our new economic policy, zaid pulse crops black gram and green gram may be encouraged as a focus area for diversification of agriculture. It has great potential of generating higher income per unit area and time besides, earning foreign exchange through higher export of black gram and green gram products. For trapping full potentials, there is need to develop such strategy which may provide strong production base and export opportunities for black gram and green gram products. It calls for a determined policy to integrate production, marketing and export.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Study on present scenario of production and marketing of Aonla (Gooseberry) and its products in Pratapgarah district of Uttar Pradesh
    (ANDUAT, Kumarganj, Ayodhya, 2021-09-10) Ahmad, Riyaz; Singh, K.K.
    The present study entitled “Study on present scenario of production and Marketing of Aonla (Gooseberry) and its products in Pratapgarah district of Uttar Pradesh.” A multistage purposive cum random sampling was used to select the district, development blocks, Villages and the cultivators. The distribution of diversified area under crops and vegetable occupied 54.54 per cent followed by area under aonla orchard 35.51 per cent and area under other trees 9.95 per cent. On an average, size of holding and cropping intensity came to 2.24 hectare and 158.98 per cent, respectively and it was negatively correlated. On an average per farm and per hectare investment on fixed capital came to Rs. 374693.18 and Rs. 167273.74, respectively. On an average per annum, per hectare total cost came to Rs. 48728.92 during fruiting period of which highest cost for 6 to 12 years category i.e. Rs. 65040.92 because it include the gestation period cost. The Cobb-Douglas type of production function was used because it was best fit to the data. An analysis of processing cost per quintal for different aonla products revealed that the average processing cost of aonla Morabba, aonla pickle and aonla chutany came to Rs. 7375.61, Rs. 8388.05 and Rs. 7649.51 per quintal, respectively. Producer’s share in consumer’s rupee came to 98.58 per cent, 86.05 per cent, 84.49 per cent and 83.25 per cent for channels, I, II, III and IV respectively. The contractor’s net margin came to 2.65 per cent and 4.30 per cent for channels III and IV respectively. The wholesaler’s net margin came to 2.41 per cent, 2.39 per cent and 3.73 per cent for channel II, III and IV respectively. Retailer’s net margin came to 2.49 per cent and 2.11 per cent for channel II and III. The price spread came to 1.42 per cent, 13.95 per cent and 15.51 per cent for channels I, II and III, respectively.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Economics of poultry farming and its product marketing in Gorakhpur district of eastern Uttar Pradesh
    (ANDUAT, 2020) Chaudhary, Baijnath; Verma, R.R.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Economic analysis of Sugarcane cultivation in Sultanpur district of eastern Uttar Pradesh
    (ANDUAT, 2020) Mishra, Avinash; Kushwaha, R.R.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Role of Finance in Agricultural Development with special reference to crop production in Bahraich district of Uttar Pradesh
    (ANDUAT, Kumarganj, Ayodhya, 2020) Choudhri, Harendra Pratap Singh; G. P. Singh
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    An Economic Study of Pigeon Pea Cultivation in Sonbhadra District of Uttar Pradesh
    (ANDUAT, Kumarganj, Ayodhya, 2020) Chaubey, Amit Kumar; Verma, R.R.