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Dr. Y. S. Parmar University of Horticulture & Forestry, Solan

Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Solan, was established on 1st December, 1985 with the objective to promote education, research and extension education in the fields of Horticulture, Forestry and allied disciplines. Late Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar, the first Chief Minister and the architect of Himachal Pradesh perceived the importance of Horticulture and Forestry to develop and improve the State economy which led to the establishment of this University. Its history lies in erstwhile Himachal Agricultural College, Solan, established in 1962 and affiliated to the Panjab University. It became one of the campuses of Agriculture Complex of Himachal Pradesh University on its formation in 1970. Consequent upon the establishment of Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya in 1978, this campus became its Horticulture Complex and finally in 1985, assumed the status of a State University, being the only University in the country engaged exclusively in teaching, research and extension in Horticulture and Forestry. The University is located at Nauni in Solan District of Himachal Pradesh, 13 km from Solan on Solan-Rajgarh Road, at an elevation of 1300 metres above mean sea level. Solan town is situated on national highway (NH-22) and is well connected by train and bus services. The University has four constituent colleges, out of which, two are located at the main campus Nauni, one for horticulture and the other for forestry, having 9 and 7 departments, respectively. The third College i.e., College of Horticulture & Forestry is located at Neri in Hamirpur District on Nadaun-Hamirpur state highway, about 6 Km from Hamirpur town and is well connected with bus service. The college offers three Undergraduate Degree Programmes i.e. BSc (Hons.) Horticulture, BSc (Hons.) Forestry and B. Tech. Biotechnology and MSc degree programme in a few subjects. The fourth college i.e. College of Horticulture and Forestry, Thunag (Mandi) is located at Thunag District Mandi. This college offer BSc (Hons.) Horticulture and BSc (Hons.) Forestry degree programme. In addition, there are five Regional Research Stations, 12 Satellite Stations and five Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) situated in different zones of the State.


Search Results

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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    ABSTRACT The present investigation entitled “Evaluation and characterization of walnut on germplasm’’ was carried out at the Experimental Field of Department of Fruit Science (Oachghat Walnut block), Dr Y S Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry Nauni, Solan (HP) during 2012-13 to 2013-2014. The trial was laid out in RBD with three replications. Twelve genotypes were taken for the study. The evaluation and characterization was carried out on number of tree, foliage, nut and kernel characteristics i.e. plant height, spread, girth, trunk cross sectional area, shoot length and colour. Leaf length, width, leaflet length, width, leaf area, leaflet area, shape of leaf and rachis length and colour. Time and duration of male and female flowers and catkin characters. Nut weight, length, width, thickness, index of roundness, pad features (thickness, width), shell thickness, shell texture and colour, kernel characters (weight, width, thickness and percentage). On the basis of growth characters Kainthal Selection was the most vigorous type. Seven genotypes were semi erect, four spreading and one erect. Leaf and leaflet shape was mostly elliptic to narrow elliptic. Leaf and rachis colour was yellow or brown and pubescence varied from slight to pubescent. Partap was early to flower and late in ‘Meylannaise’. Most of the cultivars/ selections were protandrous and female flowers were in cluster of three. Kainthal selection had highest nut weight (16.37 g) and least in ‘Hartley’ (7.98 g). Pieral-Lara nuts were most thick shelled and least in Hartley. Heavy kernel was in Kullu Selection (7.58 g) and least in ‘Hartley’ (4.39 g) whereas kernel percentage was maximum in Kullu Selection (49.00 %) and minimum in ‘Montignac’ (34.07 %). The nut yield varied from 3.50 to 87.50 kg/tree, highest being in Kainthal Selection (87.50 kg/tree).
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    ABSTRACT In the present study entitled “Demand analysis of medicinal plants in Himachal Pradesh based on selected pharmaceutical units”, a sample of 10 pharmaceutical units was selected randomly from the list of 41 pharmacies from Solan district. To analyze the demand of medicinal plants used by the pharmaceutical units 10 important medicinal plants were selected. The raw material purchased by the pharmaceutical units mainly comes from Khari-Bawli market of New Delhi and Majtih Mandi of Amritsar. To have an insight into the exact status of extraction of medicinal plants in the state, the extracted species were classified on the basis of habitat, habit, economic part used and present status. On the basis of habitat, only medicinal plants under cultivation showed a positive and significant growth (29.01%/annum) during P-I i.e., 1994-2003. While, during P-II i.e., from 20032012 upper hill subtropical and cold desert showed significant negative growth of (28.74%/annum) and (24.71%/annum) respectively. The variability also increased from P-I to P-II in all the habitats except in cold desert and temperate zone. The maximum average volume as well as revenue was extracted from the temperate zone (10657.79qtls.) and (Rs 3801816) respectively. During 1994-95 to 2011-12 herbs and trees showed significant declining growth of 7.62 and 18.80 per cent per annum respectively. The entire plant showed a negative and significant growth of 21.4 per cent per annum in P-I and seeds in P-II showed negative and significant growth of (45.00%/annum). But, in overall bark, entire plants and rhizomes showed negative significant growth rates (13.43%/annum), (19.44%/annum) and (10.50%/annum) respectively. On the other hand, Barah flowers showed positive and significant growth of 18.34 per cent per annum. The roots yield maximum average volume and maximum revenue of 11335.31 quintals and Rs.250397.33. respectively. The linear growth of medicinal plants based on their present status indicated that only commonly available medicinal plants showed a significant declining growth rate of 10.67 per cent per annum and 9.26 per cent per annum in P-II and overall respectively. The medicinal plant market in Himachal Pradesh is oligopsonic in nature i.e., a small number of large buyers controlling the buying side results in the dominance of buyers thus making medicinal plants market a buyer’s market and non-price competitive in nature. So, they compete with each other through improved working conditions and merging of two buyer’s results in greater control over the market and cooperation through secret collusion to control prices and exploitation of sellers. The analysis showed that all the medicinal plants showed significantly increasing growth except in case of Bankakdi, Kuth, Kutki and Safed Musli. The variability ranged from 68.01 to 2.06 per cent. The real prices showed similar trend as nominal prices except in Banafsha. The own price elasticity of the medicinal plants showed price inelastic demand that ensures a steady market for them. Most of the species showed normal price-demand behavior except Bankakdi, Kuth and Kutki. The reasons for the positive demand-price relationship were derived demand for medicinal plants and the priority of the pharmacy for the finished products. It has been suggested that medicinal plants like Kutki, Kuth and Bankakdi should be given priority in the light of their positive scarcity ratios.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (2016) SHILPA; SHARMA, A.K.
    ABSTRACT The present investigation entitled “Studies on effect of integrated nutrient management in sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)” was carried out at the Experimental Farm of the Department of Vegetable Science, Dr Y S Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan, (HP) during Kharif season of the year 2015 with the objective to evolve integrated plant nutrient supply system for higher productivity of sweet pepper on sustainable basis. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications comprising fifteen treatments viz. T1: RPF = (RDF (100 N: 75 P: 55 K kg/ha) + FYM 20 t/ha)), T2: 75 % NP + VC@ 2.5 t/ha, T3: 50 % NP + VC@ 2.5 t/ha, T4: 75 % NP + EC@ 2.5 t/ha, T5: 50 % NP + EC@ 2.5 t/ha, T6: 75 % NP + PGPR, T7: 50 % NP + PGPR, T8: 75 % NP + VC@ 2.5 t/ha + PGPR, T9: 50 % NP + VC@ 2.5 t/ha + PGPR, T10: 75 % NP + EC@ 2.5 t/ha + PGPR, T11: 50 % NP + EC@ 2.5 t/ha + PGPR, T12: 75 % NP + VC and EC @ 2.5 t/ha, T13: 50 % NP + VC and EC @ 2.5 t/ha, T14: 75 % NP + VC and EC @ 2.5 t/ha + PGPR, T15: 50 % NP + VC and EC @ 2.5 t/ha + PGPR. The recommended potash and FYM were given as basal application across all treatments plots. The seedlings were transplanted at a spacing of 60 x 45 cm in 3.0 x 1.8 m size plots. Integrated use of fertilizers, organic manures and PGPR significantly influenced yield and plant growth attributes of sweet pepper. The conjoint use of 75 % recommended dose of NP + Vermicompost and Enriched compost @ 2.5 t/ha + PGPR (T14) resulted in significantly maximum fruit weight (50.37 g), number of fruits per plant (26.05), fruit yield/plot (23.57 kg/ha) and fruit yield/ha (371.01 q/ha). This treatment recorded 60.89 per cent increase in yield over recommended practice (T1) along with highest net returns (Rs.4, 00,641/-) besides increase in the quality parameters (TSS and ascorbic acid) and available primary nutrient contents also. From present investigation, it can be concluded that above integrated combination of chemical fertilizers, organic manures (VC and EC) and PGPR resulted in saving of 25 % chemical fertilizers (NP), better growth, higher yield, net returns and enhanced soil health as evident by post harvest soil fertility status. Therefore, on the basis of present study, it is concluded that the treatment T14 (75 % NP + VC and EC@ 2.5 t/ha + PGPR) along with full recommended potash and FYM as basal application enhanced growth, yield and quality of sweet pepper production in mid hills of Himachal Pradesh.